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June 04, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-06-04

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Toted Against Salaries
at Meeting Held
on May 9.-f.
iscussion Reopened by
Albert F. Donohue,
1931 President.
Advisability of creating a salary
r the president and recording
cretary of the Union will be de-
ded at a meeting of the board
directors at 12:15 o'clock this
It was decided by a 7 to 5 vote,
a meeting of the board held
ay 9, that the officers should : ,'L.Y s; ,, g.
intinue under the old system of
>t receiving any remuneration. Associated Pres Photo
Donohue Reopens Question. Gaston Doumergue
The question was re-opened by 'o
bert F. Donohue, '31, president, President of France, who ended
an open meeting of the ,board 68 years of bachlorhood when he
ld last Friday. Donohue stated at
e time that he believed that offi- was married in Paris to Mie. C
rs of the Union deserved to be Grave's.
tid for their services. He said that
establish a salary for the new
ficers would not inaugurate a new .
licy, as the recgrds showed that
least one president had received
y in the past for running the
gular Saturday night dances. He
eked the board to hold another
eeting to reconsider the question,
nohue said: Stimson States Tax is Domestic
"If one accepts the premise that Concern; Move will not
iy tradition with nothing in its b
Ivor save 27 years of existence bePrtstd
ould aeabolished, one can pre-'ASHING OstJu.e
nt no brief based on anything but WASHINGTON, June 3.-(P)-
notionalismn for the ,nt iuance Assistant Secretary Ile onthe
the present arrangement at the commerce ~department, today de-
aion w h ails 'to plrovidie any ;dcared that the newCadintr
mruneration watsoever for the Caiadian tar-
'esident and recording secretary.' iff imperils approximately $25,000,-
A discussion followed as to 000 of American exports. The fig-
aether out-of-town members of ure represents less than 4 per cent
e board would be allowed to vote of American exports to Canada in
they were unable to attend the of3Amerio
eeting. Pof, Henry C. Anderson, 1930, he said.
the engineering school, stated An indication from administra-
at he felt, "very strongly that all tion quarters that the new Cana-
embers should be given votes. dian tariff rates will not be pro-.
-herwise," he declared, "it would
pear that you were trying to rail- tested came today in the midst of
ad this thing through." additional statements o v e r the
Vote by Proxy Allowed. higher duties announced at Ottawa.
Donahue argued that the men Secretary Stimson said the Amer-
ao were not present to hear the
3w evidence would not have a fair ican.government considers the tar-
itlook on the situation.He was iff a purely domestic question. He
'erruled, however, and a vote by added he had not yet studied the
roxy was allowed, new import schedules.
Professor Anderson, when inter- Meanwhile, Representative Col-
ewed yesterday, said that the lier, of Mississippi, a ranking Demo-
'esidency and the recording secre- crat on the house ways and means
.ryship of the Union had always committee, said through the Demo-
en honorary positions, and that cratic National committee t h a t
en could always be obtained "Canada is merely returning blow
ider such circumstances. He does for blow."
it does feel thatth e tradition of "Our foolish tariff policy is killing
tese positions should not be de- the goose that lays the golden egg
royedp of commerce," he added, "and the
;roved._ effect is felt not only by manufac-
turers, but, especially by our labor-
ing classes."
Stt B letins Earlier, Senator Goldsborough, of
.Maryland, issued through the Re-
(By Associated Press) publican National committee a re-
Wednesday, June 3, 1931 ply to .Senator Harrison, Democrat,
Mississippi. He said Prime Minis-
S A G I N A W-Representatives of ter Bennett had denied the new
al miners in the Saginaw valley, Canadian duties "are by way of re-
ho have been idle since April 1, tahiation against the American Tar,

cause of a wage dispute, were in- if act," but that this had been
ted today by Mayor George Phoe- ignored in a statement by the Miss-
x to meet with-operators and re- issippian.
ime negotiations for a new wage -

Cannon Alleges Attack in Long! Catholic Action Society Leader
Controversy with Tinkham Arrested; May Be Exiled
of Massachusetts. to Lipari Islands.
Bishop Cited Hearst in Similar Duce Proposes to Take Youths
Action for $5,000,000 from Dissolved Groups
Last October. into Fascism.
WASHINGTON, June 3.-(IP)- ROME, June 3. -(uP) - Premier
Bishop James Cannon, Jr., took the Mussolini today declared war on
offensive today in the long contro- anti-Fascism in Italy, "under what-
versy growing out of his oppoosi- ever banner," and, according to
tion to Alfred E. Smith in Virginia news from the Vatican, at least one
in 1928 by filing a $500,000 libel of the Catholic Action society lead-
suit against Representative Tink- ers, an attorney named Corsanego,
man, Republican, Massachusetts. was under arrest. It was said he
The southern Methodist church- probably would soon be on his way
man alleged that Tinkman had is- to political exile on the Lipari is-
sued and caused to be published a lands, used for years as a place of '
statement charging him with viola- banishment for political prisoners.c
tion of the federal corrupt prac- Other reports said a dozen of the f
tics act. Ctholic Action leaders had been o
t Ae s C ompnsatarrested in various cities. It was
Asks Compensation added that they were all men who
In asking $250,000 compensatory had opposed Fascism previously. I
damages and the same amount in Catholic Action Accused.
punitive damages, Bishop Cannon
said statements made by the Mas- Premier Mussolini's "declaration
sachusetts representative had great- of war" against anti-Fascists was
ly injured his reputation as a citi- made at a special meeting of a
zen, churchman, and moral leader. small body of Fascist leaders which
He said he always complied with formed the directorate of the party.
the law and that he had "only re- The premier presided at the met-
fused" to subject himself to unjust ing and it was said he definitely
and unscrupulous attacks. mentioned the Catholic Action so-
Bishop Cannon last October filed Orders were issued to the 9,000
a $5,000,000 libel suit against Wil- Fascist groups in Italy,. with more
liam Randolph Hearst, the publish- than 1,000,000 active members, tof
er. In this action, he said Hearst be guided by the thought that Fas-t
newspapers had cast reflections up- cism "is firmly determined not to t
on his wife, who was his secretary permit whatever remained of anti-I
before her marriage. The Tinkham Fascism, and which thus far has
statement which was' the basis of been spared, to find refuge andf
the present suit was made in June, protection."
1930. It centered upon the disposi- The groups were told that thosel
tion of $65,300 which Bishop Can- who gave their lives for Fascisme
non received from E. C. Jameson, "demanded that it bedefended atc
of Ne'w' Sr, ih 1928 to use against any cost."
Smith ..,.. ..:Hostility Charged.
Scored by 'Tinkham. The directorate charged that some
A few days previously, Tinkham, sections of the Catholic Action
in a speech on the House floor, call- society had been "openly and sur-
ed Cannon a "shameless violator" reptitiously hostile" to Fascism. f
of the federal corrupt practices act. With this blunt statement of
He said that until the churchman policy the Duce and his group of
told how $48,300 of the Jameson leaders began to formulate plans to
money had been spent, he "will take into Fascism's fold the youngt
stand convicted in the eyes of all Catholics from the dissolved groups.a
honest men of having appropriated Various provisions were made to
money to his own use." strengthen the Fascist groups of1
Bishop Cannon challenged Tink- men, women and youths with the
ham to repeat the remark .where idea of making them into a strong-;
he would not be immune from pros- er body able to incorporate thou-1
ecution, calling him a "blustering sands of new recruits.m i
coward." Catholic youths who may wish to
j join the Fascists clubs, however,
would have to hurry, it was said,
ICONIu I LullIOlNlbecause a time limit has been
placed on recruiting in some sec-
EfIn a speech to the College of
TO L POUST[PONED Chaplains of Immigrants, reported
today in the newspaper Osservatore
Romano, Pope Pius XI was quoted
Body Names Denler Nominating as having said last night that the
Committee Chairman for dissolution of the Catholic youth
clubs violated the right of the
Next Semester. churchvto form and guide young
people and that it also violated the
C a m p us elections for student natural law, "made for the good of
councilmen will not take place this souls."
semester, it was decided last night
in a meeting of the student coun-
cil held in the Union.S
The election was not conductedEC
this spring because it was neces-
sary to wait to see what action the
Senate Committee on Student Af-
fairs would take in regard to the
new student government plan.
John Howard Denler, '32, was ( Faculty Banquet Tomorrow to

elected by the council to act as Celebrate His Fifteenth
chairman of the nominating com-
mittee for next year. He will ap- Year as Dean.
point returning members of the
council to act with him in nomin- Members of the faculty of the
atingmen for the student council College of Dentistry are to honor
officers for next year. Dr. Marcus L. Ward, dean of the
Denler stated that the election school,ata testimonial dinner to
would probably be held within the be given in histhonor tonight, ac-
first two weeks of school next year. cording to statements by faculty
T RGUESThe occasion for' the dinner, at
LT URE ARGUES which Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven,
VIENT OF GOVERNOR president of the University, and
Mrs. Ruthven and Shirley W. Smith,
"This article paints the picture of vice-president and secretary, and
the rotten condition of state affairsM will taepa eteLaguehat
for the last four years," said Rep- 6:0 o'locek i the compeo o
resentative John Tipton, starting Dr. Ward's fifteeth earmasidno
off the debate with a plea that the . of. l eenyear dean
governor be indicted and arraigned of the college.c
before the senate. Tipton declared Dr. Ward became a member of
the people of Tennesee are "rapidly soodental schoofgraduation.1Sinc
losing confidence in their own state hso friginal ronnetion. wite
" government" and added: his original connection with the
"If Governor Horton is innocent, faculty Dr. Ward's career inthe

" .v **Y...*. '..
Associated Press Photo
John W. Garrett,
American ambassador to Italy,
Oho may be drawn into the Fas-
cist-Vatican controversy resulting
rom protests over closing Knights
of Columbus' playground in Rome.
Industrialists Press for Change
in Trade Agreements
With Russia.1
PARIS, June 3.-()-Pressure
from industrialists, who are said
to be suffering as a result of recent
trade treaties' between Russia and
Italy and Russia and Germany, is
given in official circles as the basis
for a French desire to negotiate a
business pact with the Soviet gov-
ernment. The foreign office said to-
day that a Russian delegation will
arrivFlhere within a few days, pre-
sumably empowered to negotiate.
such an agreement.
It was revealed that this same
Soviet group visited the French
capitol shortly after Germany con-
cluded her trade treaty with Mos-
cow. After secret conversation, the
delegation returned to Russia, os-
tensibly with proposals for such an
It is shown that Franco-Russian
trade favors the latter country as
in the first three months of this
year France imported approximate-
ly $4,440,000 worth of goods from
Russia and exported only about
$680,000. France buys principally
oil and wood from the Soviet Union.
These figures are considerably be-
low those of last year, the down
trend being attributed to France's
institution of the license system last
October and to Russia's treaties
with Germany and Italy.
Liquor Law Offender
Awaiting Court Trial
Frank Scharr, Scio township, who
was arrested Monday on the charge
of selling liquor to two University
freshmen, gave a false name when
first taken by the police, he admit-
ted yesterday.
He at first said his name was
Frank L. Smith. Scharr was ar-
raigned before Justice Jay H. Payne
yesterday morning on a charge of
possessing liquor and. was bound
over to circuit court. He is being
held in default of $1,500 bond.
No change has been made n the
charges against James L. Slocum,

'34, and Lawrence L. Heideman, '34,
the two students. They will face
examination on June 9, as had been
previously arranged Tuesday night.
57 R.O.T.C. Students
to Go to Army Camps
Fifty-seven University of Michi-
gan R.O.T.C. students will go to in-
fantry, oirdance, and signal corps
camps this summer.
The men are seniors, juniors and
sophomores. Twenty-one infantry-
men will go to Camp Custer, near
Battle C r e e k. Twenty-three or-
dnance students have been assign-
ed to the Aberdeen proving grounds
at Aberdeen Maryland. Thirteen of
the signal corps will be stationed at
Camp Sheridan, on the outskirts
of Chicago. All expenses will be
paid by the government.

Houses to be Reopened During the Remainir
Weeks of Current Semester; Dean Joseph
A. Bursley Offers Resolution.
'Members of the Senate committee on student affairs yesterd
passed a resolution which will permit the five suspended fraternit
to re-open their houses on Monday of next week during. the exa
ination and Commencement periods.
The resolution, affecting Delta :Kappa Epsilon, Kappa Sigr
Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Alpha 'Epsilon, and Theta Delta Chi, a
stated that, in view of the requests from some of the houses

Van Tyne and Murie
Return from South
Dr. Josselyn Van Tyne, assist-
ant curator of birds at the Uni-
versity museum of Zoology, and
Dr. Adolph Murie, assistant cur-
ator of mammals, returned from
their Guatemala expedition at
5:30 o'clock yesterday.
The members of the expedi-
tion took a fruit boat from Be-
lize to New Orleans Tuesday and
left there for Ann Arbor 'yester-
day. Their collection were re-
ported .to be unusually large and
are beingshipped here from
New Orleans.

initiate certain pledges who
not returning next fall, the f
ternities could hold such ini
tions before the end of this coll
year. The resolution was preser
by Joseph A. Bursley, dean of s
dents, and was unanimously ado
ed by the committee.
The resolution is stated as

Takes Lead Until Cotton, Kent;
Tie Him with Par Scores;
Plays in Gale.
CARNOUSTIE, Scotland, June 3.
-(P)-Johnny Farrell scored a par'
72 over the windy Carnoustie course
in the opening round of play of the
British open .golf championship.
The Irishman of Quaker Ridge
led the field with that 72 until
Harry Cotton, 24-year-old British
professional, came bustling, in to
tie him .anid then W. T. (Billie')
Twince, the tall young pro from
Bromley, Kent, sauntered in with
the late starters to make the lead
Farrell carried snugly in his
pocket the rabbit's foot that ac-
companied Jess Sweetser to victory
in the British amateur champion-
ship at Muirfield in 1926, where Big
Jess played around in figures con-
siderably below the influenza fever
he was running.
The rabbit's foot might have had
something to do with Johnny's
score today, but most observers
would say it'was his fine shots from
the tee, his crisp iron work through
the fairways and around the greens
and his magic putting touch that
counted most.

Will Permit Initiation.
"Be it resolved that, in view
the requests from some of the fr
ternities for permission to initia
now certain pledges who are n
returning next fall, the susp
sion of Delta Kappa Epsilon, Ka
pa Sigma, Phi Delta Theta, Sig:
Alpha Epsilon, and Theta Delta (
be raised in order that these f:
ternities may hold initiations befc
the end of this college year, if th
so desire, and be it further reso
ed that these fraternities be allc
ed to occupy their houses di:
the last two weeks of the semes
in order that the seniors may
in their own houses at Commen
ment and there entertain the me
bers of their families and thi
friends returning for the Co
mencement exercises."
Called Courtesy Act.
Other business transacted at
meeting of the committee was
routine nature.
Dean Bursley, in presenting
resolution, said that the act
would be a courtesy to members
the senior class especially w
would be able to spend the last d
of their college life at their o
houses where they could entert
their friends and relatives visit
them during the graduating ac
Sties. The initiation of men not
turning to school next fall v
permitted in fairness to the frab
nities and the men themselves
was said.
Nationalist Government For
Said to Be Withdrawing
into Kwangtung.

, t

Playing in half a gale, that had SHANGHAI, June 3.-- (P) -]
many of those who know Scotland
better than Johnny Floundering ports received here tonight said
around, he moved steadily along, 000 men, women and childr
ran into trouble but didn't let it driven from their homes in Sot
bother him and finished off by ern Kiangsi province by Comm
ratmig home a 30-foot putt on ist outlaws, were fleeing southw
"Just taking it easy," he said toward Kwangtung province. T
after his round, and that's the hoped to reach comparatively so
secret of golf, as Bobby Jones and areas about Canton and along
others will tell you. Pearl river between Canton
Hong Kong.
Local Police Arrest Ten thousand Nationalist gove
Two Without Licenses ment soldiers opposing the Red
Southern Kiangsi were said to
Police have begun a drive against withdrawing intoKwangtung,
taxi drivers operating without; a posing the people of the Kiai
city drivers' licenses or permits to district to Red depredations.
drive cabs, itis.evidenced by the It was rumored the soldiers
arrest of two 'drivers within the joined Cantonese forces oppose(
past three days. the Nationalist government at N9
Guy Breining, 814 Gott street, king.
who was arrested Monday for driv- The stream of terror-stricken
sng a cab without a permit, was miandtywas reported to incl
sentenced to 10, days in jail or a thousands of children, of "wl
fine of $15 and costs, by Judge Jay hundreds died of hardships. T
H. Payne yesterday. Breining had bodies are heft in roadways by
not yet paid the fine yesterday refugees.
afternoon, and his car is being held That China's Red menace is cE
until he is qualified to operate a ing grave concern to the gov(
cab under the city law or until he ment, was indicated tonight by
furnishes a qualified driver. Kuomin news agency.
The Kuomin said Chiang ]
Life Memberships Maxy Shek, head of the government,
.Mrdecidedtodetake personal comm
Be Secured at Union of the anti-Red efforts which r
t dragged many months without

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