--------- -
VOL. XLI. No. 51
Musical Organization
And University to
Sponsor Ball.
City of Mishima in Isu Section
Scene of Most Severe
President States That Federal
Damage. Local Officers.
Quake Reported Late Last Night
Is worst of Long Series Mitchel Declares Racketeering
in District. Control is Business
i2"!- District
Proceeds of Affair
Be Distributed in
Ann Arbor.
A charity dance, sponsored by _
the University and the Ann Arbor
Federation cf MusiOians for the Edward Staebler,
benefit of the needy and unem- Ann Arbor -Mayor who has been
ployed of the community, will be Ichosean to direct the distribution of
presented Thursday, Dec. 18, in the the funds collected at the charity
Intramural building, it was an- :ball which is being sponsored by
nounced yestercay by Al Straus, the University and the Ann Arbor,
'33L, general chairman of the af- Federation of Musicians.
(Pv Associated Press)
TOKYO, Nov. 26. -(Wednes-
day)--- At least 15 persons
were known to have been killed
and scores injured in severe}
earthquakes which rocked the
city of Mishima on the Isu pen-
insula today. Fire followed the
Several other towns and vil-
lages near Mishima were se-
verely damaged. The quake was
felt over a wide area. Tokyo
and Yokohama felt the shockj
fair. --but no serious damage was
Band Will Play. ?rdone in these cities.
The entire proceeds of the affair ." Communications were disrupted
will be turned over to Mayor Ed- and the railway between Odawaral
ward Staebler, as and Atami was put out of commis-
chief executive of sion.
the city, who, in S'ak At the village of Nakazato, near
conjunction with Mishima, ten persons were killed
the exective. ,and 50 injured. At another nearby
committee w illj Several Provided Work; Mayor's village, Numazu, one was killed,I
appropriate t h c Committee to Hold Meeting one injuredkand fire broke out.he
money for relief Tngt The quake apparently was the
otney eght. climax of a series which have been
of the needy.
Five orchestras !felt recently on the northern part
have a 1 r e a d y Immediate steps to provide relief of the Isu peninsula. The Mishima
agreed to rdonat for Ann Arbor unemployed were region has experienced an average
their services free ( taken yesterday by the committee of 300 minor shocks daily since
of charge to the appointed Monday by Mayor Ed- Nov. 10 including a fairly severe
dance Strad W Staebl quake yesterday; afternoon.
stated. Tey are ward .S er. The Isu peninsula is noted for its
B'o b C a r s o n' s Al Straus. The first step-the establishment hot springs, many of which are cen-
Michigan League band, one of his of a registration bureau of unem- ters of popular resorts.
house party orchestras, Don Loom- ployed-resulted in the registering The Tokyo central observatory
is' Union orchestra, one of his houseysr recorded the quake as beginning at
party bands, and Ivan Benson's 10- sons out of work Of these several 4:03 a. m. (2:03 p. i. Tuesday E'
piece orchestra. Robert Campbell, S. T. and quickly reaching a di-'
treasurer of the University, has were provided irim abeiely -with g ne of 40 mmilhmers:-The
agreed to donate the services of the work. : sinograph .continued to record
Varsity band for a half-hour fea- In addition, the mayor's commit- shocks for 30 minutes.
ture. A sixth orchestra may be ob- ,yThe quake wasfelt over a wide
tae on tasdcaetee, headed by Qeprge E. Paul, I 'area although the most serious
This dance will be the only affair president of the First National damage apparently was confined to
of this kind to which the Intram- Bank and Trust Co., will meet to- the Isu peninsula region.
ural building will be donated this day to formulate plans for securing
year, President Ruthven stated. wrork for those registered so far.
The proposal for the dance was This will be in the nature of con- HII7I7DI U
first made by Strauss to the musi- ferences with employers.
cian's federation, which 'ends,'rsed Meanwhile, reports of tickets sold
highly, as did President Ruthven, to the Michigan-Chicago charity
Mayor Staebler, and J. A. Bursley game were still coming in, Mayor
dean of students. All money receiv~ Staebler said yesterday. Of 1,000
ed willbe turned over to the Mayor, tickets alotted Ann Arbor by Gov. g
since there will be no expenses con- Fred W. Green, who was in charge Stage Big Demonstration While
nected with the affair. of the distribution throughout the Trial of 8 Industrialists
Haynes on Committee. state, less than 250 were sold. At Proceeds in .House'.
The general committee in charge least $700 is expected to be realized
of the affair consists of Mayor for unemployment relief, the mayor (Rv Associated Press)
Staebler, representing the city, said. MOSCOW, Nov. 25.-While the
Dr. Harley A. Haynes, representing A line of unemployed-about 20 trial of eight leaders of the indus-
the faculty of the University, Julius 25, according to Commander trial party, charged with high trea-
Schmidt, representing the Ann Ar- H Faust, in charge of the registra- son and plotting foreign interven-
bor Federation of Musicians, C. J.' tion, had formed by the time the tion in Russia, proceeded within
Fingerle, representing the business' breau opened shortly before 9 "the house of columns," the Mos-
men, and Strauss representing the o'clock.U until noo 110 cow trade union, over a half mil-
student body. o c. ntil noo f peerson lion unionist workers, tonight par-
Tickets for the affair will soon had registered. Most of theiweitaded past the building w ith
old residents of the city.
go on sale in State street and Commander Faust termed the I numerous banners demanding their
downtown stores. They will be Conmadistessn d Th execution.
priced between two and three dol- sTtan asdessince" he parade was one of the great-
lars. The dance will continue from not want outside assistance, heest demonstrations of its kind in
8 until 1 o'clock, and will be infor-- said, but work; and that is what the history of Moscow. It proceeded
mal. Arrangements have been we are trying to obtain for them. through principal streets of the
made it ArrangemenLtsydadenbefenThe committee is more than willing capital and as the marchers passed
made with Alice Lloyd, dean of Vo- to go half-way to meet the needs."cptladsthmrhesasd
men, for late permission to be - the "house of columns," they
granted to all women attending.' At a later date, Commander shouted: 'Death to agents of im--
- Faust explained, the committee will perialism."
FRIENDS TOget in touch with those registered11 Banners in the huge parade
FRIENDS TO HONOR to determinethe nature of the work read:n"We demand supreme pun-
DECEASED LEADER I wanted by each individual. ishment for counter-revolution-
! 0 OKL S
F ~ J
(R< A soi2o'd Pred>:
WASHINGTON, Nov. 25. - The:
head of the nation today appealed"
to the public to throw its weight ::*-
behind the weapons of the law in.
breaking up gangster activities. ONE,::
President Hoover said he believed :... .... }i'
a mobilization of public support be- {..
hind the present laws would solve
the problem. 2
The President said the federal
government was assisting local au- Hudson,
thorities "to overcome a hideous Education school student whose
gangster and corrupt control of election as captain of the 1931 foot-
some local governments." ball team was announced last night
He added, however, that he did at the annual football banquet held
not plan to ask Congress for any at the Union.
extension of criminal laws to cover---
"racketeering" and that reports to
that effect were "untrue." C I UU
Stresses Enforcement S, C, eTO.9
"Every single state has ample
laws that cover such criminality,"
is the enforcement of those laws, G
and not more laws." Faculty, Townspeople Will be
Virtually similar comment was
made by Attorney General Mitchell, Hosts to International
who recently disclosed that the Group Tonight.
government had sent agents to Chi- -_
cago to operate against organized Michigan foreign students repre-
gangs there through the federal in- senting all the principal nations of
come tax, narcotics, white slave, senworg ll the guess ntonight
and immigration laws. the world will be the guests tomght
"It is a fact," Mitchell said, "that of the Student Christian associa-
our laws are not being enforced. tion Thanksgiving banquet to be
Nevertheless, the control of rack- held at 6:00 o'clock in the Mich-;
eteering is priarily a state.f -
tln, aid we are- merely offe ing
assistance, such as attempting to The banquet. is lponsored yearly
break up labor rackets, which we by the Student Christian associa-
can reach in a blackhanded way. tion, and is financed through thel
We have no intention of taking sale of tickets to the members of
over the whole affair." the faculty, fraternities and sorori-
trobe Incomes. is n rientsofAnnArbo
Saucheck Receives Appointment as Manager;
William Heston Predicts Morrison
as Coming All-American.
Roy M. Hudson, '32Ed, was named captain of the 1931 Wolver-
ine grid squad last night at the annual Union football banquet, which
was attended by more than 350 students.
Hudson has played two years of Varsity football, one year at
halfback, and one year at fullback. At the end of his freshman year
he was awarded the trophy as the most valuable man in spring prac-
tice. The announcement of Hudson's captaincy was made by this
vear's leader, James (Ducky) Simrall, '31.
John J. Saucheck, '32, was, at the same time, appointed football
manager for next year. As his assistants, Saucheck will have Carl
Sarigeman, '33, Rehn Nelson, '33, Elbert Gage, '33, and Louis Colom-
bo, '33. William Jones, '33, was named alternate.
Judge William Heston, '04L, of Detroit, unanimous choice for
the late Walter Camp's all-time all-American team, was the chief
speaker on the program. He said that Fielding H. Yost, director of
athletics, "has done more for Michigan in the last 30 years than any
other living man during that period."
The attorney general already had jV-
announced that an agent had been who are interested. The program in
sent by the department of justice addition to a typical American
to act as an' assistant to the dis- Thanksgiving dinner will consist of
trict attorney in Chicago, and co- speeches in international subjectsj
ordinate various federal activities, and music by some of the foreign
there. Treasury officials also had students.
made known that they were scrut-' Ira M. Smith, registrar of the
inizing the income of Al Capone, University, will give the address of
and other gangsters to see if action welcome to the foreign students.
could be brought against them un- The other speaker of the program
der the tax law. representing the faculty will be
President Hoover said, however, Prof. W. C. Rufus of the astronomy
Presn Ho, department, who will talk on "Bar-
the reflection thatithesonly waytromt bour Scholars and Scholarships."
break e htDr. Rufus is the director of the
bra uhp gangster activities was Barbour Scholarships, and has been
"fr the federal government to con- in close touch with the awarding
vict men for failing to pay income I of scholarships to the foreign stu-
taxes on the financial productf ofes
crime against state law.",,o dents.
Mrs. Lucia Ames Mead, vice-I
"What we need," he said, *is a chairman of the Council for Pre-
more widespread awakening to the vention of War, will give the main
failure of some local governments address of the program on the sub-'
to protect their citizens from mur- ject, "Common Fallacies of War
der, racketeering, corruption and and Peace."
other crimes, and their rallying of _
support to the men of these locali-
ties that are today making a cou-j
I rageous battle to clean up these
14 Medical Students I
Admitted to Galens .-
Fourteen members of the medi- White, But Cold, Thanksgiving
cal class of '32 and one honorary Is Prospect For Middle
neophyte were formerly initiated West Regions.
into Galens, honorary upper class ---
medical society, at its annual mi (By Associated Press)
tiation banquet held last night at CHICAGO, Nov. 25- Onestorm
the League. crowding at the heels of another,
Speakers of the evening includ- gave the Middle West P. biting dose'
ed Charles McIntyre, president of of winter today and the prospects
the society, Dr. John Alexander and of a white, but cold, Thanksgiv-I
Curtis H. McDonnell. Dr. Freder- ing.
ick Coller served as toastmaster. The central states had not yet re-
Those initiated were: Joseph P. covered from the cold snap that
Belsley, Windsor S. Davies, Stephen headed for the Atlantic coast when
J. Donovan, Walter O. Erxleben, another one swept in from the
Charles H. Frantz, John A. McLean, northwest to outdo its predecessor
Herbert P. MacNeal, Curtis H. Mc- with lower temperatures and a
Donnell, Edwin R. Murbach, Wil- more general snowfall.
liam S. Perham, John W. Rice, Temperatures considerably below
John L. Rottschafer, Garrett E. normal and a steady snowfall
Winter and Harold W. Woughner. spread over most of the region in-
Dr. Reed Nesbit was the honorary cluding the upper Mississippi and
initiate. I Missouri valleys and the Great
Booth, Munn, Gross
Named Grid Leaders
03y A ae Press
Milton C. Gross, of Saline, Mich.,
165-pound guard, will captain
the Michigan State football team
next year. He was elected leader
today by the Spartan squad.
-(v Associated Press)
NEW HAVEN, Conni., Nov. 25-
Albert J. Booth, jr., for two years
star quarterback of the Yale
football team, was tonight elect-
ed captain of the 1931 squad.
The election was held at a
banquet which officially con-
oluded the-443 s4ason. - ' -'
(By As.sociated 'Press)
MINNESOTA, Nov. 25. -Clar-..
ence Munn, of Minneapolis, to-
day was elected captain of the
1931 University of Minnesota
football team. Munn who had
played at guard this season, has
been one of the best punters
Minnesota has had in years.
Tells Dickinson that Wolverines
Do Not Claim Superiority
Over Northwestern.
(B Associated Press)
DETROIT, Nov. 25. - Asserting
that he did not believe the Univer-
sity of Michigan wanted to claim
football superiority over Northwest-
ern university, Roscoe B. Huston, of
Detroit, today vetoed a suggestion
that he present a Big Ten cham-
pionship trophy to the Michigan
The suggestion was made by Hus-
ton by Frank G. Dickinson, under
whose sytem of rating the Michi-
gan team would be adjudged the
Conference leaders. Dickinson told
Huston that he believed some tro-
phy should be awarded to the
Michigan team in view of its per-
formance and that as the Rissman
Conference trophy had been dis-.
continued Huston might offer a
trophy himself. Huston is a mem-
ber of the board of governors of
the University of Michigan club of
The following reply was sent
Dickinson by Huston today:
"Thanks for the personal
compliment involved in your
telegram, but as I wrote last
week there is no desire on the
part of Michigan followers here
to claim superiority over North-
western. Therefore I think it
best not to present a trophy
this year. The season records
are enough honors for both
Huston said today that he be-
lieved he voiced the sentiments 'of
most of the members of the board
of the Detroit Michigan club.
Forensic Clubs Heanr
Praises Morrison.
Heston also predicted that May-
nard D. Morrison, '32, who has
played two years of football for
Michigan, this yearat the pivot
position, and who has been named
on the Mid-west team this year,
would be "the most probable all-
American selection from Michigan
next year."
"Football of the Past" was Hes-
ton's subject and he "recounted
some incidents of the "good old
days" when Iowa wa defeated,
107-&, in 1902 and the Iniversity of
Buffalo was downed, 18-0, in 1903.
Director Yost also gave a short
speech, describing the team as "re-
markable 'in many ways, a' team
that possessed all th qualities of
conceded the championship as was
indicdked Iin>the- Det0ot News ;yes-
terday. There is n qchampionship
rating determined by the Confer-.
ence. It is based pirely on.a per-
centake basis. On this standard, we
share the titular honors with
Kipke Praises Squad.
Head Coach Harry Kipte, former
all-American choice from Michi-
gan, introduced the menibers of the
team who were guests df the Union
for the banquet, and said that "the
team this year is one of the finest
squads with which I have ever come
into contact." Albert F. Donohue,
'31, president of the Union, was the
Telegrams from the coaches of
the Big Ten schools who this year
met defeat at the hands of the
iWolverine team, ,ucngratu:lating
Michigan on her success, were read
by Donohue. A message of congrat-
ulation was also received from
Coach R. E. Hanley, of Northwest-
ern university.
Prof. Frank G. Dickinson, of the
economics department of the Uni-
versity of Illinois, originator of the
Dickinson rating system, wired -his
congratulations with a notice that
there would be no Rissman trophy
presented this year.
Reed, Woodward, Mary Pannall
to be Committee Heads.
Appointments to senior class
committees of the School of Busi-
ness administration w e r e an-
nounced yesterday by F. M. Corn-
well, class president.
Thirty students were named to
10 committees to carry on the class
functions. Lawrence F. Reed was
selected chairman of the Advisory
committee. Assisting-him are Wal-
ter O. Harris and Frederick J.
Holtz. Other- committees chosen
follow :
Alumni Relations, Joseph. H.
Woodard, chairman, Cecil H. Brown
and Marcus F. Irwin. Athletic, Rich-
ard M. Chapman, c h a i r ma n,
Thomas M. Courtis, and Dwight W.
Presser. Caps and Gowns, Mary
Pannall, chairman, Eleanor L. Delo,
and Clarence M. Cato. Finance,
Edgar E. Mapes, chairman, Rolland
H. Catchpole, and Wayne E. Davis.
Four Men Will Talk at Hutchins
Memorial Services.
Speakers for the memorial meet-
ing of the University Senate in
honor of the late President Emeri-
tus Harry Burns Hutchins were an-
nounced yesterday by Dr. Frank1
E. Robbins, assistant to the presi-
dent. The services will begin at 3
o'clock, Friday afternoon, Nov. 28,
in the Lydia Mendelssohn theater
and will be open to University stu-
dents as well as members of the
Senate and other friends of the
late president.
The speakers at the memorial!
will be Prof. Edwin C. Goddard,
Shirley W. Smith, vice president!
and secretary of the University,
Earl D. Babst, PhB '93, Ll. B '94,!
M. A. (Hon.) '1911, and Dr. William
Oxley Thompson, president emeri-
tus of Ohio State university. Mr.
Several persons were given work
yesterday, one as a maid, another
as a porter, and still another as a
12 borer.
fists;" "Death to initiators of inter-
vention;" "No mercy to class en-
emies;" and hundreds of other sim-
ilar slogans.{
Despite Faculty Protestations,'
Many Book-Weary Students
Embark for Home.
THE flapping of turkey wings,
emblematic of a long-wait cure
for under-nourished Michigan stu-
dents, today conclusively proved itsI
superiority over the flapping of
empty text--book pages as just about
two-thirds of the undergraduate
body left for their homes and
Despite faculty head-waggings,
University rulings demanding triple
bolts, and imminent mid-semesters.
doesn't give the Friday after
Thanksgiving is probably because
most of us would have started for
home immediately after the Chi-
cago game.
Busses, trains, specials galore
were provided today to send the
happy warriors on their quest of
the elusive cranberry. What few
remaining students there are in
Ann Arbor tonight and tomorrow
will have to be content with fra-
ternity, sorority and boarding house
repasts which,, even at best, aren't
as good as mother usedto make.
Special dinners at just about every
eating- shon in town awaited their
City Schools Close 1
finer F % fr.y I ,, i-i mI
Lakes. High winds in the western
area made up for any lack of snow.
The weather bureau expected the
J . . 1 t t_. L ___A 1 _ r __ A e.