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September 30, 1930 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-09-30

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study and faculty bod is of thec University, as well as the public in gn- to senid in their names and addresses to the Secretary, Dr. . F. BterR
But' Hnc
cr, with the exception of small children, i invited to attend. There 3233, Angell Hall, either by Campus Post or U. S. Mail, as soon as me
D" I LY 0 F F I C IA I B U IE TI N i sn admission charge. Mr. Christan in the course o the year will' possible.__ ___
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all memibers of an~d regular and attent ive attendance on the part of those interested, Phi Beta Kappa. As its share in the celebration of the Vergiliani me
the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the will provide a liberal m sic al aucationi iilui h oa hatranucsapeo 2.00frth et1'
President until 3:30, excepting Sundays. 11:30 a. in. Saturday. The pogram for the first recital Wednesday afternoon, is as follows:; essay on "The Influence of the Life and Works of the Poet, Vergil" wh
__ ___-__ ollins: Concert Overture in C major; Dbusy-Cristian: Prelude to) which is submitted by any member of the student body. plc
VOL. XLI. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1930) 90, 6 "The Blessed Dam ozl;" Frrata: Scherzo; Vivaldi-Bach: Largo; Bach:j These essays should be neatly typed and submitted to the Secretary, 412
_______________________________________________I Toccata and Fugue in D minor; Bingham: Twilight at Fiesole (lar-I Dr. . F. Butler, whose address is 3233, Angell Hall, on of~ before January 1
monies of Foorene) ; Russell: Up the Saguenay; Massenet: Meditation! 24th, 1931. The name of the contestant should not appear upon thef We
To Users of The Daiy Official Buletin: (Thais) ; Virnc: Finale (Symphony 1). manuscript, but in its place a word or motto chosen by the contestant,I
The a~ttention of users of the Daily Official 'Bulletin is respecctfulily j - the same to be put on the outside of a sealed envelope in which theIwe
called to the following: Choralion C (ocerts: The fifty-second Annwlll, .eries of the name of the writer is to be inclosed. This envelope should be clipped to
(1) Notices submitted for pubication must be typewritten; signa-~ Choral Union Concerts, provided by the University Musical Society, will; the manuscript and both should then be inclosed in a larger envelope! S
tures are unnecessary. bring; to Anit Arbor the following distinguished artists and organiza j before handing in to the Committee. Good English style and compact,(bi;AroCeflown stn
(2) Ordinarily noticecs are publised but once. Repetition is at the i fows: accurate reasoning are to be desired rather than long, loosely construeted (u
Editor's discretion. October 13, Frilz Krcislr, violinist, wordy papers, but no limit is placed upon the number of words. Instead b
(3) Notices must be handed to the Editor before 3:30 pm. (11:30 Octobr 31, Clare Clairbert, Belgian coloratura soprano. the contestants are asked to be mindful of the Committee who pass the
am. Saturdays). November, 7, Alexan der Brailowsky, Russian ,pianist. upon the mrerit of the papers and be brief and to the point in their j tro
------November 20, Don Cossack Russian horus, Serge Jaroff, Conrdcto,; sttemecnts. (in
President and Mrs. Rutthven wil be at home from 4 to 6 oclock on consisting of 36 expatriated officers from the Imperial Russian no
the first two Sunday afternoons of each month to members of the fac- Army in a program of Russian Church Music, Folk Songs and Sol- 1leeo ieaue Sine n h rs letosi dcto o
ulties, their friends, and otiher reidents: of Ann Arbor.! dier Songs.I Only those students who have been definitely admitted to candidacy for! be7
--- ---November 24, Ossip Gabrilowitsch, and the Dtroit Symphony Orchestra. the tacher's certificate may elect Education for credit toward gradua-tu
Faculty., Colleges of Eiig.=ncring and Arcitecture: 'J'i:re will beC a Dcember 12, Jose Iturbi, Spanish p)ianit. (tiona from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. Application tur
meeting of the faculty of these Collegs on Thursday, October '2, at 4:15-January 12, Bernardino Mohnari, guest coductor, and the Detroit Syni-'fia dmissioni to candidacy may be made to the Committee on the
P.M, in Room 343 West Ei gineeing Building, for the p)urpose of inro-! o diso phony Orchestra. PToacher's Certificate in Room 2026, Angell Hall, daily at 4, until Oct. 4. thc
ducing new mnemblers and taking care of general business. January 27, AlbertL Spaldiri, An'.rian violinist. did
Februt ary 2 P.lRo, nNerobatii . r;athe litlandler announces opening for an advertising manager. an- the
University Lecture: Professor Francs Knoop, of the 3hysiologisefi ebrary10, Sergei Rachmnaninoff, Russian coupoer panir. dida t>s;et in touch with Harold Courtlander, 431 S. Division, 663. tio
Chemisches Institut of the University of Tubingen, will give a lecture, Orders for season tickets at $6.00, $8.00, $10.00 and $1.00 each iIIay i _____C__ h
unde tle aspies f te loal ecton f te Aericn Cemial o- e lft a th geera oficeof te Shoo ofMusc. Theywil befiled Manscrits i~auscipt fo theInlnde shuldbe ent o te eito, o tetei
under onthe aupies ofInthredoay setnofltesm eriMonayChecalobe -,Jibsenftat d tgeea l e ofitedScholt ofMui ctoeril. 11dMnscit o h na rsol esn oth dtr rlf nsigi
ciety on te subet, "ntermdiaryMetaolism on MndayOctobr 6, n seuenceand tcketswill e maiedaoudearyvinlcpobe.at salee nEngoisha tOefnglisiOffienin lngeHIHall

to arranige for regular hours f
Nsychology 169: The cliass w il l
!et to arrange hours Thursday i a
'clock in Room 1121 N. S,. Thowse
,o can not come at this hour
ease leave schedule cards in Room
4 N. S.
listory 45: Regular class lectture
dnesday 11 A.M. -in Newberry
ditorium. There will be no meet-
of the recitation section for this~
ociology 256, Mental H~ygiie
plications of Delinquency:'This
a new course announced in tb c
pplementary Announcement to
given by Dr. L. A. Schwartz of
Juvenile Research Clinic of De.-
it. The course meets Friday 3.-5
stead of Tuesday 4 to 6 as an-
nced in the supplement) in
om 104 Ec. The first meeting w1
Friday, October, at 3 o'clock.
Zoology 1. The first general lcc-
,e will be given on October 7,- at
M. E. 2a. For the benefit of
sr students who classified late 6ir
1not attend the first meetingo
class, the assignment for Scc-,
n I for Wednesday, October 1, is
apter I and Chapter III to Ar-
le 1 in "Elements of Machine Dog-
n" by Kimball and Barr.
. ranlk A. Mickle.

,it 4:15 p.m., in Room 15, Chemistry Building. The public is cordially
University Lecture. W. E. Hiley, forierly of the Tmlpcial F0orestryI
institute, University of Oxford, will lecture in the~ Natural Science Audi-
toriumn at 4:15 p.mn., 'Tuesday, Octu!),,r 7, on "The Economic Foundation,;
of Vorcstry.",
Graduate School Students: Attention is called to the 1'late registra-
tion fee. The rule governing this, as sta.ted in. the Graduate School bul-
leton, is quoted below: "Students may register at any time up to and
including the second Wednesday of the semester. After this dlate they
may register only with permission of the Dean and upon payment of an
additional fee of $5.00.".t
Actions of the Administrative Board: The Administrative Board of
the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts-has taken the following
Mr. Sidney Einhorn has been suspended for one seinester and i-
corded with an E grade in Physics 36, because of dishonesty in the finalI
examinatiop in that course.
Mr. Jcvse Halpern has been suspended for one semester and re-
corded with an E grade in Physics 36, because of dishonesty in thie final
examination in that course.
Mr. Jack Greenberg has been suspended for one semecster and re-
corded with an E grade in Physics 35, because of dishonesty in the fial
examination in that course.
Mr. Louis Kaplan has been suspended for one semestcr and record-
ed with an E grade in Physics 35, because of dishonesty in the final
examination in that course.
W. R. Humphreys, for the Administrative Board.
Organ Recitals: Palmer Christian will give a series of recitals on
the Frieze Memorial Organ; Hill Auditorium, each Wednesday afternoon,
during the University year, 'beginning October 1, at 4:15 o'clock. The1

Wowen--Med~ical O.K. for Athletics.i All students planningV to par-
ticip~ate in sports should get medical O.K.'s from Dr. 13.ll or Dr. ,),hint?
in the Hecalth Service this week.
~Ycccc.- lcrirs in Ph'lysical Education. All , tudenfs wishing r;drers .
ine physical education this semester nay brinig their cases~ before Dry~.
11e0l on Friday and Satur-day mornring, between 9 band 10, inr Barbour'
lyrnui.n.siumn. This will be the last opportunity to secure defers.
(theris ry 133and :, rL.hermodynamics: Chemistry 133 will be
given tlhh- semester. It will not be given in 1931-1932.I
Chemistry 1,34 will be be given this year. It will, be given the first
semester in 1931-1932.

S>ciolog0^y 245, social Psychiatry: This course will meet Tuesday and
T~iIrsd5~ to5 >in Room 101 Ec.
l;: g. .3:, Section 2. Mr. Ilcthcrington's 9 o'clock section will meet
in Roow 2054 N. S.
EWon omics 221, Labor Seminar: Brief organization meeting this
afternoon (t ucsdtay) at 5 o'clock in Room 204, Economics Building.
German 181 (Middle Hi~gh German). Several students wishing to
take this course have conflicts at the hours assigned (M. F. 10). To
IccomImodate them and find an hour convenient for all, students inter-
estedi will please meet me in Room 201, U. H., at 4 p.m.y
Mathematics 137: First meeting Tuesday, September 30, at 11 o'clock
in Rocnm 3012 A,.1

Seminar in Advanced Theory of
Structure: All interested :faculty
members and graduate studentj3
are invited to. attend Thursday;
October 2, at 5:00 P.M. in Room 307~
hours, etc.
This Seminar under the dircctij
of Prof. Timoshenko will take tip
the following subjects during thei
first semester.
1, Stresses in rails.
2. Arches
3. Working stresses
4. Soil Mechanics
5. Suspension Bridge's
Graduate credit is given for ths
pticipating in the Seniui~r
ICourse C. E. 654.

As'igi'metl of DecSkcs in Generaca lalmeijrstlrv. ('ora Ui on Tryouts. New members may be tried out in Room 107,
Chemisort y 3 5 and S. atheo ich ofthden vmusiotr ai tor 5Cr, a n tlcalczlof Mui, as follows: Tuesday, 5 to 6 o'clock; Wednesday, 3 to 4;
Laboatoy Cupos a th oficeof he nivrsiy Teasrer an thn ~I Ihaiscbay, 4 to 5; Friday, 5 to 6. Old members must fill out registration
report at the first possibo laboratory period assignedt to his section sifter i curdls promtzlly in order to retain their places in the chorus.
the opening of the University. No des,-k can be givena out withiout the ___
Coulpons.} Alphma i;, There will be a very important business meeting of ofil-

Maliiratcs51 to'cock sexction for cengineercin ,Gastul" k"E, Will mrbt I

c rs and conunzixiftteenien tonight at 7:30, 4th Floor, Angell I-ail.

hereafter in R1 oomn 1042, Eaust Engineerig Bldg. . meet for the first time on Thurs-
IUniversity of Michigan Band: day, October 2.
Psychology 127 wil iect in 1121, Natural Science 1 lih r-ot o alistuets(se
Stru dents entrolled in Psychology ,33L aire rcqu stAed to hand in their cal a adtobne o h Bacteriology 6n. Section A will
schedumles immedia tely, Rooms 2124 and 2127. dlsxa ndtobne fr'iy Band " wil be held from 2I meet for the first time Thursday,1
V~d~i~ wi~ ~ ro !October 2. Section B will meet for
I'hi Beta Kappa. It is the wish of the local Chapter to have a coin- to 5 o'clock this afternoon in Room the first time, Saturday, October 4.
plete list of all resident Phi Beta Kappas in its address list, p~artly for 219 of the School of Music on May- I
the convenience of the National Office and partly because it makes it nard Street.I Adelphi House of'Representatives
l~osibl fo usto rachresden memerswit noicesof eetngsandwill hold a short business meeting
posibe orustorechreidntmemer wthnoics f beens nd COMING EVENTS Mathematics 245-Advanced Ce-
baniqu ets as they occur. Any members in Ann Arbor' who have unot be Chemistry 15. Section I (Tu-Th- I lestial Mechanics-Will meet Wed-
receiving such notices inl the past, or are newcomers in the city are askedI at 8) and II (Tu-Th at 11) will I nesday, October 1, at 12 noon, in

'Varsity Glee Club: Tryouts for
the Men's Glee Club will be held in
Room 307 Michigan Union on W ed-
nesday and Thursday, October 1
and 2 beginning at 7:15 'P.M. StW-
dents, other than Preshmen, in all
schools of the University are eligi-
ble. There will be no Michign
Union Opera this year, so the Gle
Club will present the only opport4-
nity for those who are interested i
Arthur Hackett, our new director,
may hear their voices, all present
members of the Glee Club are re-
quired to tryout also.

The :board of Directors of the
]Faculty Women's Club will meet
(Continued on. Page 3.)

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