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November 05, 1930 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-05

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a ww wp

Seniors and Freshmen

Win Opening Interclass

Hockey Games

W IN y::..:.,..: ~~~~~~~~Mes IT R ER.. :y".: I B Tembers of Faculty and Sorority Detroit Yacht club.
Patronesses Are Honored Delta Delta Delta to Entertain Pat
D D D to Entertain Patronesses.
at Duers-Delta Delta Delta will give a
JUNIORS Y4IOOPegasus to Take patroness dinner on Wednesday at
Into Organization. Tomorrow Socialactivities of the sororities the chapter house. The guests will
Organization omorrow have been varied this week, due be; Dean and Mrs. Edward Kraus,
Senior Team Defeats Freshman at Meeting. to the absence of any particular Mrs. Carl Braun, Prof. and Mrs.
Academics in OpeningGROUP --- event, such as a football game, to Thomas Read, .Mr. and Mrs. Hora-
GROUPWILL PLAN RIDES occasion special parties. However, tio Abbot, Dr. and Clifford Woodey,
Game of Season. the usual fall pledge teas and Mrs. Arnold Gaus, and Mrs. John '
Pegasus will hold its first meet- dances have been taking place, to- Brumm.
PLAY AGAIN THURSDAY ing at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon gether with faculty dinners and Members of Zeta Tau Alpha sor-
entertainments in honor of the
in the office of the Women's At l sorority patronesses, making the ority will give a patroness tea on
Class Teams Selected by Long letic association in the League program of social functions as full Wednesday. The guests will be;
Process of Elimination * uilding according to an announce- as ever. Mrs. Lowell Carr, Mrs. Robert
Before Games. . : :'=? . ment by Frances Beuthien, '31, Delta Gamma is giving a formal Rse MrHus ey,Crs. Royf eAlpn rs
..chairman of riding on the W. A. A. faculty dinner tonight for the fol- Mrs. Wm. A Paton, Mrs. Ralph
Two hard fought hockey games Executive Board. lowing guests: Dean John R. Effin- Sawyer, Mrs. Frank Stevens, and
(pened the interclass hockey season gEleti of ocers and a general r and Mrs. Effinger, Professor Mrs. James Hodges.
yestrdayaftenoo. Th junoreognztion f offi thes cluba willalArthur E. Boak and Mrs. Boak,K
yestrda afernon.The unir *'x're-rgaizaton f te cub illProfessor Albert R. Crittenden and K appa Delta Gives Pledge Formal.
team played the freshman majors, take place at this meeting, and Mrs. Crittenden, Professor John F. The active members of Kappa
the score being 4 to 0 in favor of Assocated Press Photo those who are considering joining, Shepard and Mrs. Shepard, Pro- Delta gave a formal dance in honor
the freshmen. A second game was Mrs. Silas Newton, as well as old members, are invited fessor O. J. Campbell and Mrs. of their pledges last Friday night.
between the seniors and the Although married to a multi- to attend. Membership in Pegasus Campbell Professor Aubrey Tealdi Decorations for the party were
is open to anyone interested in and Mrs. Tealdi, Professor Calvin suitable for the Hallowe'en season.
freshman academics, the seniors millionaire is continuing her work riding, and upon payment of the O. Davis and Mrs. Davis, Professor Tonight Kappa Delta is entertain-
taking an easy victory from the on a New York City newspaper as yearly dues, any woman student Arthur S. Alton and Mrs. Alton. ing six rushees at dinner. White
freshmen by a score of 10 to 0. one of the few woman sport's can join. Mother's Club Entertained at Tea. roses and green tapers will deco-
The senior-freshman academic writers of this country This year W. A. A. has been spon- Alpha Delta Pi entertained the rate the table.
game was marked by good offensive soring Sunday morning rides, which members of the Mothers club at
playing on the part of the seniors,I will also include Pegasus when the tea last Monday afternoon. Queen Marie Presents
while the freshmen exhibited a IOWA INSTRUCTO latter is organized. Moon-light e t t t e d Q
weak and ,not well organized de- GT r is oraned Moon-ight Delta Zeta gave their pledge tea Picture to Colorado
fense. The outstanding players on GIVES DIET ADVICE rides will be arranged if sufficient last Thursday afternoon. Tonight
the senior team were Katherine - interest is shown. Besides the regu- they are giving a rushing dinner for Her Majesty, Queen Marie of
Sitterly, Nell Hagedorn, and Helen Sensible Schedule of Activities har rides, Pegasus gives a Horse ten guests. Fall flowers and leaves Rumania presented the University
ofShow every spring, which includes Rarento formethe decorations.t
Moore. Oliveawasta forwa Recommended for Women. drills, and stunts for skilled horse- Kappa Kappa Gamma honored of Colorado with the 'famous "Ma-
and Betty Cady, in the backfield, -men their pledges with a formal dance donna and Child" by Veroccio. It
played an excellentgame for the Miss Elisabeth Halsey, who has All women interested in joining last Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. was an Alinari print mounted on
open game, very few penalties being returned to the University of Iowa, Pegasus are asked to call Frances John Bradfield and Mrs. L. C. wood and done in soft blues and
imposed. where she is a professor of physical Beuthien at 7881. Doggett were chaperons. gold. The back was inscribed by the
The freshman majors proved to education, after spending a year Members of Pi Beta Phi were donor. Queen Marie was well enter-
be a strong offensive and defensive anda af s a ye Woman Notary Public entertained by the Detroit Alumnae tained by the women students
team Corinne Fries played a good a half as a member of the at luncheon on Saturday at the while she was there.
game innthe backfield while Ruth physical education faculty at the Appointed by Tulane
Kuntz and Helen Brenner upheld University of Michigan, says that Tulane University, New Orleans,
the honor of the class in the for- sensible reduction of weight can be hasurecently had a woman ap-/ X$ .50
ward line. This team showed the achieved by following a carefully pointed as her only notary-public.
result of more practice getr balanced program of diet and a She is a senior in the Law school Shampoo, Finger Wave; Arch Marcel, SPECIAL
speedy attack. sane schedule of activity, in Tulane, and her services have Manicure, Facial, Hot Oil
Dorothy Birdzell was the out- Miss Halsey recommends partici- been solicited eagerly by all the Any AnyAny
standing player in the backfield for pation in outdoor sports as one of citizens. One 50C yTwo75C Thre N$1 Exa
the junior team, the best methods. "In the winter, 201 E._Waveoln" System
The class teams have been hikes of several miles, daily are 201 E Liberty St. , Phone 23414
selected by a process of elimination, most valuable, with skiing and
weeks of practice having preceeded skating at intervals. But after____ ________ __ _____ ___ __
the opening game. There: are 15 vigorous exercise in bracing cold, - - - -
members on each class team, the weather, beware of catering too FRATERNITY JEWELRY PARTY FAVORS
freshmen having two teams, the generously to a large appetite,"
majors, those taking the physical warns Miss Halsey.
education course, and the acad- Only reducing exercises whichAouS
emics, those enrolled in the literary are prescribed by an expert should your iverit ca CARL F. BAY
school. The second games of the be used, acording to Miss Halsey, reer ifyou are able t
season will be played Thursday. since they are the only ones who type your own notes, JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST
possess the knowledge of anatomy notes will be much full- Nickels Arcade
W "dand the mechanics of muscle action er if you take thedrin
ashington Suents necessary for this purpose. Michigan students have
Keep House in Cottage "The national mania for weight learned typewriting and--
reduction is one of the severest shorthand at Hamilton
Women at the University of worries of the family physician," have used it to earn
Washington have discovered that says Miss Halsey, "for by institut- money on the side or
during vacation. You
their higher learning may be put ing radical diet schedules and by will also find it very
into practical use. Three women too strenuous physical activity, valuable in your career
students are learning how to keep bodily health of many women has after graduation.
house in one of the cottages there, been impaired." Typewriting Owners Are Enthusiastic!
and are applying their knowledge While at Michigan, in addition to
of home economics to their work. teaching classes in physical educa- Shorthand
The interests of the women are tion, Miss Halsey coached interclass ACCOUnting
also turned towards costume de- athletics, and worked for her Ph.D.
sign, degree in Education. Secretarl
mimtll[InlIIisIIi11i11l11 tiuuumummmmullnmTraining
To place your orders for Personal CHRISTMAS Cards and Stationery. HAMILTON
Avoid that last minute rush and disappointment. BUSINESS
Excellent selections now available, Unique, New, Voguish, Smart COL EG
State and William Streets
'd lllf ll ll ill111 Ii ll ll lliilit 9 11111111l111I111|11!1|111111 1 11 11lllili lll11 111111 I -_ __

On sale now and Mrs. S. Butler, 12706 Fournier Avenue, Detroit, says
"This is my second ELECTROCHEF. We took the first to
You W ill Soon Sat. thesummer cottage. I like the range very much and am
Nov. 8. "We are perfectly satisfied."
sGalosh es"sel"i" ngsev e"ral rs. A. Burstrom, 208 W. Davison Avenue, Detroit, says:
styles of new Fall I like the ELECTROCHEF more each day and am 'having
very good results. Everything is just spenlJ. nd I cannot
f ootwea r at this praise the range too highly. The cooking cost is normal."
And we have them for low price.
AvfpMiss Lily Park, 4572 Allendale Avenue, Detroit, says:
you. All heels, lined or TIES "I am simply in love with the ELECTROCHEF electric
range! Food tastes so much better, and I baked a cake
unlined, and all of the .STRAPS that was the nicest I ever made. I am so proud of the
betult. ihrsap~P M Srange that I show it to everyone.
best quality. Hither snap i! / ' PUMPS "s'*''*'* *r**' " - *
or slide fastener. *A study of 500 homes showed that the cooking cost with the
^^ , ELECTROCHEF range averages 64 cents a person per month.
., Please send me the free illustrated booklet describing the
ELECTROCHEF Electric Range-"Modern Cooking with ELEC-
- ' iTROCHEF."
11 1 Pf AE..........................................

University Women |
to Hear Karpinski
Talk on In'do-China
"Prospecting In Indo-China" will
be the topic of a talk to be given
by Robert Kaminski, '26, before the
American Association of University
Women at a meeting to be held
at 8 o'clock, Nov. 11, at the home
of Mrs. Edwin C. Goddard, 1212
Hill street. A meeting was at first
called for Nov. 8, but was post-
poned until Nov. 11.
Mr. Karpinski -has been in the
employ of a French company in-
specting the mineral resources of
French Indo-China since his grad-

Representatives to Meet With
League Committee.
Social chairmen of all sororities
and dormitories are meeting this
afternoon at 5 o'clock in the League
building. This discubsion is being
held at the request of the League
social committee, who will meet
with the representatives from the
Under the new plan initiated by
the committee this year, this group
will 'be working directly with the
various social chairmen of the
houses in giving all League parties.

Observatory Custom Made Hat
and Beauty, Shoppe

All New Merchandise

New York's latest idea.
All felt hats cut to the head while you wait.
Any model copied for you in any color.
Finest quality Wool Felts, $2.95.
REGULAR $5.00 at $2.95.

Latest Ideas

Miss Madeline Raub


Shampoo and Finger Wave
.Shampoo and Marcel
We specializei
Phone 23575

. Monday and Tuesday only... 75c
Rest of week..............$1.00
Permanents ...........$5.0 0up
in natural curl permanents
Open evenings until 9;00


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at slight cost

You do get lonesome occasionally, don't you?
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To cure that homesick feeling, use the Long
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Long Distance rates are surprisingly low,
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You can call the following points from Ann
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Port Huron
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