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November 25, 1930 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-25

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Feeling of House Toward Muscle
Shoals Action Indicates
Quick Legislation.
Reece, Author of Opposing Bill,
Will Prepare Compromise
Measure for House.
(B Asscaed Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 21.-A mid-
dle ground through the Muscle
Shoals controversy was envisioned
today by administration leaders in
the House as a course which might
lead them away from special ses-
sion pitfalls.
Caught in conference last ses-
sion between the Senate and the
House, Muscle Shoals' legislation is
regarded as the key log in the jam
of controversial proposals clogging
both branches. With its removal,
administration leaders believe the
way would be cleared for action
on major matters and a special
session of the new Congress avert-
Compromise Indicated.
The first indication of a compro-
mise with Senator Norris, of Ne-
braska on his government opera-
tion measure approved last spring
by the, Senate, came today from
Chairman Snell, of the House rules
committee, who heretofore has re-
sisted such legislation.
Although making it clear he was
opposed to the policy of govern-
ment operation of power projects,
he said if a majority of Congress
wanted it, he would not oppose the
operation of Muscle Shoals as a
government experiment.
Reece Studies Bill.I
In a d d i t i o n, Rrepresentative
Reece, of Tennesee, Republican
conferee who Spisored theadrhin-
istration measure for disposal of
Muscle Shoals to private interests,
began a study of the bill approved
by the house with a view to making
certain concessions.iee plans to
submit his proposals to the con-
ferees early next week when they
are called by Senator McNary, of
Oregon, the chairman.
Representative Michener, Repub-
lican, Michigan, a member of the
rules commitee, predicted a com-
promise measure would be enacted
before the end of the short session.
He also has opposed government
The Michigan member said the
importance of Muscle Shoals had
been "over emphasized."
Prominent Ford Men Trapped in
Burning Ship.
(H.v ass4 e cd/Press)
DETROIT, Nov. 24.-Myron E.
Zeller and Carl Wenzel, two of the
most prominent men in the Ford
Motor aircraft d i v i s i o n were
burned to death at 11 a. m. today
when their tri-motored experimen-
tal plane crashed in flames at the
Ford airport.
With Zeller at the controls and
Wenzel acting as mechanic, the
two men had spent nearly a hour
in a test flight over the airport. A
rush of smoke was seen to come
from the center motor. Zeller, ap-
parently seeing tie danger, headed
back to the airport, passing over

the home of Henry Ford and land-
ing near the center of the field. As
the plane landed it nosed over and
was enveloped in flames from burn-
ing oil and gasoline.
The two men were trapped in
the cabin. Firemen from the han-
gar were unable to rescue them be-
cause of the white hot condition
of the metal plane. Witnesses said
the rescuers finally got near
enough to remove Wenzel's body
but that Zeller was burned with
the wreckage of the plane.
C. H. Markham, Rail
Official, Dies in West
(By Assocat d Prc,)ss
A L T A D E A, Calif., Nov. 24.-
Charles H. Markham, chairman of
the board of the Illinois Central
railroad, died at his suburban home

Controversy Over Back Taxes is entitled to make out her own RIU T CLh
Decided in Favor ncome tax return.
It made no difference, Justice
of States Roberts said, that the husband had IlaT
management of the property. The I DU i
h( dd i Associated 1're, i V..-. A hul ,n. n l.1,.Ci he



WASHINGTON, Nov. 24.-A con-
trove- sy rooted in ancient Spanish
law was settled by the Supreme
Court today with a consequent loss
to the government of more than
$100,00,00 in taxes.
The highest tribunal ruled that
income from community property
in Arizona, Louisiana, Texas and
Washington may be reported for
federal taxation by the husband
and wife separately.It was a sweep-
ing defeat of the government,
which had contended such income
must be reported in a single return
by the husband alone.
It had pointed out that with the
tax rate increasing in proportion
to the extent of income its revenue
would be much greater under the
single return.
If they had won, government at-
torneys said, the treasury would be
more than $100,000,000 r i c h e r
through the collection of back tax-
es, filed in previous years by hus-
band and wife separately.
The court ruled in an opinion by
Justice Roberts, his first since his
appointment to the bench, that in
community property states whose
laws give the wife a vested interest
in the income from this source, she
French Delegates, in Geneva,
Hint at Wartime Use of
Large Commercial Planes.
(By Associated Press)
GENEVA, Nov. 24.-A discussion
of t he war time potentialities of
peace time commercial aircraft,
with pointed reference by France
to German prowess in the air, dis-
turbed the calm-of-the:preparatory-
disarmament commission today.
The discussion arose over a pro-
posal to insert in the draft con-
vention a provision for an annual
report by the contracting govern-
ments on the number of commer-
cial planes and dirigibles in their
territory. The proposal finally was'
adopted without a negative vote,
the United States and Germany
Rene Massigli, French delegate,
announced his country considered
civil aviation as a most important
factor in offensive power, asserting
civil aviation has been developing
decidedly in an offensive direction
and military aviation in a defensive
He referred to a huge German
airplane which recently has been
visiting European cities and quoted
a statement given a newspaperman
that the plane was capable of
carrying heavy armament and of
r~rnr~inY hn hc n T~nnein Pais

governmenL na no souna assb, e
said, for its contention and that
where the property was under the
husband's control he must file one
return for the total income.
He referredto a former decision
in which the community tax law of
California was construed to permit
the government to impose a tax on
the total income reported only by
the husband.
Such a conclusion was necessary
in that state, the justice explained,
because in California the wife's in-
terest in community property is
merely expectant and not vested.
The community property laws,
prevalent over much of the south-
west, were derived from old Span-
ish statutes once in force there.
Michigan and Minnesota Papers
Selected Best in Country I
at Convention.
Members of the National College
Press association ended their an-
nualconvention Sunday night at
Pittsburgh by selecting the Minne-
sota and Michigan student news-
papers as the two best in the coun-
try. The election of Reese L. Sewell,
of George Washington University,
as president for the coming year,
finished the convention's business
The Michigan Daily and the Min-
nesota Daily tied for titular honors
at the convention, winning over the
Cornell Sun, the Wisconsin Cardi-
nal, The Daily Illini, and other pre-
vious winners of the award. The'
judging of the best tri-weekly and
semi-weekly papers also resulted in
a tie, between the University of
Kentucky and Ohio university for
the former honor, and among the
University of South Carolina, Tu-
lane university, and Georgetown
university in the latter class.
Lexington, Ky., was selected for
the 1931 meeting under the aus-
pices of the University of Kentucky.
Other officers were selected at the'
business session Sunday, with Fred
Hotz, of the University of Califor-
nia chosen as vice-president for
The basis for this year's awardI
was on news value, make-up, edi-
torial excellence and management.
Points were given in each depart-
ment, The Daily and the Minne-
sota Daily running equally in high
point honors.

American Federation of Labor

Supports Efforts for Beer
Manufacture. t K, IMessages From Coach
- "To Be Read at D
Supreme Court Decision of Trial Highest possible honors will b
Without Jury to be Probed I of the West," tonight when hundre
by Congress. ballroom at the annual Football b
the victorious 1930 season.
i tvs s~iociedPess>) tAnnouncement of the 1931 f
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24.-Two old .Ielected at a meeting of the squad t
timers, proposals for beer and jury- . - -of the banquet program. The new
less trials, claimed the prohibition'h aqe rorm h e
spotlight today for a return en-n.benamed at the same time. The en
dy fwn J. Roberts. ing staff will be guests of the Uni
gagement. Member of the United States at 6 o'clock.
Both were broached at the last(
ses o Congre tSupremeCourt who in rendering Congratulatory messages from
They came back today in three the decision of the court on a ques- that have gone down to defeat be
proposals to amend the Volstead tion of back taxes, gave his first Blue gridders will be read during
act, and a Supreme Court refusal opinion since his appointment. sages from the coaches of Illinois,
to pass upon the constitutionality -- - State, and Harvard. Northwestern
of trial without jury. -~-_____--__
Two of the moves to permit thel
manufacture of beer were brewing Architects Will Name
within the ranks of organizedf
labor. One will be sponsored by Class Officers Today
the American Federation of Labor j
itself, while a second will come Freshmeri of the architectural]
from represeptatives of affiliatedI school will select class officers at
organizations,, to be shown as the Meeting of Ministers Seen as the annual class elections at 4
National Labor Legislative Com- I o'clock this afternoon in the
mittee for Modification of the I Start of Reconciliation main lecture room of the archi-
Volstead act.- Between Nations. tectural building.
Bingham to Demand Showdown.
The third proposal came from (By Associated Press)
Senator Bingham, Republican, Con- I MILAN, Italy, Nov. 24. - Maxim
necticut. He said he would demand Litzinoff, foreign minister of Soviet
a showdown at the coming session RRussia, and Dino Grandi, youthful
measures and at the same time in a conference which was inter- TOP
would sponsor a measure to permit preted by observers as placing an
the manufacture of four per cent official seal on a series of acts
beer. of approachment between Fascist
The refusal of the Supreme Court Italy and Soviet Russia in the last
to pass upon th broad question of year. Chairman Announces Selection
the constitutional right of petty Official sources said that the p popular Goldkette
offenders to a trial by jury came conversation between Litzinoff, who
in a decision sustaining a ruling by had left the.sitting of the League _ Orchestra.
the District of Columbia court of of Nations preparatory disarma-
appeals that William H. Colts, a ment commission at Geneva, and Fred Bergin and his Vagabonds
Washington resident, had been Grandi, concerned "their ideas re- will provide the music for the Soph
illegally deprived of a jury trial in garding political and economical
a case of reckless driving. questions interesting to the two Prom, Friday, Dec. 12, in the Union
House Passes Measure. countries and development of rela- ballroom, John Adams, chairman
The trial of minor liquor offend- tions between their countries." announced yesterday.
ers by United States commissioner But to unofficial political com- Bergin, who is, at present, play-
without benefit of jury was sug- mentators, this coming together of Bgin Goliktpes lay-
gested by the law enforcement com- Fascist, who organized mainly to. ig at Jean Goldkette's Graystone
mission as a means of aleviating combat communism in their own ballroom in Detroit, was selected
court congestion. It was passed by country, and the Soviets, whose following consideration of leading
the House along with certain com- agents almost won over the Italian bands of the country by the com-
panion measures proposed by the peninsula to communism ten years mittee. His orchestra, k n o w r
commission and is now pending in ago, is based on economic neces-tthrougHoheraeknor
the Senate. sities of both parties. appealing music and excellent or-
Italy still needs, and will con- chestration, is much in demand ir
HARD WILL SPEAK tinue to need for some years, Rus- collegiate circles. He has alread
s grain surplus and many kinds contracted to play at the J-Hops at
HERE DECEMBER 4 of raw materials. At the same time Cornell and the University of Penn-
she is seeking an outlet for her I sylvania.
Noted Newspaperman to Discuss manufactured products, notably
Natre f Plitcias.her infant industry of farm imple- The sale of tickets will begin to-
Nature of Politicians ments and tractors in order to keep morrow with a preliminary canva
--- her industrial population in the of fraternity houses and othe
William Hard, Washington news- north from undue unemployment, campus organizations. The general
paper man, will talk on "What ____ campus sale will begin Monday
Makes Politicians That Way" at8B Dec. 1. Only 300 tickets will be sold
o'clock Thursday night, Dec. 4, in for the affair.
Hill auditorium, as the third speak- STARTS LONG HOP No fraternity parties on the night
er on the Oratorical Association of the Prom excepting those given
lecture series of the year. Two Youths Set Out for South by professional fraternities, will b
Hard was scheduled to lecture, sanctioned by the Dean's office as a
last year, but was forced to cancel America in Tiny Ship. result of the motion passed last
his engagement when he had to go -- night by the Student council.
to London to cover the Naval Con- CALWF Assorit ed 24r.s-)
ference.l CALDWE LL , N. J., Nov. 24.-Two
fre. goyouths in a two-cylinder mono- AVIATOR ESCAPES
Befor-ard was a fellow in histpr ane.Edward Wingerter of Newark
at Northwestern University. Priory and Joseph L. Jones of Riverside, FROM JAIL TERM
t NrthwthestrudieiyProraConn., set out today on a flight to
to that, he studied in Europe as thAeia
well as America. In addition to writ- th aed to follow the At- Spanish Trans-Atlantic Ace Wa
ing political news for a nationa lintic seaboard hop over to Havana Serving Eight Months.
press association, he has gone a- and then jump from Cuba to Brit-
field to investigate, at first hand, ish Guiana. (By Associatcd Press)
situations political and economic, They expect to stop at almost MADRID, Nov. 24.-Maj. Ramon
which have affected national af- 'every airort along the way, for
fairs. Hard is an author, lecturer,eeyarpta g ewyr Franco, Spanish trans - Atlantic
fai. adis spakn au , lcte their little ship carries only eight aviator and hero of the Spanish
and radio speaker. During thethiltle
Naval Conference, he spoke over gallons of gasoline and has a cruis-
the radio, giving resumes of the Ining speed of but 65 miles an hour. air service, escaped today from
Conference gworkg frmsf the HWingerter, an ex-marine, is 25 prison, where he was sentenced
is the author of "The Woman and Jones is 19. Both are married. Friday to serve eight months in-
is te auhorof "he Wmanor Their wives and mothers saw them-
Tomorrow" and "Raymond Robin'sof this ond mothert i carceation for anti-government
Story of Bolshevist Russia." off this morning. Jones moher is utrne.
Stor ofBoisevit Rusia" Isponsoring the flight. The flyers utterances.
PILS __DS __I ___C__- planned to spend the night at Bal- Eduardo Reyes, another air serv-
PILSUDSKI VICTOR anore. ice commander, escaped with him.
IN SENATE V OTIN I The baby monoplane, blue and He was confined in a nearby cell
orange, has a wing spread'of25 in the same prison, a former con-

feet. The young men plan to visit vent on the outskirts of Madrid.
All Opposition Parties Suffer consuls, mayors and presidents in The authorities said that most'
Heavy Loss of Seats. the principal South American coun- prisoners were placed there upon
tries, their honor not to attempt escape
an htit xxlld nthav hpn

es of Defeated Teams
inner; Managers
e Named.
be paid to Michigan's "Champions
ds of students gather in the Union
banquet, celebrating the finish of
ootball captain, who was to be
oday, will be the principal features
m manager and his assistants will
tire Wolverine Varsity and coach-
on at the dinner which will begin
1 a number of coaches of the teams
fore the rushes of the Maize and
the program. They include mes-
Purdue, Minnesota, Chicago, Ohio
has also sent congratulations.
Heston to Talk.
Judge William Heston, '04L, of
Detroit, choice of the late Walter
Camp as all-time all-American
halfback, will be the principal
speaker. He will talk about "Foot-
ball in the Past." Judge Heston's
son, William Heston, Jr., '32, is a
member of the present Varsity
Fielding H. Yost, director of ath-
letics, will give a short talk and
"I think Michigan deserves the
1930 title because of a more dif-
ficult conference schedule. Al-
low me to congratulate the team,
the University, and the student
Union. Hail to the Victors!" was
the message received late last
night at the Union from Prof.
Frank G. Dickinson, of the econ-
>mics deparbifi'Vtf telz T~iyver
-ity of Illinois and originator of
the Dickinson football rating.
captain James ("Ducky") Simrall,
'31, will respond for the team. Head
:each Harry Kipke, former Michi-
gan all-American will also make a
grief address. Albert F. Donohue,
31, president of the Union, will be
;he toastmaster.
Varsity Band to Play.
Yells will be led by the cheer-
eaders and the Varsity band will
lay some of the famous Michigan
Fraternities and other organiza-
ions may still reserve tables today
>y notifying the student offices of
he Union.
A few tickets remain on sale at
he desk in the main lobby of the
jn ion.

droppingo omos on London i, Prs, Card stem May be Duplicated
Brussels and other European capi-yCards.y extMad
tals. Next Year.
Count von Bernstorff, chief Ger- ---
man delegate, replying, said, "It is Plans for next year's cheering
strange there should be so much section were discussed yesterday by
interest in civil aeronautics when undergraduates in charge of ar-
the commission has stated it has rangements this fall and, although
no desire to provide publicity for nothing definite has been selected
war materials in stock." for the 1931 season, a duplication
of this year's method was thought
JUNIOR HOP BIDS to be likely.
WILL BE MAILED The 1930 cheering section, dis-
W LLB A LEDplacing the former block "M," was
created when the athletic depart-
M'Callum Plans to Begin Sending ment found ittnecessary todelimi-
Applications Thursday nate the special ticket sale between
Pp __ the 40-yard lines because of lack of
Applications for tickets to the I patronage. Cheerleader M o n t y
J-Hop addressed to all juniors of Schick, '31, devised the scheme of
the University will be placed in the attempting a changeable card sys-
mails Thursday, Kenneth McCal- tem cheering section, duplicating
lum, chairman, announced yester- those used onethe West Coast. Al-
day. Only 700 tickets will be sold to though opened to both men and
the Hop, which will be held Friday, women, who had had no previous
Feb. 13, in the gymnasium of the training in the manipulation of the
Intramural building. cards, general satisfaction with the
The budget for the J-Hop will be new method provided a basis up-
considered by the Senate commit- on which the 1931 section will be
tee on Student Affairs of the Uni- worked out. According to present
versity at its meeting this after- plans, a more complicated arrange-
noon. Plans are being halted tem- ment is contemplated for next year.
porarily pending approval or dis-
approval of the budget by the com- Snell Forecasts End
Juniors will be given this chance of New Tax Reduction
to procure tickets before the gen-
eral campus sale begins. Those who (By Asso4iated Press)
do not receive applications may see WASHINGTON, Nov. 24. - The
McCallum or members of the Hoprediction that the 1 per cent tax
committee. reduction would not be continued

Hood, Wolfe,

Neubauer, Stirton
to New Issue.


Distribution of the November is-
sue of the Michigan Technic, stu-
lent publication of the engineer-
ng college, will be continued today
ind possibly tomorrow in the halls
)f the West Engineering building,
'. Verne Ansel, '31E, editor of the
'nagazine, announced yesterday.
Leading the list of articles in the
=rrent issue is "The C h i c a g o
World's Fair," by Raymond M.
'food, member of the American In-
ititute of Architects. Hood de-
scribes the design of world's fair
buildings showing their contribu-
¢ion to architecture.
Among the other articles of the
November number are "The Pan-
American Highways," by Robert A.
Wolfe, '31E; "A History of Steam
Turbines," by Emil T. P. Neubauer,
'31E; "Vertical Transportation," by
Malcolm R. Stirton, '32A; a short
sketch of the life of Frederick Law
Olmstead, dean of American land-
scape architects, and an article
about Prof. A. H. Lovell, recently
appointed dean of the engineering
Union Orchestra Plans
Specialties For Dance
Special features have been pre-
pared by Don Loomis and his or-
chestra for the Union Thanksgiv-
in ranen tomorrow night in the

(By Associated Press)I
WARSAW, Nov. 24.-Marshal Pil-
sudski, whose party won a ma-
jority in the lower house of theI
police diet last week, today emerg-I

Winter to Give Fourth
Jerome Lecture Today
"Evidences of Christianity in the
T'1,,1 4--

and that 1L woui nb nave ueeni
hard for a strong man to have
made his way out if he wished. It
was believed Franco forced the
windows of his cell, the escape
presumably being effected during
th niah nr m anr +nrln


was made today by Chairman bneli
of the house rules committee.

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