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September 30, 1930 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-09-30

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a y .. y a r t a .w' Y .Y /. V. L Y. f y.! 2. 1 1 .tom 1



PSILNTISIR N CEddie T olan's Record
iperior Power Downs Denison For 100O Meters Tied
But Normal Squad Offers by Hungarian Runner
Stubborn Resistance. PARIS,. Sept. 28. -# (A.P.)-The
HEELR SOWS BILTY world's record of 10 4-10 seconds
[fEEER HOWSABIITYfor the 100 meters was equalled
Lithughthe1930Miciga Va today by the Hungarian sprinter,
Uthughthe193 Mihign Vrs-1 Otto Raggambi, hitherto unknown
did not quite come up to 'ex-~ outside of Budapest. Raggambi's
tations in its two-game curtain!I mark was made in the course of
ser with Denison University and :a dual meet between France and
silanti, the Wolverines' were able Hungary which the latter won, 79
turn back their opening'oppon- points to 70.
s by scores of 33-0 and 7-0. At The 100 meters record of 10 4-10
outset of the first game of the is held jointly by Charles Paddock!
,ernoon against Denison it ap- and Eddie Tolan, of the United'
~rd that the smaller school team states. Paddock set the record in
uld give Coach Kipke's tempor- 1921 and it was equalled twice last
second string men a real battle, year by Tolan.
the superior power and, drive_________
the Maize and Blue accounted
thirteen points in both the sec--ISG OD s
t and third periods and seven YEA LIGGRDD R
re in the fourth quarter.
ef ore a crowd of 65,000'specta-
who filled the new Stadium t
ie football Varsity, Jack Wheeler
quarterback for the team which, Coach. Fisher Opens Football
osed Denison gave probably the
standing performance of the ;Practice With Sizeable
ernoon. After the first quarter Freshmen Squad.
which the invaders more than
yed Michigan even, the veteran CANDIDATES SHOWSPIRIT'i
ial caller out- generaled, out-___
ted., and out-ran any man on Coach Ray Fisher opened the fall
field to lead his team to victory.1 freshman football practice Monday I
eeler accounted for two of the IAtron'Sgigaotegt
tuhimwsegndsteresporng I equipment slips for the candidates
gamehisladwsrsos( who reported for the first, day's
in a large measure. for the program. About half this number
er three. were out on south Ferry field for
Backs Play Well. {most of the practice period, the
oldemith, Wills, and O'Neil others taking longer" inside the Field
led the outer counters for Coach House getting some sort of equip-
ike and all-of these backs turned went.
;ood performances in their first The yearlings were spread out at 1
ie of the season, the south end of the field in pairss
'he State Normal contest, how- where they were put through a light
r was another story with Mich- tackling drill by the coach and
battling to break the tie which! for assistants. The coaching staff s.
ir opponents held them to until' took pains to see that the first i
1into the third quarter. Ypsi year men did not break each other
ti presented a smooth-running up by resorting to force ratherp
bination which consisted of a than form. The candidates asc
erful line and a fast set of usual, represented a varied picturev
ks who kept the Wolverine line- of tackling forms but all evidenced t
i on their toes every minute. the will to learn and perfect them-f
Tessmer Outpunts Arnold. selves.
he first half of the game re- Thee drills for the freshmen
led in a punting dual between 'football mien will continue each s
smer of Michigan and Arnold afternoon and more candidates are C
Ypsilanti, with the Wolverine expected to turn out for the prat- o
ding a distinct~ advantage andj tice. Later the outstanding players E
s keeping' the ball well into the 'will show up- but for, the first. day t;
ider's territory. However CoachI they were merely limbering up. s,
ke's men could not gain through
Green line and were kept from_______________
immediate vicinity of the goal. -=
.owever, in the third quarter the~
ize and Blue opened up with'
assing attack which culminated$-0 9 0 0 '
long heave from Tessmer, totf
(Continued on Page 10.)
a I M _r_ 0 !'

annone Regular Wolverine Grid. Squa


o a~

Among the veterans reporting
back for the. 1930 Michigan grid
squad under the direction of Coach
Kipke are several men who have
shown considerable football abil-
ity and are expected to figureI
prominently in the forthcoming
contests. Captain "Ducky" Simrall
will lead his men against the Spar-
tan elevan next Saturday in the
first treal test of the season.
Sally Hudson will undoub~tedly
see duty at the fullbacx post andI
Cornwell is scheduled to go in at
one of the guard positions with
Samuels making a strong bid for
the other. Auer, left tackle, is al-
so expected to play .regularly.


All men interested in trying
t for manager of the football
am please report to the 'Field
)use any afternoon this week.
Arthur Higifielci.





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