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November 04, 1930 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-04

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,rrTrtom A,'% XTf 'L 1l RtS7'1"* A 'I AOA

aAE WOTT aMT t. avn it . thwTT VaF l I a TU A qS331*

AY, NOV '1-D'E- , 11230

Ander Inc.
9'he flans Shop
North Unvmlty
In honor of this
event we are of-
fering for the
entire day and
2 0 Shirts'
3.Oo Sirts
n three grougs
95c $1.45 $1.95

'UNIVERSITY BLOCK'( ' mes Cellar Hides Co
e~noreWhat's Of Cast-off1P

rops Used in Past Plays

NIUR L V ILL Uru only b ant by J. G. upon a time comprised beautiful
It's only a basement under anI rose arbors under which demureI
An funcouth looking building and it's maidens awaited the return of
f iifilled with all sorts of odds and their militant lovers. There are
I ends of things.e tables and chairs fron "Bad Man"
STheatvers. There are chairs and tables and and gothic windows from "Cotton
Goodyears To Open Novel Store L- trunks and piano stools and even Stockings." There is a lamp postj
PyW e tueL;ydi"a nde"A h ---Episode,' MimeEbushes and trees growingsideways from "Seventh Heaven" and wagon,
RnbyWoen C Students rJones"ntatinand upside down. This conglomora- wheels from the gypsy caravan of
Will Sell Clothing. jPresentations. gpycrvno
I-Majestic - "The Eyes of the tlon of furniture, trappings and "Tambourine."
World," by Harold Bell Wright. misplaced plants must mean some- And then there is the bar from
KEYERS START 6TH YEAR Michigan - "Monte Carlo" with thing. It does. I's the cast-oft props "Seventh Heaven," remaining intact'
Jeannette MacDonald. end scenery that Mimes has stored and forming quite a contrast to
Ann Arbor Savings Bank Shows Wuerth - "Girl of the Golden n the cellar of its erstwhile the bar that was used in last year's
West" with Ann Harding. theater. play "Ten Nights in a Barroom."
Newsturnshi There arc chairs and tables that This wooden relic of the good old
Modern Banks. Organizations. Anna Christie sprawled over in the days has been converted into a
- --Junior Research club - Meeting play Mimes produced about three number of doors to be used in Play
Six business firms occupying store at 7 o'clock tonight in room 21k, years ago. And there are dust- Production's "Rollo's Wild Oat,"!
rooms in the North University busi- Natural Science building. jcovered Chinese lanters that furn- the vehicle which makes its debutj
ness block, on North University ave- Mummers-Second tryouts at 4 ished lumination in the garden a week from Wednesday.j
nue between State street and Thay- o'clock this afternoon in the Cave scenes of "Tickled to Lath," the Oh, it's only a dank and dismalj
er street, will hold formal openings of the League building. Michigan Union opera of 1924. cellar but it holds a treasure chest
of their establishments from 7 un- Faculty Women's club - Play Then there are the massive gold of sentimentalities ;and relics of
til 9 o'clock tomorrow night. Four I reading section meeting at 2:30 stairs that 38 chorus men danced some of the campus' most colorful
of the companies are opening new o'clock this afternoon in the lobby and pranced on during the ensem- activities.
stores while two others have re- of the Lydia Mendelssohn theater. ble scenes of the opera, "Front
modeled and enlarged their former Michigan Dames-Meeting at 8 Page Stuff." Other staircases are D
quarters. o'clock tonight in the League build- in the basement. too. They rest on no sussesJapan
The Quarry, Inc., drug and pre- ing. the floor and rise to nowhere in At Lane Hall Meeting
scription store at thie corner of - particular.
State street and North University, fortable while looking over the Eight or ten chairs from the "With the increase of American
has doubled iAs floor space, having stock. artists' interior scene of "Cotton demand, modern machinery and
taken over the room formerly occu- 1Many alternations have been Stockings" are tumbled about in methods are coming into use in
pied by Rider's Pen shop. made in the University branch of a corner of the basement. Student Japan with an increasing rate,"
The chief improvement of the the Ann Arbor Savings Bank. The artists sat on those chairs and drew Katsutosh Ando, '31E, stated in his
new place of business is the in- lobby has been widened more than incongruous pictures of semi-nude speech on "Japan, the American
creased room for the display of sur- two feet through arrangement of women, trapeze performers and Market" Sunday afternoon before
gical instruments and various ther- fixtures and modern type cashier overfat cats during their scene, the international forum in Lane
apeutib devices that have formerly cages have been installed. E They could draw what they wanted. hall.
been available at the store but have A new cash vault and a new safe ' They did. Japan started trading with the
been stored where they were not deposit vault are located at the j Near the artist chairs are four United States in 1868, he said. Pre-
easily shown. In addition to the back of the first floor. The safe tables, all that is left of the equip- vious to this the Japanese had been
show room, which was increased by ; deposit vault, is under a time lock. ment of the opera "The Same to satisfied to produce articles only
1100 square feet, the prescription Two hundred fifty boxes have been You, a Mimes success of a few for their personal use and to live
department has been enlarged to added and room is available for 250 years ago. And right near is a trick according to a low standard of!
four times its former capacity, so more. The vault also has a Good- cabinet with secret drawers which living. However, after opening her
that a working bottle of every drug year rubber floor. It will be open emit a poisoned prong that hooks ports to foreign trade and discover-
in the store is withiin easy reach for inspection at the opening Wed- a man in the hand and kills him. ing that otier people were living
of a dispensor. nesday night. Besides the door of Lying against a wall is a decrepit with a higher standard, they be-
A new trend in shop front design this vault, new coupon booths have automobile that was used for came disatisfied, and began to take
is found in the modernistic facade been constructed. comedy skits in "George Did It." advantage of the large profits that
of Alexander, Inc., the Man's Shop. The night depository has been George did it eight years ago and could be made from the exportation
A reddish colored alicanti marble constructed and is ready f o r! the dilapidated auto is the sole of silk, pearls, tea, camphor, canned
has been used for the base below the use of costumers. In ad- remnant of proof of his accom- fish and toys.
the show windows. At the edges of dition to complete redecoration plishment. "Because of the fact that Japan
this a black tile protrudes irregu- of the interior, the bank has a new There are window frames and has very few natural resources," he
larly. At the sides of the windows lighting system and has installed; paper cabbages and the complete continued, "she is forced to deal
are two broad, very bright silver a Westinghouse-corrected electric set of "Queen's Husband" and last only with nature industries." To
colored strips that have been made clock. The manager's office has year's opera, "Merrie Go Round." develop these she imports the raw
from an untarnishable aluminum been enlarged and refurnished. There is lattice-work that once materials for machinery from the
alloy. An oriental alicanti marble, The William Goodyear company United States at the increasing rate
of a lighter hue than that used at brings a new store to the campus, hooked rugs carry through the of about 6.5 per cent yearly," he
the base, has been placed at the "The College Shop," which is housed I color scheme. A tiny radio supplies said.
top of the store front. In the center in thoroughly up-to-date quarters. music throughout the day. "The Japanese, although funda-
of this, above the door, is a de- The shop will specialize in clothes The Kyer Laundry company and mentally the same as Americans,
signed orange tile. for the woman student. the Swiss Garment Cleaning com- are more of a beauty-loving people
The inside of the shop has been The entrance is done in modern- pany will offer combined services than we," he said. "Their customs,
made simple. Davenports and chairs istic black tile; the interior is also f 'r o m their new agencies in the which are thought foolish by the
have been placed against the walls niodernistic. Fixtures are in light same room in the North University occidental, are often more sensible
so that the customers may be com- oak. The draperies and hand- block. than ours."

More Than 100 Varieties of All
Different Colors Are on
Display From 9 to 5.
Hundreds of chrysanthemums, of
various sizes and many colors, are
being exhibited at the annual
'mum show which is now in pro-
gress. More than one hundred var-
ieties of this blossom, in size. rang-
ing from the large exhibition type
to the tiny pompon; in color rang-
ing from the deep red, through the
golden yellowpure whitebold
bronze, delicate violet, and to, in
fact, practically all of the spectral
colors, except blue; and in height,
ranging from eight feet down, are
on display.
All the blooms displayed in this
exhibit which has been arranged
by Mr. Adrian P. Wezel, head gar-
dener at the Botanical Gardens,
and which is under the direction
of Dr. H. A. Bartlett, director of
the- gardens, and Mrs. F. C. Blanch-
ard, assistant director of the gar-
dens, are grown at the greenhouse
here, and are used by the univer-
sity and the hospital.
The single 'mums where there is
only one row of petals and the ex-
hibition type where the full-petall-
ed blossom is present are display-
ed very extensively. Of the large
variety, both types are shown,
those compact blooms whose petals
curve inward, and those reflexed
varieties whose petals curve out-
ward and downward. Also the ane-
mone type, that which has a few
rows of single petals and a highly
developed center of tubular petals,
has quite a predominant place in
this display.
"The exhibition type," said Mr.
Wezel recently,' "is usually trained
to a single stem supported by a
bamboo cane, in order that only
one huge blossom may be produced.
Often, however, the tips of the
plant stems are clipped in order
that instead of only one large
flower being produced, a huge
bunch of moderate sized blooms
will appear. The pompon is a much
smaller flower which usually ap-
pears in great clusters of over one
hundred blossoms to a plant."
The exhibit will be open to the
public, free, until the middle of
November, but the most beautiful
display is being presented this



i I

11 i





S:l Aft Am"ms



The Grand

Open n-.g November S



"The Mans Shop"
May we have the privilege of showing you a comn-
plete line of men's furnishings and shoes?

"College Shop"
A shop devoted to college girls' apparel.--Dresses
and accessories that fit into the Campus picture.

Campus Branch
Equipped both by experience and in resources to
care for your needs in every department of bank-


Remodeled and enlarged to better serve our

Students' Laundry handled with the utmost care,
including mending of sox, sewing on buttons, etc.
15% discount for cash and carry at branch office.

A 100% modern equipped plant and experienced
employes to care for your every cleaning want.
Exclusive Energine Cleaners.

patrons f long standing.

A thoroughly modern

Main office and complete plant at 627
Main Street.





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