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November 13, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-13

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THU'RSDAY, NQVFm3ER 1v, 1930


Published every morning except Monday
duiring the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of. Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
to thie naper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor.
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post
master General.
Subscription by carrier. $4.00; by mail.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. May
iard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Teleph one 4925
Chairman Editorial Board
City Editor
Frank E. Cooper
news Editor................ Gurney Williams
Editorial Director ........... Walter W. Wilds
Sports Editor...............Joseph A. Russell
Women's 'Editor ............ Mary L. Behymer
Music, Drama, Books........ Wm. J. Gormnan
Assistant City Editor ......Harold O. Warren
Assistant News Editor...Charles R Sprowl
Telegraph. Editor ......George A. Stauter
S. Beach; Conger John D. Reindel
Carl S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobin
David M.4Nichol H-arold 0. Warreni
Sports Assistants
Sheldon C Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy
Robert Townsend

tributes of honest sport, as evinced
by Harvard and Michigan in foot-
ball and track these past two years,
is enough to excite an interest in
the possibilities for some good in
present-day competition.
In our opinion the Athletic Ad-
ministrations of both Harvard and
Michigan could accomplish nothing
better for the regilting and 'ameli-
oration of sport generally than to
arrange for an immediate resump-
tion of athletic relations between
the schools. With the results of four
score years of sporadic competition
behind them, and the opportunity
of presenting, in classic fashion, to
the country at large athletic com-
petition completely removed from
any indictments even made by
the famous report "number 23,"
there is a necessity and an occasion
for avoiding any mechanical hitch-
es and contracting for a future
home-and-home series.
Notable progress has been made
in birth control throughout. the
country during the past few years
in spite of constant opposition
from several organized groups.
Within the last year several lead-
ing religious organizations, which
formerly were -opposed to the move-
ment, have voiced their approval
of, steps to promote birth control.
Last year the birth rate in the
country 'was the lowest since the
government has kept a completel

Is this sort of thin,} to gro onin-_
definitely? Must the wishes oftiz;th-ef il
student body be scorned for al- to , znn Arbor
ways? Answer by Tilot'on the c
Terrible ... "Yes!".....nsry _______
by Dean Rea ...Yes Indeed.t...
answer by dissillusioned se;niors in
body .... - (unprintabeow o rcd;
YES! In case you wonder wha!.
this is about, I refer to the fcap.
that nothing has been done to tU e
Newberry Auditorium yet. Thisj
getting downright insulting, and I
challenge anyone on the fa;Ultv
the 13 & G Squad, or the B3oard of
R~egents to a duke), a deb.t c, 0o 1
bottle of hay. t .
* *1_ rAP«KE_ I 3C
I am iicredibly informed .th- z ii ( .; 2)g
these Faculty Won-c.v v..L1v- t durig the
ni dances will bear lvokig-jpi~x 'nO,1iiA=;'om'
to. My ianfornienttells m rt a t i. to"i l
he arrived at ten oe'clck at $F? e zA l"rlittle4
last one, and they ac'; u il'y izui Moxi- t l
the audiacity to keep 0: e dis-. < ll rn ar
graceful affair going untl tonz or.
HALF PAST ELEVEN! Nr-1i- 1.s imitzt
ty 'Mighty! *,1k,'bn of tI
a: "s re e-ts to
DON'T LOOK! hu:.tzxor at t':

Ref 1Oct;ionQ
rhi gc(yid not ! eem1
y inea houses. At
sd tose any. Arid so
- WJor~ld renown-
d as aconcert
31mgcfr, tenor Jobm
~eCorrnae ake
. ftingat its!lkfIg
3 p tures in ths
v' r~lre'<U film at
L'V Mh ~ajestic. The II
r esult is an ad-
im ale and plea-
11 aulj cxtcr'tain-
1 r ecording of
his voice for pos-
DONALD t c r i t y XIlC',"-
s =me e levezlnnumbers
coCuisiSO ~thQ picture
r1 "IC :hear You Calling'
landnilMother Irelanad"
ii Ifulycapturing t'hI
.,. che. emi of 1-6s In' sh
b3'excpected in a pro-
h1is type , suvh plot as
o irnp? city and broad
~~eo 313))1 1o ~pt;ti


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Walter $.' Baer, Jr.
Irving J. Blumnberg
Thomnas M. Cooley
George Fisk
Morton Frank
Saul Friedberg
Frank 1. Gilbretb
Jack Goldsmith
Roland Goodman
James I3: -Inglis
Denton C. Kunze
Powers Moulton
Wilbur J. Myers

Parker Terryberry
Robert L. Pierce
Wmn. F. Pyper
Sher M. Quraishi
Jerry E. Rosenthal
George Rubenstein
C;harles A. Sanford
Marl Seiffert
Robert F. Shaw
Edwin M. Smith
George A. Stautet
Alfred R. Tapert
Tohn S. Townsend
Robert D. Townsend

The ab olu tely last word iuic,))-
icgianism (?) has been perpetrat-
ed by the Den. I can't-1 tell You
just what it isl, but I should ad-
vise that the next time You et
its portals---no hurry I a ssure you -

Lynne Adams Margaret O'Brien
Betty Clark; Eleanor. Rairdon
Elsie Feldman Jean Rosenthal
Elizabeth Gribblt' Cecilia Shriver
rmily G: Grimes Frances Stewart
Elsie M. Hoffmeyer Anne Margaret Tobin
f can Le-vy Margaret Thompson
Dorothy Magee Claire Trussell
M''ary McCall Barbara Wright
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising ..........Charles T. Kline
Advertisix.-.........Thomas Ml. Davts
Advertising ............ William W. Warboys
Service......... .....Norris J. Johnson
Publication ..,..........Ikobert W. Williamson
Circulation....... Marvin S. Kobacker
Accounts................Thomas S. Muir
Business, Secretary..........Mary 3. 1$enan
Harry R. Begley TDon W. Lyon
Vernon Bishor, William-r Morgan
William Brown I7. Fred Schaefer
Robert Callahan Richard Stratemeier
William WV. Davis' Noel D. Turner
Richard H. Hiller Byron C. Vedder
Erie Kightlinger

record of births. The rate sinc e you look at what it says over tope

Marian Atran
Helen fBailey
Josephine Convisser
Dorothy Lay lin
Sylvia 1M iller
Helen Olsen

Mildred Postal
Marjorie Rough
Ann W. Verner
Mary E. Watts
J ohanna Wiese

1915 has dropped from 25.1 per
thousand persons to 18.9, a notable
decrease that can not be discouint-
ed as a mnere matter of circuirn-
stance, but must be recognized a,31
the constant efforts on the part of'
an. educated nation to further the
country and race.
At the end of this century the
population of the United Mtates
will be stabilized at about 190,000,-
000 according to statisticians
When the population reaches
this number we may find that an-
other slump will be desirable. If
eo, it will be comparatively easy to
accomplish, as the race will already
have been educated to the move-
ment, and the economic and social
benefits gained from a decreased
population will stand as proof of
the advisability for such a move.
o -01
jEditorial Comment
(from the Daily Pricetonian)
The history of .Princeton Uni-
versity has bsen the s tory of the
development and modification of
an educational conception which
was originally very limited in scope.
In the' earliest days the College of
New Jersey, found-d by Presbyter-
ians, was intended almost entirely
to prepare young men for the
Christian ministry. That prepara-
tion, however, was conceived to.
mean not only the training of mind
but also the production of oualiti-:s
of manhood and character. The

tile door nxtUo te ILt eplailS
Dear Dan:
When one s c .; '-',-l
things as:
on the front pag~e, it i:; almost
imperative to poinit Giut t
scnior pictures tisval~y areth
limit anyway.
Pro IBgro Iubica.
T(hat's all right Pro, but they're
a mere nothing as comparved to the4
one I got; on that speakerasy car'd
the University. gave me. If th y';-
-only thought to punt a gat in my
hand, I could get in anywhere wi thk
Someone cani' around aorl
tried to fill my uanwillivng-ea;;
with seine wild yarn about .
Mac Namniee's broade-- 1t p.
the other day. They w s oreiha £ita!
credible cxagcrations Ilike
this that make for dilst rust an-d
suspicion in this world of ours.
*- * -'
SSomnething new to arnuse th-1
Kiddies, bless their little be a t-
Come on and join the ROLL,'
BLACKLIST! It's easy. Anyror
can do it--that is practic.,,,y anly-_
one. Is there something or arQ
there somebody you don't .i ko
Just to show you how it's donle _Iff*
prin~ting a fewe su;g gcstions for eh t -
ter members.
Hariry Tilotswau.
Al Jolson.
Campus Opinion W.r kiri-.
JoeI Colley e,

Night Editor-DAVID M. NICHOL
Outstanding among the attitudes
of those at Michigan who hold that
athletics should be rather sport
than professionali~ed spectacle is a
feeling of marked regret that with
the playing of last Saturday's game
at Cambridge our athletic relatibrns
with Harvard were formally closed.
Perhaps this feeling is akin to that
held with the passing of athletic re-
lations between Michigan and the
Navy four years back, and with the
culmination of other intersecti'onal
engagements; but we are inclined
to doubt whether this sentiment is
comparable in either degree or
unanimity with the regret now felt
at the conclusion of the Harvard
Aside from the ordinary charac-
teri~tics and benefits of intersec-
tional competition, there have been
several subtle differences between
the Harvard athletic system and

o f "Svntie'~-
-i'on fame t urned'
'n11r a ill Jbl (.ll_
Sona' ln
stray as wel as /
p sseiu On tii c
i-t1-' s o f itsC
I a ce lld its ex
hmor and chay.MAUREE-_N O0SULLAlN
"Suicng' ]My IHeart" ran? sa 1 .
" Sc _,UaIi aoYard
T'ikewvise w.ih a forein locale
b I of a.? .atir-ly differenat type,
aqiml'!unc! Lowsr's lae:t epic at the
e higan presets that star in. a
dual rng oi e psumably 1the
firra (f iGtr' in audible pictures.'
t.,ryxcolesaround two
I y cornrlex siuatio~n in which the I
r! lierturns to the forner's wife
II jcan Bennett.) Well-done mystery
cdr ar1, <-.rating lob. Bert.
hest.A ~w.~ .--. w. .}.(T. .....Ry i'?re be, anin.g at '0:1 5, the op en-
in of " lo's lild. Oat," a faree-
,", iydy ThJyU lir'I Kumrin, tie first
prodicl}crciona.:f he season by Flay
la~y :Hrodtltofl start its 7y ar
tcngl , il h lio production o
"flo~o;Wil Oat," a farc-comedy
by Glair 1 Kummer and a former
s'tarring _vcle...,for fRoand Youn.
Rch in ve:ry capriios nonsense,
°f..cio's Wild Ot.at" eli of the woes
of 1011o, the unapromising heir of
I r'ich y1;amiceathr. Rollo stubborn-
y res' ;s to hterest himself in
lC-D'ii- the 1)0 orce anlf pride of
he[]' f I? ily riie. 1-i0 israther
1 L-t'rilillO(1 tw).5(0 and ii' his 9t f-
I :.y tyhat I ho gatworld lnay
have his interpr tation of Hlalt.
T: he play relates his experience
with a group of ham.r-actors whom
'1i-; producer fllrni ;hs hin for the
?orociuction ,d particularly h is
lo,-e-a fair witil the ham-ingenue
wholt is to play Ophelia. The pro-
duction gets going b:ut s blghted
by thaeh;Ie ne:; of the di.approv-
[qn i T;ndfa)ilthe cr. Then;I Opheli
tan:, .anilt syinipat he'raly off1
ti?: sta7e1n1itopth'r they o to
thte ^I lillfat hsr to arraInge, for the
union ial narriage of the-ir two
arIts.$y y J
T'. "rtcencly formTled SChool )of
Miic Trio, whlich inciudcs Prof.
ili n F ick, violinelis, Prof.
4.vr~ossiiy B seke2rhyvliis, and
Joseph Brtiukrolan, pianist, will
make li its debut in a faculty recital,
+,; be given Sunday~ afternoonl at
, :15l li thei iV? udeSCsohn'T'heatre.
1'ret . 10 eekers.ky. who is nev, tothe
.husi" Segm this year succeeding
ba!12i uc'l ":L? ak woorias heTaof thle
4:ili c1-itnrnt. Ish; 0011prf:-
xuolm- 1v% Y35C-Y:it: ith P',f. Pi k
in prfSorrPuces of -chambr nmusiJ.
l r?_'. Er;inkme~in.before comnmg hero
- i'- . . r, yvial _ i,, sif a conside-r--
c'l;Jegsetato a a;>al5l~s iA
1O ni's no a s uSoLCC the Chicago
,yroet;=ooy. Th,,e reaton of this
T lI 1 'I p rfdicl5Cto pro)vide a
ti :first plcl;ra. 10 foll~w .



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-My Deor:::- A LL-BRAN
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that practised here at Michigan.
The Cambridge coaching staff is
probably as highly salaried as that
of any Conference school and to
many an observer all the outward
earmarks of a high-powered athlet-
ic enterprise are discernable at Har-
vard. After a per od of competition,
nowever, and especially after hav-
ing had the opportunity of viewing
the Eastern machine on its home
field, it is highly apparent that of
these prof essionalized qualities of
athletics do exist at Harvard iQn any
degree, they remain, in the wings
during the performance. The net
effect of this outward minimization
of football's commercialism was to
emphasize the direct responsibility
students and players have in man-
aging the games, the spontaneity
and virility of orthodox sport, and a
genial and unselfish regard for ath-
letic competition by administration
and undergraduates alike.
These qualities, whenever they
appear, stand out in decided con-
f--n.-Jf fn, +11o-. f-nr,- to f, rrpn n. vtiarc.

Faculty felt both an intellectual licallS
and a moral responsibility in cep- Clarea Bmw.
proximately equal proportions. Coeds.
Since that time the increase in But this isn't all. S
size of the University and the think of some more.
changing view as to what a Pr'ince--, ,'n) name, it'll appea
ton education should be have oper-* *
ated jointly to upset the balanrce Dan-iel Baxtecr,
of the two elements in this con- Sir:
ception. Enlargement of enroll- What has brcormec
ment has maeant a much wider effectiveness of yojl
divergency in the interests of the Tic-re you've been sho'
men who come here, so that great I to the worldl for wi:
numbers of graduates, go into busi- ' *5"$ :--and wha.t d
ness, law, medicine, and many all your' bravery? Wh,
other vocations. ILeterogenity of you get. 0M1-INJUST
aims among the students accounts greed of the main ofi
also for that huge superstructure Daniel-oh can I sa
of extra-curricular activities which kid, Tillotson's plot-
has grown up. A. small religious eel- hanging in a place of
Ilege has expanded into a large window of one of of
secular University. emporiums. In the
With this material expa nsion, has graced by picturcrs
gone a change in emphasis as to. the Student Council.
the University's purpose. While stirl yes it; must out which
in existence, the idea that Prfice- by the fireplace whic,
tone should inspire her sods with ed Little out of houn
ideals of unselfish servic.e has cer- job. Yes thai-s how
tainly not kept pace with the idea I have conqueredl
that the students are 1w re to (Io- new humranism, jtlso+
velop their intellectuial Dowers. 1son's horses. She tII.
"Colic-ge spirit," which mean~s the scrimmage to rem~ov
willingness to sacrifice individualI picture?

UhoCly you c:Dt
Sen-.d in your
ii l to 'e m ee l- v"
wi1ng 'IOiLtSon
taLt ho 16, i-
:Io you ghfor
at 1. r.e ? o
TICI},,,A [,i t;
bus inc s.
;ay it-..-lDan c _d'
;ul.re is no vIA
If honoi~ Y -----h
of Pn'xy <!m'!
In t1 C le f0 .
h once sin-a
Ise, bopw- i'u.
I Ca 1'1ire1 a
thev or'eiy-
:ji On, Amp
WPM V1 toin-
:1 : .. i

interest for the good of Princeton,'
has undergonc a decline, while
there is more attention pair!l to
self development t:xn ever before.
The mental discipiine of the Fourj
Course plan is much greate,,r than
that of either the seminary or i
"country club" dlays.

IDcai Nappy:
If you X1011
thing out of there i3
you art, expelled fr
her nd several I it


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