.. . .......
Adriana Orlebeke,
who is serving this year as the first
woman to hold the postof manag-
ing editor of the Daily Cardinal,
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin. Miss Orlebeke is
only 19 years old.
Ushers Needed for Productions
Scheduled on Mendelssohn
Theater Program.
With the re-awakening of activity
in all departments of the.Women's
League, ushers are needed for the
various presentations which the
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre will of-'
fer the public during the year.
Any women eligible for campus
activities may usher at any of the!
programs. Eligibility consists of
I U IStudentat Martha Cook Enters
University at Seventeen. TO DI F iU
i"It does not seem harmful to me I Centra: Comnttee fom junior
in any way for a student to enter Girls'Piay Holds .first
Fcollege at an age several years Meeting of, Year.
Gordon String Quartet Is First younger than the agerage," said__
of Noted Groups to Give Florence.Benell, '31, seventeen-year WILL SELECT CHAIRMAN
Local Concert. : old medical student from Detroit,
who is living in Martha Cook Build- A llranuscripts for the Junior
SOCIETY IN FOURTH YEAR ing this year. "The larger number Girl's. Play are due Friday; October
of my friends have always been 3-. iten plays
Talks on International Affairs older than I, and t find that I over the summer are asked to turn
Planned for S.C. A. !make friends readily aiong even the zin at;the ntain desk at the
Meetings. those five and six years my senior. Women's-League bui-lding:
Miss Benell's father is' a -portrait The members of the central corn-
Announcement has been made of painter, and Florence herself- is in- mittee who;owere elected last >spring
the programf .or the coming sea- terested in art, journalism,.medi- held theirfirst meeting-of',this-se -
son to be sponsored by the Cham- cine, and the piano. She is also Imesteryesterday The women who
ber Music Society of Ann Arbor, fond of sports, including tennis, compose: this group._are Emily
formerly. th e Matinee Musicale.' swimming, in which she has won SBates, .generalc. hairman; ,Jane
This will be the fourth year in her senior life-saving certificate,
which the society has offered gnus- and canoeing. Her favorite authorsInc4,i, ssstat h nn Dorothy
ic of this type to the residents and are Tolstoi, Gorki, Dumas, and Birdzelh business manager;Ivalita
students in Ann Arbor, and theI Voltaire. Glascock, properties!; katherine
series this year will include con- Miss -Benell upsets the usual the- Koch, programs; and Katherine
certs by four noted groups. ory that transferring tends to hin- Sitton, music.
The Gordon String Quartet will der a student's progress. Her thir- Chairmanships not yet filled
give the first concert at 8:15, Oct. teen school years have been spent are: -ushers, make-up, costumes,
29, in the Lydia Mendelssohn thea- in eleven different institutions. and dance. Plans have been made
tre. Jacques Gordon, the head, was Miss Benell skipped the fourth, to select these members of the cen-
formerly first violin, and: concert sixth, and eighth grades, and en- tral committee, as well as the sub-
master of the Chicago Symphony tered college- at the age of four- committee members at the next
Orchestra. The quartet includes, teen; she began school at the age i meeting of- the group, which will
besides, Mr.- Gordon, Joseph Vie- of six in San Francisco. take place at 8:30 o'clock Thursday
I4nd, who played the viola in the, night,, October 2, in the Women's
Chicago Symphony orchestra; Ed- COLGATE UNIVERSITY - The League office.
win Eidler, second violinist, former- responsibility for the disciplining The first work of the finance
ly a member of the Cincinnati of freshman was recently placed in committee, under t n e business
Symphony orchestra and the Lenox the hands of the sophomore class. manager, will be to collect one dol-
String Magee quartet; and Nahoum This action has caused consider- lar from each member of the class
Benditzky, cellist, who became a able unfavorable comment here, its of 1932. In the past two years the
member of' the group immediately attackers contending that one ad- class has been unusually success-
upon his arrival in this country in ded year of - experience is not ful. in this; 'according to Miss Bird-
1921 from Paris. enough to justify the ascendancy zell, who hopes for the same suc-
The players were organized in of the second-year men. . cess this year.
1921, and since that time have had _, -
the honor of being invited to :give
twelve concerts under the auspices
of the Library of Congress - and .v
.y t - 70 .. . m ,... N t ,
nothing below C and one B for sec. have been selected by Mrs. E. S.
ond semester freshmen, and of aC -CCoolidge, patron of chamber music,
average for upperclassmen. Anyone for recitals at Yale university, the
who is interested in ushering may Boston Public library, and the fes-
call Jane Fecheimer, '33, who is in ;tival at the Congressional library
charge of this project, at 22249. at Washington.
The first event for which ushers The -second concert, on Dec. 3,
will be needed will take-,place next will be given by the Musical Art
week, when a movie, the title of quarter, under the - leadership of
which has not yet been announced, Sascha Jacobsen. At present this
will be presented. Women who would group is playing in Rome. The
like to usher should get in touch quartet includes Marie Roemat-
with Miss Fecheimer immediately. Rosanoff, violincello; Paul Ber"
nard,. second violin, a n d Louis
Corresp ondent PraisesKaufman, viola.
Cr .On Feb. 16 there will be a con-
Women in Journalism cert by a French trio, which hasI
been popular in Paris. Members
"Women are contributing much to;of the trio are Grandjany, LeRoi
the newspaper field, and I, for one, and LeMonnier, who play the harp,
am enthusiastically in favor of hav- flute, and cello. The final concert
ing them on the job," writes Jack will be given by the Detroit String I
A. Bristol, manager of the Union Quartet. These players also gave
Pacific Railroad news bureau, in a one of the concerts in the 1928-
recent issue of The Matrix, official(1929 series.
publication .of Theta Sigma Phi, The officers and directors of the
national honorary journalistic soro- society, include Mrs. Theron Lang-
rity. tford, president; Mrs. Emil Lorch,
"It seems to me," lie continues, vice-president; Mrs. G. Carl Hu-
"that women reporters work much ber, treasurer; Mrs. Samuel T.
harder on a given story than a man, Dan, secretary; and Mrs. Samuel
they tend more to the trivial de- Stanton, Mrs. Palmer Christin, Mrs.
tails than do men, and many times C. Wagner, Mrs. George Langford,
I have seen them take soiething Mrs. J. R. Dawson, and Mrs. Fred-
that apparently had no posibilities erick Coller.
and work it over until it became Student tickets will be priced at)
front page copy." -$1.50 for the season, the regularI
"I believe, too, that women have price being $5.00. They will be
more imagination, and. hence great- placed on sale later.
er initiative and originality than(.
men in their. handling. of stories. SCHOOLS TEACH REAL ESTATE
They follow the.style of the paper Debutante schools which former-
much closer than the men, which ly satisfied themselves by 'finish-
goes- back again:to their meticulous ing" their pupils socially, are now
attention to- detail,", states Mr. concentrating their e f f o r t s -in
Bristol, who is in constant contact teaching all about special assess-1
with several hundred newspapers ments, land contracts, . and com-
employing women reporters. mission rates, says the National As-
sociation of Real Estate boards. It
-UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS- would seem that this new trend in
More than 125 students reported education would be indicative of -
for band practice here: Of this more extensive home owning and
number, 90 were chosen to play wiser administration of real prop-
this fall. erty.
Fountain Drinks and
.M< A TI I1R W .tl lM\ M 1D i/ i Irr / ! Q 1L I%,IiI l