THE, MICHIGAN r)AILY TUESDAY, THE MICHIGAN bAILY TUESDAY~ OCTOJIT' 1 ~jJ O.-o"Wo IoYD CONNOR HOP OFF FOR TbR ANS-ATLANTIC u TO ENGLAND WIT H HPSTOFIC MONOPLANE, FLIGHT COLUMIAflIIJMTY QFFICIALS' 'COL UMBIA SALARY CU Road Men to Have Engineering Display at Michigan State FORMER F ACULTY MEMBER RECEIV ES AWARD IN PHYSICS L. A. Young, formerly of the Gift of Ann Aror Resident Wi Assur-e Coxitinuancc of Dig in Near East. IAQ COINS UNFTHEDr 1rof. Leroy Waterrma', IDirector of Univcrsiy IL.ed'o keports Discovery. Steady progress of Michigan's ex-j ploring activities in Asia Minor for the coming year were assured re- cently by a gift of $5,000 from Mr. H. B. Earhart of Ann Arbor. This sum will enable archeologists to: maintain an expedition continu- ously either in Iraq or Palestine, (B Associated Press) physics departm nL. who obtained Board of Supervisors Cuts Own EAST LANSING, Oct. 13.-The his doctor of philosophy degree Pay; Will Investigate Michigan Association of Road Com- here last 5une. has obtained a Na- 1929-30 Expenses. missioners and Engineers will hold tional Research feilowsh. its annual road show at Michigan He will go o thenuvwy reorgan- Efforts to keep within the yearly State college Oct. 28 to with a ized physics depaimen of the appropriation for e x p e n s e s in Massachust.ts Institut of Tech.- Washtenaw county, which, for the nology i Dcembr. o continue his r ment. studies on the modern theories of Iyear 192-30, ending Sept. 30, failed The main show will be held i4 atomic structure. ie wll wo k by $14,000 to meet the budget, were I the auditoriui of the armory with under th sunervision of Dr. J. C. made yesterday for the first time. smaller equipment piaced in the, later who was formerly of the Giving notice of the rigid econo- ball room. Larger unit Aso wil-physics department o. rarvard my which it apparently intends to ba diny Lage guns. university. practice in the future, the county be displayed on the grounds. board of supervisors, in opening the Governor Fred W. Green. Attor- IDAHO UNIVERSITY -- Students here are getting an opportunity to regular fall session, started out by ney General Wilber M. Brucker [express their ideas as to a perfect slashing the salaries of board mem- and John S. Haggerty, secretary of college annual. Business managers bers from $7 to $5 per day. s memhers of the highway encourage construe Live riticisms hesfoI7to$ e a.comnrmittee of the state a4.ministra - fo l ttnigtenvriy The salary cut was proposed by tive board-expect to attend the Supervisor George Alber, of Sharon show. A smoker will be held at the township, who asked that a $1 cut Hotel. Olds on the night of Oct. 2J. be made. Supervisor Arthur Hein-) nW H d rasEXCEL inger, of Pittsfield township, how-~9 ~~ I E EL ever, suggested a cut of $2 be made ebatng Club Tonig in order to be legal. C ooch Only one supervisor voted against Prof. Preston W. Slosson will dis- the $2 cut. cuss "The American Party System" Three organizations, the Michi- in a short talk before Alpha Nu, gan Children's Aid society, Sunny- literary and debating society, to- Son crest school for girls, and the Starr night. Commonwealth for boys, who an- Prof. Slosson is to explain the or- nually share in the board's appro- igins of the different parties, and for priations, will come in for investi- their development, with a view tor- gation, the governing board said. the significance of this past his- aly Service The children's aid society, given tory on the present political out- n I an annual appropriation of $1,000, look.Re r. asked an increase be made by the Before the formal meeting opens Shoe I d 9epa ing board for 1930-31. The request will a half hour will be devoted to. judg- be investigated by the finance com- ing the speeches of the candidates 1109 South University mittee.port of C L Pra ounty for membership in the society. Ca: .ir eYoyd Liet. Urly nCooor wo hoped Off from Harbir Grace, N. , in the historic plane, thus avoiding costly breaks in work CiAiniia wtre successfu1 in thr trans-At la