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October 24, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-10-24

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THE MTrWTr.'AN n,&Tf-v

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1 ~ A CTT fAT t~ YVAAA LJvi 1 1? 1uJt-%IN U."1 1L F ±D.I

AY, OCTOBER 24, ~1930,

I'TT'f 4" -9- «E-* _. ..}9_! . I o rvV i3P hrd1 4An., t,,',,~ v lifflo.-. -c, I

,Published every morning except Monday
duringsthe University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwiseecredited
in thie paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
$4.50. 1
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
hiard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 212r4.

ut lun we o w m very mLol e-
ual data; both point out, and try
to prove, that the other should
spend his time on more important
issues, but neither sets the example.
Campus Opinion
Contributors axe asked to be brief,
confining thenseix es to less than 300
words if possible. Anonymous corn-
na cations i lbed i sre gared. 'The
narcs f omniuni taut', xxill, howver,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters publi-bed should not be
construed as e-:pressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.

i s:

Telephone 4925
Chairman Editorial Board

City Editor
Frank E. Cooper
News Editor................Gurney William
Editorial Director ........... Walter W. Wilds
Sports Editor................Joseph A. Russel
omen's Editor ............Mary L. Behyme
Music and Drama .......William J. Gorman
Assistant News Editor......Charles R. Sprow
Telegraph Editor..........George A. Stauter
S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel
Carl S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobin
David M. Nichol HaroldO. Warren
Sports Assistants
Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy.
Robert Townsend
Walter S. Baer, Jr. Wilbur J. Myers
Irving J. Blumberg Robert L. Pierce
Donald 0. Boudeman Sher M. Quraishi
George T. Callison C. Richard Racine
Thomas M. Cooley Jerry E. Rosenthai
George Fisk George Rubenstein
Y rnard W. Freund Charles A. Sanford
Morton Frank Karl Seiffert
Saul Friedberg Robert F. Shaw
Frank B. Gilbreth Edwin M. Smith
Jac~kGoldsmith George A. Stauter
Roland Goodman Alfred R. Tapert
William H. Harris Tohn S. Townsend
James H. Inglis )obert D. Townsend
enton C. Kunze Max H. Weinberg
Powers Moulton Joseph F. Zias

Lynne Adams
Betty Clark
Elsie Feldman
Elizabeth Gribble
Smily G. Grimes
Elsie M. Hoffmey
j ean Levy
Dorothy Magee
Mary McCall

Margaret O'Brien
Eleanor Rairdon
jean Rosenthal
Cecilia Shriver
Frances Stewart
er Anne Margaret Tobin
Margaret Thompson
Claire Trussell
Barbara Wright

Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising.................Charles T. Kline
Advertisir.g................Thomas M. Davis
Advertising............William W. Warboys
Service...................Norris J. Johnson
Publication ............Robert W. Williamson
Circulation..............Marvin S. Kobacker
Accounts ...................Thomas S. Muir
Business Secretary ............ Mary J. Eenan

Thomas E. Hastings
Harry R. Begley
William Brown
Richard H. Hiler
Vernon Bishop
William W. Davis
f'. Fred Schaefer
Joseph Gardner
'Ann .Verner
northea Waterman
Alice McCully
Dorothy Bloomgarde
Dorothy Laylin
Sosephine Convisser
Bernice G dlaser
fHortense Gooding

s Byron V. Vedder
Erie Kightlinger
Richard Stratemeier
Abe Kirshenbaum
Noel D. Turner
Aubrey L. Swinton
Wesley C. Geisler
Alfred S. Rensen
Laura Codling
Ethel Constas
Anna Goldberg
en Virginia McComb
Joan Wiese
Mary Watts
Marian Atran
Sylvia Miller

Night Editor: CARL S. FORSYTHE
Now that the gubernatorial cam-
paigns have begun in earnest in
states where nomination does not
amount to election, special atten-
tion has been drawn to the fight
in New York.
Governor Roosevelt, democratic
candidate, is running to succeed
himself against Charles H. Tuttle,!
Republican, former United States
district attorney. At present, the
columns of the New York papers
are being filled with the charges of
Tuttle against Tammany Hall, and
the recent replies of Mayor Walker
of New York city, and former Gov-
ernor Al Smith. Graft, corrution
of public officers, even up to the
supreme court bench, are the in-
dictments which are being brought
against the Democratic nominee.
It seems extremely futile to im-
press the voters with graft charges
by means of extreme publicity.
Governor Roosevelt correctly points
out that Tuttle is evading more
important issues relating to state
administration. It is evident that
the Republican nominee is trying
to line up the New York city vote
by promising them a thorough in-
vestigation of the state of affairs.
But that is but one of the dutiesI
of a governor.
Mr. Roosevelt has been a good
governor, even though Michigan
may say 'he is only a Democrat.'
Al Smith was a good governor be-
fore him. Whether or iot either
would make a good president is,
entirely another matter, although
Tuttle tries to bring this issue into
his campaign.
However, the main point is thatf
the state is getting nowhere witht
these arguments. New York has itsr
grafters, its bribers, its criminals."
But so have Detroit, Chicago, andf
a score of other cities. Groesbecke
charged graft in the Green admin-s
istration, and was challenged to n
prove it by Brucker; this, however,t
he failed to do. If the candidates of

To the Editor:
The present student attitu4
toward Sunday Convocations, tE
ward the oft-ridiculed but none tU
less worthwhile efforts of the Stu
s ent Christian Association, revea
u a striking, though perhaps untru
n picture of the religious consciou
r ness of this campus. When I fir
came to Michigan, a few years ag
I witnessed the beginning of tU
decline of student interest in Cox
vocations. Prior to that time,
tradition seemed to exist to t
effect that to sacrifice the luxu
of one's Sunday slumbers, to di
pense with a leisurely perusalc
the Sunday papers, in order to a
tend Convocations, was the thi
to do! Like most freshmen, I w
curious to attend. I wanted 1
enjoy a fine sermon, of course, bi
more important than that, I wante
to feast my eyes on the so-calle
"nobility of the campus" who,
was assured, diligently put in the
appearance. And they came. Ir
tellectual curiosity must have bee
at a higher ebb in those days.r1
I remember correctly, some fra
ternities accomplished the almo
superhumnan task of attendin
practically "en masse." Then, of
sudden, therrumor squirmed abo
that the order of the clay wa
thumbs down on Convocation
Valiantly, they have since struggle
to survive the blight of studer
Why this change has come abou
I am not sure. Apparently, relgio
is even less interesting today tha
yesterday. But I am inclined to be
lieve that the chief reason wh
convocations have withered is tha
they cannot survive a wave of in
difference - prolonged! Moreove:
they simply have not been able t
compete with the alluring attract
iveness of an evening at the "Mich
or the "Maj". As a result, the pro
portion of students to townspeopl
who attend the convocations re
fuses to grow, but instead, lend
itself to a gradual decline.
The fault may easily lie in th
type of service presented. But
am inclined to hold, again, tha
the trouble is external rather thai
internal. The speakers have bee
unquestionably of a- superior type
They have not been "evangelists
in the comon usage of the terr
but men of keen intellect, we]
aware of ithe changing focus o
human thought. To put it plainly
they have not been merely "preach
ers". Their ideas certainly merite
consideration, if nothing else, fron
a campus of self-styled intellect
The main difficulty, it appears
lies with the aptitude of student,
to drift with fashions of though
as well as dress, and to refuse t
move unless prodded. At any rate
the fashion of the day is to feig
ndifference to anything pertaining
to religion. It will not even provok
i discussion. In a languid mood
i student, if pressed sufficientl3
will admit that religion is "not a
bad idea." Admittedly, something
>ught to be done about the preseni
situation. Admittedly, convocation
are a great thing. And while we are
in the process of admitting all this
,onvocations die a slow and painful
death. The Student council seems
to have lost interest. The Daily
zannot take issue 'as a matter of
policy. The Union and the League
refuse to admit that the question
to have, or not to have Convoca-
tions is an issue on this campus.

Though it has been demonstrated
that students respond to morning
2onvocations and not to evening
convocations, the Administration
seems to hold that evening convo-
,ations should be encouraged.
This hesitancy of student leaders
to align themselves with a religious
project brings out one amusing
fact. From some ridiculous source,
the idea has evolved that religion
has no place in the thoughts of a
"regular guy," or one who can think
for himself. The idea is that the
church is a place that interprets
spiritual puzzles which the feeble
mind of the individual who at-
tends cannot grasp. There is also
this feeling that a person who is

and somewhat shoved into the
background. And yet, it is not an
empty label! It is more of a burn-
ing issue now than ever before.
When the period of re-adjustment
is further advanced, we shall see
that the greatest task of science
will be to create a new religion. For
that reason alone, anyone who pur-
ports to be intelligent should be
aware of new developments in this
most recent child of science-mod--
ern theology.
In my opinion, this campus
should have a change in attitude.
Any system of education which
neglects to touch on religion is not
only narrow, and non-progressive,
but is an out and out failure. It will
turn us into a nation of calculating
materialists. If Convocations are of
no value, fill no need, I shall be
the first to urge their being
scrapped. Before that occurs, how-
ever, I shall judge their value by
the ensuing experimental services.
What is needed is a group of far-
seeing students who will support
some sort of a religious program.
Where we are to look for them, I
do not know. We certainly cannot
look to our "honor-societies," nor
to our "student leaders;"~ they are
overloaded now, carrying the badges
symbolic of their political loyalty.
There is also,the ever-present fear
that such support will forever
brand the individual a "christer."
What worse fate could be one's
lot? But if we d havesuch a
group, much could be accomplished.
The remedy to the situation would
be the ultimate establishment of a
student chapel. This chapel would
be non-denominational, and would
be managed solely by students. It
would command the presence of
the finest thinkers and speakers in
the country. Such a project is an
ideal, I realize, but it is the solu-
tion. Already, I can anticipate the
storm of protest both from the
Churches of Ann Arbor, and the
University Administration. That
however, can be overcome simply
by a determined manifestation of
student interest in just such a
project. It would erect a standard
for other state universities to aim
at. It would go far in the end, too,
toward mending the situation
which Thomas Hardy pessimistic-
ally referred to as, "the chronic
melancholy which is taking hold of
the civilized races with the decline
of belief in a beneficient power."
F. W. C. Boesche, Jr.
President, Student Christian
To the Editor:
I would just like to tell you what
happened at the Ohio State game
last Saturday.
In my hurry to leave Ann Arbor
Saturday morning, I forgot my
tickets' and didn't find out about
it until I arrived at Columbus. I
went to the ticket office there and
was told that I would have to see
our Michigan representative, Mr.
Tillotson. Waiting for him was an
older man from Jackson who had
left his tickets at home. When Mr.
Tillotson arrived he was willing
enough to vouch for six tickets for
the Jackson man who knew the
seats and row number of his tickets,
and gave his identification. How-
ever, when I showed him my stud-
ent receipt and also gave him my
ticket numbers he merely said he
wouldn't do anything for me, and
left. When I told Mr. Taylor, of
Ohio State, my trouble he was will-
ing to vouch for me. All I had to

do was leave my student's receipt
and promise to mail him the for-
gotten tickets.
What I am particularly wrought
up about was Mr. Tillotson's will-
ingness to vouch for an outsider
and not for a student. After all it
is the students who make the Uni-
versity. When one pays six dollars
for two tickets and goes 200 miles
to see the game, he does not feel
like paying six more because a cer-
tain person does not feel like both-
ering with him.

i A i
TONIGHT: In the Mendelssohn
Theatre at 8:15 Comedy Club pres-
ents "Olympia," Ferenc Molnar's
malicious comedy about the woes
of a regal family.
The announcement from Mimes
was pleasant news. "A campus re--
view . . . in which both women and
men will take part . . . all music,
skits, dialogue, scenery to be de-
signed by students, who will also
do the managing and direction."
In light of those facts, one sees
no reason why one should any
longer consider that Mimes has
abandoned the Opera. There has
merely been a felicitous change in
policy in the interest of satisfying
and expressing a change in stud-.
ent taste. y
As the theatric event generally
deemed most important and cer-
tainly supported most enthusiastic-
ally by the campus, the Opera with
its professionally derivedebloom was
disconcerting. For no very signif-
cant reason, the Opera was vying
with the doubtful musical comedy
tradition of a much more talented
town, New York. It had phantas-
magoric pretensions; and indeed
annually bought an expensive, gor-
geous dress from Lester Ltd.
The Opera, which of all events
should have been the grand exploi-
tation of student ability, was stifl-
ing all student expression in the
specious desire to present a glam-
orous spectacle. Musical comedy
stimuli-gruff colonel fathers and
villainous captains, etc .--were each
year combined spectacularly. There
were large crowds. The crowds en-
joyed themselves--socially.
But for several years back, the
criticism has come from"various
sources: to justify its position as
the most flourishing branch of the
campus theatrical tree, the Opera
should more intelligently exploit
student talent in the way of writ-
ing and acting. It should become
more recognizably a campus prod-
uct. Its material should be locally
Last year the Opera was voted
out of existence by Mimes. This
year the organization seems to be
making the suggested change in
policy. There should be no break.
The Mimes Opera is still a tradi-
tion. From now on, they will be
less gorgeous; but they undoubtedly
will be less stupid.
The Gordon String Quartet of
Chicago, which is opening the
series sponsored by the Chamber
Music Society, has announced its
program :

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- o l

Editorial Comment
(University Daily Kansan)
We have a great deal of unem-
ployment in this country, but we're
not yet so much up against it that
any job would be acceptable. There
are some jobs you couldn't force us
to take.
Look at the presidency. Coolidge
was smart enough to quit and to
start writing for the papers instead
of worrying with Congress. Hoover
knows better now; if Smith would
only offer to -take the position off
his hands, he'd hand it over to him 1


La oracion (ei torer ltaqnin 'u1 i.
\ottrno ,[lrolIi.
\ivace I I A f.
The program is to be given in
the Mendelssohn Theatre Wednes-
day evening of next week.
Leading the list of Red Seal rec
ords for November is an ortho-
phonic duplicate of one of the most
popular of Leopold Stokowski's early
recordings: Salome's Dance from
Richard Strauss' Salome (7259-
7260). This exotic music, slightly
dated, he 'plays with a superbly'
sumptuous command of a great
orchestra. It is a far more brilliant
rendering than that by Bruno
Walfter done for Columbia recently,
which is meticulous and labored.1
The extra side is an interesting
piece of impressionism, Japanese
Nocturne, by Henry Eichheim.
Lawrence Tibbett, abandoning
theme songs, offers one of the most
thrilling records in months: Largo#
al Factotum from Rossini's "Barber
of Seville" and Eri Tu from Verdi's
"The Masked Ball." Both of these
are duplicates too: of an early
Guiseppe de Luca record. The two;
arias afford Tibbett a vehicle for
the most part intricate, versatile
baritoning one has heard in a long


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