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October 22, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-10-22

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VOL. XLI. No. 21




Large Number of Men
Fatally Injured
by Blast.
150, Imprisoned, Wait
in Mine Gallery
for Rescue.
(By Assoiated IPres)
ALSDO), GermayO ()ct. 21
- ilhe explosion of a ton of dyna
mite in the No. 2 shaft of the An
na coal mine here early this morn-
ing killed probably oo men..
The number has not been dein-
itely established, with the Prussia
government press bureau estimat-
ing loo, and mine oficials caln-
lating the total as less, but 6 od-
ies had been recovered by o'clock
tonight and it was felt more would
be found.
Many Await Rescue
In addition, 76 miners are in the
hospital, with the liklihood of some
of them dying, while about 150
others still are awaiting rescue
from a gallery beneath the scen
of the explosion. Relief experts be-
lieve part of these, who will be
reached from neighboring galler-
les not damaged, will be found in
The explosion, which occured
1200 feet below the surface, dealt
death and destruction for miles a-
round and brought grief to the 10,-
000 inhabitants of this mining
town. All day long weeping wives
and children waited outside the
pit mouth.
Three Ip4osi ns LHeard
Apparently there were three ex-
plosions. The first, a gas blast,
caused the dynamite stored in one'
of the shafts to explode. The great
force of this upheavel blew out gas-
oline tanks in a building on the
surface and the administration
building also collapsed. This lat -
ter inflicted a score of casaulties.
Mine officials said part of the dif-
ficulty in estimatng the casualties
lay in the fact that many of the
666 miners who went down on the
day shift escaped safely but were
so frightened they did not check
out with the company.
The 150 imprisoned men are at a
depth of 1,550 feet and ceaseless
efforts are being made to reach
them. Damaged ventilation and
pumping machinery has been re-
paired to facilitate the work.
When the blast occurred the f r't
thought of the countryside was of
an earthquake, with panic-stricken
country-folk for miles around flee-
ing into the open.
This was the second large Ger-
man mine disaster within four
months, the previous one being at
Neurode, Silesia with a death roi
of more than 150. -
Desclos Will Lecture
on French Art Today
M. Auguste V. Desclos, of the na-
tional 'bureau of French universi-ai
ties and schools, will deliver an
illustrated lecture at 4:15 this
afternoon in the Lydia Mendels -
sohn theatre. The subject of the
lecture will be "La einture en
France depuis vingt-cinqnans." M.
Desclos is a connoisseur of French

art, and is an able and delightful
lecturer upon art subjects.
This is the first of the series of
lectures presented annually by the
Cercle Francais. Associate member-
ships, entitling the holder to at-
tendance at all the lectures, may be
purchased for fifty cents in room'
112 of the Romance Language
Admiral Taylor Given
John Fritz Gold Medal1
NEW YORK, Oct. 21.-Rear Ad-
miral David Watson Taylor, retired,
has been awarded the John Fritz
gold medal, highest honor of the
engineering profession in America.
He receives it for outstanding
achievement in marine architec-



Milwaukee Journal
Says Purdue Broke
Big Ten Provison



Reports Say Casey
FI Ul fl7 f dtgiH l

( Rv A'svcatrd Press)
MILWAUKEE, Oct. 21-The Jour-
nal said today that Purdue, violat-
ing a Conference rule which says
that no school shall have more than
one scout at a game, sent three to
watch Wisconsin in the Penn game
last Saturday.
The paper said, "Earl Martineau,
Christy Flanagan, and Bill Mathei,
all of assistant coaches, were thej
The Boilermakers are to play Wis-
consin this Saturday at Lafayette,
Ind., and the game is regarded as
one of the most difficult of the
! Badgers' schedule.
The story said: Martineau, the
accredited scout, had no troubie
getting into the press box, andl
Flanagan also managed to wiggle
in. Mathei, however, couldn't get by
the ushers, and when he protested,
a near-fight followed. He was final-
ly given a seat elsewhere in the sta-
"A letter to Athletic Director Kcl-
logg, of Purdue, calling attention to
the violation, was written by George}
Little, Wisconsin director Monday"

Captain Heinen's Ship Suffers
Damage to Engines and
to Gondola.
Three Fliers Badly Shaken and
Lacerated; Expected
to Recover.
(Bv Associated Press)
TOMS RIVER, N. J., Oct. 21.-An
explosion on Captain Anton Hein-
en's baby zeppelin "air yacht" to-
day hurled three men 40 feet to
the ground and wrecked the dirigi-
ble's engine and gondola.
The airship, recently completed
by the widely known designer and
pilot of dirigibles, was tied to a
temporary mooring mast in pre-
paration for a flight when the ex-
plosion occured.

u uto ow .iorween
as Football Coach
(fie Associated Press)
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Oct. 21-Un-
official reports that Arnold Horween
would be succeeded by Eddie Casey
3roduction Will Be Given Dec. 7 I as coach of the Harvard varsity
football team at the end of the cur-
Dramatic Club Head I rent season, today were described
Announces. !"premature" by Director of Athlet-;
! ics William J. Bingham.
SQNGS, DANCES WANTED I "I am not certain," Bingham said,
'_"whether or not Horween is willing
to return next fall and nothing will
Music, Skits, Costumes, Scenery be done about the matter until after
and Dialogue Will Be next month's Yale game."
BStudents.Casey, now Horween's backfield
By dcoach, said he has not been offered
A campus review, in which both a position and did not expect the
subject would be broached until the
women and men students will take season ended; then only after Hor-
part, will be presented by Mimes. ween had declined an invitation to
campus dramatic organization, the continue as head coach for another
week of December 7, in place of yen H
}When Horween agreed to retain
the annual opera. 1 command of Harvard's football
The plans for this production, through the 1930 season he said he
which will be entirely presented by could spare but one more year away
students, w e r e announced by from his Chicago business interests.

Associated Press 'l to
Paul Loebe,
Noted German statesman, who
was recently re-elected president of

All Nominations to be
Made From Floor
at 4:15.
Balloting fo r Offices
to Continue for
One Hour.
Select1()i of the 1931 J-flop
chairman ai rnd c<>mmuittee \will fea-
ture the annual junior literary
class elections at 4:15 this after-
1i0011 iii Natural Science audlitori-
i111. Nominations for all class of-
fices imcluding the 1-0ll) posi-
tions, will )e madie from the floor
at l)rouipltly 4:13. Balloting will
continue until 3:15 hxlien the polls
will be closed.
Expect Large Vote
Since considerable interest is us-
ually attached to the election of
the chairman of the Hop, which
position was held last year by an
engineer, a large vote is expected.
Before a man may be nominated
for an office, he must present to
the student council an eligibility
slip obtained from the Recorder's
office. Only accredited juniors
listed at the polls will be allowed
to vote. Students who think they
are eligible and who are not in-
cluded on the lists, may also obtain
slips from the Recorder's office.
The five committeemen who are
selected tomorrow will be appoint-
ed by the J-Hop chairman to head
the following committees: Tickets,
Floor, Orchestra, Favors, and Deco-
rations. o


paper says. Two members of the crew and a
the paper___ys. man who was going for a ride were
areseriously lacerated and bruised by
the fall.
11 DII Gas Bag Undamaged
!f_ I aThe gas bag was undamaged,
however, and a few hours after the
accident, Captain Heinen deflated
IE EIN DECEMBit for transportation to the Heinen
Air Yacht Corporation's hangar at
Invitations to Annual Gathering Cape May. Officials of the company
Will be Issued to High said repairs would be completed
School Journalists. Captain Heinen himself refused
anf comment on the explosion. He
PLAN PROGRAM CHANGE received wide recognition as an ex-
pert pilot when he guided the dir-
Initial announcements concerning igible Los Angeles across the ocean
the annual meeting of the Michigan from its builders in Germany for
Interscholastic Press association' delivery to the United States Navy,
were issued yesterday by Sigma and later he brought the Shenan-
Delta Chi, honorary journalistic doah back to her mooring mast at
fraternity in charge of the pro- Lakehurst after a storm tore her
gram. The date for the convention loose from her moorings.
was set for Dec. 11, 12 and 13. Rich- Perfected Air Yacht
ard L. Tobin, '32, will act as general For many years a believer in the
chairman for the 1930 association practiblity oe lighter-than-air-
meeting. craft, Captain Heinen perfected his
A revision of the program which "air yacht" with the idea that it
. has been followed in previous years might soon be used as widely as
is planned for the December gather- motor or sailing yachts.
ing. Members of the journalism fac- The tiny dirigible, about 150 feet
ulty of the University will serve as long, was given its first trial flight
associate advisors during the con- by the inventor, with his wife and
vention. Sub-chairmen for t he daughter on board about a month
meeting will be announced within a ago. He flew the craft from Cape I
week, while letters to the hundreds May to Atlantic City and expressed
of high school students, advisors great pleasure at the ease with
and principals throughout the state which it could be handled. Since
will be issued by that time. then the "air yacht," which had
Although definite plans for the room for six passengers, made
program this year have not been many successful flights.
completed, several innovations on Those injured in the accident
the three-day meeting are sched- were Chester Lee, Cape May, and
uled. Members of Sigma Delta Chi, Joseph Heck, 17, Atlantic City,
students in the journalism classes, member of the crew, and John K.
members of the journalism faculty Fall, of Seaview .Park, a passenger.'
and former participants in the M. I. Physicians at a hospital in Lake-
P. A. conferences will comprise the wood said they would recover.
committees in charge of the con-
Original plans were to schedule WRIGHT TO SPEAK
the association meeting on Dec. 4, 5, AT CONVOCATIONS
and 6, but interference with the
National Interscholastic Press asso- .
ciation conference at Cleveland Cleveland Pastor Will Discuss
during the same period made a Consecrated Strength'.
change of one week necessary.--
Members of Sigma Delta Chi will "Consecrated Strength" will be
meet at the League building on discussed by Dr. Louis C. Wright
Tuesday noon for a discussion of of Cleveland who will open the
the plans for the convention at' University convocations of the year
which time committees will be ap- by speaking next Sunday night in
pointed by the general chairman. Hill auditorium.
Dr. Wright has been pastor of
Ben Ticknor, Harvard the Epworth - Euclid Methodist
.church for the past ten years. H
Center, Watches Matesjwon his Ph.D. at the Boston theo-
logical school, having passed his
(B ' Assoiated IPress)i
MBRIDGE, Mass., Oct. 21. 1 undergraduate years at Syracuse.
Be Ticknor, Harvard's great cen- He ispresident of the federated
ter, was on the sidelines today churches of Cleveland, and is well
when the Crimson went through known in Cleveland and on many
a long workout in preparation for college campuses of the country as
the game with Dartmouth. Ticknor, peakevincing and an eloquent
who took a severe pounding in the This convocation, as are the
Army game, will probably get back others that will follow, are spon-
in the line-up tomorrow. sored by the Student Christian
association and the Ministerial as-
Coxey to See Lamont sociation of Ann Arbor. Besides
I Abut nem loy entthese the committee in charge of
About Unemployment the convoctions has on it repre-
(BNv ssocuzttcd 4sentatives from the Union, .the
WASHINGTON, Oct. 21.-Gen. League, and the Student Council.
Jacob S. Coxey,'of Massilon, O., The ministers and the churchesI
who led an army of unemployed to of Ann Arbor are lending their
Washington in 1894, and thereby whole-hearted co-operation to the
gained his military title, came to project it was announced. Rev.
Washington today, alone, and to- HenryLewis of the Episcopal
morrow will lay before Secretary church has been named as the
Lamont of the commerce depart- representative of the ministers on
ment, his "solution" of the 1930 un- the convocation committee.
employment problem.
Gen. Coxey's arrival today was as Tri-nation Telephone


the reichstag. James Yant, '31M, president of the
organization., All music, skits, dia-
logues, costumes and scenery will
be designed by students; who will!
also do the managing and direc-
IAI 1 1 flfnl 9 1 r fA TflfnhAIYtion. a.I'ir,.

HILL! 5rr t sks to ir Sns
Songs, dances, and skits were
asked for by Yant. They may be
handed in at the Union desk be-
irst Issue of Year Includes fore November 7, after which time
Large Number of Hints the committee, to be appointed
To Freshmen. later, will select those that will be
__used. Students having original
features which they tnink would be
TO AUGMENT HANDBOOK of value to the show may interview
members of the committee daily
Campus sale of the first of the I from 3:30 until 5 o'clock in thej
year's issues of the Michigan Gar- small ballroom of the Union, where!
goyle will begin today, it was an- rehearsals for "Emperor Jones" are
nounced yesterday by Bruce Palm- Not Limited to Men
er, '31, business manager of the i
er,' uine s"I wish to stress the fact," statedl
magazine. Yant, "that this is not a show limit-
Particular attention is paid to the ed to Mimes members. Both menI

It is understood Bingham will makeI
a strong effort to make him recon-
Casey, one of the Crimson's great-
est backfield stars, first served at
Mt. Union college, Alliance, O.,
about ten years ago and then at,
Tufts College. Five years ago he
returned to Harvard as freshman
coach and joined Horween's staff in
Subscriptions to Inlander Will



be Sold in Angell
Hail Today.




entering students in this issue as
it contains a large number of valu-
able hints which will not be foAund
in the freshman "Bible." In addi-
tion, there is an article by John S.
Marshall, '32, which describes fully
the five things which all entering
students should bring to college. '
If there is some question as to
the courses which should be electedI
for the next semester, Gargoyle is
prepared to assist you since it con-
tains a number of announcements
for courses which were clipped from
the University catalogue. Some of
these courses are time-honored,l
others are just peculiar, and others
-well, Gargoyle will explain them
Then there is an economic treat-
ment of the question of "dates."
Gargoyle's theory is that the success
of a date depends ultimately on the
amount of money that is spent.
In accordance with this principle,
an enterprisng economist has work-
ed out a series of problems, deter-
mined the variable factor and found
out which "dates" should be avoid-
ed. The conclusion which he reaches
may prove rather startling.
Another of the features of this
issue of the Gargoyle is the en-
larged Campus Talk section which?
deals with several incidents which
occurred during Orientation week.
Some poetry, some cartoons by sev-
eral members of the staff, and a
large and carefully selected ex-

and women students will be needed
for the choruses and casts, and
try-outs will be announced at an
Searly date. We want alltthe music,
lyrics, and manuscripts to be writ-
ten by students, and are hoping
that a large number of each will
be turned in."
Calls for try-outs will be issued
after the committee in charge has
selected the material to be used. !


change section complete the book.!-
The cover was done by Alan Hand-j
ley, '32.
Pilsbry Will Lecture
on Pinchot Expedition
Dr. Henry A. Pilsbry, curator of
mollusks in the Academy of Natur-
al Science of Philadelphia, will
speak at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow in
Natural Science auditorium on the
subject "With the Pinchot Expedi-
tion to the South Seas." The lec-
ture will be illustrated with both
moving pictures and lantern slides.
Woods Selected Head
of National CommitteeI
(B v Asso-ated IPr-ss)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 21.-A na-
tional organization to deal with
unemployment problems began to
take shape today when President
Hoover after a conference with a,
special grop of cabinet members,
announced desigiation of C o 1.

Last year, upon action of the
board of directors of the Union, the
Michigan Opera was discontinued
after its 24th annual presentation
because of financial losses. The pro-
duction, which was presented by
Mimes, was staged in Ann Arbor for
a week, and then went on the road
during Christmas vacation, visiting
cities in Michigan and neighboring
states. The first show was produced
in 1908; Donald H. Haines, now a
member of the journalism depart-
ment, wrote the manuscript for it.
No More Pledges Will be Sold
Says Business Manager.
The price of the 1931 Michigan-'l
ensian, will be raised from $3.50 tol
$4.00 tomorrow, according to an
announcement made yesterday by
George E. Hofmeister, 31, business
manager of the 'Ensian.
In addition, no more fifty cent
pledge stubs will be sold after to-
day. Persons desiring these stubs
should purchase them sometime
today at the offices of the 'Ensian
in the Press building on Maynard
Pledge stubs which have been
purchased previously may still be
redeemed by the additional pay-
ment of three dollars.
State Superintendent
Lauded by Physicians
(I"'yAssochte~d Press)
LANSING, Oct. 21.--A recommen-
dation that Dr. G. L. Leslie, be re-
tained as superintendent of thes
state tuberculosis sanitarium at
Howell' was made by ,the state tu-
berculosis commission here tonight.
A resolution was adopted asking
the state board of registration of
medicine to permit Dr. Leslie to
qualify as a practicing physician in!
Michigan. Recently the board re-
fused to let hm take the state ex-

Intensive sales campaigns for the Bell to Preside
1930-31 Inlander will begin today, The elections will be conducted
it was announced yesterday by under the supervision of the Stud-
Harold Courlander, '31, managing ent council. Merton r. Bell, '31,
editr o th maazin. Sbscip-president, who will preside at the
editor of the magazine. Subsrip- auditorium, announced last night
tions may be purchased at the that no votes may be cast by proxy.
tables in Angell hall or at the A fool-proof system has been de-
offices of the Inlander in the Press vised. Ballot box stuffing and illegal
!buldig o Mayardstret.voting of former years will be im-
building on Maynard street. i possible since the entire number of
The first issue of the magazine votes cast will be checked back
will be on sale at the bookstores against the number on the lists,
on Saturday, Nov. 15. Subscribers'Iagavevotmds
copies wil be mailed to them before ave vot.
the sale at the bookstores. The In th s
general campus sale will begin terday afternloon aw elec ns y
Monday, Nov. 17. 78 votes, won the presidency over
Continuation of last year's policy James Spencer, who polled 44. Wil-
of publishing only that campus liam Emery defeated Maxwell Ru-
material which is considered of bin for the office of vice-president,
sufficient caliber, was also an- 73 and 50 respectively. The margin
nounced by Courlander who stated of victory was only one vote in the
that the November issue would i election of the secretary, with Rich-
contain "more representative cam- Iard Paulson receivng 61 votes to
pus material than any preceding 60 of Mark Harrngton. The treas-
issue." At the same time he an- urershp went to Matthew Davison,
nounced the appointment of two 74, who won from James Rees with
new members of the editorial staff, 49 votes. The election was con-
Elisabeth W. Smith, Spec., who is ducted by Al Palmer, '32, of the
well-known for her work in play council.
writing during the last year, and
William Butler, '30. . . LAWTON TO TALK
Featured in the first issue with
its new larger page will be some of AT PEP MEETING
the work by the contestants for
the Hopwood prizes, including an Large Crowd Expected to Attend
article by Ezra Hatch, Spec., who Gathe Frid Nigh
came from South Africa to com- GateringFriayNght.
pete for these awards.
In addition, the November num- J. Fred Lawton, '11, composer of
ber will contain a reproduction of the "Varsity," will be the principal
Antonio Salemmi's bronze, "Negro speaker at the pep meeting Friday
Spiritual," and lithographs by night preceeding the Illinois game.
Wanda Gag and Adolph Dehn, Arrangements are being made to
prominent in New York for their take care of a large crowd of stu-
lithographs, etchings, and wood dents, who are anxious for the team
cuts. to avenge the defeat at the hands
lof the Illini last year, and many
Ialumni who will return for the
Idle Detroit Workers Ioeoiggm
Homecoming game,
' Support Themselves Montgomery Shick, Varsity cheer-
S p tleader, and his staff of assistants,
(P v4 ijt d P 1 will lead the cjcpanemhl in aIvP


DETROT, Oct. 21.-There are no
bread lines or soup kitchens in this
automotive center, and yet there
are 83,500 persons who have regis-
tered with municipal agencies as
being idle.
The great majority of these, re-
cords showed today, have so far

l W111 *C~1.. -4t-I JJ.J-L- UJ Jniuly U VC:U
,rousing yells while the Varsity band
Swill provide accompaniment for the
better known Michigan songs. Law-
ton, himself, will lead the gathering
in the singing of "Varsity.
Merton J. Bell, '31, president of
the Student council, will preside
at the assembly,

been able to
and families

-------a. i -----__ _._ I

support themselves
without appealing to flb41. -ii;l;

charity. This has been possible, in
the main, by falling back on re-
sources laid away for the proverbial
rainy day. When the wages were!
high the workmen were able to
make regular deposits in the banks
and invest money in homes and

With Wolverine Plays
(Dy sso iated aI'es.>
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Oct. 21.-
Coach Bob Zuppke gave his Illinois
football team its first good look at
Michigan plays today as the fresh-

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