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November 16, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-16

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-r" f: IAA Tr 141 r. A N n A7TT"V

_____________________________L' Lvl V 1"£I 1% I.N 111tH 1 L..X SUNDAN

Y, NOVEMBER 16, 1930

Published every morning except Monday
Luring" the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Couference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis,
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in thie paper" and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Mfichigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May
aard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214"
Telephone 4925
Chairman Editorial Board
City Editor
Frank E. Cooper
"News Editor............... .Gurney Williams
Editorial Director............ Walter W. Wilds
Sports Editor................ Joseph A. Russell
Women's Editor...........Mary L. Behymer
Music, .Drama, Books........ Wm. J. Giorman
Assistant City Editor ......Harold 0. Warren
Assistant News Editor...Charles R. Sprowl
Telegraph Editor George A. Stauter
S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel
Carl S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobin
David M. Nichol Harold 0. Warren
h Sports Assistants
Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy.
Robert Townsend



action and course of events at the
Royal Gallery are further compli-
cated by the presence cf M. A.
Jinnah, leader of the Indian Mos-
lems, and other organizers of the
boycott of the Simon commission,
which presences jeopardize Bri-I
tain's chances or making the re-
port of that body a bulwark in
The crux of this meeting is the
perennial question "When?". More
insistently and confidently than
ever before, all of India's repre-
sentatives say it is now. But more
perplexedly than ever the Eng lish
are yet concerned with the conse-
quences of leaving India too sud-
denly or to too great an extent.
While the course of accomplish-
ment which may run through the
meetings of this roundtable is as
opaque as the depths of Charona,
one fact may confidently be assert-
ed: if this conference fails, the
Indian delegates will return con-
vinced that while Gandhi was not
at the conference, his way to get
what they want is the only way.
In that event, sic transit pax with
a vengeance.
IEditorial Comment

About Books
oldest canipu,; publications, had, for'
many years before the last, been
known for a certain sterility o1
creative variety, and for an almost
complete lack of interest in any of
the nmany contiroversial points ii:.
litees ure. Las t year, however, after
a drastic editorial shapeup which
included i)ersoflfll and policy, the
Inlanid~r for the first time ap-
proached a real repr=:sentation o1
the modern artistic horizon. ho
the first time it left the field ol
cream puff verse and nice stonie.
which sveemed so to suit the man-
aging fclw.
And it is vrith extreme satisfac-
iona that we are able to r pori
tthat with the first issue of this
new year, it sems that the past i:
to be de initely left behind. Fol
the N ovem b r Inlander firmly an
rieuiieesi that last year's Renals
,'anco was n~ot temporary. Readin,
it, one is impelledl to stand up ant:
cheer' for the fact that there exist:
a group with suffici ent faith in thf
, xitenc e of :iegitimate literary po
Lentialities on the campus to ner-

4"V -rr w 'V""" "Tr-r "" P'''"Y""P-"Y
tcriim at. 4:15,- a rcital oien to ithe
pubic by tl"v'rccntly formed
School of M~usicTro Prof. Wassily
Besekersky, Prof. 11an-ns Piclk, and
Mr. Joseph B~rinkimani.
Violin and piano students of the
School of Music will join forces in
the- second public student recital of
the year at the School of Music
Auditorium orn Maynard street.
lTuesday evening, November 13,, at
1:15 o'clock. At this time a number
Df advanced students will appear
(n maiscellarneous numbers. The
;eneral public is invited to hear the
followin g pt r.o.. a .
Violin Duet:
Navarra.............. Sarasate
First Movem-ent
Romine Hamilton, Gecorge Poinar.
Variations in F mninor. . .. Haydn
.Emily Phillips.
Solnata, Opus £90......Beethoven
First Movement
Mildred Stanger.

Iii ' ----- ---




_- _ .. __._. _V -r- - ----rrrr-



.~ w a a ,.i.A. .A -i . .,A A.,A.A.,-a . - w d.... A
Mr. S. G. Gulian purchased from a foreign,~ corporation, recently bankrupt,
an important collection of high-grade Persian rugs at greatly reduced prices,
which makes it possible to offer the following values:

Walter S. Baer, Jr
Irving J. Blumberg
Thomnas N!. (ooley
George Fisk
Morton Frank
Saul Friedherg
Frank B. Gilbreth
Jack Goldsmith
Roland Goodman
James IT. Inglis
Denton C. Kunze
Powers Moulton
Wilbur 1. Myers
Lynne Adams
Betty Clark
Elsie Feldman
Elizabeth Gribble
?mily G. Grimes
Elsie M. Hofffmeye
jean Levy
Dorothy Magee
Mary McCall

r. Parker Terryberry
Robert L. Pierce
Wmin F. Pyper
Shner M. Quraishi
Jerry E. Rosenthal
George Rubenstein
C'harles A. Sanford
Karl Seiffert
Robert F. Shaw
Edwin M. Smith
George A. Stauter
Alfred R. Tapert
Tohn S. Townsend.
Robert D. Townsend
Margaret O'Brien
Eleanor Rairdon
Jean Rosentbl
Cecilia Shriver
Frances Stewart
er Anne Margaret Tobin
Margaret Thompson
Claire Trussell
Barbara Wright

Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Akdvertising....... ..Charles T. Klir
Advertisii z............ .Thomas M. Dav
Advertising ............ William W. Warbo)
Service........ ..Norris J. Johnse
Publication.........:...Robert W. Williamsc
Circulation........ ...... Marvin S. Kobacli
Accounts............Thomas S. Mu
Business Secretary ............Mary 3. Xena
Larry R. Beglev IDon W. Lyon
Vernon Bishori William Morgan
William Brown II. Fred Schaefer
Robert Callahan Richard Stratemeier
%Yilliarn W. D~avis Noel D. Turner
Richard I1. Hiller Byron C. Vedder
Erle Kightlinger

Marian iAtran
Helen Bailey
Josetphine Convisser
Dorothy Laylin
Sylia Miller
Helen Olsen

Mildred Postal
Marjorie Rough
Ann W. Verner
Mary E. Watts
J ohanna Wiese

Night Editor--RICHARD L. TOBIJ
While the 1930 Imperial Confer
ence remains impaled on severa
economic pickets, the bulk of Bri.
tain's governmental and diploma
tic energy is now being levelled a
the India roundtable conferenc(
which opened last Wednesday. Bu,
on the result of these meeting,
hang events of much more acute-
ness and far-reaching implication.
than any yet conjured by lasi
month's Imperial meetings.
For the first 1ime in the history
of the interchange of delegation,
and commissions between India
and Britain the representatives o:
the various political groups and of
all the different religions of Brit-
ish India, princes of independent
Indian States and representative
of all three British political par-
ties are assembled to deal with
what has been euphemistically
known as a riddle, but which more
correctly seems an enigma, beg-
ging any solution. This conference
is equipped, therefore, with a per-
sonnel representing the cross-sec-
tion of factors and interests atten-
dant upon the problem of India's
status within the empire.
This time, despite the customary
declarations of good-will, the In-
dian delegates, even at the open-
ing session, permitted a note of
challenge and well-prepared deter-
mination to temper their felicita-
tions. Since 1919, Great Britain
has been "saying to India, 'You
shall have what you ask.' India's
reply at this conference is, 'We
want it now.' " India's aspiration
of nationalism was the theme of
all the speeches by Indians. Their
challenge was made even more
ominous by the statement of Srrin-
ivasa Sastri, t~he Hindu statesman,
when he said, in reference to the
declaration made last year by Lord'
Irwin, the Viceroy, and the Labor
government that Great Britain rec-
ognized the natural goal of India's
constitutional deveiopment as do-
minion status, "Our allotted task
is to interpret these statements
liberally and to translate them
courageously into positive meas-

(From the Daily Iliini) steniit yiyo)!w them anilfc gate
t1item tLogether. Nven if the Inlande
There is but little significance were bad, whech it is not, it sti
back of the news dispatch fromn would be a star ting; Off poit fo
Princeton university which gives some citelligmt artistic contr
statistics showing that in general veroy. It has <ed ate;_ itsi~ to tha
freshmen at Princeton favor parti- sortof que, rstrainred tat
cipating in. extra-curricular activi- ;iehalitdapelita
ieprefer a Phi Beta Kappa key to of publishing owvous work whic
a varsity "P," consider beauty to be uwould delight those wose lte~ar
the most essential attribute of the l~jl~i only surpasse'5d bh
ideal girl, and come to Princeton ther ompacne n htis~
primarily for an education, if one Ic
does not go into the facts and sta- Teiseoeswt natc
tistics which want to make up such on T. S. Eliot' Ash Wednesday b
a general statement. ilim. oanInasoar
The class of '34 gave the Phi Be~e any; Ipainsaking work, Mr. Corna
;nt key a three-fifths majoity over the has nntated for the Pe1st ;im
y: varsity letter sweater, reversing the tis inoar, which is so particurlari
on decision of the 1933 group and oth-,jell in~ Biblcal and Shakesparcai
er er freshman classes which h a v e allusions.
ageneral felt as a consensus of opin -- Two articles whvich have sone.
ion that the glamor of the athletic ,hxgi omnoebigt
award was perhaps a bit mere in- critic'si viewcpoint of art and Lth
trinsically valuable than the more ohrteais', a , rpOit(
Ilasting stigma of academic virtb~eue 'n tlc r f ~ .lh
and fervor. It is well to note he.(. e ardDeacro i by ter Ruth A
that Princeton senior classes have'z, an ir(8pitlbyA
over h in. aemes work i
ove alog period, consistently vot- n explanation of his much d(4)at§
ed the scholastic award more valet-- sau fPu ~bsnwt~h.
able than the athletic insignia. reproucedf ai the Iniander aio j
We suppose that the mellowed reitductin tior -ahs byandg
_and suave upperclassmen have cone icth anreAdlh DehsbyWand Ga
to the conclusion that the stamp of illb rebre o te 'p
- scholarship is after all a bit more 1~'lSohiwwkwchapa
in the line of achievement than t I d tin ofhrscaga;:inelast ice]'a
N various and sundry struggles on ,l omnE:
- athletic fields, but it is to be doubt- rr aTohb A n Wellsw are o
ed that there is anything in snech a reid john ca s arte Ho.
-a vote to make the academiociasm ,pe <' it rilaa" o'hefp
happier because such a choice is Gxoc ontet. Elizabeth w. Smith;
Liwho througtth conststently matur-
very much in the light of relative ~cnet n te
tvalues-not as to self, but as to the wox nUt1' : cntss ndote
probable chances of success,.wi, has built up for hcr-clfs
It The balloting was 30 to 1 in fa- iart;^ oing Z on the campuats, i
'e vor of participation in extra-curri reresetrd by a cla ,y in ne <r;
it cular activities. As such it is very rllea"tilicate Poe~ry by Racu;l Pitt
;s evident that the frosh enthusiasm 'U'ili-a~r2a L utici, John Khalaf, cln
-for the "side-shows" has yet to be j u0r cud G'. I. B., and four boo
Is dampened, but no doubt there would (reviews, complete the Novembe
it not be such an overwhelming ra- 'iflaider. S. G. F.
jority if a vote were taken amiong- -
,y the seniors, for there are many who NEW IV ( IR UL TNG IBRAY
s near graduation disgruntled with ''neC Student Christian Asocia-
a. failure or the unfairness that pre-! Lion is this week opening a liidirg
,f vails in such fields, and there arc lirary whose primary purpose is
.f some others who after some genun- to rniake avalable for students
-ime thinking have fallen upon the j ~i tly n townspeople readmug se
t proposition that the Big Show is in selet.ed~ list in all fields of liter:,7
s itself 'both fascinating and stiniu-- ure of the best contemporary book,
-lating enough to demand the entire l fom month to month. This newi
z attenti'on of the student. library because of its practices o
9 Two hundred and seventy-six men selcting and adding new book
esaid they came to Princeton primr- f each month can offer books to the
-arily to receive an education, while 1 tdntta omsit noeO
. It would be hard to under- stui-i nti eritcliaies ieithyoe ot
-stand how the noble purpose ofthunvriylbaesihrno
education received such a m-ajority at all or six or seven months after
in hes hlarousdas o rraferri-publication. The library will bc
ism, but one must remember tet tlat;;Ur): ?l 'let in,cdo ae tyvritys
frehmn ae eiterfi~nhnot ds-i:eirg lt.nited with books on
criminating. It is only too probe+ble philosopiiy, r @la^in, aci so iology
that these freshmen were too trrtiid
to frankly tell of that for which S..1 E1,C F l;1iID~'S SON
*they had journeyed to the New
Jersey school, or that there arc a It is with interest That we note
hundred interpretations of educa-f the publcation in xngand iby the
tion, and probably all of these, both; university of London press of the
tthe true and the vlugar, were the book IIARTLEY COLE RIDGE, His
tthoughts behind the majority an- Life and His Wrk, by Earl Leslie
'swrer. G ri gs. Dr. Grigg:, is a member of
Anti-prohibitionists maay it-d fodcl e cUnversty faculty. The work
for more statistics about, the ;n- oi;inally was meanti for a thesis
efficacy of the Volstead act whene for the deg;ree of Doctor of Phlos-
the vote showing that 259 aneswered ophy in the iUivers y of London.
affirmatively the questi'ri "Do you i his rsear l, Dri. C igg s had ac --
drink?" while only 211 aa uswertd in e s to 1 ihcrto tine ThIishedclmt e-
the negative. But even the mos°t ial, and fromri the reviews le has
gullible are getting wary of being elicited, he has made good use of it.
fooled with such statistics, because j Hartley Coleridge, one of the m-ost
the axiom that "you can prove any-j in teresting of literary figures, was
thing with figures, or better, dis-( the fir'st born son of Sanmuel Taylor
prove anything with figurer," is be- Coleridg, a child who beesuso of
comi'ng too generally accepted.j his absorbed and sensitive nature
There are a thousand interpre i- n- i very evident promise, "filled
tions as to what constitutes drink- ; the hearts of all who saw him with
ing, and even if it were to be wonder and with the pain of fore-
found that every student who an- boding." He died at an a~ly age


Intermezzo, Opus 118, No
Intermezzo, Opus 118, No
Bertha Flo.
Concerto in A major.
Fir'st Movc' inen6,
Rlo ert S'hu mate.
Prelude and Fugue in 17
Emil Steva.
Etude in E major.......
Etude in F major..... ,.
Elsa Eppstein.
l:relude and Fugue in C
minor ...............

Bra hlimi
o. VI...,
Brahm s
.Cho pin

6 ft. by 3ft. 6in.
Choice $38.00 _

9 ft. 6 in.

15 ft.
10 ft.

9 ft.
12 1ft. 3 in.

Many interesting antique rugs are shown in the collection
and all are priced attractively to nrake possible quick selling.
SALE continues for a few days longer only and an early
inspection is urge4
112 East Liberty Street

Average Size 5 ft. x 3 ft. 6 in.
Choice $55,00

Tntermiezzo, Opus 117, No. II
Capricio, Opus 76, No. I Brahms
Oiscqlux Tristcs............ Ravel
i Ai e ~S(t)IZ,.'YGI N 1j('ITA L
pl' o , egalni atiuuited by
? almier Chr ist..an, university organ-
st, for Wednesuiay afternoon is the
Same program wt~hicitlhe has be:,.1
nviLed to present at the opening
recital of tile organ in the new
Lllverside Church, New York City.
.his church, whiich also contains
';he famous Carillon donat~ed by
Johin D. Rocket 11clr, contains onie
f the mos"t complete ornis inl the
1ourJ try. Professor Christian has
)CCP shigcd ouit as tlhe ar},tt to
-issist in the ei:ain
Of the 5~'CtrIitems n"itepro)-
ram, the m~st~ importaint is the
Passacarghia' by the Chicago o-
o!s r, Leo S01E -rb)V. This work of
)Jr. Sowerby's in an old form was
;iven its ?first performance by Mr.
lhristian in Los Angeles last July
imd is considered one of the most
significant works in the co .temn-
porary literature for tihe organ. The
program in full :follows:
'horal Prelude: 'A SavingI~eatih
to us is brought".. ....Bach
Sonatina from the Cantata: "Grod's
Time is Best" ............. Bach
Fugue in E flat (St. Anti's) ... Barch
irelude on a 'Traditional Hebrew
Melodly (Moo,, Zur. .... . Millig'en
Twilighlt at iesole (H-armonies of
Florenice,).............. Bing hani
Oassacaglia f(MS ......... Sowerby
Prelude in E......... Saint-Satins
Scherzino ................F'errata
Ave Maria .................BReger
Finale (Symiphony I)..Maquairc
Onec of the motst encouragying>
things 'in 1He Americrain theatre IS
the talent and the success of t :wo
young; Oowomien Ruth Dra per anid
Cornelia Otis Skinner. These two
hiave proven with a vengeanic th ,i,
people ha-re the samec love for pure
drama if it is not cluttere-d with1
Cllap-trap, cheap scenery, poor act,-
ing. Miss Skinner, who comes t;o
the Mendelssohn rPhea ti c Frid ay
night, was formerly known as the~
daughter of Otis Skinner; one
thinks of her now more o~ten as
the very successful rival of Ruuthb
Draper in theri at xactive and difliz-

- ---------- - -------------


,wA _. _. _.... _ __






36 "Horsemen of the

5 ft. by 3 ft. 6 in.
Choice $42.00


fft. 6 in. by 4 ft. 6 in.
Choice $115.00



former officers of the Imperial Russian


now expatriates, "mien without

a country" who are travelling on "Nan-
sen Passports," in a program of Russian

folk songs, church

music and, soldier



Th .rsday, Nov. 20, 8:15 P. M.
Tickets $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50




r! .




Ga brilowitsch, Conductor


Nonday, INov. 24
tL.8:15 P. MA*. -

cult dramnatic caImeo. j one or IHV eric
Miss Skinnecr is onel of the - -I iala~t"ud
is , actresses in America.IT ,rptt,.r ia--sts n e
pertics arc nothing to speak O, a
table and a chair generally. Alo .t, renowned conduc1
without the Mechanics of the thea--
tre, Mtiss Skinner reduces all the K1 musical imm~orta
theatre of the world to the mea- pin vruooa
sure of herself. Alexander Woolcat t pam itoo
payed her a, profound, though
witty tribute by calling hecr "'a ml - i
crocosni," -Icr clfara cter- lketcl'-'s I I
raenge front "On the Beach at BR-i - I 2
bados'' I ''Sn owbount)d in Iowa,' Iy

s mnost valuable mus-
ir the baton of a world
tor who has achieved
ality in two fields-
A orchestra conductor.
$1.50, $2.00, $2.50

dw n

nn dsn ^A dh.5 0% n0% 1

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