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October 23, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-10-23

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Air 41P4




81,000 IN RED ORGY1

Ruthless Slayings, Burning
Looting Take Place
at Kian.


Mentions Michigan's Strategy gan, are the three men whose foot-
as Exception to Rockne's, ball styles defy classification in ei-
ther the Rockne or the Warner list
Warner's Systems. in Meehan's opinion.
"Zuppke uses all styles and says
(NE AssWY t.ed P.e gr he starts where the others leave
NEW YORK, Oct. 22.-The great off," Chick announced with a grin.
game of intercollegiate footballhas"Stagg is beginning to talk about
dwindled down to two styles of play, flank movements and is losing plen-
two sets of strategy, and there it ty of games. Yost goes back to the
is going to stay until the last pig- kick formation, which is old as foot-,
skin is booted and the final whistle ball itself."
blown. You can take this on thea "Knute Rockne has put decep-
wyhtion, lateral passes, thrusts, and
coachof the New York University speed into his attack. Warner into
Violets.I the unbalanced line has moulded
"Football," remarkedChick do power, fakes, guile, double and triple
the authority of his background of passes. Now show me any system
having won 39 games, losing nine and I'll prove to you its derivativeI
and tieing three since becoming deterhechallanged
coach at N.Y.U., "has come down to o n rteohr"h hlagd
the Notre Dame system on one side,
the balanced line, shifting backs,
and the Warner system on the oth- I
....~~~ ~ ~ ..II,- ioviihrksC I HN SE TO

Missionaries Severely Beaten;
Destruction of Missions
(By Associated Press)
SHANGHAI, Oct. 22.-- E i g h t
thousand Chinese men and women
have been massacred at Kian, pro-

New Development in ,ields of
Recent Progress Will
be Discussed.
Expert to Address Meeting on
Private Insurance Vs.
Social Insurance.'
Exposition of new developments
in fields of recent progress, argu-
ment on points of controversy, and
friendly discussion between speaker
and audience is the tone that the
all-campus forums which were held
last year possessed and the tone
which the StudentdChristian asso-
ciation hopes to infuse in the meet-
ings this year, a schedule of which
(contains names more imposing and
subjects more vital than those of
last year in the opinion of William
Kearns, '32, chairman of the open
forums committee of the Student
Christian association.

Death Toll Increases to
in German Mishap.



ALSDORF, Germany, Oct. 22.
Seven miners were rescued alive to-
night from the gallery of the Anna
2 mine, but there was almost no
hope for 25 others still unaccount-
ed for and believed entombed by
the explosion which yesterday at
dawn destroyed the shaft. The
death toll stood tonight at 233, not
including the 25 men still missing._
Four of the seven miners rescued
had taken refuge in a small blind
gallery and were severally injured.
One of the four died soon after-
ward from the effects of poisonous'
fumes which he had breathed.At
the 1200-foot level nine others
were found huddled together, of
whom six were dead and three in-,
The cause of the disaster remainsl
as mysterious as ever. Among ex-
perts the opinion is growing and is
shared by many survivors, that coalI
gas at least was the primary rea-
son for the explosion.



Secretary Stimison
Signs Embargo Act

Daniels Defeats
Bowe, HouckI




vince of Klangsi, by communists in
an orgy of slaying, looting, andf
burning, said dispatches receivedt
The reds swarmed into Kian Oct.i
6, ransacked the city and ruthless-
ly killed 2,000 inhabitants in one
day. Thousands of others were
slain as depradations continued.
Demand Ransom.
First news of the massacre was1
brought by Bishop Migniani, of the
Italian Lazarist mission at Kian,
who with a Chinese Lazarist priest
arrived at Kiukiang today. He had
been released by Reds to attempt to
raise $10,000,000 Mexican (about
$3,500,000 gold) as ransom for 14
missionaries held at Kian.
Bishop Migniani said he and the
Chinese priests, after being severely
beaten and p a r a d e d through
streets of Kan, had been left on
foot Oct.14 to obtain aid for theirx
fellow missionaries. These includ-
d four Italian priests, four Italian1
missionaries, one Frenchuand v
Chinese nuns held at communistl
,When they left,no mission build-
ings had been fired, but buckets of
gasoline' had b e e n distributed
through church properties for use
-ehoild ransom not be forthcoming-
tuildings Fired .
eporting deaths at Klan had
reached 8,OOO, Chinese press' dis-
patches said that immediately after
capturing the city, communists)
massacred residents and started
disastrous fires. Plains of smoke i
were seen many miles for three
"So many persons were murder-
ed," said the dispatches, "that vir-r
tually a constant stream of bodies
were seen floating in the Kan river
toward Nachang. Scenes not de-
scribable were enacted."
From Pengsteh, eastern Kiangsi,
came reports that Father Von Aix,
French priest, had been murdered.1
Three thousand reds, said press dis-
patches, overwhelmed the city in a,
surprise attack.
,, Flee City.
Thousands of terrified inhabi-
tants paid large sums to shipown-
ers to take them to Anking and
Kiukiang for safety. Others were
murdered by reds, who seized two
steamers that failed to escape.
Reports, however, stated the gov-~
ernment was having difficulty en-1
forcing the few nationalist soldiers
in Kiangsi to fight the reds. Voic-
ing the slogan "soldiers don't fight
soldiers" nationalist troops permit-
ted the looting and slaughter to
go on.
Large Assembly Seeking Revenge
on Illinois Expected.
Students, townspeople, and re-
turning alumni will assemble at 8
o'clock tomorrow night in Hill audi-
torium for the pep meeting before
the Illinois game. J. Fred Lawton,
'11, composer of "Varsity" and an
ardent Michigan supoprter will be
the principal speaker. at the meet-
ing, which will be the first event
on the Homecoming program this
week-end. A large turn-out, all of
whom are seeking a reversal in out-
come of last year's game with the
Illini, is expected for the gathering.
Lawton, who is well known to
students on the campus because of
his many appearances at class
functions and pep meetings in the
past, will tell the audience of some
of the outstanding Michigan foot-
ball games in citing examples of the
"Spirit of Michigan."
Several rousing Wolverine yells
under the direction of Monty Shick,

er, unbalanced line, wing Das.
With but three exceptions every of-
fense in the country is based on
these two plans.
Bob Zuppke, at Illinois, Amos
Alonzo Stagg at Chicago, and Field-
ing Yost, athletic director at Michi-

Shick Stresses Need of Close
Observance of Card



Arthur Woods to Direct
Unemployment Aid

(Y Associated Press )
WASHINGTON, Oct. 22.-The re-
newed efforts of the government
to aid the nation's unemployed
took more definite form tonight as
President Hoover and the man he
has named to direct the activities,
Col. Arthur Woods, of New York,
conferred at the White House.
Colonel Woods arrived late in
the day and went directly to the
executive mansion where the pres-
ident awaited him in his office'
Later he called upon Secretary La-
mont at the latter's home.
Describing the situation as a
"race against human misery," the
new administrator said the govern-
ment "must and will win."
He asserted that the problem
would be met with all the informa-
tion and vigor that can be sum-
moned and that he and the presi-
dent's cabinet committee of seven
would try to take immediately the
steps needed to meet the situation.
He had accepted the post, in
which he will serve without pay,
only yesterday and declined to dis-
cuss particulars of the organiza-
tion to be set up until he confers
with associations tomorrow.
An organization similar to that
which he directed in 1921 at the
instance of President Harding is to
be established, Colonel Woods indi-
cated, with changes to meet new
He said most of the work of the
government probably would lie in
the co-ordination of local activi-
ties, and that the plans would be
adapted to the varying needs of
different sections of the country.
The organizations already set up
throughout the country had made'
the task easier, he said.
Union Announces Pool
Tourney Registration
Registration for participation in
the annual all-campus billiard and
pool tournaments, sponsored by the
House committee of the Union, will
begin this afternoon in the billiard
room of the Union. Persons desir-
ing to enter may sign up any time
before noon, Saturday, Nov. 1.
Separate contests in straight rail,
and three-rail billiards and pool
I will be conducted. There is no limit
to the number of tournaments
which one person may enter. As in
I former years, the winner in each
division will be presented with a sil-
ver loving cup, while the runner-up
in each case will receive $5 in trade
'in the Union billiard room.
Pairing to determine opponents
will be made immediately upon the
closing registration on Nov. 1, there-
fore it is imperative that all pros-
pective entrants sign up by that
Rooms May be Listed
for Weekend Visitors

Three new formations, spelling
l"MICH," "ILLINI," and "U of M,"
will be attempted in the cheering
section at the Illinois game Satur-
day, according to an announcement,
made by Monty Shick, 31, Varsity
cheerleader. Although highly com-
mended in the Purdue game, the
new card system will not be a suc-
cess unless certain instructions are1
observed, stated Shick.
Students in the section are asked
to read the directions printed on
the back of their tickets before en-
tering the stadium. In order to in-
sure the success of the stunts it is
imperative that every one be in his
own seat. Upon the signal from the
cheerleader and his four assistants,
the cards should be raised to a level)
with the eyes, and NOT above the
head. This fault was apparent in
the Purdue game, spoiling, in part,
the effect of the stunt. The cheery
leaders. will hold up -I rg. cards1
with' tht differeit: stunt ritnlbergy;
the cards should be immediately1
lowered as soon as the large cards1
are put down.
All students are requested to hold
their cards even though a touch-
down is made. The great expense
entailed with supplying the cards
makes it impossible to provide new
ones for each game. The student-
body can co-operate in this matter
by leaving cards on the seats as
they leave the stadium.
As was the case at the Purdue
game, the cards will be tacked to
the seats in the cheering section.
The formations which will be given
during time out periods, will have
yellow letters on a blue background.
Tickets in the sections, 22, 23, and
24 between rows 28 to 43 inclusive
will be in the cheering section,
where both men and women stu-
dents will be seated.
Juniors Elect Hinz, Stepniski
as Other Officers.
In the junior architectural elec-
tions held yesterday, Russell Bailey
I was unanimously electedhpresident
of the 1932 class. Other officers
chosen were, Louise Hinz, secre-
tary; a nd Sylvester Stepnoski,
treasurer. The vote for the position
on the J-Hop committee ended in
a tie which will be decided next
Wednesday, between S t a n e y
Fleishakeryand Lyle Zizler. Laur-
een Marshall was chosen vice-pres-
ident of the senior architectural
class over John Pottle. Both men
had the same number of votes at
the regular election last week, ne-
cessitating a run-off of the tie. The
respective vote yesterday was 18 to
E.7C. Crafts was chosen president
of the junior forestry class at its
elections. J. W. Adams was named
vice-president while T. S. Kmap-
mann was selected to be secretary.
The class treasurership went to G.
Z. Rayner.j
Zuppke Instructs Men
in Breaking up Passes
1 (RS Assecale Pres)
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Oct. 22.-
Coach Bob Zuppke hustled Illinois'
footballers through another ex--
Itended drill against Michigan pass-

Some well known men who are
scheduled to speak include Dr.Alex-
ander G. Ruthven, president of the
University, Harold H. Emmons, for-
mer police commissioner of Detroit,
Wilber M. Brucker, Republican
nominee for governor of Michigan,
Frank Murphy, mayor of Detroit,
and Frederick B. Fisher, former
Bishop of India, now pastor of the
Methodist church of Ann Arbor.
Epstein Will Talk.
Abraham Epstein, well known in-
surance expert of New York, will
open the series at 4:15 o'clock Mon-
day in room D of the Alumni Mem-
orial hall with a talk on the sub-
ject, "Private Insurance vs. Social
Insurance." Epstein is an inter-
nationally recognized expert on the
subject of insurance. He is execu-
tive secretary for the American As-
sociation for Old Age Security and
has written an article for the Au-
dgst tssie of the American Me-; cury
entitlef, "Old Age Pension aid So-
cial Insurance." The speaker is be-
ing sent here under the auspices of
the League for Industrial Democ-
- On Dec. 11, Prof. Howard Y. Mc-
Cluskey of the education school will
address the forum on the subject,
"The Thing Most Lacking in College

Varied Entertainment Planned
For Large Crowd of
Graduates. Henry L. Stirnson,
-_Secretary of State, who yesterday
TO HOLD PEP MEETING collaborated with President Herbert
Hoover in making diplomatic his-
tory by countersigning the Presi-
Judging from advance indications, dent's embargo imposed on expor-
the returning alumni for the Illinois tations of arms and munitions to
: game Saturday, will compose one of Brazilian ports. The President and
the largest Homecoming crowds of Secretary Stimson were acting on
a. plea of the Brazilian federal gov-
i t tnent.


recent years.v aried en er ianmenL
has been planned for the graduates
who are coming from all over the
country to attend the game.
A pep meeting on Friday night at,
which J. Fred Lawton, '11, composer
of "Varsity," will speak, is. the first
event scheduled for the Homecom-1
ing program. Graduates will join'
in with students and townspeople in
giving the team a rousing send-off
before the, game with the Illini.,
Following this assembly, alumni
may return to their fraternities and
sororities many of whom are giving
parties in honor of their guests.I


McBurney to Speak. I
James H. McBurney, instructor i Many thousand Illinois rooters are
the speech department, will speak expected to arrive by motor and by,
before the forum Jan. 8 on the sub- special trains Friday and Saturday.
,ject of "University Paternalism." A /cup, donated by G o ld ma n,
Dr. Ruthven's talk on Nov. 13 will Brothers, will be given to the best
be unique in that it will be the first decorated house for Homecoming.
time that a president of the Uni- Originality and general effect will
versity has discussed future plans be considered as the basis for mak-
for the development of the Univer- ing the award. A committee com-
sity before a student audience. Last posed of Prof. Bruce M. Donaldson1
year Dr. Ruthven addressed an en- of the fine arts department, Walter I
thusiastic audience on the subject, J. Gores, and Ross T. Bittinger, both
"The Value of a College Education." of the architectural school, will tour
This year his subject has been an- the campus between 11 o'clock and
nounced as "Plans and Policies of game time to inspect all decorated
the University." fraternities. As in the past, photo-
Igraphs of the best decorated houses
1,500 GARGOYLES will appear in the Michiganensian. {
SOLD YESTERDAY Although the annual fall games
between the sophomores and fresh-
~men, usually held the morning of
Today's Sales Limited to U. Hall the Homecoming game, will not be
and Engineering Arch. held until the Minnesota game this
,year, the graduates will find other
More than 1,500 copies df the things that will keep them occu-
first issue of the Gargoyle were pied. A tour of the campus to see
sold yesterday, Bruce Palmer, '31, the new University buildings will
business manager of the magazine, i probably engage many before and
announced yesterday. He also stat- after the game.
ed that the sale of the Gargoyle Additional entertainment will be
today will be limited to the Engin- provided, with dances at the League
eering arch and the tables in Uni- and Union both Friday and Satur-
versity hall. day night.

Executive N1 a k-e Diplomatic I .
History in Acting on
Brazilian Plea.
(I13 ahPress
WASHINGTON, Oct. 22.-Acting
upon a plea of the Brazilian gov-
ernnlent, President Hoover today
imposed an embargo on shipments
of arms and munitions to Brazil,
the first time in American diplo-
matic history such a limitation has
been placed on . exportations of
arms to a South American repub-
The embargo was contained in a
proclamation signed by President
Hoover and countersigned and
sealed by Secretary Stimson.
It carried the proviso that ship-
ments could be made to Brazil un-
der licenses granted by the secre-
tary of state, which, in effect,
would prevent shipments to any,
Brazilians other than those repre-
senting the administration of Pres-
!dent Washington Luis, the only
government in Brazil recognized by
the United States.
Brazil's request for inposition of
the embargo was contained in a
note dated today and delivered by
Ambassador Amaral, of Brazil,
to Secretary Stimson.
Closely following, the issuance of
the embargo proclamation at the
state department, the navy depart-.
ment announced that it had again
granted private airplane manufac-
turers the right to deliver to Brazil-
ian government airplanes for which !
the navy had contracted.
British Jurist, Aides
to Conduct Inquiry
Into R-101 Disaster
LONDON, Oct. 22.-Sir John Si-'
mon, British jurist, will begin on
Tuesday next the holding of a pub-
lic inquiry into the loss of Britain's
giant airship, R-101, destroyed Oct.,
5 in Europe with the loss of 48
With him will sit two assessors,
Lieut. Col. J. T. C. Moor-Brabazon
and Prof. Charles E. Inglis, the one
a pioneer motorist and first Eng-
lishmen actually to leave the
mrmilinn ,nirn'lnn 1'hcs nt~hr

Four Literary College
Men Named to Hop
P'iling up 235 votes out of a total
f 390, kenneth c\eCallum was
named to the chairmanship of the
-Hop committee by the junior lit-
erary class in its annual class elee-
tions held yesterday afternoon. lay
Sikkenga won the presidency( o the
-lass bv a wide margin, polling a
total of 230 votes. although a large
cote was anticipated, the total was
in excess of al lpre-election esti-
Ihe defeated candidate for the
presidency was Colby Ryan, who
received 166 votes. Dorothy Daniels
was elected vice-president over An-
na Lyle Spain by the greatest mar-
in of any class office except the
J-Hop committee positions. The
respective vote was 241 and 155.
Bowe Is Secretary.
Pauline Bowe won the secretary-
ship with 224 votes as against the
171 polled by Norma Brown. The
remaining class office, the treasur-
ership, was captured by Kenneth
Houck, 230, over James North, 163.
McCallum's margin over Edward
Frey, the defeated nominee for the
J-Hop chairmanship, was 11 more
than that recorded in the vote for
the president, since Frey received
160 votes.
Weiss ~Lead op . C aiaew
Only eight votes separated the
winning candidates for the - -four
}iterary4-Hop -committee positions.
Henry- Weiss was first with 243
votes; Cullen Kennedy, second with
238; Howard Worden, third with
237; and Henry Bergstrom with 235
was the fourth man elected. The
defeated nominees and the vote re-
ceived by each follows: Frederic
Brace, 145; Maynard Morrison, 145;
Lawrence Hackenberg, 135; and
Marvin Kobacker, 125.
The elections were conducted un-
der the supervision of the Student
council in the Natural Science au-
South Sea Expedition Furnishes
Topic for Lecture.
"With the Pinchot Expedition to
the South Seas" is the subject of a
lecture to be given at 4:15 o'clock
today in Natural Science auditor-
ium by Dr. Henry A. Pilsbry, who
has been curator of mollusks in
the Academy of Natural Sciences
at Philadelphia for more than 40
years. The lecture will be illustrat-
ed with motion pictures and lant-
ern slides.
Dr. Pilsbry shares with Dr. Bry-
ant Walker of the museum of zoo-
logy the positioh of leading author-
ity on mollusks. He has traveled
widely, collecting and observing
shells in their natural environ-
ments in many out of the way cor-
ners of the world. His published
works include many large books
and hundreds of shorter papers,
besides extensive contributions to
the journals of the world's mol-
lusk societies.
In 1929 Dr. Pilsbry accompanied
the Gifford Pinchot expedition,
which traveled about the south
seas in a private yacht. The exped-
ition visited many places little
known biologically which are of
critical interest in faunal studies.
The collections of specimens re-
sulting from the travels were large
and of great scientific value and
interest. Dr. Pilsbry will describe
the work of the expedition in his

The lecture,; which is to be of
general interest, is open to the
Major Industry Names
i~y- 11s V £W 3


With the stated policy of includ-
ing a variety of humor to satisfy
a variety of tastes, the October is-
sue is filled with a little bit of I
everything in the line of humor,
including some valuable hints for
the entering students in an article
by John S. Marshall, '32. The cover
was done by Alan Handley, '32.
A review of the campus drama-
tics situation, written by Charles
S. Monroe, '30, is also included.
These articles, with some poetry,
some clever cartoons, an enlarged
Campus Talk section and a large
and carefully selected exchange
section, complete the book.
Pharmacy Students to
Elect Officers Today
Elections for the junior phar-
macy class will be held at 5 o'clock(

Bell Chosen Delegate
to Student Conference
Merton J. Bell, '31, president of[
the Student council, was elected to
represent the council at the Na-
tional Student federation confer-
ence on Dec. 29 at Atlanta, Ga., at
the meeting of the student govern-
ing body last night.
Besides counting the votes for the1
junior literary election, the council
started plans arranging for a send-
off to the football team before they
entrain for the Harvard game. Oth-
er council business included the
consideration' of plans for the Pep
meeting Friday and Homecoming
Saturday, as well as the arrange-
ments for the annual fall games be-
tween the sophomores and fresh-
men the morning of the Minnesota

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