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June 06, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-06-06

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R -r 4 1 BaiTt~
norning except Monday during the University year
trol of Student Publications.
Vestern Conference Editorial Association.
Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
iew dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
?r and the local new,, published herein.
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Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.,
Telephone 4925
i...................+............ .David M. Nichol
rector ..... .....................Beach 'Conger, Jr.
........... ............Carl Forsythe
or .............................Sheldon C. Fullerton
ditor ..........................Margaret M. Thompson
lections....................... ...Bertram J. Askwith
ity Editor .............................Denton C. Kunze
ews Editor..........................Robert L. Pierce
r .................. ............. W illiam F. Pyper

Denton C. Kunze
Seiffert George

Sports Assistants
ber J. Myers
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se Crandall Martha Littleton
ette Cummings Susan Manchester
Cie Miller

J. Cullen Kennedy
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Bra ekley Shaw
Parker Snyder
Ford Spikerman.
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Margatt O'Brien
Eleanor Rairdon
Marjorie Thomson
Anne Tobin
Alma Wadsworth
Joeephine Woodhams

effectual, for the much maligned and presently un-
fashinoable dramatic theory.
This is an especially sore point with me since I
was brought up in that quaint era when a reading
of poetry was an emotional orgy rather than the
austere and academic convocation in the dissecting
room, with the critics in white robes, fumigated and
quite aseptic to the vile contagion of interpratative
emotion, that it has since come to be. In those
halcyon days (eheu fugaces) poetry was supposed
to convey some unique intuitive perception of ex-
perience, and the business of the interpreter was, by
means. of his superior sensitivity and ability in ex-
pression, to bring out that perception more vividly
than the ordinary and hurried reader could in a
silent perusal. Now, however, there Seems to be a
cult which decrees that poetry of whatever kind
should be read monotonously and without variety of
expression in the attempt to abstract the personality
of the reader from the work read, so that the listener
is allowed to receive and judge the poem for himself.
As Mr. Gorman says, these two methods are funda-
mentally opposed.
In all fairness it must be admitted that the "dra-
matic reader" often ran to such excesses of tremolo-
pulling that a revulsion from the style was inevitable.
I do say, however, that the toneless manner of read-
ing is quite as extreme and indefensible and the
bathetically dramatic.
In the first place, to read a. poem with formal
intonation is to subordinate the meaning to the
sound and to the mere structure of the thing. This
may be very well for a class on metrics, but hardly
for an audience that wants to get all the values of a
work, rather than just one of them (namely, the
structural). Again, if poetry partakes of song, and
I think anyone will agree that it does, should it all
be read in the same monotonous voice? To say that
it should be is to say that the quartette from "Rigo-'
letto" should be intoned like a Roman Catholic high
mass. The whole danger of the formalistic method
is that it tries to apply a mechanical form of expres-
sion to poetry which cannot be mechanical. In good
poetry, obviously, the thought commands the rhythm
to its own end, and the business of the interpreter is
to suit his reading to. the individual rhythm of the
To return to Mr. Gorman's article, it seems to me
that his selection of Mr. I. A. Richard as the apostle
of the formal method is not quite accurate. Mr.
Richards did read the D. H. Lawrence poem, "The
Ass" dramatically. It is true that he was no more
successful in making us think it was good than Miss
Yurka was in the case of Rupert Brooke. That was
the fault of the poem, and had nothing to do with
the reading. It would have been just as bad (prob-
ably worse) if he had intoned it, or for that matter,
he had recited it with a zither accompaniment, after
the manner of Alfred Kreymborg. And Mr. Gorman's
argument collapses, when he grants that Sophocles
can be read dramatically. if Sophocles, why not
Browning? Poetry may either be read dramatically
or it may not. If not, then we must endure formal
readings of Marlow, Shakespeare, Webster, and Rost-
and, and any poet, whether or not his work is itself
formalistic and therefore suited to such interpreta-


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S T. KLINE...... .......Business Manager
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. Bursley Herbert Greenstone I. A. Saltzstein
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e Field Kathryn Jackson Mary E. Watts
Fischgrund Dorothy Laylin

t E
rd --


Fraternity Probations
By the Senate Committee
THE Senate committee on Student Affairs is
to be.commended for its lenient attitude in
permitting the five probationed fraternities to re-
open their houses during commencement, and to
initiate pledges who are not planning to return to
school next year.
The general concensus of opinion after the clos-
ing order was issued last February was that thel
punishment was too severe, especially considering
the financial burdens of the fraternities. The Sen-
ate Committee, however, having once taken ;a
stand, could not afford to modify the punishment,
drastic though it was, without setting a precedent
which might prove embarrassing in future years.
This last minute action, however, will not involve
the committee in any such complication in as much
as it only has appellate jurisdiction over fraterni-
ties at present.
The resolution introduced Wednesday by Dean
Bursley will go far in establishing better feeling
between the fraternities on the campus and the
administration, a condition which is essential to
their relationship if any sort of cooperation is to be
shown in the next year which will be a crucial one
for all the organizations.
Ca mp us Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to
less than 300 words if possible. Anonymous communications
will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon request. Letters published
should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of
The Daily.
To the Editor:a
H OW can you have the nerve to offer such a colos-
sal insult to the intellegence (sic) of your read-
In your first editoral (sic) in to days (sic) edition
the students are called "immature". Directly below,
in the second editoral, you offer some material that
only the most immature mind would consider or let
have influance (sic). Among other blather you say
some one objected to some students riding as Indians
in a waggon (sic). While I do not know the incident
(or the other incidents you mention) I brand such a
statement as a childish lie, made by a childish mind
for childish minds to read. From ordinary common
,ence (sic) and experience I am sure there was some
actions or postures or noise that had no bearing on
the tradition and that was unnecessary to the "suc-
cess" of the wagon ride that some "SMART" riders
offered to the "dumb" public that could appreciat
(sic) the 'Cleverness" the briliant (sic) performers
that caused the trouble. Right? T. A. Holt.
No. Wrong.-The Editors.

We thought we were in trouble
the other day when we got one
of those vicious chain letters from
a fellow in France, but we didn't
know what we were talking about,
because today two more of them
arrived. There ought to be a regu -
lation of the post office department
against the mailing of bad luck
around the country. We were all
set, expecting something pretty bad
to happen in two more days, and
now something twice as bad will
happen in six days. Its a fine
Someone ought to stop those
cavemen from chiseling their
initials all over the front steps
of Angell Hall, because those
steps are a part of the big fine
building on the campus of our
big fine University. And those
fellows-tchuk tchuk-who do
they think they ae anyway?
(Editor's Note-Who do you
think you are?)
* * *
On the morning of the twenty-
ninth of May, 1931, one Cecil Dra-
per, (God what a name), night-
watchman, discovered two ambi-
tious young men trying to make
away with a campus bench. Cecil
pursued and overtook the miscre-
ants near the Law Library. 'Like
a great big bully he went and made
them put the bench back and then
he reported them. Such a guy! We
want to take this opportunity to
commend the Allen-Johnson Bench
Corporation for their good inten-
tions even if they did fail to make
good. Arraigned before the dean
they were probably asked, "Didn't
you have anything better to do
than steal benches from the cam-
pus? Haven't you any better sense
than that? How old are you, any-
way? What's the idea?" Of course
one can't just come right out and
tell the authorities that stealing
the bench was just a dandy thing
to do, and that you heartily enjoy-
ed every minute, and that there
ought to be more of that kind of'
thing anyway. One just can't say
'that. (Editor-One can't, eh?) The
answer is, therefore, that ever since
you were small boys you wanted
nice things like the other boys had,
and you just couldn't let that one
moment of happiness slip through
your fingers.
* * *
Let's give Mother the credit
she is due. Send her a Gar-
goyle or something nice on
CMother's Day. The world will
be a better place to live in for
your trouble. (Editor's Note-
We could get along without
you, too, very well) (Smiley-
Will you take your nose out?
This is my column.) (No!
You're fired.)
Suggested Mother's Day Gift.

Everyone has been asking each
other what he (or she) is going to
do this summer, and do you really
need the extra honor points after
all. As yet no one has asked this
column about the summer yet so
we will make a public statement.
Baxter and Smiley are going to the
Seashore to enjoy the cool breezes
and the cool waves.
Baxter and Smiley at Seashore.
Look at all the College Girls
Walking all along the Mall.*
If a coudburst came and drowned
It would be a pretty nice world,
all right, all right.
*Mall-A popular word in
England. Used in such connec-
tions as the following: "Mall
tired out."
(Editor-I fired you.) (Smiley
-You don't know me.)
* *

No Admission Charge
Sunday, June 7, 4:15, Concerto
and Aria program: Misses M--
Cormick, McClung,Field, So.
p r a n o s ; Miss Peck, Pianist;
Messers. Poinar and Hamilton,
Violinists; the University Sym-
phony Orchestra; E A R L V.
MOORE, Conductor, Hill Audi-
Monday, June 8, 8:15, RUTH
PARDEE, in Piano Recital.
Tuesday, June 9, 8:15, ELEAN-
OR WHITMAN, in Piano Re-
Thursday, June 11, 8:15, NELL
B. STOCKWELL'S students in Pi-
ano Recital.
*In School of Music unless
otherwise announced.
Saturday, June 13, 2:30, Stu-
LYON, in Piano Recital.
Monday, June 15, 7:45, BAR-
LEEN RINCK, in Piano Recital.
Wednesday, June 17, 8:00,
HOPPERT, in Piano Recital.


1.\r. ______________________.___




I PITI . TI!Till .~r



Cor. S. State and E. Washington Sts.
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, Minister
June 7
7:00 A. M.
Communion Service
10:30 A. M.
Dr. Fisher
June 14
10:30 A. M.
There will be no evening worship.

Can one, then, say ex cathedra that "Why so pale
and wan, fond lover" and "The Daffodils" and "When
in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes" should all
be read alike? If so, I am looking forward to that
apocalyptic day when one of the readers of Mr.
Gorman's school shall rise to the rostrum of Hill
auditorium and chant "with formal intonation and
a single pitch" these sonorous lines of W. S. Gilbert:
"I'm called little Buttercup,
Sweet little Buttercup,
Though I could never tell why."
Music and Drama.
I- - -
A Pre-view.
NEVER knew anybody who had as much wit
as Congreve," said Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
-toward the close of a career which had included an
intimacy with all the wits of an age when, above
everything, wit was cultivated. "The Way of the
World" contains the wit of that period crystallised
by one of the greatest stylists in the history of Eng-
lish Literature. But the phrase "In the history of
English literature" strikes a false note. It suggests
deadness. To that suggestion should be countered
one of the closing remarks from A. B. Walkley's re-
view of the Mermaid Society production in 1904:
"One gets very tired of the damned nonsense talked
about Congreve as now fit only for the 'closet'."
The "nonsense" is probably not much talked about
now. Something approaching a revolution in taste
and morals has probably made "The Way of the
World" as relevant to contemporary attitudes as any
other English comedy, past or present. At least,
there is the fact that it has been given recently in
England in 1924, 1927, and 1928; and in America in
1928 by the Cherry Lane Players. Just last week it
was the annual choice of the distinguished "Players'
Club." And the Theatre Guild have just announced
that they are to send a production of it touring the
country next fall.
It takes no gift of prophecy, then, to say that
"The Way of the World" given here next week will be,
next to "Electra;" the most exciting production of
the local dramatic season. The cast is to include
Blanche Yurka and Reynolds Evans as Millamant
and Mirabell; Ernest Cossart (who did the same part
with the Players' Club) as Sir Wilful Witwood; Ains-
worth Arnold as Waitwell; and Doris Rich as Lady
Wishfort. Through the influence of Ernest Cossart,
all the period-costumes designed by Raymond Sovey
f-- - , t, ,,,.Itrt~.. ,,a- - -;,.,, f t ri.- T , A L

Allison Ray Heaps, Minister
Sunday, June 7, 1931
10:45 A. M.-Promotion of classes
in Church School. Sermon by
Mr. Heaps. "The Parable of the
Magic Tree."
The children of the Church School
are requested to assemble in the
Sunday School room between
10:15 and 10:30.
Roses Grow Red" by Webb, and
The quartet will sing "Jesus' Do
Mrs. Annis Dexter Gray will sing
Read that Sweet Story of Old."
for an offertory solo "I Think I
Palmer Christian at the organ.


I, F
Huron and Division Sts.
Merle H. Anderson, Minister
Alfred Lee Klaer, Associate Pastor.
Mrs. Nellie B. Cadwell, Counsellor of
10:45 A. M-Morning.Worship.
Sermon by Dr.. Anderson.
5:30 P. M.-Social Hour for Young
6:30 P. M.-Young People's Meet-
ing. Speaker: E. A. Byrum, Boy's
Secretary of the State Y. M. C. A.
Subject: Experiences from his recent
trip through South America.




FA SINCERE compliment to Mr. Gorman's criticism

Washington St. at Fifth Ave.
B. C. Stellhorn, Pastor
9:00 A.-IM.-Sunday School.
9:00 A. M.-Service in the German





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