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November 11, 1930 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-11

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7 ...

'T Notreame TopsGrid
EXT 1TI ea rs Still Unbeaten
SIr (Continued from Page 6)
to meet before the close of her sea-
--- son, Northwestern and Southern
California, who have been treatinfg
Yearlings to Meet Physical Ed. their opponents in a high-handed
Team in Annual Battle as manner most of the season.
Season's Work Ends. Three of the select group of con-
querors, Marquette, Fordham, and
Oregon, turned in unexpected low
LOOK FOR CLOSE GAME scores to keep their slates c le a n
saturday. Their opponents were
Coach Ray Fisher's freshmen downed with visible efforts that sur-
football gridders were divided into prised all followers of the national
three groups during yesterday's race and detracted no little glory
sfrom their outwardly unblemished
session, with Coach ~osterbaan records. These can hardly be taken
taking one set for instruction in as indications of downfall though,
Minnesota plays, Coach Courtright for these teams have passed the
teaching another group Western harder parts of their schedules for
State plays, and Fisher directing this year.
the remaining men through a work- "Utah, Washington State, and Ala-
out in anticipation of the ap- bama, however as the respective



proaching game with the Physica
Education team.
Practice Ends Tuesday.
The yearlings meet their arch-'
rivals the Physical Eds., next Wed-_
nesday afternoon, and their work-
outs will be directed from now on
with that end in view. Tuesday of
next week will mark the last prac-
tice session that the first year men
will hold. Just how Fisher's charges
will fare in the approaching con-
test is problematical, as the Phys-
ical Eds., have several men of high
caliber. Whether the stars on the
latter squad can offset the all-
round balance of the yearlings is
a question which must remain in
doubt until next week's meeting.
The squad as a whole has shown9
considerablesimprovement o v e r
their early season play. They were
well grounded in fundamental
work with the tackling, blocking,
and charging, being handled in a
much more satisfactory manner1
than when practice was first called.
The select set of players that ,was
grouped into a first-string squad at
the start of practice sessions has
remained practically unchanged,
and these are the men that must
be regarded as potential varsity
material next year.
Prepare for ame.
As much time as possible will be'
spent from now on in equipping
the freshman team with plays forI
use in next week's encounter and1
generally polishing off the attackl
and defense. The fact that the
yearlings are used to demonstrate1
rival plays to the varsity handicapsY
Fisher somewhat in his plans, but I
on the other hand these rival plays1
may be converted into such a shape
that they canbe used against the
Physical Eds.
Wolverines Try Plays
for Minnesota Game
(Continued from Page 6)
ing no trouble gaining groundf
against the Jayvees.
The second string lineup was
made up of Cox and Sikkenga,
ends; Purdom and Richardson,
tackles; Douglass and ehman,1
guards; Morgan, center; Tessmer,
quarterback; Wills and DeBaker,
halves, and Goldsmith, full. -
With the day of rest folowing a
regular game over, the Varsity
eleven is expected to start in'
earnestntoday to prepare for the !
invasion of Minnesota. U p o n l
this game will depend Michigan's
chances for at least a tie for the'
title, as the Chicago game the fol-
lowing wek should not be hard for
the Wolverines.
A. 1.Cooch
Quality & Service
Shoe Repairing
1109 South University
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Dealers in

'eaders in the Rockies, on the west-
e:; coast, and in the South, came
through in smashing and decisive
style to hold their heads above the
clouds of defeats and ties.

CourtCs Defeats Young tHTakeTInn. Forest Ave. near South
GortsDeeasYon t Tk *Ilb\L ~Ii~1~h~ Il University. IC
First in His Bracket. (Continued From Page 6) Univrty. iC
-_is a mystery, but the fact remains ;___TUTORING by Tommie Mack in
Play in the all-campus tennis that he would shoot out of a Large Squad of Candidates Will Frosh History number 11. 310
tournament has reached the final seemingly impossible tangle to be Given Initial Test o. State. Phone 7927. 12345C
stages with Courtis the surviving twist and dodge his way up the fYe ThuTYPEWRITERS SOLD, RENTED
participant in his side of the brac- field toward the Harvard goal. o ear ursday. AND REPAIRED.
ket Curts ove itothe final Wheeler's punting throughout the The Frosh-Varsity wrestling meet S TT SLATER'S INC.
ket. Courtis moved into ST.eDIL 381
round with a victory in his match game was satisfactory as well but TS.STATESTERI
with Young. a was tsde tsiythat l ' originally scheduled for Friday, Nov. 561234(2)C
On the other s le of the bracket, ants were most forcefully brought 14, has been set ahead to Thursday
Phelps sprung a mild upset when he to the notice of the easterner2. Nov. 13. The meet will start about WANTED
defeated Wilcox who had been3iud-
making a fine showing in the tourn- Gains were few and far be- :I
ament, in straight sets, 7-5, 7-5. twe :n around his side of the ing and will be open to anyone WANTED -Dance orchestra for
Tivitrwishing to attend. Nov. 22. .Please call 5618.
This victory places Phelps in the field, and he was ever on the Coach Don Donahue of the Var..
semi-final round. MacNeal is also alert for passes. His tackling C xctsD o hae ot 3AN
out in the lead thus far with a win was hard and sure, which sity expects to have about 35 WANTED to buy Tuxedo. Size 39
over Selzer, 6-3, 7-9, 10-8. This brings to mind coments heard i iratches m all, which will give him or 40. Phone 3873. 123
match is only li the quarter-final, around the press box at Sol- look his squad over in competition. WANTED--Passenger to assist in
In the doubles play, two teams! diers Field in connection with A series of similar meets are plan- driving for trip to Chicago and
are out in front thus far in the the Wolverine tackling. Sports A s previous to the opening Confer- return this week end. Phone
quarter-final round. Dale and Baus writers from all over the east en meet sometime in January.- e- 4492.
and the other doubles duet of Young were gathered for the game, has a generous supply of material
and Hare are still maintaining the and almost without exception' with which to work including six IFOR RENT
lead. said that the Maize and Blue Ith men fo l r. ncludmg six _OR RENT
-tackling was the best they hiad letter men from last year.
tcklg ywar.s th bes ty hay The Freshman squad under coach I SOUTHEAST SECTION - 5-room
seen all year. Be that as it may, Otto Kelly is reported to be more fiat, with garage if desired.
Wheeler deserves special men- than ordinarily strong and expects Handy to schools and city bus
:ral N ej ton for his play. to give the Varsity grapplers a real lines. Phone 4023. 234561
Coach Kipke has taught his men test.
to hit hard, and the Harvard boys Some of those expected to com- FOR SALE
really knew that they had been in pose the Varsity group are: McGil-__
a ball game when the final whistle lard. Segwart, G. Dunstan, Otto, GRAPES-Grape juice, California
Upsilon vs. Alpha Phi Delta. At was blown. The Crimson eleven was Cortez, Hill, H. Dunstan, Bennett, grape juice and sweet cider. Call
8:30, Sigma Chi vs. Beta Sigma Psi, playing the best game it has shown Sutton, Chapman, Shankland, Dig- 9534 6-12345
by, Gans, isoW6lamo,1n2345__________
Lambda Chi Alpha vs. Phi Kappa all year, last Saturday, but the play y, ,Wilson, Willamson, An
Psi, and Phi Beta Delta vs. Tau of the invaders was just a bit too derson, Gordon, Routson, Reif, Pow- LOST
Delta Phi. hard for them to weather. Passes ers, Tyler, Bauss, Matakie, and
were their one resort after they Grinnell. LOST-Phi Eta Sigma key Satur-
SWIMMING, found that the Michigan line was °_-
Four teams will open the fra- about as soft as a stone wall, but
ternity swimming competition at their overhead attack was not
the Intramural pool tonight at 7:30. quite good enough to stop the
Alpha Chi Rho is paired with Nu Wolves from making it two in a
Sigma Nu while Chi Psi meets Delta row over them.
Sigma Phi. The teams will compete~vI
in five events including the 25-yard However Wooe's tosses were a
free style, 25-yard backstroke, 25- constant threat, and one mo-
ctirok divi a d ment of uncertaintw k

Dory ermann,4714. 72
Lawrence. I
LOST-One rhine stone evening
purse containing key to Packard
car. Phone 4418. 61



Activities of the Intramural de-
partment reach mid-season propor-
tions today, when events are sched-
uled in almost every division. The
feature event of the day will be
annual Armistice day cross country
run which wil start at 4:30 this
afternoon. The meet will be an all-
Campus competition event.
Over thirty men have signed up
thus far for the start of the three
mile runwhich starts from in front
of the Ferry field stands and ends
at the University golf course. Fresh-
man Coach Ted Hornberger will
act as starter for the Intramural
department with Coach Chuck'
Hoyt of the Varsity hariers acting
as referee.
At 4:15 this afternoon the first
of the series of consolation matches
in fraternity speedball division will
be played with the "Sigma Alpha
Mu team meeting Theta Xi. A cup
is to be awarded the series winner,
but no points are given. The fresh-
man engineers will play the sopho-
more lits in the only other speed-
ball game scheduled today.
Phi Lambda Kappa will open the
fraternity volleball play tonight
with the Triangle team at 7:30.
Kappa Delta Rho is scheduled to
play Phi Gamma Delta also at this
time. At 8:30, Theta Xi plays Phi
Kappa Phi while Alpha Omega' is
entertaining Alpha Tau Omega.
Fraternity handball competition
will get under way for the season
tonight when twelve teams go into
action. This tournament is a
straight elimination tournament
with each fraternity entering a
team of four men, playing two
singles games and one duet in a
daubles affair.
Thepairings for tonight's play
Sat 7:30 are: Pi Lambda Phi vs. Tau


y C4 A V a *.lid ULflS IS , U1 V11r 45 LJU A.bAJA..
team relay. More than forty teams
have entered the competition this
year. Phi Kappa Psi is the record
holder from last season.
Oklahoma 'U' Cancels
Kansas Gridiron Tilt
(By Associated 1Pres)
NORMAN, Okla., Nov. 10.-Ap-
proving the stand taken by Dean S.
W. Reaves, Oklahoma faculty rep-
resentative, at a Big Six meeting a
week ago, the University of Okla-
homa athletic council has decided
to cancel its 1931 homecoming
football game with Kansas univer-
sity here next November.
Four of the Big Six faculty rep-
resentatives decided not to sched-
ule additional athletic contests
with Kansas, after considering
charges of subsidization of ath-
letes, made against the school.

to cost Michigan the game. In
fact it almost did in the third
quarter when Wood passed to
Iluguley for what appeared to
he a sure score. Huguley was in
the open, but Newman and
Simrall caught up with him and
threw him on the 25-yard line.
It was this pass which put the
ball in position for Wood to
make his third, and only
successfuldropkick attempt.
Again in the final period Mays
passed to Wood over the goal
line, with the latter missing the
ball by less than an inch.
Michigan surprised Harvard in
the first quarter by plling a fake
punt which ended up in a pass to
Sol Hudson. This pass completed
for a very substantial gain, but the
officials called it back and ruled
that the Wolverines were off side
on the play. Michigan appeared to
be getting the bad breaks on the
decisions all afternoon.


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Of 51 men in our Training School -
26 had their attention directed to the inve
business by friends or relatives
20 decided to investigate it on their own inn
T is a tribute to the investment business does not fit, or one that ho
that so large a part of those entering it tunities, he must begin a
do so at the suggestion of older and more and fovi a staldi'g start,
experieniced heads. It is no less significant It will pay you to knot
that an increasing number of alert, active- different occupations asj
minded college men are choosing this field you go out to find your firs
as a result of their own initiative, what different occupatic
Both are as they should be. When a what they offer. Among o
young man enters a business or profession, the investment business asa
he makes an important investment of his We shall be glad to hel]
time and energies. Those early years may our extensive experienc
give him the momentum to carry him writing and distributione
through a successful career. If, on the other for investment, we have p
hand, he wakes up after several years to let of special interest to col
the fact that he has chosen a business that The Boid Business. Write



\. ,/



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)' \1




as limited oppor-
ll over again-
w as much about
possible. Before
-st position, kn :u
ns require and
thers, investigate
a possible career.
p you. Based on
e in the under-
of sound bonds
prepared a book-
lege men, called
e for a copy.

r W Y g t E' r .". ',t+
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.I1 I aul .s.

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