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November 02, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-02

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VOL. XLI. No. 31







Rentner, Russell Stand Out
Northwestern Keeps Slate
Clean; Bruder Held.


W ill iam and Mary
Ties Harvard, 13-13
(By Associated Press)
CAMBRIDGE, Nov. 1-The gal-
lant little football band from an-
cient William and Mary out-
fought and outsmarted all of
Harvard's milghty army here to-
day, but superior man power en-
abled the Crimson to push over
a fourth period touchdown and
tie the score at 13 all.
Outweighed from five to 35
pounds in every position, the
fighting lightweights from the
small Williamsburg, Va., college
overwhelmed the starting Crim-
son substitutes with their amaz-
ing speed and then outplayed the
regulars who were rushed in ear-
ly in the second period.

Republicans Express Confidence
at Retaining Majority in
Both Houses.
Democratic Chairman Predicts
Overturn of Republicans;
Lucas Claims Majority.

Wisconsin, Buckeyes Prove Even
Match; Both Teams Miss
Scoring Chances..
Northwestern's Wildcats yesterday
strengthened their clairm to being
the strongest team in the Western
Conference by tramping on Minne-
sota, 27-6, putting them in a tie
with Michigan for first honors in
the Big Ten, no other team having
gone undefeated. The P u r p le
strength liesin a scoring combina-
tion that can run up huge scores,
while they stand even with the
Wolverines in point of games won.
With Minnesota being relegated to
the ranks of the defeated and Pur-

'Big Bill' Thompson
Critically Ill; Fear
Peritonitis Poison
Mayor William Hale Thompson
of Chicago was holding his own
in his fight for life following an
appendicitis oper-
ation, it was re-
borted late 1 a s t
Hospital bulle-
ins yesterday said
hat the operation
iad disclosed per-
" itonitis, and, later
indicated that
reaction from the
_hock of the oper-
ition was favora-
ble; he was re-
MAYOR TMOMPSOMported to be rest-
ing as easi~y as
could be expected at a late hour.
Dr. Milton M. Portis, the at-
tending physician, said that the
course of the peritonitis within
the next 48 hours would deter-
mine the outcome of the attack.

-One Shot Dead, One Injured,
One Gassed as Prison Guards
Scout for Mising.
Lawes Declares It Impossible
for Escaped Men to Leave
23-Acre Prison Yard.
(By Associated Press)

Proceeds Will
GoTo Charitfy Nees
Excess Over Scheduled Prices to be
Held as Separate Fund 'or
Charitable Aid.



Michigan ........3 001000
Northwestern .....3 0
Purdue...........3 1 0 .5
Wisconsin ....... 1 1
Minnesota .......1 1
Ohio State......1 2
Iowa............01.0 10
Chicago.........0 1
Indiana ..........0 2
Illinois...........0 3


.000 1

I .

due overthrowing Illinois,

25-0; the

Boilermakers move up to t h i r d
place with three games won and
one lost. The Badgers eleven kept
its percentage at the .500 mark and
retained fourth position in the
standings by virtue of yesterd'ay's
scoreless tie with the weaker Ohio
State team, in a game that upset
all Conference dope.
(By Associated Press)
MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 1.-Minne-
sota's fighting Gophers caged the
giant offense paw of Northwestern's
Wildcats today, but while Captain
Hank Bruder was stopped, his team
mates clawed and passed their way
to a 27-to-6 victory over Minnesota
to keep Northwestern squarely in
the sun of the Western Conference
title race.
Bruder's brethren from Dick Han-
ley's smallpox club made up for his
ineffectiveness by thundering across
the Gopher goal line four times,
twice on brilliant passes thrown by
Ernie Rentner, Wildcat fullback,
and twice after Reb Russell had
battered his way through the tout-
ed Gopher stone wall line defense.
Besides seeing Bruder, out of a
hospital less than a week after a
liight attack of smallpox, held to
15 yards gains in 10 plays, Minne-
sota homecomers, thickly packed in
the crowd of 54,000 were given one
big scoring thrill. This was aweav-
ing 50-yard spurt for a touchdown
by the smallest Gopher of them all,
140-pound Ken McDougal, in the
final period.
Frank Baker, the big Northwest-
ern wing, started things for the
Wildcats in the second quarter aftera
the Gophers had met their thrust
through the first period. Baker
pulled a 27-yard Rentner pass out of
the chill air, and scrambled three
yards over the goal line for the
first Northwestern score. Bruder's
low kick on the try for point was
ruled good because of a Minnesota
(By Associated Press)
Ohio State 0, Wisconsin 0.
Notre Dame 27, Indiana 0.
Northwestern 27, Minnesota-6.
Chicago 0, Princeton 0.
Purdue 25, Illinois 0.
Iowa 7, Detroit 3.
Yale 0, Dartmouth 0.
Harvard 13, William v and Mary
Army 33, North Dakota 6.
New York U. 20, Carnegie Tech
Brown 16, Syracuse 16.
Fordham 18, West Virginia 2. '
Colgate 34, Mississippi 0.
Columbia 10, Cornell 7.
Pennsylvania 21, Kansas 6.
Georgia Tech 6, North Carolina
Alabama 19, Kentucky 0.'
Lafayette 74, Upsala 0.
Pittsburgh 0, Nebraska 0.
Navy 37, West Virginia Wesleyan
r..,F,...,. tt Rf- n

Shirley W. Smith Reports Gain
of $3,160,483 in Past Year;
Gifts Play Large Part.
Assets of the University during
the year 1929-1930 increased $3,-
160,483.35, according to a recent re-
port issued from the office of Shir-
ley W. Smith, vice president and
business manager of the Univer-
sity. Assets last June showed a
total of $45,694,043.33, the report
Sugar Island, a gift to the Uni-
versity from Chase S. Osborn, for-
mer governor, was appraised at
$379,373. The Law school site ad-
ded $121,983, while the land for the
new observatory was purchased for
$30,200. Buildings increased $677,-
840; equipment additions totaled
$543,710; land improvements, $215,-
027, and the gift of the League
building amounted to $200,082.
An increase of $711,584 was
shown from the invested trust
funds during the period. The be-
luest of James Avery Hopwood,
playwright and graduate of the
University, contributed $314,102 of
the amount. The interest on this
ift will be used as prizes for ex-
ellency in writing.
Charles Lathrop Pack's gift a-
nounted to $200,000. This sum will,
stablish a foundation for the study
>f forestry and conservation. Mary
3. Mandelle of Detroit contributed
60,000 for scholarships as a mem-
>rial to her father, Simon Mandle-
)aum. Mildren Sheehan of New
York contributed $20,000 in mem-
>ry of her brother which will be
ised to establish the Frank Shee-
an scholarship fund in aeronau-
Rand Ends Hard Week
5f Drill for Harvard'
After having rehearsed on their
ormations for the past week with-
ut instruments, the Varsity band
will commence drilling tomorrow'
ombining marching and music in
erious preparation for the Harv-
rd game next Saturday.
The band will form more forma-
ions at Cambridge than ever at-
empted before and due to this
fact and the difficulty with which,
hey are rendered,has drilled dailyh
ince last Monday. The formations
which will probably be produced
re a "HELLO", "HARVARD",'
'MICHIGAN", a block "H", a
lock "M" and a monogram "U-M".
kl1 of these formations haven't1
een attempted before by the band
mnd will come as a distinct surprise
o those alumni who haven't seen!
he band in some time.
Second Forum of Year
to Hear Japan Report
Jesse R. Wilson, general secre-
ary of the volunteer student mis-
ion movement in foreign coun-
ries, will speak on the "Social
'orces of Japan" at 3:30 o'clock
his afternoon in the Upper room,
tt Lane Hall as a part of the sec-
md International forum of the
'ear to be sponsored by the inter-
ational committee of the Student
7hristian association.
Using Japan as the center of
jicrnscinn TKatnthi And. '31E.

(By Associated Press)
The campaigns for election have
streaked pass their peak, leaving,
the national outcome and many an
individual outcome entirely specu-
lative until the Tuesday's votes
Whatever expectation there might
have been that President Hoover,
would make a last minute statement
was squashed at the White House.
He left his desk at twilight yester-
day, determined to hold no more
conferences until mid-week. The
word was passed that he'd have
nothing more to say.
Hoover Votes by Mail.
With Mrs. Hoover, he marked his
ballots and sent them to Palo Alto,
Cal., by air mail.
The party chieftan, at headquar-
ters, a block or so away from the
White House, expressed confidence
anew last night. The way Robert
H. Lucas put it as executive direc-
tor for the Republicans was that a
"normal majority" would be re-
turned. What he meant by "nor-
mal" not defined; but the Republi-
cans now have a margin of 103 in
the House and 17 Senate seats mqre
than the Democrats, the large mar-
gin having been gained in the 1928
avalanche for Hoover.
Predict Democratic Gain.
Jouett Shouse, executive chair-
man for the Democrats, stood by
his recent prediction that nearly
seven Republican House s e a t s
would be overturned. His party
needs to increase its representa-
Lion by. 53 to. get a majority there,
and by 10 in the Senate. He said
an estimate of a gain of six sena-
tors was conservative.
Republicans have controlled the
House in 15 of the past 20 Con-
HPAr R aliain rf+ T---

Motor City Eleven Loses Rank as
One of Nation's Unbeaten
Grid Combinations.
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, Nov. 1.-The Univer-
sity of Detroit was pushed from its
place among the nation's unde-
feated football teams by the Uni-
versity of Iowa today when the
Hawkeyes turned loose a substi-
tute halfback in the last period and
emerged on the heavy side of a 7
to 3 score.
John Warrington, the star of the
day, replaced Leo Jensvold at right
half during the second period. Ac-
quitting himself creditably during
subsequent scrimmages, he climbed
to the heights onthefirst play in
the last quarter when he circled
left end and sprinted 52 yards for
a touchdown. Lloyd Jensvold kick-
ed the extra point. Parsaca kick-


J1N11NLG, N.Y., ±Nov. .L - Five Mlore than $112,ooo of the proceeds of the Michigan-Chicago
nvicts at Sig Sing prison, armed game on Nov. 22, provided there is a sell-out, will be turned over to
w i t h three guns, overpowered a Governor Fred W. Green by the Board in Control of Athletics "to
keeper tonight, and escaped from a .. .eist
kper ktoighthAd ersaedr.aOne abe allocated by him in his discretion for charitable purposes"- as a
cell block into the prison yard. result of the decision reached by the Board yesterday afternoon. In
was shot dead, another was wound-view of the Conference rulings, the Board unanimously declined to
ed, and a third was gassed. Guards arrange a post-season game with the University of Detroit.
scouted the prison grounds for the 01_. T-


Prison authorities were convinced
that the two missing convicts could
not have escaped from the grounds,
but persistent search failed to re-
veal their hiding place.
The keeper who was subdued by
the armed convicts was locked in a
cell by his assailants before they.
dashed into the open.
Convict Shot by Guard.
Immediately afterward, Herbert

to Volunteers.


Duavis was shot and wounded by a
guard, and Ed Ryan, the third con- (By Associated Press)
vict, was overcome by tear gas and OKLAHOMA CITY, Nov. 1-Okla-
captured. homa City had a few brief moments
Warden Lewis E. Lawes said three J of panic late today as fire swept
revolvers were found on the scene through oil-soaked grass at the
of the battle and these were believ- s o c
ed to constitute the entire arma- mile and a half from where an un-
ment of the five prisoners. The controlled volcano of oil roared in-
warden declared it would be impos- to the sky.
sible for the 'two men missing to .
leave the grounds and ordered a Scores of worK-weary firemen, oil
careful search of the 23-acre prison field worlkers and national guards-
men quenched the flames in less
Sr frwCvtthan an hour but not before panic
Search for Two Convicts. had cleared residential districts in
The objects of the search were the danger zone near the wild No. Y
Joseph Pioi', serving time for sec- Stout well and word had swept
ond degree murder, and William tough downtown crowds that "the
Lapere, sentences for robbery. Gor- wild well is on fire."
don was serving a term for robbery, Adding to the scare came the re-
as was Ryan, and Davis was in port that another great gusher near.
prison for grand larceny. the Stout was tearino' lamncs s dic

+It.xn etai 11 mic cm a na.sn'. '..- - . .


City Breathes Relief
Fire Near Oil Flow

as Grass


crai. preaicu on d1the lemo- ed a field goal for Detroit from the ( Three Of the five convicts were
cratic predictions depends largely 22-yard line in the third period. creedof the fiesonvicts were
on some 80 close contests, and in cornered in the prison yard by a
addition they need to hold the 165 Score by quarters: Large force of guards and OssiningI
seats which now are theirs. Not Detroit ...........0 0 3 0 - 3 police armed with machine gunsi
only did Lucas speak of a "nor- Iowa .............0 0 0 7-7 and tear gas guns.1
mal majority" but he said, "there DETROIT IOWA Harry Gordon, reputed r:ng leader
is a good reason to believe Repub- Wrathel......LE... Mastrogany of the convict group, advanced and,
lican Congressmen will be elected Metras.......LT.....Benjamin fired point blank at Keeper HowardI
in several districts now held by Weise ......... L 3......Tompkins Marquard, wounding him in the ieft3
Democrats." Fitzpatrick ...... C .........Dolly shoulder. Marquard blazed away at,
Hess ..........R3........ Higdon Gordon and shot him through the
$350,000 Massucci ......RT............ Ely head, killing him instantly.
$3000Bond Issue Hackett .......RE..... (C) Rogge
Up to Voters Tuesday Parsaca .......QB.... L. Jensvold Badgers and Buckeyes
O'Neil .........LH:.... Hickmannh
Voters in Ann Arbor will go to the Berg .......... R H .... L. Jensvold t Dedlo
polls Tuesday to decide whether or Storen (C).....F.........Kriz (B ssociated Press>)
not the city will spend $350,000 forJ Officials-o Magdsohn,, M COLUMBUS, Nov 1-Wisconsin
construction of a new main trunC gan, referee; H. G. Hedges, Dart- and Ohio State met today for the
lin snitrysewrEmpoyentofmouth, umpire; Arlie Mucks, Wuis- first time in ten years, foundrthem-;a
line sanitary sewer. Employment of consin, field judge; Jack Dunn, selves perfectly matched in all de-
several hundred men throughout Michigan, head linesman. partments and played a scorelessf
the winter months and the removal -Etie.
of one of the city's greatest incon- 1 rarrs Institute Expert Twice each team penetrated the3
veniences would result, city officials to Speak on InfeCtion other's 20-yard line and each had
said yesterday, from passage of the' the bal less than five yards from
bonding issue. Prof. M. Weinberg of the Pas- the goal on one occasion. Both
Reasons for and against the $350,- teur institute at Paris will lecture times the offense failed with in-
000 bond were propounded yester- at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow in the complete passes and the last per-
day by prominent citizens of Ann west amphitheatre of the West iod was a comedy of intercepted
Arbor whose experiences as resi- Medical building on "Anaerobic In- passes.
dents of the city have given veraci- fections and Their Serotherapy."
ty to the need for passing or defeat- The talk will include a consider- Cowie Will Broadcast
ing the issue. Harry A. Tillotson ation of diseases caused by anaer- University Studio
stated yesterday that "in any kind obic bacteria and of the possibility From Ursy__
of a storm the sewer backs up into of immunizing against such infec Dr. David Murray Cowie, of the
the basement of my house while tion of blood from animals whichD.DvdMra oio h
surface water floods my lawn." have suffered from these diseases. medical school, will speak at 5
o'clock this afternoon on the par-
ent program broadcast from the
GLEE CLUB WILL SING OVER RADIO University studio on "Safeguarding
NEXT SUNDA Y AT INITIAL CONCERT athe Health of the Child." Frank
Ryan will be the soloist on the pro-
1930 Organization Composed the Detroit Golf club. Preparations Atm2 o'clock Monday Prof. H. H.
of 64 Members, One of will also be started soon for the Higbie, of the electrical engineer-
annual Christmas concert which ing department, will discuss "How
Largest History. the organization gives in conjunc- to Use Electric Light in the Home."'
tion with the band and girl's glee Music for this program will be fur-
With a radio concert scheduled club. This last concert will prob- nished by George Poiner, violinist,'
for a week from today, the. men'sably take place the Wednesday and Stanley Fletcher, pianist.
glee club wil put in an intensive evening before the holidays.'
week of rehearsing, Gayle Chaffin, _________
managerhannounced yesterday.fAs LuMBoilermakers Defeat
two other concerts are planned for Illinois Team, 25 to 0
the month of November, the work Attracts 50 Entrantsf

.._. t "u ug J'.J.3'... t at s sana
cut at its connections. After the
confusion had subsitled it was
learned that Champlin Refining
Co.'s No. 1 Naden, 600 feet south of
the Stout, and one of five wells that
it was proposed to open in an effort
to relieve gas pressure at the ram-
pant gusher, had cut its top master-
gate. It was shut in immediately
and new connections installed. The
lower connections were holding.
McLaughlin Believes
Life Exists on Stars
"Our earth is a second rate plan-
et, revolving around a second rate
star, in a second rate system, which
is only a minor part of a fairly
large nebular in space," said Prof.
D. B. McLaughlin, of the astronomy
department, in his illustrated lec-
ture, "The Dawning Era's Back-
ground," the first of the Tolstoy
league's series, presented last night
in Angell hall.
"Because of the insignificance of
the earth," he added, "we cannot
think that we are the only star on
which. there is life." To illustrate
that there is vegetation and proba-
bly animnal life on other planets,
Professor McLaughlin referred to
Mars which at certain regular peri-
ods takes on a distinctly greenish
tinge which astronomers believe can
be caused only by vegetable growth.
At the close of his lecture, Profes-
sor McLaughlin took the audience
to the Angell hall telescope to view
the moon.
Levy-Bruhi to Speak
in University Lecture
Prof. Lucien Levy-Bruhl, profes-
sor of history and philosophy at
the University of Paris since 1900,
and at present professor emeritus
at that institution will speak on
the University lecture series on the
subject, "Development of Sociology
in France," at 4:15 o'clock tomor-
row afternoon in Natural Science
Prof. Levy-Bruhl represents the
sociological school of August Com-
te, along with Bougle and Dark-
heim. He has written the best
book on Comte, as well as several
other volumes, including a "His-
torv of French Philnsnnhv' "t"'VaI

Stadium Donated.
The Board also voted to donate,
free of charge, the use of the
Michigan staium for any other
games between teams, the aim of
which games might be to raise
further funds for charity.
It also expressed its willingness
and desire to hold, as a separate
fund for the same purpose, any'ex-
cess over the regular scheduled
prices any, purchasers might be dis-
posed to pay for tickets.
These decisions were reached aft-
er an investigation of the proposed
plan for a charity game between
the University of Detroit and Mih-
igan. The Board was in receipt of
numerous communications in favor
of and in opposition to such a game.
Governor Green attended the meet-
ing in person and presented his
point of view on the subject.
Board Issues Statement.
The statement :ssued by the
Board is as follows:
"Under the rules of the Confer-
ence, of which the University of
Michigan is a member, the football
playing season must end not later
than, the Saturday before Thanks-
giving. It is also provided that "No
Conference institution shall play
intercollegiate football on m o r e
than eight days in any year." Re-
cently the Conference denied a re-
quest for permission to ignore an-
other one of the Conference rules
in order that a regularly scheduled
game between Northwestern Uni-
versity and the University of Notre
Dame might be played in the Grant
Park Stadium at Chicago, a move
vigorously urged by at least one
Chicago newspaper and opposed by
others and also by the Chamber of
Commerce of Evanston, Illinois. The
proposal there was that the extra
proceeds over and beyond those
that would be derived from a capa-
city crowd' at the Northwestern
field should be devoted to charita-
ble purposes. The 'published state-
ment of the Chairman of the Con-
ference indicates very clearly the
attitude of that body with reference
to requests for permission for re-
lease from such Conference regula-
"The rules of the Conference, in
the formulation of which this Uni-
versity has taken .a part, are funda-
mentally designed to keep intercol-
legiate athletics in its proper rela-
tion to what are, after all, the real
purposes of a university. The mem-
bers of this Board are of the opin-
ion that these rules are proper in
content and were wisely adopted
and that the University of Michigan
should abide by them and decline
the invitation of the University of
Acceptance Would Be Fatal.
"It has been suggested that Mich-
igan should take part in this con-
test even though it meant with-
drawal or expulsion from the Con-
fer.ence. It will suffice to say in this
connection that aside from the con-
siderations of loyalty and decency
that dictate living up to the rules
of a group of which one is a mem-
ber it is the judgment of this Board
that such step would be absolutely
fatal to the continuance of the
University's entire athletic program.
With whom would Michigan's elev-
en intercollegiate athletic teams
compete? Eliminate all the Confer-
ence competition and where would
Michigan secure a football schedule
that would be attractive or inter-
esting or would furnish the fundsto
pay for and maintain the present
athletic plant and program? c
"The members of the Board, how-
ever, are not unmindful of the prev-
-iIL-I_.. e 4i


will include preparations for these'
two programs also.
The glee club this year is com-
prised of 64 men, one of the largest
numbers in the history of the or-
ganization and it is expected that
the chlb will nrove quite nonular

More than 50 persons have reg-
istered in the annual all-campus
pool and billiard tournaments, un-
der the direction of the House com-
mittee of the Union. Registration
was concluded vesterday and nlav

(By Associated Press)
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Nov. 1.-A 180-
pound stick of dynamite substitute
halfback, Ed Risk, of Terre Haute,
Ind., and Purdue University ex-
ploded at intervals today and
blasted Illinois down to its third

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