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May 28, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-28

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IH Plan Not Yet Formulated; May
Necessitate Amendment
to City Charter.-
Unless it embraces the entire
community instead of just the mu-
of nicipality, the proposed municipal
court, to replace the justice courts
of Ann Arbor, will be a palliative
rather than a cure for crime con-
ditions, Prof. Edson R. Sunderland,
D of the Law school, said in an inter-
view yesterday.
"Inasmuch as the details of the l
ose plan have not been formulated yet,"
said Professor Sunderland, "it is!
impossible to determine how far
such a court would go in relieving'
present conditions. There is no
on, question that something should be
ct- done to correct the present system
ec- and its evils, and the proposed,
of court, if given broad enough scope, f
m- would do much to accomplish this.!
to "Just as any successful educa-
. tional system must consider the
s rural districts as well as the urban,
>is so the successful court should em-,
-or brace the entire community and al-
on low its benefits to fall upon alli
on alike, whether they live within the
corporate limits of the city or with-
rill out."
th In an interview yesterday Mayor
or H. Wirt Newkirk said that he is in
rfavor of the proposed municipal
r court since it will take the city law
business out of the hands of the
s present two justices of peace and
ve concentrate it in the person of one
ls Judge. Also it is much more digni-
1s fled for this business to be trans-

acted in a regular court room than
in the offices of the justices.
The establishment of the muni-
cipal court was a plank in Mayor
Newkirk's election platform, and he
is very anxious that it become a
reality instead of merely a proposed
issue. He said that all large cities
have municipal courts instead of
justices and the former has proved
much more satisfactory.
It will be necessary to amend the
city charter to make this change.
The approval of Ann Arbor resi-
dents is required before the charter
can be amended, and if council de-
cides that this change is for the
best, it will be submitted to the
people in the near future.




Four Dates Definitely Fixed for
Two Dates Undecided.
1931-1932 Lecture Series;
Winston Churchill to Give First
Lecture on October 26;
Explorers to Talk.
Selection of six speakers for the
1931-32 lecture series of the Ora-
torical association was announced"
yesterday by Hei~ry Moser, business
manager. Dates for four of the lec-
turers have been definitely decided.
Foremost among the speakers
who will appear in Ann Arbor will
be the Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill,
British statesman and orator, who
is planning a coast-to-coast lecture;

Law School to Open First With
Other Schools Following
After June 23.;
Registration hours for the Sum-
mer Session were announced yes-
terday by Edward H. Kraus, dean
of the Session. N
The Law school will be the first
to open, with registration hours for
June 19, 20, and 22. The graduate
school will begin registration June
23, while registration in all other
school or colleges will start June 25
or 26.
The schedule:
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, in the recorder's office,
University hall, June 25 and 26, 9 to
12 o'clock and 1:30 to 4 o'clock;,
June 27 and 29, 9 to 12 and 1:30 to
5 o'clock: Thereafter, 10 to 1*2
o'clock daily.
Colleges of Engineering and Ar-
chitecture, in West Engineering'
building, June 25, 26, 27, and 29,
8 to 12 o'clock and 1 :00 to '5 o'clock.

Winston Churchill,

les Unable to Obtain Senior
all Tickets Will Attend;
Don Loomis to Play.


tour. He will open the lecture series
c. 2. ,
British Statezanan for Speak.
Long known as the stormy petrel
of British politics, Churchill has
served more than a quarter of a
century in the House of Commons,
becoming one of its most powerful
debaters. He has successively been
First Lord of the Admiralty, a
member of Lloyd George's coalition
cabinet during the World war, and
Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Since the war, Churchill has
written extensively, including four
volumes on "The World Crisis,"
dealing with various phases of the
war, and "A Roving Commission," a
story of his early life.
The second of the lecturers, Ber-
trand Russell, philosopher, essay-
ist, and publicist, will appear here
Dec. 2, Moser said. His writings and
essays include a .scathing work on
Soviet Russia, a book on Ch na,
books ounrelativity, the atom, in-
dustry, education and four worksI

to ,4


on the

S. night at the Union.
d, Al- Don Loomis and his band have
Arthur been selected to furnish the music.
Carl There will also be a number of en-
Joseph tertainers, it was announced.
ge Ry- Dress for the affair is to be semi-
VIarion formal. It is expected that more
k.- than 200 couples will attend.
Smyth, Patrons for the dance will bej
'aylor, Coach Harry G. Kipke and Mrs.'
n, and Kipke, Prof. Howard Y. McClusky,
of the Education school and Mrs.
engi- McClusky, Prof. Thomas R. Reed;
rd A. of the political sciefice department
Erwin and Mrs. Reed, and A. L. McDonald,
>hn G. president of the common council,'
Joseph and Mrs. McDonald.
arl W.-
m theS

June 25, 26, 27, and 29, 9 to 12
o'clock and 1:30 to 5-o'clock.
School of Education, including
hygiene and public health, physical
education, public health nursing,
and athletic coaching, in the re-
corder's office, University Element-
ary school, June 25, 26, 27, and 29,
9 to 12 o'clock and 1:30 to 4 o'clock.
Law school, in the Law building,
June 19, 20, and 22, 9 to 12 and 21
to 4 o'clock.
School of Dentistry, in the Dental
building, June 25, 26, 27, and 29,
9 to 12 o'clock and 1:30 to 5 o'clock.
School of Business Administra-
tion, in Tappan hall, June' 26, 27,
and 29, 9 to 12 o'clock and 2 to 4
Graduate school, in Angell hall,
Junes 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 29,
9 to 12 o'clock and 2 to 4 o'clock.
School of Forestry and Conserva-
tion, in the Natural Science build-
ing, June 25, 26, and 27, 9 to 12'
o'clock and 2 to 4 o'clock.
Sections in Sociology, English
and Economics Filled.

e medical

Gemell, Mandelbaum, Donova/
Awards Made to Students
of Engine School.

"America's best Known urican ex-
plorers," will~ come to Ann Arbor
on Dec. 14. They willdiscuss their
experiences among the pygmies'
No agreement has b-een reached
concerning the dates for the. re-
maining two lecturers, Moser said.
(Continued on Page 2, Col. 7)'
Cooley Cane Goes to Praschan;
Higbie Presents Awards;
Engineer Speaks.
The Tung Oil crown, symbol of I
superior loquacity among engineers,
was awarded to Alfred H Lovell,
assistant dean of the colt\ges ofl
engineering and architecture at{
the honors banquet of Sigma Rhol
Tau, engineering forensic society
last night in the Union.
Allanson P. Brush, consulting en-
gineer at Detroit, spoke on the pro-
gress of engineering in the past
thirty years and compared 'it with
the progress iiy other fields of sci-
The Cooley cane was given to
Vernon C. Praschan, '31E. Morti-!
mer E. Cooley donar of the cane
and dean emeritus of the college
of engineering and architecture
prefaced his presentation of the
cane with a short talk on the need.
of the engineer to be able to ex-
press himself in a clear logical and
precise manner.
Following the presentation of the
cane, Prof. H. H. Higbie presented
awards for the Associated Techni-
cal Society of Detroit to five men
who had done excellent work,'dur-
ing the year. Those receiving the
awards were Frederick L. Johnson,
'34E, Eric E. Sommer, '34E, Earl C.
Briggs, 33E, Wallace F. Arducci,
Grad, and Bert D. Schroeder.
Men induced into Sigma Rho Tau
yesterday were Dean A. H. Lovell,
Major W. P. Putman, Pres. of the
A.T.S., Prof. R. S. Hawley, Prof. W.
L. Badger, Prof 0. W. Boston, W.
E. Eldred, '34E, C. C. Reynolds, '34E,
R. A. Wolf, '32E, E. Menton, '34E,
S. C. Killian, '34E, K. Hildreth, '34E,
and H. F. Hamill, Grad.

British statesman, leader of the
English Conservative party and a
member of Lloyd George's coalition
cabinet during'the World war as
well as a novelist of note who will
appear here Oct. 26 as a speaker on
the Oratorical association lecture
Takes Title Role in 'The Father'
First Produced in Paris;
Graham to Dance.
Wilfred Seagram will play the
title role in Robert Henderson's first
presentation of August Strindberg's
"The. Father," to be given at: 3:15
0'cidck this aftetnoon in the Lydia
Mendelssohn theatre. Martha Gra-'
liam, noted dancer, will mak .her
only solo appearance of the D: ama-
tic season preceding the perorm-
Seagram will take the lead as the
Captain. Doris Rich will play the
role of Laura, his wife. Seagram
plays thg old 'servant in the "Elec-
tra," and Miss Rich appears as Cly-
taemnestra, Electra's mother.'.
"The Father" is regarded as one
of Strindberg's greatest plays, not
only significant as a theatrical per-
formance but also important be-
cause of its influence upon the real-
istic dramas of modern writers. It
was first produced at the Theatre
Libre in Paris by Andre Antoine.
Henderson saw a revival perform-
ance in London last year, and de-
cided to include the play in the
Dramatic season here.
In the complete cast for "The
Father" will also be included Amy
Loomis as Margaret, the Old Nurse;
Reynolds Evans as Doctor Oster-
mark; Henderson as the Pastor;
and Doris Dalton, ingenue of the
company, as Bertha, the Captain's
young child.
Supre~ne Court Receives Request
for New Hearing.
WASHINGTON, May 27.-() -
The Supreme Court today received
Albert B.rFall's request fora review
of his conviction of accepting a
$100,000 bribe from Edward L. Do-,
heny, wealthy oil man.
. The tribunal is expected to con-
sider the petition from the former
interior secretary before ;it ad-
journs for the summer recess nekt
Monday. The petition asks a re-
versal of the District of Columbia
court of appeals decision affirming
the conviction and sentence of a
year's imprisonment and a $100,-
000 fine. 3 gg
Should the court decline to re-
view the decision, Fall would be
summoned to Washington to re-
ceive sentence and commitment to
prison. ih,
The petition challenged the val-'
idity of the indictment, activities of
government counsel, and the dis-
charge of a woman juror. It also
assailed the admissability of evi-
dence pertaining to negotiations be-
tween Fall and Harry F. Sinclair,'
wealthy oil man, and charged that
the attorney general assumed pros-
ecution of the case when Congress1

June Gargoyle Sale
to Conclude Today
Remaining copies of the June
Gargoyle, final issue of the year,
will be on sale today in Univer-
sity hall, League, and the Union,
as well as all the local stands,
Harcourt Patterson, '32, business
manager of' the publication, an-
nounced yesterday.
The sale yesterday nearly re-
sulted in ea. complete sell-out, he
added and only a comparatively
small number of copies will be
available today.
{ W
- t
Decisio' on Enforcement to Be
Made as Individual Case
Will Warrant.
Planning to permit the use of
automobiles for recreational pur-
poses to all Summer Session stu-
dents this year, Waltei B. Rea, as-
sistant to the dean of students, yes-
terday stated that the program for
enforcement of the ban during the
summer had been completed.
Rea indicated, that the ban would
'be enforced during the summer ac-
cording to the merits of individual
cases, rather than according to any
blanket r'egulation to be applied to
all. All studentsover 30 years of
age,. and. any, professional. persons
Who have not been in attendance
at any university during the past
year will be exempt from the rul-
ing, Rea said.
Regarding the enforcement of
an .during examination time, Ra
indicated, that,. the ruling would
nlot be applicable to students who
have completed all their University
Work for the year, including exam-
inations, theses, and class papers.
He said:
"As stated in the Daily Official
Bulletin, students will" be permitted
to drive cars as soon as they have
completely finished their work in
all of their University courses.
Those who finish their work,at an
early date will not be required, as
in previous years, to refrain from
using automobiles until the major-
ity of students have finished their
examinations, and the ruling has
been definitely lifted. This will
make the lifting of the Automobile
regulation an individual arrange-
ment which should, as an experi-
ment, merit and receive the fullest
amount of student co-operation."
John Herbst Selected
to Head Cheerleaders
Cheerleaders for the coming year
were chosen today by R. Montgom-
ery Shick, '31, for.the past year the
captain of the cheer leading squad.
The captain-elect, selected after
the four week practice which all
tryouts went through,, was John
C. Herbst, '32. Vincent Clark, '33,
William Temple, '33, Lucien M.
Chipley, '33, and Charles Worst, '33,
were chosen as junior assistants.
Sophomore alternatives w e r e
named as Thomas Roberts, '34, Wil-
liam Giefel, '34, Albert4Lowery, '34,
and Walter Murray, '34.


Harry S.1
manager o


The statemei
nities that the
petition tomor
a special meet:
fraternity coot
the recent actic
ary comittee i
Parties virtua]
calling of the i
Worden, '32, 1
Council, stated ti
received .a petitic
the meeting as s
petition is preser
Fraternities m:
taken by the ju
ifthey are wilhi
Sbody and vote a
Worden stated yf
formed that cam
ed to be opposed
All that is need
meeting of the co
es, he explained,
wish that 'someor
responsibility of
cial meeting.


president of Alpt
believe the matter
ed by the individt
John H. Denlez
the student coun
of Trigon club: "
son or justificati
the recent action
diciary committee
ternity council to
in the various fr
opinion, it is a ca
energy, and an it
power may be mis
Howard Gould
'treasurer of th
council, Phi Beta
"The action taker
committee of tl
i council Tuesday n
as the most feas
problem which
have not been al
their existence o
sat on the Judici
an ex officio men
ing power, and I
vinced that the
not an attempt
ternities unaware
(Continued on

The ac
of JoseD



and I.

from the law
Benson, Harold
age 2, Col. 2)
d Press)
ay 27, 1931
-The Rev. I.
nver, Col., was
f the board of
ollege and sem-
l meeting here
death and his
ser burns today
d their home
s Thomas Dea
.d Mrs: Paul fH.

IHerbert C. Sadler, dean of the1 With but two days remaining in
colleges of engineering and archi- which Literary students may classi-
tecture, announced the awarding of fy for enrollment next fall, records
the Gemmel, Mandlebaum and Don- in the office of Daniel L. Rich, di-
ovan scholarships to students of the afteroon assificaonsecst rda-
colleges of engineering and archi- ready closed and others rapidly
tecture yesterday. filling. Classification will close Fri-
The Gemmel scholarships were day at 5 o'clock.
awarded to Nicholas M. Anikeeff, Approximately 1,200 stud ciat s
I have already classified, about 600
'34E; Thomas Barlow, '34E; Melvin during the past week. Sections in
W. Dadd, '34E; Harold R. Legatski, sociology, economics, and English
'34E, and Richard H. Wilcox, '34E. lead the list in the highest number
The Robert, C a m p b e 11 Gemmell of elections, there being 13 sociolo-
Memorial Scholarship was founded gy sections closed, 10 in the English
by Mrs. Lillian Gemmell Boal, and department, and 8 in the economics
is available to freshman and'sopho- department. Officials in the classi-
more students in the college of en, fication office indicated that many
gineering. students were waiting to classify,
T h e, Mandelbaum scholarships until next fall.
were awarded to Jorge J. Jimeniz,
'33E, Mathias F. Matzek, '33E, and Train 'Empire Builder'
Edward I. Ryder, 33E. Mary S. Wrecked. by Tornado
Mandelle established this scholar' -kd y r
ship in 1929. The income of sixty FARGO, N. D., May 27.-(IP)-A
thousand dollars is used annually tornado wrecked the Great North-
for six scholarships for men stu- er's passenger train "Empire
dents in the college of literature, Builder" about eight milees south-
science and the arts and the col- east of here tonight, killing one
leges of engineering and architec- person and injuring a number of
1tur- others. The twister lifted the train


First Campus Concert
Given byVarsity Band
Approximately 1,500 students,
faculty and townspeople heard the
Varsity band last night in the first
of a series of two campus concerts
in front of the library. The second
and final one will be held next
Wednesday night at the same place.
The organization entertained
with selections from "Carmen" and
"Aida" as well as the overture to .
"Phedre." Marches were interspers-
ed. in the program and the pro-'
gram was concluded with the "Yel-
low and Blue."
French National Unity

Chances of a ta:
next session of I
considerably toda
Harrison, of Mis
Democrat on the
tee, declared agai
Senator Harrisc
enue legislation g
Democratic counc
ocrats are about
with the Republi
The Mississippi
Secretary Mellon


almiter, of
inted judge
er M. Bruc-
>n S. Shaw,'
because ofI

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