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October 14, 1930 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-10-14

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Road Men to Have
Engineering Display
at Michigan State

L. A. Young, formerly of the

Gift of Ann Aror Resident Wi
Assur-e Coxitinuancc of
Dig in Near East.
1rof. Leroy Waterrma', IDirector
of Univcrsiy IL.ed'o
keports Discovery.
Steady progress of Michigan's ex-j
ploring activities in Asia Minor for
the coming year were assured re-
cently by a gift of $5,000 from Mr.
H. B. Earhart of Ann Arbor. This
sum will enable archeologists to:
maintain an expedition continu-
ously either in Iraq or Palestine,

(B Associated Press) physics departm nL. who obtained
Board of Supervisors Cuts Own EAST LANSING, Oct. 13.-The his doctor of philosophy degree
Pay; Will Investigate Michigan Association of Road Com- here last 5une. has obtained a Na-
1929-30 Expenses. missioners and Engineers will hold tional Research feilowsh.
its annual road show at Michigan He will go o thenuvwy reorgan-
Efforts to keep within the yearly State college Oct. 28 to with a ized physics depaimen of the
appropriation for e x p e n s e s in Massachust.ts Institut of Tech.-
Washtenaw county, which, for the nology i Dcembr. o continue his
r ment. studies on the modern theories of
Iyear 192-30, ending Sept. 30, failed The main show will be held i4 atomic structure. ie wll wo k
by $14,000 to meet the budget, were I the auditoriui of the armory with under th sunervision of Dr. J. C.
made yesterday for the first time. smaller equipment piaced in the, later who was formerly of the
Giving notice of the rigid econo- ball room. Larger unit Aso wil-physics department o. rarvard
my which it apparently intends to ba diny Lage guns. university.
practice in the future, the county be displayed on the grounds.
board of supervisors, in opening the Governor Fred W. Green. Attor- IDAHO UNIVERSITY -- Students
here are getting an opportunity to
regular fall session, started out by ney General Wilber M. Brucker [express their ideas as to a perfect
slashing the salaries of board mem- and John S. Haggerty, secretary of college annual. Business managers
bers from $7 to $5 per day. s memhers of the highway encourage construe Live riticisms
hesfoI7to$ e a.comnrmittee of the state a4.ministra - fo l ttnigtenvriy
The salary cut was proposed by tive board-expect to attend the
Supervisor George Alber, of Sharon show. A smoker will be held at the
township, who asked that a $1 cut Hotel. Olds on the night of Oct. 2J.
be made. Supervisor Arthur Hein-) nW H d rasEXCEL
inger, of Pittsfield township, how-~9 ~~ I E EL
ever, suggested a cut of $2 be made ebatng Club Tonig
in order to be legal. C ooch
Only one supervisor voted against Prof. Preston W. Slosson will dis-
the $2 cut. cuss "The American Party System"
Three organizations, the Michi- in a short talk before Alpha Nu,
gan Children's Aid society, Sunny- literary and debating society, to- Son
crest school for girls, and the Starr night.
Commonwealth for boys, who an- Prof. Slosson is to explain the or-
nually share in the board's appro- igins of the different parties, and for
priations, will come in for investi- their development, with a view tor-
gation, the governing board said. the significance of this past his- aly Service
The children's aid society, given tory on the present political out- n
I an annual appropriation of $1,000, look.Re r.
asked an increase be made by the Before the formal meeting opens Shoe I d 9epa ing
board for 1930-31. The request will a half hour will be devoted to. judg-
be investigated by the finance com- ing the speeches of the candidates 1109 South University
mittee.port of C L Pra ounty for membership in the society.

Ca: .ir eYoyd Liet. Urly nCooor wo hoped Off from Harbir Grace, N. , in the historic plane,

thus avoiding costly breaks in work CiAiniia wtre successfu1 in thr trans-At la<x fl ht, landing near England.
necessitated by the outftting} new - ----
parties.DCcerCon. 1A DA N USES APPARATUS Pn
Discovers Cain T .PEC...BL S
Word has also been received by OS I TPT U EItflf
President Ruthven from Prof. Le- .-.pII
roy ateman diectr o th Un Rlay K. inmmcl, Givng Courses mate dod to make a taking picture. ii ~ lIU
roy Waterman, director of the ni-C s tu s Action Nornma Vhearer. ,who passcs all the LL ULS iUUL I
versity expedition at Tel U iar,n ' tests very well, and Billie Dove."
Iraq, of the discovery. of several of Voice Muscles. Dean Immel also undertook the ree Michigan eContribute
hoards of ancient coins. Appr- training of the voice of Anita Page
ently newly minted pieces w,oh By experimenting with a machine who, he said, "had just an average Treatises to Physicsj
had. been laid aside and never put constructed to determine what 1 voice. However after three months R
into circulation, the 702 coins muscles act in normal speech and of concentrated effort it had shownI
found were found in the ruins of a the temporal order of their action. much improvement UHLENBECK CORK WRITE.
Parthian palace. They were mostly Dean Ray K. Immel of the school "The need for better voice train-
~ A~D.,one f te lst kngsof eechat he nivesit ofing' in Hollywood is growing more~
of the reign of Volgases III, 140 to of, p acthesUniversityof nesaryh ai. "th Three treatises, written by pres-
a ta, whi cin hBibical timeSouthern California, who is at the perfection of recording apar- ent and former members of the fac-
was, . country of some importance present-conducting extension cour- atus, a poor voice will show up to iulty of the physics department,
located in the mountainous region ses in speech here, hopes eventually 1 a greater degree." which explain types of research
southeast of the. Caspian sea. to be able to discover the cause which have been conducted in theI
Staff Increased of abnormal speech. laboratories here, are printed in the
The staff of nine experts and The apparatus consists of a num-tt
170.native laborers that began wo-k ber of pointers that record in a ins
on, September 13 has increased to temporal order on a piece of paper, -
more than 250, Professor Water- the various muscles ' acting when 11 DOing "On the Wentzel-Brillouin-Kram-
n n stated. He also reported that one-talks. b ers Approximate Solution of the
the weather in M.lesopotamia has Dean Immel was asked, at the Wave Equation," written by L. A.
been exceedingly warm, the party start of the. talking pictures, to OnlYoung, now of the Michigan State
having encountered temperatures do research work foi the Academy ,_Normal college, and Prof. G. E.
of 111 degrees on Sept. 15. Even na- of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences' Uhlenbeck of the physics depart-
tive worknen have complained, a to find which of the silent pic- Theatres. ment, and 'Abnormal Shot Effect
few were partially overcome, and ture stars were best adapted for L y d i a Mendelssohn - Edna of Ions of Tungstous and Tungstic
new mem.bers of the staff were the talkies. His contacts were made Thomas, singer of Negro spirituals. Oxide," by J. S. Donal, Jr., now at
compelled to remain under cover through the fact that the Uni- Majestic--"Moby Dick" with John the Westinghouse laboratories at
during the heat of the day, versity of Southern California has Barrynore. Pittsburgh, appear in the Oct. 1,
The research work in Asia Minor a course in motion picture training Michigian -"Anybody's Woman" 1930, issue of the Physical Review.
is being sponsored jointly by the which has classes in the studios. with Ruth Chatterton and Clive A Method for Determining Criti-
University and the art museums of The academy, which is made up Brook. cal Constants and Its Application to
Cleveland and Toledo. of people in all phases of the mo- Wuerth--1Big Boy" with Al Jol- Diphenyl," by Prof. J. M. Cork, of
tion picture industry who are work- son.. the physics department who is now
ro, op I ing or the improvement of the in-- on a leave while studying in Paris
RvTnVEN p '°o OrI? .~ at the private laboratories of the
RUTHV N TO PE dustry, wishe.to findwhic h ofOrgaiza ions. t ayiaearsoas
- rgn* Ins Prince de Broglie, is printed in the
CONFERENCE HERE the higher paid stars had voices Economics club-Meeting at 7:30 October, 1930, is of the Review
that were best fitted for recording. o'clock tonight in room 302 of the ctific Isuent.
University President to Make Dean Immel accepted and de- Union. of Scientific Instruments.
Opening Address. vised two tests to discover this. Versity Debating squad - Final BUTLER UNIIVERSITY-A new
Opening "The first of these was. with. the 'tyouts for men and women at 1nldrc.BTE UIVRIIY- e
Dr.telegraphone, which is an electro- o'clock this afternoon in 3209, A. H. campus literary magazine, the Tow-
. Alexander G. Ruthven, press- magnetic method of recording on Adelphi - House of Representa- er, was instituted here recently.
dent of the University, will be one a steel wire, hooked up to a micro- tives open meeting at 7:30 o'clock_
of the principal speakers at the phone and an amplifier," he ex- tonight in 4203. A. H. WE RENT a
azrnual convention of the Michigan plained. "The second test, given Faculty Women's club -- Book- WE SERVICE
state conference of social. work, only to those who passed the first, shelf and stage section meeting at WE SELL
which will have a three-day meet- was for clearness of diction. In this 2:45 o'clock this afternoon at the CROSLEY AMRAD BOSCH
ing Nov. 5, 6 and 7 in Ann Arbor. the actor would speak a number of home of Mrs. Richard Hollister, SHOP
*Included among other speakers meaningless or 'nonsense' syllables 39' State Street road. Tel 2-2812 615 E. William
are Sanford Bates, superintendent which would be recorded and play-
of prisons, and director of the ed back to a group who would then
prison bureau at Washington, and write down what they thought had
Dr. Frankwood Williams, medical been said. Seventy percent was NOW Shows at
director of the New York national considered a good grade." SHOWING }2:04, 3:30
committee for mental hygiene. "Some of the actors were rather 7:40 9:04
The conference will feature insti- sensitive about taking the test," he
tute and group meetings, with the continued. "However there were
morning periods being set aside for many who took all of the tests with
institutes. Discussions on child great co-operation. Among these J
guidance and child health will fea- was the late Lon Chaney, who an- NEW PRICES
ture two of the institute meetings. nounced at the time that he never Matinees IN
Round table groups on several Adults As
subjects are planned by the con- Balcony.25c
ference. UNIVERSITY RADIO TODAY a Floor3......5c
King Boris Pays Vsit Prof. Albert Hyman, ofeAu Theyre off With Al Jolson on "Big Boy"
history department, will speak Balcony......... 35cTh'rof!WtAlosnon'Bgoy
to Princess Giovanna on "Dutch Contribution to Main"Floor......5c flashing under the wire an easy winner in the
American History" on the Uni- I Children ........Oc comedy classic of the yearfun-new songs,
SAN ROSSORE, Italy, Oct. 12.- versity radio program at 2 nytime new gags, new jokes-with the King of En-
Bulgaria's bachelor monarch, King o'clock today. Raymond Morintertaings at his inimitable best.
Boris, arrived at the italian royal will be the pianist on the pro-
palace here tonight from Sofia and gram.
.rs t rto $er c m n # nt n n ~ nn~ .. 1 ..*

l a G V #rt V .. 1L. , V i
clerk, showed a total of fees of
$23,678.70 received during the year.
"Ensian Plans to Sell
Senior Picture Stubs
Senior picture receipts for the
1930 Michiganensian, yearbook of
the University, will go on sale to-
day at the offices of the 'Ensian
in the Press building on Maynard
street according to an announce-
ment made yesterday by GeorgO
Hofmeister, '31, business manager
of the yearbook.
The receipts sell for $3 and cover
the cost of the photograph and of
the printing in the book. Seniors
must purchase these receipts if
their picture is to be included in
, the annual.


Complete Line of Everything Musical

/ \

Terms to Suit

Uniersity MscHouse
Devoted to Music
William Wade Hinshaw
Cor. Maynard & William Phone 7515

- - - - - -, wmpmm

, 'r l 11"., w

, ,




.......... ... .

al'board lfor Columbs
PEED down to Ohio State next weekend-in a chartered General Campus Travel Bureau
Motors reclining-chair coach-convenient and private as a car of
your own--but far more comfortable and economical-leave AnnH U
Arbor when and where you will-the coach; is yours for a, tin around pz
Columbus or what you will-all for only $6 apiece round trip.
Phone 2-2266
Reservations at Union Side Desk 12-2 an4 4-6 P. M.

.,_ _o



, . t

. .o" t
,( ,'L
_r H e
3'' f
. ._ <.
-_ .r


f ,=



was greeted by is iancee, Princess
Giovanna, the royal family and
high court of icials.
The present plan is for Boris to
make a brief visit now to Princess
Giovanna and her family, and then
to, return to Bulgaria, returning
later with Premier Lia,ptcheff and
court officials for the ceremony


Send today foe samples-letter-
heads and envelopes-printed with
name and address-also frater-
nity or sorority-highest quality
ripple finish-boxed-choice of
three colors. 200 envelopes, 200
letterheads, only $4.75. Money
making agency open to live stu-
dent in each college. Write for
particulars. Address Dept. 030,
Merchants Industries, Inc., Third
& Wayne AvenI-es, Dayton, Ohio.

2:00, 3:50
7:00, 9:00
Epic of

Adveture a rxud
nd' rIIZ LoveI

NOW this distinguished actress
trays for you vividly and
matically, Pansy Gray.




i Present
( J H'

Pansy Gray of the Burlesque, brand-
ed "Anybody's Woman." Until after
a questionable courtship of three
hours jhe becomes the wife of that
famous attorney Neil Dunlap.
Will society accept a woman
who neople claimed was any-
body's woman in return for a
bracelet, a kiss or a lark?
Ruth Chatterton scores new
emotional triumphs in
and an exceptional cast including Paul Lukas.
A Paramount Picture directed by Dorothy Arzner.
D A AI A Xmm'T TNmT' CtT ThT Tr-W7C





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