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November 29, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-29

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VOL. XLL No. 53







Autumn Decoration Plan
Followed in Adorning
Sitf of Dance.


3:pposition to Appointment Seen
Coming From American
Federation of Labor.
Pledges Representation of All
Labor When He Replaces
James J. Davis.
{ (BiA ssociated Press>)

Six Major Conference
Standings Announced.
Closing Title .aces
(RI, Associated I'rrc
NEW YORK, Nov. 28-T'he colie'fe'
football season now drawing to a
close has been a tough one for
champions. The 1930 title races for
the country's six major conferences
has ended with only one champion
of 1929 able to repeat outright, the
University of Utah in the Rocky
Mountain group, although another
Tulane, obtained a tie with Ala-
bama in the Southern con'erence.
Here are the champions of the
various groups for both years:
1930 1929
Western Conference
Michigan, Northwestern Purdue
Southcrn Conference





Commodores of Toledo Furnish
Music; Margaret Healy and
Tom Muir Lead March.
By Margaret Thompson. ,
(See Story on Page 5).
Amidst a setting of autumn deco-
rations the Pan-Hellenic ball, an
annual social event sponsored by
the Michigan Inter-Sorority asso-
ciation, was held last night in the
ballroom of the Women's Leaguel

A.LI L, ~JA~~L, , ~
to Speak; Band and Glee
Club to Entertain.
All of Michigan's Aft-Americans
Except Friedman Will
be Present.
Members of the Varsity football
squad, the B squad, coaching staff,'
band, Glee club, and the wrestling,
fencing, and boxing squads will
leave this afternoon for Detroit
where they will be entertained to-
night at the annual alumni football
iust he4.d in honor of the Varsity at


I All- Ttiln-n

Alabama, T'ulane
WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. - Wil- Big Six
liam M. Doak, of McLean, Va., who Kansas
'has been opposed by the American Southwest
Federation of Labor today was Texas Texa
Margaret IHca y, n, amed secretary of Labor by Pres- Rocky Mountai
ident Hoover. Utah
Chairman of the Pan Hellenic an- Hoover Answers Green. Pacific Coast
nual ball, who led the gran6 march Doak is legislative representative IWashington State

3s Christian
Four tied.

4r }
Howard Mumford Jones,


Sutton Orshestra Plays. at this year's function with Thom- of the ,Brotherhood of Railroad he Masonic temple by the Univer- Visiting professsor of English,
as Muir, '32, last night in the ball- Trainmen which is not affiliated from the University of North Caro-
The music was furnshed by room of the League builing. with the Federation. W i1 i a m lyTo; Michigan club of Detroi na who yesterday addressed the
Junior Sutn and his Comm-Green federation president has To Leave by Bus meeting of the National Council of
dores, formerly of the Hovel Cornrefdrto rsdn;anone hth huh fd
d sfr yf Ho Coannounced that he thought a fed- Part of the group will leave by I Teachers of English, in convention
modore in New York, and now eration member should be named uecil bus this morning, and will in Cleeland.
playing the Hotel Commodore to the post which James J. Davis arrive in Detroit shortly after noon. --
Perry i Toledo. The orchestra wow will quit next Monday. President P Folowing the banquet in the eve- W
exceptionally fine, consisting of 15 knonlHoover replied to Green in making -ing, the University students will
pieces,an isntoal knw I iI IIrpidtGreinmknni, Jj[
throughan it braatingl over th the appointment. New Law School Will be Namend listen to Lou Burt, club president.
houghbistrdn."I have the highest respect for ,Hutchins.Hall' inCy Houston, committee chairman,
Columbia system. - -i Mr. Green and the American Fed- sLCmory apt. James Simrall, Fielding Yost.
Programs of white leather em- Various Religions to be Subjects eration of Labor," Mr. Iloover said, of Late President. Harry Kipke, and Roy Hudson, the
bossed in goldwere the favors dis- of Speeches by Foreign "but Mr. Green's denunciation that captain-elect.V
tributed to the dancers. The design appointments must come from one Friends, students, and colleagues At the conclusion of the talks the
was most unusual being made upStudents. organization in fact imposes upon of the late Dr. Harry Burns Hut- club members and their guests will Hoover to Submit Issue Before
of the names of all the sororities --me the duty to maintain the prin- chins gathered at 3 o'clock yester- adjourn to the auditorium of the Coming Session of
modernistically arranged. To clear up the differences and ciple of open and equal opportun- day afternoon in Lydia Mendels- Masonic temple where a Michigan Congress.
There were 300 couples present, to establish points of common in- ity and freedom in appointments to Night show will be in progress. TheC
the number of tickets being limited terest among the various religions public office." sohn theater to listen to tribute show will feature the Varsity band, I" >,,,,, s
to the capacity of the ballroom. held by foreign students in the Was Suggested in 1928. for the deceased president emeritus. the Gee club, and' the wrestling,
Fifty tickets were alloted to rnde- Doak was suggested as Secretary Lauding his friendship, his sterling boxing, and fencing squads. WASHINGTON, Nov. 28.---Presi-
pendent women and eleven to each University, the Student Christian of Labor when Mr. Hoover formed qualities as a leader and loud in Tickets on Sale in Detroit. dent Hover today announced that
sorority, association has completed plans for his cabinet two years ago, but the ptir sd With the exception of Benny the protocol for American adher-
The grand march was formed at an oratorical contest among the Federation was against the Broth- teirraisesro the life and work Friedman, who is playing profes- ence to the World Court and a ro-
eleven o'clock and was led by Mar- students from other lands. The basis erhood representative. William B. of Dr. Hutchins, four speakers gave sIonal football in the vicinityo of
garet Healy, '32 general chairman of competition will be a speech up- Wilson, the first labor secretary, addresses to the assembly. Now York, Michigan's 15 all-Ameri- ill bi t Conrss
of the ball with her escort, Thomas ohwas a federation member, as was Those speaking were Prof. Edwin cans will attend the banquet and on.
Muir, '32. anyphase of the speakersrel Davis and the Federation took the C. Goddard, Shirley W Smith, vice- ntertainment as honored guests. f actint e im wesin
gion or a discussion of the mission- attitude that these had set a pre- hee men who re scattered allsre e sad t detedmie
T pRuthven Among Patrons. frk 1nhis tv to ry. cedent-. The result of that contro- president and secretry of the Un over the county are coming to De-f wrhenate leaders to determine
the ball were: President Alexander The talks will be of 12-minte versy was the retention of Davis, versity, Earl D. Babst, Ph. B. '93, troit to assist the alumni in paying the pressure of other buetk m
but he was elected senator from LL. B. '94, M. A. (Hon.) '11, and Dr. tribute to this year's Varsity. "I am submitting t pocomf
G Pennsylvania in November and a William Oxley Thompson, president Tickets for the affair are on sale the world uttothe Seteat
Dean John R Enger mand rs. committee composed of faculty new labor secretary had to be emeritus of Ohio State university. wt the club office, the Cadillac Ath- t ordcourt to the Senate at-
1- h lbofcteCdla tiEffinger, Dean Wilbur R, Humph- ctbr ftesechdprmn fud
res andD rs. Humphreys, Dean members of the speech department found. Mr. Babst, who is chairman of th lethaa club, and the Masonic temple. ident said.
Joseph A. Burshey and Mrs. Burshey, of the University and Ann Arbor Doak will have to be confirmed board of the American Sugar Pe-- " of course have hope that it
Prof. Philip E. Bursley and Mrs. ministers. The judging will be bas- by the Senate, but it was a ques- fining company, was a close per- JAMES DOES WORK Iwill be dealt with at this time. It
Bursley, Dean Herbert Sadler and ed one-third on the delivery of the titonight whetherathe Federa- sonal friend of Dr. Hutchins and1N S"4IOUTH AMERICA1 is for the leaders of the Senate,
lion would continue active oppos- was profuse in his praise of the .1iIb oeer odtrmn fitsalb
Mrs. Sadler. speaker and two thirds on the ma- tion to him, former president. Dr. Thomhpso a owever, to determine if it shalle
Angelf .be ndMell BurtonMr terial selected and its organization. i There has been no indication colleague of the deceased, told of Professor Conducts Geographic busiess ring thes t sessitnr
Thuma, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Heath, According to the statement of from any Senate member that they his professional and personal con-
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Emery, Dr. Morton Frank, '33, chairman of the were against Doak. tacts with Dr. Hutchins and termed o an instrument of obstruction in at-
In hnaming Doak, the President him one of the mst important andI o cPetn a'e f Tl~ empts to force an extra session.
Margaret Bell, Miss Alice C. Lloyd, international committee of the as- said several score of labor unions, useful men in Michigan's history. Prof. Preston E. James, of the B t t fre an es shold
dean of women, Miss Ethel Mc- sociation, awards of $15 and $10 including members of the labor Following the memorial service. Ameria mkdepartment,is in Sout ageeo this
Cormick, Mrs. Beryl Fox Bacher, will be given to the first and sec- federation had endorsed the new which was sponsored by the SenateAmerica making studies ofcertainTagreeon this.
and Miss Jean Etta Perry. ond place winners, respectively, cabinet member. He added that he of the University, President Alex- and their g eo- b an m an gd atG
The ball committee was comn Although this is the first contest knew Doak would represent all la- ander Grant Ruthven announced yesterday. dm i was representative some time ago. atic
prised of Jocelyn McLean, '31, treas- of its kind to be held on thecam- oir while in office, that the new proposed law school
urer, Jean Botsford, 33, chairman pus, Frank stated, the committeeat addition which is being, planned f Rio de Janeiro was Professor eapproval is necessary, however,
of decorations, Eileen Blunt, ,3, hopes to make it an annual affair Ai FoNeded the law quradrangle will be named aes's first stop, accordingved byto a C rAmean orahr the
chairman of chaperones, Sarah, for the foreign students. Thirty-AiForcesDeeded"Hutchins all" after the last ree ter from him received by Prof. I f
Francis Orr,'31, chairman of favors,pr eight nationalities are represented "H ns HRobert B. Hall. He stayed there I rman Borah of the Senate
irni r,'1 himno sitn ebeso h autfinsutlSp.1 Hesendetothe o.es Aeicnadhiereewto'h
Dorothy Elsworth, '32, chairman of here this year so that there is good Asserts Assistante the faultyntrends until Sept. 1, when due to the
the ballroom, Eugenie Chapel, '32, reason to believe that a consider- Mmeso
chearanmf Eiges , andDorothy brearray to diverse ohpinonswillre Sy orof the deceased, and students in the advance of the Brazilian revolutionC ouoses American adherence to the
chairman of tickets, and Dorothy ble array of diverse opinions will ben d e r r a d u a t e and graduate he moved to Campos and then to he would give it prompt considera-
Felske, '32, chairman of music. I brought out in the contest, he said. schools were among those resent B110 Horizonte where the revolu-
_____________ghol wr ,aog toepreet Ll inznt hr h eon ion by his committee.
Entries must be handed in to the (PY Associated Press) at the memorial service yesterday. I tion again caught up to him. He I feel," said SenatorBorah, "tnat
Berlin Parliament international committee by Dec. 19 WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. - Slow Dr. Hutchins died suddenly on Jan- next proceeded to Sao Paulo, a large the World Court natoro should be
and the eliminations will begin Jan.' promotion in the army air corps uary 25, 1929, his demise shocking coffee city, and yesterday he ar- reported to the Senate as soond as
Ends Abruptly Due 18. These will be held in the Lane and a shortage of aircraft were a large number of friends through rived at Buenos Aires, Argentina. the committee has had time to
hall auditorium and in some of the cited today by F. Trubee Davison, out the country as well as the Uni- En route, near Figueria, he had an reasonably consider it I ame t
To Member's Riot Ann Arbor churches. assistant secretary of war for aero- versity faculty and student body. pportunity to study the Milpa, or would not be sent u i it
nautics, as "stumbling blocks" to Dr. Hutchins was president of the "fre-people" of Brazil. the desire to have it disposed of as
(By Associated Press) BRITAIN'S TARIFF progress. University from 1910 to 1920. During his entire stay he has Isoon as practicable.tI shall proceed
l" A - I The promotion problem in the- -b__ been particularly impressed by the Au"on that theory."
BERLIN, Nov. 28.-A meeting of DBATE SETLED Icorps continues "to cast its shadow 'Hell Week' Discussed ospitality of the people and by1 O ry
the Berlin city parliament Thurs-' over the service," Davison said in che many courtesies extended him ~ ' oe
day night ended in wild disorder. i Personal Encounter Marks Last his annual report. To meet the by Alumni Conference Jy the Brazilian government. TYOeSsOr f. ,.
Five policemen were injured in Controversy of House. (shortage in aircraft, he recom-- "They are charming people who Addresses Convention
ejecting one unruly Communisty mended eventual procurement of (B AsOCiate- PsS) vill do anything for you" writes
member. National Socialist (Fas- v^ d-nthn o ou"wie
cistreresnatines sate Fgt (By Associated Press) sufficient planes to keep full active NEW YORK, Nov. 28.-The prob- I Professor James. (I~ Assocated Press>)
tist) representatives saw the fight strength even while some are with- lems of taking the terrors out of Buenos Aires will be his object of CLEVELAND, Nov. 28. -- There
through and then marched out in LONDON, Nov. 28.-The entente drawn for major repairs. "hell week" for neophytes of collegc study until Christmas. From there should be joy in the high school
military formation. They said the cordial of the British Labor gov- The assistant secretary went at fraternities was tackled today by he will go to Santiago, Chile, and literature classes tonight. For the
incident was just another indica- ernment and the Liberal party length into the controversy over the Interfraternity Alumni con- will return to the United States via teachers' have just about decided
tion that the parliamentary sys- held firm today and the govern- duplications in the aerial coast de- ference. he Pnama Canal in time for the lierature ought to have more
tem was giving up the ghost. 1ment, backed in the commons by a fense between army and navy, de- The physical and mental tortures second semester.I "kick" in it.
The tumult began with introduc-1 majority of 65 on a Conservative scribing it as "serious." He recom- to which "pledges" are subjectedi -----_ "If the youngsters are looking for
tion of a motion by a communist motion of censure, crossed empire mended speedy action on the sub- during the probationary period of *e 0 the," is our place to give it
member calling upon all servants, free trade from its list of immedi- ject not only for economy and effi- their college days was criticized by tRuh Mary Weeks, of
skilled workmen and white collari ate worries. The vote was 299 to ciency but to eliminate friction be- Prof. Frederick M. Thrasher of New ald Glee Club Today Kansas City, told 1,000 members of
employes in Berlin to strike. He 234. tween the services. York university as creating the op- the National Council of Teachers of
was ruled out of order and specta- A personal encounter which in . posite of a brotherly feeling in the Following the custom of sev- English here today. Miss Weeks is
tors responded with howls of deri- other days would have passed for aAlumni Sells prospective initiates. oral years' standing, the Varsity president of the council.
sion which ended in fighting a- challenge to a duel, and a sharp SocietyDr. Thrasher proposed a substi- band and Men's Glee club will play The picayunish, detailed forms of
mong themselves. demarcation of protectionists a.n dl Campus Photographs tute for the usual personal indig- rd sing for the annual football I literature also were divided by
Communists outside t h e hall government free traders marked --- cities, a system of discipline which Bust tonight in Detroit. Both or- Howard Mumford Jones of the Uni
threw up barricades which the po- the debates. In answer to numerous requests would consist mainly of manual la- ;anizations will leave at noon today versity of Michigan. The study o1
lice had to surmount. The motion read: "That this'forcampus pictures which have ap- bor of the "pledge" in the frateni- by special busses with all members literature should give at least a
house of commons censures his peared on the cover of the Michi- ty house and on the camu.ofte football tem who wil be! much attntion to idea .s it rilrIc

Trial for High Treason
of 8 Engineers
Defendant's Connection
With Foreigners
(v Associate Press)
MOSCOW, Nov. 28-Thorough in-
vestigation into the activities of
"French and other government
agents in Moscow" was demanded
by prosecutor Krilenko tonight
when the trial of eight engineers
on charges of high treason was re-
sumned. He asked the court for a
closed session to permit him to
inquire as to the identity of the
alleged French agent "A" and "R"
with whom the defendants have
testified they dealt in connection
with a plot for foreign intervention.
Starts Cross Examination.
The request was granted, but
meanwhile the prosecutor started
I crossexamining the defendants.
Prof. L. Ramzin, indicted as lead-
ed of the conspiracy, was the first
to take the stand.
Prosecutor Krilenko announced
'the cross examination would be on
the basis of biography, past activi-
Ity, concrete explanation of the de-
fendants' evidence, more complete
details of their connections abroad
and more definite facts relating to
Poincare and Briand on interven-
tion and activities of the French
general staff.
y"I was born in 1887," replied
Ramziri. "My father and mother
were village school teachers and I
'earned my own living since the age
of 14. I graduated from the Moscow
Technical Institute in 1914 and re-
mnained there as a teacher.
"I worked in the States planning
commission from 1921 to 1925 and
}more recently with large soviet
power projects. I worked in the
Bolshevik party as a youth but had
no political connection until the
October revolution.
"My attitude was rather hostile
toward the revolution and after-
ward I became a member of a group
which saboted Soviet institutions."
Tells of First Plans.
A crowded court room thrilled
while Krilenko frequently shot
questions at the defendant and the
latter slowly and carefully replied.
It was after 1926, said Ramzin,
that higher engineers drew him in-
to anti-Soviet plots with them.
"Do you sincerely believe that the
country should be ruled by engi-
neers and technical men?" Krilen-
ko asked.
"Yes," Ramzin replied, "econom-
"But how about politically?"
questioned Krilenko.
"Well," said Ramzin, "this was
only a form of propaganda to draw
more engineers into the industrial
party which was then in the proc-
ess of formation."
Ramzin contended his antipathy
toward the Soviet government was
not occasioned by material reasons
was purely idealogical.
GeograpHical Society
i Gives Medal to Gould

I for Scientific Works
SProf. Laurence M. Gould of the
University faculty, second in com-
mand of the Byrd Antarctic expe-
dition, was awarded the David Liv-
f ingstonehmedal of the American
f Geographical society at a meeting of
f the society held Tuesday evening
in New York City.
The medal is given for "scientific
i endeavor in the field of geography
in the southern hemisphere." Prof.
Gould was lauded as a leader of
s men and a geologist by Dr. John
sH. Finley, president of the society,
s in making the award. After the
presentation Prof. Gould told of his
Sexperiences on the expedition.
S Admiral Richard Byrd, Sir Doug-
y olas Mawson and the late Theodore
Roosevelt are among those who
have received the medal.

Brum , Brown to Talk majesty's government of the uni- gan Alumnus during the last few
ted kingdom for its failure to for-! years, a large number of copies,
on Tonight's Broadcast mulate any effective proposals for i suitable for framing, have been
extension of its empire trade and placed on sale in the offices of the
Prof. John L. Brumm, of the for its refusal to consider offers Alumni association in Alumni Me-
journalism department, will speak made by the dominions." morial hall.
from the University studio at 7:30 In the course of the division on Persons who desire copies of such
n' nr r + nali nur q. ', ' WJ.ItTP I1i- ~mnit'\r, C' J Rirnvvv-i n,hr n Ihictiires ma~v hi-ji n in hmhV n...


"Fraternity men realize," he sai
'that aside from the childishne
:f their pranks, hell week results
unfavorable publicity for the c
lege and the fraternity, which
some cases crystallizes in anti- fr
ternity legislation.

id,, guests of honor. to facts.
ess During the afternoon, the band! Dr. L. T. Lyman, professor of
in will march down Michigan avenue teaching of English, graduate de-
ol- .to the Michigan theate., where, partment of education, University
in with the glee club, it will be treated of Chicago, was elected president
a- to a show by the Detroit Alumni of the council by directors.
club. Following the show, both or_ MIss Weeks explained, however

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