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November 01, 1930 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-01

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Authorities Enact No-Fire Rule
as Well Blows Wild at
East of City.
* President of Oil Company Takes
Charge of Attempts to
Control Gas Flow.
(Rv Associated Press)
OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., Oct. 31.
-Increasing its flow of oil to an
estimated 110,000 barrels daily, a
wild gusher threatened Oklahoma
City today. Hundreds of families in
the southeast part of the city went
breakfastless, as fire authorities en-
forced strict no-fire rules. '
The well, No. 1 C. E. Stout of the
Morgan Petroleum Co., on the Ca-
nadian River bank, just east of the
city limits, also was making an es-
timated 100,000,000 cubic feet of gas
daily. It has blown Wild for 12
Oil Men Cite Danger.
Oil men said that because of its
location the gusher was far more
dangerous to the city than the
Mary Sudik, which attracted na-
tional attention last spring by
blowing wild for 11 days.
Every fireman in the city was on
duty, roads in the north end of the
city gusher field were blocked and
train traffic in the vicinity of the
well was restricted.
Taking personal charge of the
derrick crew at daylight, Fred Mor-
gan, president of the company, di-
rected efforts to control the gusher.
Efforts were being made to remove
master valves, ripped open Thurs-
day night and cut away by sand,
preparatory to installing a "Christ-
mas tree" that would control the.
Noise heard in City.
The well's -roar could be heard
nearly everywhere in the city. At
times it was almost deafening
downtown and on the east side, and
the knocks of warning firemen a-
wakening residents in that section
of the city added to the restlessness
in virtually every home in the af-
fected area.
Negroes living in river bottom
flats fled their homes as the crude'
from the gusher, unstemmed byl
earthen dykes, poured into the riv-
The wind shifted southwest early
today, adding to the hazard.
Five city schools were closed to-
day, releasing 2,150 pupils until
Monday. Great pbckets of gas lurk-
ing close to the ground in the
southeast part of the city led to1
the closing, J. R. Barton, city su-
perintendent of instruction, said.
Streets and roads for a mile,
around the well were closed.
Art Faculty Place
Works on Display
in Local Exhibition

Assoeiutcd PressPhoto
Arjuna 8vas1;i.
Heir to the Siamese throne, who
enrolled this year as a freshman
at Yale university.
Education Research Cmite
Prepares Improvement
of Program.
Plans to unite the engineering
profession, educational institutions
and the industries in improving en-
gineering education have been an-
nounced by H. Hobart Porter, chair
man of the engineering foundation.
Prof. Alfred H. White, of the
chemical engineering department,
is working with Dr. Harvey N. Da-
vis, president of Stevens Institute of
Technology, on the education re-
search committee whose obect i
to form a program which will meet
the demand of industry and puic
service for professional education of
high quality.
Dr. Davis represents the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers,
whigch has begun a survey of its
members to determine their duties,
responsibilities and compensation.
He favors the use of aptitude tests
more than the questionnares used
at present in the colleges.
"Breadth of vision," Dr. Davis as-
serts, "should be balanced against
depth of thiking in deciding upon
the courses of training best for vari-
ous engineering students. Specializ-
ation belongs after graduation."
Hoover Invitesuthiuen I
To Attend Conference
President Alexander Grant Ruth-
yen has been officially invited,
through an invitationnbearing the
seal of the President of the United
States, to attend the conference on
child health at Washington between
Nov. 19 and 22. Educators, sociolo-
gists and men prominent in related
fields have been asked to attend the
conference which wll treatprob-
lems of disease and its treatment
among children.
Althoughn Dr. Ruthven was un-
decided whether he will attend the
conference it was thouhet possible

State Student Conference Will
Meet Today, Tomorrow
at Battle Creek.
Health measures and a study of
their application to the students of
a university or college campus will
be considered at a state student
Y. M. C. A. conference to be held
today and tomorrow at Battle
Creek, according to the announce-
ment of Russell Cooper, state stud-
ent secretary of the organization.
The delegates are to be the guests
of Dr. John Harvey Kellogg of the
Battle Creek sanitarium, and the
program of the conference will in-
clude a complimentary medical
examination of all who attend. Dr.
Kellogg is making this opportunity
available because of his ambition
to extend the principles of biologic
living to all people. In this case he
believes the delegates will carry
back to their institutions and
spread among their colleagues the
knowledge of how to obtain good
Prof. Georges E. Carrothers of
the School of Education, William
Kearns, '31, and Lyle Passmore, '33,
have been chosen as delegates from
the University of Michigan. Kearns
and Passmore are both members of
the executive board of the Stud-
ent Christian association.
Besides the health aspect of the
conference, the Michigan delega-
tion hopes to meet frequently the
delegates from the Christian asso-
ciations of other Michigan colleges,
particularly Michigan State, and
compare ideas on the conducting of
their respective organizations.nThe
value of this exchange of thought
should be one of the chief results
of the conference, stated Kearns
State Department
Acts torSafeguard
American Missions
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 31.-Con-
cerned over the growing number
of cases in which American mis-
sionaries in China have become
enmeshed in the activitiesof the
co-called Communist bandits, the
state department today considered
how further to protect its nation-
als in remote places in the repub-
The reluctance of missionaries to
heed the warnings of American
consuls to withdraw to places of
safety has caused the state depart-
ment and the American officials
in China one of the most trying
periods in the history of American-
Chinese relations.
The American consulate general
at Hankow alone has protested to
Chinese officials during the past
18 months more than 50 times
against the occupation and moles-
tation by Chinese of American
property. Most of this was Mis-
sionary property.
As a result of their remaining in
places designated to them on fre-
quent occasions by consular offi-
cers as "danger spots," four Amer-








i.r. i


For the past 40 years students of Michigan have
published, supported, and read the MICHIGAN
DAILY. It has been the medium of -campus news
and editorial comment for generations of Michigan
We have through our period of continual expal-
sion been widening our scope of news service. Of late

the MICHIGAN DAILY has been bringing


readers the latest word and state news right from our
Associated Press Wire and through our several other
news services.
We now call your attention to our new field of


news serv
cially in


Throughout our news pages and espe-

our columns under the head of "ANN

,, , s N v erna.,
Many members of the art faculty because of the fact that he will be ican missio
are exhibiting their works in the in Washington at the time, that he ing the yea
eighth annual exhibition of local will be able to attend several ses- 1, 1930, and
art, sponsored by the Ann Arbor sions of the assembly. bandits.
Art association, which opened yes- ----------
terday in the galleries of the
Alumni Memorial hall.
Those painters showing theirA B -
works are Fred H. Aldridge, Jr., ANN ARBOR NEW
who is an instructor in the art
school, Myron B. Chapin whose
works are well known both here
and in the east, Maria L. Crane, I1 Btlh
Prof. Jean Paul Slusser who be- COMMUNITY FUND tBnethleh
sides exhibiting many times here DRIVE NEARS hem cemet
has shown his works in the large D IR EhOfficials c
galleries in the east, Earnest H.
Barnes and A. M. Valerio, who has Two Thirds of Quota Subscribed; active pallb
also achieved a reputation for his Canvass Closes Monday. hliam W. W
etchings and dry points. day. Staeb, cashi
Mrs. Margaret Chapin, art in- More than two-thirds of the $62,- ant vice pr
structor in the University High and 000 sought by the Community Fund and Ernes
Elementary schools is exhibiting for welfare work has been pledged, cashier.
her works while Orb Gill and team captains and workers report- Members
Bertha Goodison of Ypsilanti State ed yesterday at the second progress tors of the
Normal also have paintings being luncheon held in the Chamber of Ball compa
shown. Marina Timoshenko, a stud- Commerce building. and Feed c
ent who has achieved fame while The drive, which opened last of the city
studying abroad and in the studios Sunday, will come to a close tomor- sioners, ha
of America has paintings on dis- row, and a third progress luncheon orary pallbe
play. will be held Monday to determine
Carlton Angell, the University the total amount subscribed.
Museum sculptor is exhibiting some Communications to Ann Arbor Plan I
of his prize works as is Avard Fair- residents now in Europe and other
banks who was brought here by the foreign countries have been sent The prop
$25,000 Carnegie Fund. out by the executive secretary, and rates, adopt
additional contributions are ex- city water
A. E. White to Lecture pected to be made, it was stated. I come befor
oerThe drive, officials said, will not commission
on Univaersity Program be extended, but will close Monday morning fo
Prof. A. E. White, of the engi- regardless of whether or not the f The prop
neering research department, wll necessary $62,000 has been raised. which wou
talk on the University radio pro- Picked teams will not be used ment's ann
gra at7:0 oclck onihton heduring the last two days of the will be acte
topic, "A Challenge to Industry." 'campaign, although it was said sioners and
Prof. Frank N. Blanchard, ofythe that some changes may be made in city council
zoology department, is scheduled to assignment of districts, crease in
discuss "Snakes of Michigan." Pro- made unti]
fessor Blanchard specializes in the Bank Closes for Rites been appro
field of reptiles and has gathered The amo
snecimens for the University mu- In respect to the memory of the increase w

naries were killed dur-
r Sept. 1, 1929, to Sept.
six were captured by

em Evangelical church.
wvill be in the Bethle-
f the bank will serve as
bearers. They are Wil-
'alz, president; Alfred
er; Roy B. Hiscock, vice
Norman Ottmar, assist-
esident, and Ben Pryer
t Waidelich, assistant
of the board of direc-
bank, the Hoover Steel
ny, the Ann Arbor Grain
company, and members
board of park commis-
ve been named as hon-
ncreased Rates
osed increase in water
ted last Tuesday by the
rate . commission, will
e the board of water
ers at 10 o'clock this
or ratification.
posed change in rates,
ild increase the depart-
.ual income by $51,353,
ed upon by the commis-
d then submitted to the
l for final action. No in-
rates, however, will be
l the new schedule has
ved by council.
unt derived by the rate
ould be placed in a sep-

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items of interest that deal particularly with city topics
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