PAGE uR TUEMICHIGAN DATLY THU'RSDAY, NQVFm3ER 1v, 1930 PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1930 Published every morning except Monday duiring the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of. Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis patches credited to it or not otherwise credited to thie naper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post master General. Subscription by carrier. $4.00; by mail. $4.50, Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. May iard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Teleph one 4925 MANAGING EDITOR Chairman Editorial Board HENRY MERRY City Editor Frank E. Cooper news Editor................ Gurney Williams Editorial Director ........... Walter W. Wilds Sports Editor...............Joseph A. Russell Women's 'Editor ............ Mary L. Behymer Music, Drama, Books........ Wm. J. Gormnan Assistant City Editor ......Harold O. Warren Assistant News Editor...Charles R Sprowl Telegraph. Editor ......George A. Stauter .NIGHT EDITORS S. Beach; Conger John D. Reindel Carl S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobin David M.4Nichol H-arold 0. Warreni Sports Assistants Sheldon C Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy Robert Townsend Reporters tributes of honest sport, as evinced by Harvard and Michigan in foot- ball and track these past two years, is enough to excite an interest in the possibilities for some good in present-day competition. In our opinion the Athletic Ad- ministrations of both Harvard and Michigan could accomplish nothing better for the regilting and 'ameli- oration of sport generally than to arrange for an immediate resump- tion of athletic relations between the schools. With the results of four score years of sporadic competition behind them, and the opportunity of presenting, in classic fashion, to the country at large athletic com- petition completely removed from any indictments even made by the famous report "number 23," there is a necessity and an occasion for avoiding any mechanical hitch- es and contracting for a future home-and-home series. IN MALTHUS' STEPS. Notable progress has been made in birth control throughout. the country during the past few years in spite of constant opposition from several organized groups. Within the last year several lead- ing religious organizations, which formerly were -opposed to the move- ment, have voiced their approval of, steps to promote birth control. Last year the birth rate in the country 'was the lowest since the government has kept a completel Is this sort of thin,} to gro onin-_ definitely? Must the wishes oftiz;th-ef il student body be scorned for al- to , znn Arbor ways? Answer by Tilot'on the c Terrible ... "Yes!".....nsry _______ by Dean Rea ...Yes Indeed.t... answer by dissillusioned se;niors in body .... - (unprintabeow o rcd; YES! In case you wonder wha!. this is about, I refer to the fcap. that nothing has been done to tU e Newberry Auditorium yet. Thisj getting downright insulting, and I challenge anyone on the fa;Ultv the 13 & G Squad, or the B3oard of R~egents to a duke), a deb.t c, 0o 1 bottle of hay. t . * *1_ rAP«KE_ I 3C I am iicredibly informed .th- z ii ( .; 2)g these Faculty Won-c.v v..L1v- t durig the ni dances will bear lvokig-jpi~x 'nO,1iiA=;'om' to. My ianfornienttells m rt a t i. to"i l he arrived at ten oe'clck at $F? e zA l"rlittle4 last one, and they ac'; u il'y izui Moxi- t l the audiacity to keep 0: e dis-. < ll rn ar graceful affair going untl tonz or. HALF PAST ELEVEN! Nr-1i- 1.s imitzt ty 'Mighty! *,1k,'bn of tI a: "s re e-ts to DON'T LOOK! hu:.tzxor at t': Ref 1Oct;ionQ rhi gc(yid not ! eem1 y inea houses. At sd tose any. Arid so - WJor~ld renown- d as aconcert 31mgcfr, tenor Jobm ~eCorrnae ake . ftingat its!lkfIg 3 p tures in ths v' r~lre'al5l~s iA 1O ni's no a s uSoLCC the Chicago ,yroet;=ooy. Th,,e reaton of this T lI 1 'I p rfdicl5Cto pro)vide a ti :first plcl;ra. 10 foll~w . WANT ADS PAY! y !i WATLI NG LERCHlEN HAYES Members New York Stock Exchange Detroit Stock Exchange New York Curb (Associate) Dealers in Investment Securities Accounts Carried for Clients Mezzanine Floor FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Phones: 23221-23222 BEAUTY THAT IS ENVIED EVERYWHERE TODAY, graceful curves arc ec .4c essary to look well in the new modes. And most women can achieve these by wise dieting. But avoid starvation menus. No doubt you know girls who } complain of dizziness while diet- ing. Of headaches, listlessness. When reducing diets lack suffi- cient roughage, improper elimi- nation is inevitable. It can be prevented so easily. Just add two tablespoonfuls of Kellogg's ALL-BRAN to the diet daily. It is not fattening. Relief is guaranteed. : In addition, Kellogg's ALL- B3RAN helps prevent dietary anemia. It contains iron which brings rich color to the comn- plexion. Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. -My Deor:::- A LL-BRAN Je-oadn C awfor Improved in Texture and Taste i I that practised here at Michigan. The Cambridge coaching staff is probably as highly salaried as that of any Conference school and to many an observer all the outward earmarks of a high-powered athlet- ic enterprise are discernable at Har- vard. After a per od of competition, nowever, and especially after hav- ing had the opportunity of viewing the Eastern machine on its home field, it is highly apparent that of these prof essionalized qualities of athletics do exist at Harvard iQn any degree, they remain, in the wings during the performance. The net effect of this outward minimization of football's commercialism was to emphasize the direct responsibility students and players have in man- aging the games, the spontaneity and virility of orthodox sport, and a genial and unselfish regard for ath- letic competition by administration and undergraduates alike. These qualities, whenever they appear, stand out in decided con- f--n.-Jf fn, +11o-. f-nr,- to f, rrpn n. vtiarc. Faculty felt both an intellectual licallS and a moral responsibility in cep- Clarea Bmw. proximately equal proportions. Coeds. Since that time the increase in But this isn't all. S size of the University and the think of some more. changing view as to what a Pr'ince--, ,'n) name, it'll appea ton education should be have oper-* * ated jointly to upset the balanrce Dan-iel Baxtecr, of the two elements in this con- Sir: ception. Enlargement of enroll- What has brcormec ment has maeant a much wider effectiveness of yojl divergency in the interests of the Tic-re you've been sho' men who come here, so that great I to the worldl for wi: numbers of graduates, go into busi- ' *5"$ :--and wha.t d ness, law, medicine, and many all your' bravery? Wh, other vocations. ILeterogenity of you get. 0M1-INJUST aims among the students accounts greed of the main ofi also for that huge superstructure Daniel-oh can I sa of extra-curricular activities which kid, Tillotson's plot- has grown up. A. small religious eel- hanging in a place of Ilege has expanded into a large window of one of of secular University. emporiums. In the With this material expa nsion, has graced by picturcrs gone a change in emphasis as to. the Student Council. the University's purpose. While stirl yes it; must out which in existence, the idea that Prfice- by the fireplace whic, tone should inspire her sods with ed Little out of houn ideals of unselfish servic.e has cer- job. Yes thai-s how tainly not kept pace with the idea I have conqueredl that the students are 1w re to (Io- new humranism, jtlso+ velop their intellectuial Dowers. 1son's horses. She tII. "Colic-ge spirit," which mean~s the scrimmage to rem~ov willingness to sacrifice individualI picture? UhoCly you c:Dt Sen-.d in your ii l to 'e m ee l- v" wi1ng 'IOiLtSon taLt ho 16, i- :Io you ghfor at 1. r.e ? o TICI},,,A [,i t; bus inc s. ;ay it-..-lDan c _d' ; is no vIA If honoi~ Y -----h of Pn'xy