Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the
President until 3:30, excepting Sundays. 11:30 a. m. Saturday. j
Faculty Directory Cards. The 1930-1931 Faculty Directory Cards
supplied to the heads of the various departments of the University are
due in the Editorial Office, 108 Mason Hall, on Thursday, October 2. ToI
insure the publication of the Faculty Directory at the time when most
needed, it is requested that each department be prompt in returning its
Faculty, College of Literature, Science and the Arts. The first regu-
lar meeting of the year will be held in Room 2225, Angell Hall, Monday,
October 6, at 4:10 P.M., and the succeeding monthly meetings will be
held generally on the first Monday of each month unless otherwise an-
nounced. All members of the faculty are invited to attend and Professors,
Associate Professors, Assistant Professors and instructors of three years'
service constitute the voting members of the faculty.
At the meeting on Monday, October 6, will occur the election of a
representative to the Senate Committee on University Affairs, the Library
Committee, and the Dean's Advisory Committee. Professor Rich will also
have an announcement to make for the Curriculum Committee and Pro-
fessor C. S. Yoakum, newly appointed Vice-President of the University
and Director of the Bureau of Educational Investigation will explain the
nature of the work he is undertaking.
Faculty, School of Education: The first meeting of the year will
be held in conjunction with a staff luncheon at the Michigan League)
Building (3rd floor) at 12:00 o'clock sharp on Monday, October 6. Full
attendance is desired.
School of Education-Changes of Sections: Changes of sections or l
of instructors should be reported at the office of the School of Education,
Room 1437, University Elementary School, as soon as they have been
School of Education, Change of Elections: Changes of elections may,
be made Thursday and Friday, October 2 and 3. Changes must be made
in the office of the Recorder of the School of Education, Room 1437,1
University Elementary School.
Membership in a class does not cease nor does membership in a
class begin until all changes have been officially registered in the office
of the Recorder of the School of Education. Arrangements made with
the instructor only are not official changes.
After October 3, changes should still be made in Room 1437, Ele-
mentary School, but only after payment of a fee of one dollar.
Graduate School Students: Attention is called to the late registra-
tion fee. The rule governing this, as stated in the Graduate School bul-
leton, is quoted below: "Students may register at any time up to andl
including the second Wednesday of the semester. After this date they
nmay register only with permission of the Dean and upon payment of an
additional fee of $5.00."
German 1, Section 18 will meet in the future in Room 24, East Hall,
at one o'clock on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Mathematics 51, 8 o'clock section for engineering students, will meet
hereafter in Room 1042, East Engineering Bldg.1
"How to Study" class for Freshman Engineers will meet in Room
2300 East Engineering Building, during the rest of the semester.
University Symphony Orchestra: Regular rehearsals at 3 P.M.
Moiris Hall, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, and occasional Sunday
morning rehearsals to accommodate those with conflicting schedules.
Open to all University students with orchestral experience who can quali-
fy. No fee is charged.
Modern French Painting: An Exhibition of Modern French Painting,
assembled by several of the leading Museum Directors in France, has,
been secured by the Division of Fine Arts. It will be open to the public
daily until October 10.
..Mathematics Club: Tea will be served to members of the staff and
graduate students at four o'clock in Room 3201, Angell Hall. Everybody
is urged to come in order to get acquainted.-
Forestry Club meets at 7:30 P.M. Dean Dana will speak.
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. Elections in Education:
Only those students who have been definitely admitted to candidacy for
the teacher's certificate may elect Education for credit toward gradua-
tion from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. Application
for admission to candidacy may be made to the Committee on thea
Teacher's Certificate in Room 2026, Angell Hall, daily at 4, until Oct. 4.,
Student Council meeting in Room 308 of the Union at 7:30 tonight.
Lectures in Advanced Mechanics E. M. 15 and E. M. 13a begin today
in Room 340, West Engineering Building, at 3 P. M. and 5 P. M., re-
English 233: The first meeting of this class will be held in Room 3227
A. H., 7 o'clock tonight. P. M. Mueschke.
English 127 meets in Room 1035 A. H., M.W.F. at ten o'clock.
Varusity Glc Chtli: Tryouts for the Men's Glee Club will be held in
Room 307 Michigan Union tonight and tomorrow night at 7:15 P. M.
Students, other than Freshmen, in all schools of the University are eli-I
gible. As there will be no Michigan Union Opera this year, the Glee Club
will present the only opportunity for those who are interested in singing1
to make trips. In order that Arthur Hackett, our new director, may hearc
their voices, all present members of the Glee Club are required to try outn
Catholic Freshmen:. An informal reception will be held from 8 to 10
P. M., at the auditorium of tpe Chapel for Catholic Freshmen and new
Catholic students.
Jewish Students: Date of Atonement Services:p
Reform: Wednesday Evening, October 1, 7:30 P. M.
Thursday Morning, October 2, 10:30 A. M.
Thursday Afternoon, October 2, 3:00 P. M.
At Lane Hall, State and Washington Sts. Dr. Sheldon Blank ofo
the Faculty of the Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati will officiate. I
Orthodox: Wednesday Evening, October. 1, 6:00 P. M.r
Thursday 8:30 A. M.-- All-day. 538 North Division. 1
All literary students may get excuses from class to attend services
at the Hillel Foundation, 615 E. University Ave.
Faculty, Colleges of Engineering and Architecture: There will be aI
meeting of the faculty of these Colleges on Thursday, October 2, at 4:15
P.M., in Room 348 West Engineering Building, for the purpose of intro-
ducing new members and taking care of general business.-
Seminar in Advanced Theory of Structure: All interested faculty
members and graduate students are invited to attend Thursday, October
2, at 5:00 P.M. in Room 307, West Eng. Bldg.1
This Seminar under the direction of Prof. Timoshenko will take up
the following subjects during the first semester: (1) Stresses in rails,
(2) Arches, (3) Working stresses,. (4) Soil Mechanics, (5) Suspension
Bridges. Graduate credit is given for those participating in the Seminar,
Course C. E. 65a.
English 230: Spenser and His Age: There will be meeting at 2213
A.H. Thursday, at 3:30 p.m. to decide upon the time at which this class
should meet. M. P. Tilley.
Sociology 245, Social Psychiatry: This course will meet Tuesday and
(By Associated Press)
TORONTO, Sept. 30.-Radium de-
posits which give promise of ex-
ceeding that of the Belgian Congo,
now the world's richest supply, have
been discovered near Wilberforce,
Dr. G. E. Richards, head of the
X-ray department of Toronto Gen-
eral hospital, said investigations
over three or four years had un-
covered an apparently extensive de-
posit which averaged 186 milligrams
per ton of ore. This is a higher
average than found in the Congo.
Economics 235: The first meeting
of the Seminar in Public Control of
Industry will be held Friday after-
noon, Oct. 3, at 4 o'clock in Room
105, Economics.
M. E. 2: For the benefit of those
students who classified late or did
not attend the first meeting of the
class, the assignment for Sections
III and IV. for Friday, October 3 and
Thursday, October 2 respectively, is
Chapters I, IV and V, omitting Ar-
ticle 54, in "Elements of Machine
Design" by Kimball and Barr.
Mechanical Engineering 52 and
53. There will be a meeting of
those interested in these two classes
at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, October 2
in Room 239 West Engineering Bldg.
Comedy Club meets Thursday P.
1M. at 4 o'clock in room 203, Univer-
sity Hall.
Psychology 237. Seminar in Clin-
ical Psychology. Meet for organiza-
tion Tuesday, Sept. 30, at four
I o'clock in 1121 Natural Science Bldg.
Michigan Technic staff and try-
outs meeting at 8 p.m. tonight. Im-
portant. J. L. Spencer.
The first meeting of the class in
I Naval Aviation will be held in room
348 West Engineering Bldg., at 7:00
o'clock, Thursday, Oct. 2.
H. H. Boys, Ens., USNR.
English I, Section 19 (Mr. Morris's 10 o'clock section) meets in Room
A. H.
English I, Section 21 (Mr. Abbot's 10 o'clock section) meets in Room
215 A. H.
Mathematics 285: Seminar in Relativity: Meeting to decide on the
hours at 3 o'clock in Room 3001, Angell Hall. G. Y. Rainich.
- Thursday 4 to 5 in Room 101 Ec.
Mathematics 218: Advanced Course in Complex Variables: Those T
wishing to take this course who cannot come at 11 o'clock are invited' Sociology 256, Mental Hygiene Implications of Delinquency: This is
to come at 12 o'clock noon to Room 306 Mason Hall today to decide on a new course announced in the Supplementary Announcement to be giv-j
the hour of meeting. G. Y. Rainich. en by Dr. L. A. Schwartz of the Juvenile Research Clinic of Detroit. The
course meets Friday 3-5 (instead of Tuesday 4 to 6 as announced in the
Political Science 107, Section 3: This section, at 11:00 on MWF, supplement) in Room 104 Ec. The first meeting will be Friday, Oct, 3,1
scheduled to meet in R6om 1018 A.H., will meet in Room 2331 A.H. at 3 o'clock.
Political Science 121: This course, at 11:00 on MWF, scheduled to
meet in Room 2331 A.H., will meet in Room 1018 A.H.LS
M. E. 2a. For the benefit of those students who classified late or
did not attend the first meeting of the class, the assignment for Section I SATUR DAY NIGHT, OCT. 4
for today is Chapter I and Chapter III to Article 1 in "Elements of Ma- !Eyes with bu-ning
chine Design" by Kimball and Barr. Smile with roving
"To see her is to gain a new All that is gay a
Chemical Engineering Seminar: The first meeting of the Seminar realization of the beauty of the That is The Incoi
will be held at 4 P.M. in room 3201 East Engineering Building. Spanish dance." CAROLA
Chemical Engineering 23. First meeting for arrangement of hours -N. Y. A zerican in her vivid Sp
will be in Room 3201 East Engineering building following the Seminar L SEATS NOW: $1
N4 Theatre
at 8:30
nd bewitching-
anish Dances
4, $1.50 and $2
For All Departments-Large Quantities
Loose Leaf Note Books-Fountain Pens-Blank
Books and Stationery
Everything For The Student at
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