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November 11, 1930 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-11

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TtT T EP,, 11, 1930




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Roberts of Georgia Tops Backs


and far west-these four ball carriers are among the leading point makers
first time this year as high scorers. They are Leonard Macaluso, Colgate;
The other is Captain John Kitzmiller, Oregon university veteran, who is

Representing all sections of the country - east, south, mid-west,
on the gridiron this fall. Three of these men are tasting fame for the
"Wild Bill' O'Neill, University of Detroit; and Jack Roberts, Georgia.
close behind these ball toters in the race for scoring honors.

Eight Major Grid Teams Retain
Unblemished Records.
With Notre Dame as their spec-
tacular leader in Saturday's game
the eight major undefeated and un-
tied football elevens of the country
came through the week end without
a single loss to their ranks although
several of the individual contests
were surprisingly close.
Of this number of the more im-
portant leather-toting aggregations,
the Middle West and the Far West
each furnish three while the othe:-
two are divided between the East
and the South. The undefeated and
not eve atied teams remaining are
Notre Dame, Northwestern, Mar-
quette; Washington State, Oregon,
Utah, ordham, and Alabama.
Notre Dame claims the center of
attraction now but it has two of
the toughest teams in the country
(Continued on Page 7)

ide line Chatter 1

Probably the most surprising
performance of the'game last Sat-
urday at Cambridge was given by
Michigan's right halfback, Jack
Wheeler. Wheeler after making a
regular berth for himself in the
Wolverine backfield in his senior
year has been playing consistently
good football all season, but has
not excited comment. He has been
a steady player, always to be de-
pended upon to gain a few yards,
but has never done anything of a
spectacular nature which would
stamp him as an outstanding star.
However against the Crimson,
Wheeler came into his own.
Slashing and driving his way
through the opposition, the
rangy back ripned off gain
after gain, and as a constant
ball-carrying threat. During the

advance down the field which
netted Michigan's lone touch-
down, Wheeler played a stellar
role. He carried the ball on two
of the four plays which ac-
counted for three first downs,
and made two of these himself.
On the others he was right in
the middle of the pile taking
out the Crimson players to
clear the path for his team-
Apparently stopped behind the
line for a loss, Wheeler would slip
away and advance the ball any-
where from five to fifteen yards
ahead of where he had started.,
How he missed being brought to
earth by the eager Harvard tacklersl
(Continued on Page 7)

Basketball Court Installation
Completed for Practice.
Work will begin in earnest for the
Wolverine basketball team next
week, when it starts to practice on
the floor thD.t has been placed in
Yost Field House. The regular bas-
ketball court was installed in the
Field House over the week end, and
jwill be ready for the cagers soon.
'The Miehigan team has b e e n
working out every evening at the
Intramural building under the di-
rection of Coaches George Veenker
and Cappie Cappon. Prospects point
to a good team that will Dossess in
speed and deceptiveness what it
lacks in height. Several men are
] expected to report from the football

(By Associated Press) Rus Rebholz Takes Scoring Lead
NEW YORK, Nov. 10.-As Novem- in Western Conference
ber, football's final big month, got With 43 Points.
under way three of the backs lead-'_
ing the nine major groups in scor- BAKER HAS 38 MARKERS
ing had blasted their way into big
headlines for the first time thiLa (d> hs Press)
year. CHICAGO, Nov. 10.-Rus Reb-
They were Leonard Macalusa of holz, Wisconsin haliback, today
Colgate, who had run down eastern was out in front in the Big Ten
teams for 106 points; Jack "Ripper" individual foot ball scoring contest,
Roberts of Georgia, who had ripped with a total of 43 points.
up Yale and the South to the tune Rebholz, operating against South
of 72 points, and "Wild Bill" O'Neill, Dakota State College, added 17
scorer of 60 points on Detroit uni- points to his total to displace
versity's mid-west opposition. Frank Baker, Northwestern end.
Macaluso is a senior at Colgate. Baker played only a few minutes
He is playing his second year of against Indiana and had no op-
varsity football, but last year it was portunity to catch passes for scores.
all Les Hart up around the Hamil- Figures on the leaders, giving the
ton, N. Y., school. number of. games played in, touch-
The 195-pound fullback this sea- downs, field goals and total points
son, however, by thunderous drivesifol1OW
at the line has managed to shade;Rebhmlz.
Hart, a brilliant triple-threat man. Player Team G. Td. Pat. Td.
Jack "Ripper" Roberts, Georgia Rebholz, Wis.....6 5 13 43
fullback, is playing his first regular i Baker, N. W...6 6 2 38
year of football. Last season as a I Russell, N.' W. .... 4 6 0 36
sophomore he understudied Benny Wheeler, Mich. .. .5 4 0 24
Rothstein. Schneller, Wis. .4 4 0 24
Roberts not only is a plunging, Oman, Wis......5 4 0 24
tearing fullback, but in addition is1Rentner, N W. 5 4 0 24
the "sparkplug" of the Georgia -- -
team. Coach Harry Mehre sends Charges of Marriage
him in at the critical moment to
give tone and "inspiration" to the en e by Joe avo i
Georgia offense.
William A. "Wild Bill" O'Neill got (Vy Associated Press)
in several games last year for De- ( SOUTH BEND, Ind., Nov. 10.-
troit, but was classed as a substi- Just what effect the reported and
tue. O'Neill literally has run away denied divorce suit of Joe Savoldi,
with every Detoit game this year. fullback, would have if any on the
Mid-west sports writers call him Notre Dame University backfield,
"touchdown crazy." He is a fast was subject of speculation here to-
175-pounder, day.
Oneveteran, however, is hot on Savoldi, stellar fullback for the
the heels of these upstarts. John Ramblers, denied after his team's
Kitzmilier of Oregon university had victory over the University of
dashed to fourth place among the Pennsylvania Saturday that he had
Shigh scorers, with 58 points when ibeen married or had instituted a
these boys took the lead. divorce suit here.
1 Kitzmiiler last season was the star Asked regarding statements by
of the Oregon team. This year he City Judge A. W. Hosinski that he
has proved so valuable that Dr.Ehad filed g suit for divorce Fri-
Clarence Spears has built his attack day for Savoidi and had with-
t completely around Kitz for the re- j drawn it Saturday, Savoldi said:
I iaining. games.!"l,
t nnThe who .c thing is news to me."
Wj2 $0g~
' L e


'fil BkJIHd iemMI¢$ P i fij-I-l-- l IIIII II- 11111I IllI i lI I IIIIIIIIII!
7"The Down Town Store for Michigan Men"
White S1irt
These shirts are for the man who wants a fine shirt at
a moderate price. They are well tailored of very fine _
broadcloth in both collar attached and detached styles-.
All sizes.
3 for $7.00 r
We feature the Trump, by This popular material, in a
Arrow,--a fine broadcloth w e11 tailored shirt, by
Arow', axcpton6
shirt that is styled like the m A wowans an e it a
apvalue at this price. We
most expensive shirt. All stock all sizes in both collar
sizes in both attached and attached and detached
detached collars. styles. -
$1.95 $1.95
33 for $5.75 3 for 5.75

6t ' toy

j 1HE man who's making his
'M. A." as well as the man
who's making the team-the
fellow whose foot-work is from
class to class as well as the
bright boy who can foot it in
10 seconds flat-any one or all
of them stand a good chance
of having that ringworm in-
fection commonly known as
"Athlete's Foot." In fact, 50%
of the men in universities as
widely separated as those of
Pennsylvania and California
have caught it, according to
authoritative reports. "At least
half of all adults suffer from
it at some time," according t
the U. S. Public Health SetVice.
The symptoms vary, but all
are traceable to one germ,
tinea trichophyton by xa nc.
Sometimes it starts with redness
between theioes and i-t-cb-i-i-g.
Again, tiny blisters appear; or
it may show i f in a thick,
moist skin condilion; or (I ryn e0
with little scales.
It lurks in the very paccz
where we all go for cleanlinaes

and lealb-on the edges of
f n o> and showers-
inlgymnIiam~is-Onllocker- and
drc.aivra floors. in spite
of 'od n s _ ation (you have
to boil socV; 15 minutes to kill
it) tbis ft eg:o parasi e infects
and c-j ,;i hare feet almost
any tic they come in contact
"ith dap acthe
v.ikAnv)m Jr~i. kh
[grm (4
C7 ." T F 'S F O O T "19
Tes. in a fi s New York
"lab" have revealed that
^ 'sorbi no. eiietrates flesh-
S1v 1e",py adr that
wLerevn e£rates, itILLS
ihe ringwe Og errn.
f not be a Lad idea to
ex imnm y 'o r rct tonight. At
t~eu~. ~~';e{ vie symptom3
iandy in
La nfve. Use
rc of bare
- ieeon dap lors At all
ss. . . oun
Inc. Sprng~ild, Mas


Sold exclusively in Ann Arbor

s oil) f0b I X A 10 11- --A

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