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October 22, 1930 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-10-22

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b A I i_. Y

WEbXESDAY, OCTOr--" 2^ 1930

1 15* -a l A 1\.i 1AS1 11A 1S L 5 l L 1



Enrgneering Facuy Ma'n Pta
Tour of University for
International Roads Convention
Represented by Group of
165 Foreigners.
In preparation for the delegates
of the International Road congress,
who are visiting the University Sat-
urday, Prof. ,Roger L. Morrison of
the highway engineering depart-
ment, has planned an inspection
trip which will include a visit c
the transportation library, highwayv
laboratory, wind tunnel, iiaval1
tank, Clements library, and the
Lawyers club.
The Road congress which was
held in Washington, D. C. two
wveeks ago, was attended by repre-
sentatives from 67 foreign coun-
tries. These men have been divided
into three tours: eastern, western,
and southern. The first two will
arrive here simultaneously Satur-
day morning.
Will Attend Game
According to a statement made
by Professor Morrison, there will be
165 foreigners and 20 interpreters
in the two tours. The National Au-
tomobile Chamber of Commerce
has arranged for 190 tickets for the
Illinois-Michigan football g a m e
which will be the first contest of
its kind many of the visitors will
have seen.;
There will be a reception and
welcome for the delegates at 9:30
o'clock in the morning at the the-
tre in t h e Michigan League.
Speeches will be made by Vice-
president Shirley Smith, Dean Her-
bert C. Sadler of. the Colleges of
Engineering and Architecture, and
the Hon. G. C. Dillman, state high-
way commissioner of Michigan.
Responses will be given by two of
the delegates.
Visitors to Have Luncheon
The visitors will be the guests of
the university and the National Au-
tomobile Chamber of Commerce at
a buffet luncheon Saturday noon
served in the second floor library
of the Union.
Leaving here right after the
game, the delegates will return to
Detroit where they will remain
several days inspecting the Gener-
al Motors proving grounds, the
Ford Motor company, Dodge Bro-
thers plant, and the Packard plant.
Installation of Transportation
Course Is Announced.
by Dean Sadler.
To give engineers a comprehen-
sive knowledge of transportation by
land, air and sea is the purpose of
the recent establishment of the
transportation curriculum, accord-
ing to a statement made yesterday
by Dean Herbert C. Sadler of the
Colleges of Engineering and Archi-
In this curriculum the student
will study courses in all branches
of transportation instead of being
confined to one field. He will also
take economics, accounting, and
political science in addition to the
general courses offered in the en-
gineering college.
"In the future," Dean Sadler
pointed out, "co-ordination of all
methods of transportation will be
more important than the develop-
ment of any one form."
Preparatory to the installation of
this new curriculum, Prof. John S.
Worley of the transportation de-
partment was appointed chairman
of a committee to investigate the
advisability of inaugurating such a


I .>.
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AFI TO UV INFORMA hNews flashes from The Daily
willbe given during the University
tt p r a ' radio programs over Station WJR
darncsanks and Pumpkins to be from the studio here, it was an-
nounced yesterday afternoon by
son s alroom -prof. Waldo Abbott, director of
University broadcasting.
rAFyFAI TO BE INFORMAL These flashes will consist of re-
cent happenings on the campus.
ProesorAbbott also announced
Te ate panfor aheHallowe'en - Progrssromteadoaeb-
Tnttivt plns forhd a H e baen-- that members of the faculty may
dan and a formal dance were an- in -ay spbcial announcerents broad-
pounced yesterday as a part of an cast such as notices of exhibits,
extension social program being ar- lectures, and collections of data
ranged by the dance committee of 'from a wide area.
the Union.
ty l:'Programs from the studio are be-
'The date for the Hallowe'en P'o opened and closed now with a
da nce has been sit for Friday, Oct. ,musical symbol on a vibra-harp
31, arid it will beheld in the ball- played by Charles Wilbur. The pro-
room of the Union. Decorations in grams ;are opened with a strain of
the style of autumn will be fully I mellow and Blue, and closed wvith
carried out with cornstalks and -- fld Victorh
'~n-I~cunncv i n nr The Ifictors-.

Letters -IIyini', 11 ,
Practiced by Group
Illinois Game.


Will be

A/.'.ciatd Prr: Prae*
Governor Arthur Weaver of Nebraska (left), and Governor John Hammill of Iowa (ri;.o isro vfl. seat-
ed in the center of the group which assisted in the detlication of a new bridge over the Missouri River at
Nebraska City, Neb., recently. In front of them, at left, In Indian costume, is William Hale Waubonsie, de-
scendent of the Indian chief Waubonsie, for whom the bridge is named.


To Entertain Ruthven
President Alexander G. Ruthven
and Mrs. Ruthven will be honored i
at a dinnertby Southern California1
alumni next Monday at the Bilt-i
more hotel in Los Angeles, accord-1
ing to a letter received from Wil-
liam A. Spill, vice-president of the
Pacific coast alumni district.
Charles J. O'Connell, of Colton,
Calif., formerly president of the
University of Michigan club of
Chicago will speak in behalf of1
the alumni.
Tuesday the president and hisi
party will go to Pasadena where;
they will visit the Huntington Art,
Gallery and the Museum of San
Shaw Will Speak
Wilfred B. Shaw, director of
alumni relations, leaves Friday for
Janesville, Wisconsin where he will
speak before the state meeting of
the American Association of Uni-
versity Women.
Committee to Meet
Members of the national alumni
committee on athletics of the Uni-
versity will hold a meeting and
banquet at the Union, Saturday,
November 15.
Charles H. Brady, of Toledo,
chairman of the committee, will
speak concerning the promotion of
interest among the alumni in major
and minor sports at the University.]
Hillel Group to Fete
Rabbi Heller Tonight
Rabbi Bernard Heller will be for-
mally welcomed tonight as the newz
director of the Bnai Brith Hillel
foundation in a banquet at theI
Michigan League.
Byron Novitsky, student president
of the foundation and toastmaster,z
will introduce the rabbi, who will
speak on "The Hillel Foundation's
Contribution to the University."
Chairman E. Al Miller of the ban-
quet committee reported that over
100 tickets had been sold last night.
Prof. E. E. Nelson of the Medical
school was elected secretary of the
Research club, and not Prof. E. S.
Brown of the political science de-
partment, as was previously re-
es and Sororities
of all the latest styles
n & Auld Co.
ch Street
Shows at
2:00, 3:40
W A" l 7:00, 9:00

Carleton Angell Says Persona! mals andt
Interpretation Necessary artist men
for Portrayal. Using th
on, and n
Visualizing the mean, vicious ex- are definit
pressions of a prehistoric animal with othe
is the task of Carleton Angell, ar- type, Ang
model, a
tist at theaUniversity museum. He Itr cast be
ismaking a plaster model restora- (replica.H



pumPk!ins. F1avers, indctinghnorns,
confetti, streamers, and hats, will
be provided.
Don Loomis and his orchestra are
arranging special novelty features
and music for the evening. The
dance will be informal and the
price will be the same as that of
the regular week-end dances at the.
Outside entertainment has been
planned for the formal dancel
which will be held Friday, Nov. 7,
in the ballroom of the Union. Don
Loomis will also provide the music
for the evening. As yet, plans for
decorations and favors have not
been completed.
As an additional feature for the
formal dance a midnight luncheon
will be served during the intermis-
sion in the taproom of the Union.
The price of the tickets for this oc-
casion has not been determined.
Law Association Plans

As a result of its success in form-
ing moving formations at the Ohio
State game last Saturday, the
Varsity band will attempt still more
difficult ones for the Illinois game
this Saturday when homecoming
will be observed.
Although definite plans have not
been announced as yet, it is ex-
pected that the eighty-eight piece
outfit will form the letters
"I L L I N I," "I," "M," and possi-
bly one other group of letters if
enough time will be available be-
tween the halves.
Included in its program for Sat-
urday also will be some vocal num-
bers led by the members of the
Glee club who are in the band. This
feature is patterned after numer-
ous other college bands who have
found such an arrangement a suc-
cess and a great attraction to those
who like variety in the programs
between halves.
The Illinois band, numbering
close to 200, who will also take part
in the progranm have not announced
their plans as yet.

ii all

the prehistoric life," the
e skull as a basis to work
oting that the muscles
ely placed in comparison
r animals of a similar
ell made in turn a clay
plaster mold and a plas-
fore securing his desired
Ele explained his portray-



Opening Friday Night
at the MENDFLSSOHN Theatre

tion of a phytosaur whose remains ing the animal with jaws open by Reorga zation of arCall 6300 this Afternoon
were found in Texas by Dr. E. C. stating that he wanted to show its
Uversity eeth, and at the same time reveal Direetors of the Michigan State
its severe character. Bar association will meet at the :°411111111 j1ifiIi1E11111111III111111111 1111N11i11Ua l i asa i111i itina i stanirj,'
museum of Paleontology. The specimen of model was found Lawyer's club, Saturday, Oct. 25.,
Before the pictorial representa- in a conglomerate of small pellets for the purpose of discussing some-
tion of the animal can be made, and fragmentary material in, 1927 of the problems confronting that
I by an expedition from the museum body. _
th rctermstbpe ral ed-of Paleontology, who recovered The main business will consist of
through the artist's personal feel- from the upper Triassic beds of discussing the reorganizatioa of the
ing of prehistoric life, Mr. Angellf western Texas an almost complete bar association into what is term- She
stated in an interview yesterday. skull, lacking only the jaws. Dr. ed an "incorporated bar." Under
One must read of subjects of pal- Case, in his book written after the this system, all lawyers in the
eontology and sense inwardly the discovery, "Description of the Skull state would be required to be mem-
character of the age, if he wishes of a New Form of Phytosaurus," re- bers of the organization. -__
to create accurate pictures. He marked that "the bones show no Prof. E. Blythe Stason of the Law -''
must see them ploughing through evidence of prolonged transporta- school is secretary of the associa- ,
the thick grass and wallowing in tion or exposure before burial. They tion.
muddy water, if he wants to pro-. are coated with a thin layer of
duce a living, almost-breathing: very fine clay, and there are fre- -
cretture. "I'm very fon d of ani- quent patches and seams of cal- MONROE L UNCH . . .
careous material." Corner Monroe and Oakland
Your Neighborhood Restaurant H B1111 SOUTH UNIVERSITY
Doctor to a ity of Chicago HALF BLOCK EAST OF CAMPUS PHONE 4744
Before Detroit Group Faculty ID n0ember Here Dner 40c ad 50c ___m_______________m__m
Dr Charles A. Sink, president of Prof. Lawrenc Graves of the
the School of Music, who is engag- University of Chicago is here for No Cover Charge No Cover Charge
ed at present on a speaking tour this semester to teach calculus of
before the several district conven- variations, a graduate course. Pro- es ti
tions of the Michigan Educational fessor Graves is a recognised expert
association. He will address the m this line. NOW PLAYNG
First District convention tomorrow R
night in the auditorium of CassSPOT
Technical high school in Detroit.; 802 PACIiARD STREET
He will speak Friday night in the 5:30 to 7:00 P. M. Greatest i stage or screen
armory at Grand Rapids. VEAL ROAST WITH DRESSING history!
Monday he will speak in the I. PORK CHOPS, CURRANT JTLLY
M. A. auditorium at Flint; Tuesday SPARE RIBS, SAUERKRAUT Entirely in Color Dne and Moce
at Lansing, and Thursday at Bat- POT ROAST OF BEEF
tle Creek. He will address all these NOODLES, CARROTS AND PEAS
meetings on the subject "Michigan SPINACH
Teachers' Retirement Pund." At the BOILED, MASHED OR FRIED
close of the last legislative session POTATOES
he was appointed chairman of a SLICED 'TOMATOES
commission by GoGvernor Green toE35c
make a survey of this situation. I
to_____Lunch-- 45c u
Among the Best and at
Reasonable Prices The best food will be
served with these popu-
lar prices.
No minimum charge
Clean, Pleasant and With Excellent Service on Monday, Tuesday,
wit 1.
ALEXANDER GRAY Thursday nights.
Noah Beery
Alice Gentle Friday, Saturday and
......._EXTRA .Sunday nights 50
LAST TIMES TODAY Sound Novelty cents minimum
CECIL B. DeMILLE'S "Today and Yesterday" charge.
a da 1 a"D-uOther Subjectsp
Od m Wa o - I In eroU

New Volume Contains
Charles Cooley Notes
The papers of the late Charles
Horton Cooley, former head of the
sociology department here, have
recently been collected and pub-
lished in a new book, "Sociological
Theory and Social Research." This
volume was edited by Prof. Robert
C. Angell of the sociology depart-
ment, nephew of the late depart-
ment head.

for all raterniti
See our new samplesc
burr Pattersoi
603 Chur


It \\ ~ .

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