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May 23, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-23

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IC \ 9N Handbook Given to Freshmen
Includes Discussion of
University Life-.
Printing of the 1931-1932 "Mich-
ial Meeting igan Handbook" is scheduled to get
SDiscuss under way next week, with the ma-
jority of copy having gone to press,
rainig. ,Lyle F. Passmorc, '33, business man-
CTIVITIES ager, of the handbook said yester-
day. The printing contract has
rn, Nationalbeen let to the Mitchell Printing
ent Needs company, of Greenfield, Indiana.
,t eThe cover of the handbook, re-
owledge.' sembles that of last year. It is of
*Daily) a blue leather composition with a
Almost uni- block "M" in gold on the front. The
f the Univer- word "Handbook" printed in, gold
a was shown script and the years "1931-1932"
opening ses- also in gold complete the cover. A
University of
znial meeting change has been made in the name
day. of the handbook, last year's book
meeting were being titled "Freshman Handbook."
wo questions, Articles on women, athletics, tra-
nefit did you ditions, employment, health serv-
aing while in ice class games, organizations, and
versity?" and! buildings are contained in the
ding did you handbook.
-i2 re as shown New features include a letter of
si ce leaving welcome by Pres. Alexander G.
Ruthven, and a discussion of the
g High . Irooming problem by Dean Fred B.
hat the train- Wahr.
ceived in the The section on orientation week
n was of the --
Ihave found 000 19
of equipment 111
ets of eco-
finance, ac-
id Phillip W.
ial leader in

and Michigan history have been re-
vised and include letters by Dean
Joseph A. Bursley and by Prof.
Philip E. Bursley, the new rushing
rules are also explained. A discus-
sion of athletics by John S. Town-
send, '33, is also included.
Section frontispieces have been,
for the most part, changed and
feature cuts by Philip L. Austin,:
'3,are now 'included.
More than 5,000 handbooks will,
be printed and will be distributed
to all students entering the Univer-
sity fcr the first time.

Vice Presidcnt of American Bar
Association Gives Address
at Coif Initiation.
Maintains Law Profession Has
Lost Influence Because of
Desire for Success.




Senate Agrees to Small Reduction as
of Compliance to Brucker's Dem
Legislative Session Ends.
LANSING, May 22.(-/P')-With a last-minute surge
which moderately reduced they state budget, the fifty-s
ture ended its session late today.
A parting gesture of compliance with the wishes
Brucker and the house of representatives was made whe
consented to, a compromise measure limiting the mill ta;
tions for the U-h v~ i

Relationship of Students
Stage Should Be Close,
Says Lecturer.



vities, and of them h~e
e associations contrib-
education in ways which
never could, but which
be of almost equal val-
asize this point Knis-
d out the examples of
technical man who is
ss because he failed to
-r oAJ per cent of the
S, and the hail-fellow-
De who saw nothing else.
'raises Friendships.
L. Trout, '05, '10E,
o has been back to col-
or further study since
s first degree, said to-
ships as factors of liv-
;y for leadership that
thorough training, the
apart information in a
nteresting way,-these
sentials in education.
hasn't changed. These
of today are still the
ving stuidents that we
hermore, "Those of us
een out of college for
e seen the college man
.e business and indus-
Where the engineering
is the exception he is
e impeeding causes in
'rout said, "..is a cer-
aic attitude, that stu-
nade for education, and
>n for students, and
.g is only incidental to
.If the requirement
inued on Page 8)

Makes Statement to Press That
Extra Session Would Not
Be Desirable.
WASHINGTON, May'22.-()-
President Hoover today definitely
closed the fioor against an extra
session of Congress.
"We cannot leegislate ourselves
out of a world economic depres-
sion," he said at his press confer-
ence. "We can and will work our-
selves out."
Saying he did not propose to call
an extra session, he added:
"I know of nothing that would;
so disturb the healing processes
now undoubtedly going on in the
economic situation."
Mr. Hoover, said he had recently,
received a number of petitions and*
memorials from various organiza-
tions, chiefly of a religious char-
acterdasking that he convene Con-
gress in special session for consid-
erationa of unemployment' relief.
The R e p u bl i c a n Independent
group in the Senate likewise has
called for a special meeting, but
Mr. Hoover said "a poll of the mem-
bers of Congress would show that
a large majority agree with me in
opposing an extra session,
Republican leaders in Congress
had opposed the extra session and
Democratic leaders have been con-
tent to leave the responsibility to
the president, who alone has the
power to convene one.
The presidential declaration left
no opening for any change of heart,
and Congressional leaders are mak-
ing no plans to assemble here be-
fore the regular meeting in Decem-

"The universities c a n employ
their powers to perpetuate the art
of the theatre, which has no power
to perpetuate itself" said Thomas
H. Iickinson at a lecture yester-
day afternoon in the Natural Sci-
ence auditorium.
The theatre can aid universities
and education can be of great value
to the stage, he continued. The in-
jection of pedagogical methods in
the theatre are a great hinderance
to it, however.
"If we are to have an endowed
theatre, the university is the place
where we should have it.. If a flex-
ible institution is to be formed in
(he university for the support of the
theatre, let it be for the support of
its traditions," he continued.
"The university can employ its
powers to create an audience," he
stated, "for it is impossible to have
a great theatre without 'developing
a good popular taste." The univer-
sities can replace the discipline of
the theatre for those of Latin, anc'
grammar, which w e r e. formerly
In conclusions, he advised that
"one can become master of the
theatre only when he' surrenders
to its spell, and for love."
Provisional Government Takes
First Step by Separating
Church and State.

Law's greatest need today is that
young men being trained for the
bar be taught to strive for ideals
of service instead of for monetary
success, so that the status of the
profession may again be raised to
its former leadership, General Na-
than William MacChesney, '02L,
vice president of the' American Bar
association, said last night at the
Coif initiation banquet.
"The leadership of the American
public welfare than ever in the
bar is today more necessary for the
history of the nation," he said, en-
larging on his topic, "The Bar and
Public Welfare."
Gives Reasons for Decline.
This influence for the public
good has declined not solely be-
cause of reasons peculiar to it alone,
but as part of a general tendency
in all of our society, he added.
This general tendency, General
MacChesney said, a longing for
commercial- success, has arisen from
the blind leadership accorded to
persons who have achieved it. He'
attempted to show that this was a
false ideal, that wealth is not the
sole measure of success, though he
admitted that attainment of it i-,
"one of the necessary ends of en-
deavor and one end of success."
The public leadership of the law-
yer may be evidenced in many
ways, General MacChesney said.
The first of these is the bar itself.:
Advises Legislative Interest.
"Here in the very beginning it
seems to me the young lawyer may
commence to take an interest .
in the problems for the betterment
of conditions of the bench and bar
where he practices." The various
committees of the local bar asso-
ciation, connection with the Amer-
ican Bar association, and the Amer-
ican Law Institute, offer opportun-
ity for the younger lawyer, he
pointed out.
Another field is that of legisla-
tion, MacChesney stated, especially
opportunity for work in the forma-
tion of legislation in connection
with the National Conference of
Commissioners on Uniform State

T. Hawley Tappin
General secretary of the Alumni
association and editor of the
"Alumnus" who is one of the lead-
ers of the third Triennial conven-
tion of alumni being held in Cleve-
Conferences Between Litzinoff,
Statesmen May Establish'
Cordial Relations.
GENEVA, My 22.-(/P)--An im--
pression that the present week may
mark the beginning of more cordial
relations between the Soviet gov-
ernment and capitalistic states of
Europe gained strength in League
of Nations circles today after Max-
im Litzinoff, Russian commissar
for foreign affairs, had held a ser-
ies of brief meetings with other Eu-
ropean statesmen here.
This impression first was created;
by the amicable exchanges between
the Moscow government represen-
tative and other attending the ses-
sions of the Pan-European comnis-
sion, which ended yesterday.
Minister Lutzinoff, who yesterday
called on Aristide Briand, Fi'ench
foreign minister, paid a short visit
during the day to Arthur Hender-
son, head of the British foreign
office. At noon the Soviet leader
entertained Dr. Julius Curtis, Ger-
man foreign minister, and the Ger--
man delegates at luncheon.
This afternoon Litzinoff was vis-
ited by Dino Grandi, Italian for-
eign minister, and by August Zale-
ski, head of the Polish foreign de-
Poppies Will Be Sold
to Benefit Veterans
World war veterans will be bcne-
fitted by the proceeds from the saleI
of 12,000 poppies by the local Amer-
ican Legion auxiliary on the streets
of Ann Arbor today.
Mayor 'H. Wirt Newkirk has en-
dorsed the campaign, which will be
aided by school children. Money re-
ceived will be used for the rehabil-
ation of wounded veterans, and
other welfare work.

,Michigan qualified 15 men yes-
tirday in the preliminaries of the
thirty-first annual Western Con-
ference track meet at Evanston,
placing second to the Iowa squad'
which qaulified 16 men mainly in
the weight events. Ohio State
ran a close third with 14 quali-
fiers and Illinois had 13 success-
ful entries.
By qualifying men in every
event entered, the Wolverines
are doped to win a second Big
Ten title in the finals today.
Eddie Tolan took first in both
the 100 and the 220 yesterday.
Trials were not held in the pole
vault and the two-mile run in
both of which Michigan is almost
certain to place. Ed Russell turn-
ed in the best time for the 440
in the trial heats and lookslike
a certain winner today.


at (

(Continued on Page 8)
M A D R I D, May 22.---(/P)---The
S p a n is h provisional government Annual. oology Picnic
took what is generally regarded as
the first important step in its avow- Scheduled for Today
ed program to separate the church
and the state when the cabinet The annual picnic for the staff
tonight decreed absolute religious and graduate students of the zo-
freedom of worship for all creeds. ology department will be held at
Although the measure does not 1:30 o'clock today at the Hall pic-
yet actually mean separation, since nic grounds on the Huron river.
there is a signed concordat between drve.
Madrid and Vatican City which d
must be terminated by mutual A bas'eball game between the fac-
agreement, the d e c r e e provides ulty and the -students will feature
that the government no longer the affair.
professes the Catholic religion as
official. This is regarded as high-
ly significant.T e'Veather
Under the new measure, which
was submitted by Minister of Jus- Lower Michigan: Fair Saturday

Interfraternity Council B a n s
Loss of Social Privileges
for Low Scholarship.
Fraternities at the University of
North Dakota will not be deprived I
oI social privileges for low scholast-
ic averages through a new system
a d o p t e d by the Interfraternityl
Council there, according to storiesl
in "The Dakota Student," the uni- f
versiTy newspaper.
The 0,tion taken by this group,
which will go into effect as soon as
it has been approved, will punish
the individual members w h o s e
gfades are low, rather than the
entire group. If, however, any one
group falls below the University
average for two consecutive semes-
ters, the present regulation of loss
of social privileges will operate.
As long as a fraternity or soror-
ity keeps the general average,of its
active chapter above the University
average, none of the individual
members will be deprived of social
privileges. When the group's aver-
age falls, however, only the mem-
bers who are below that average
will be prevented from attending,
The former system has been in
force for two years. Lyle Johnson,
president of the Council, stated that
the matter had already been taken
up with the Dean, E. K. Smiley, and
that therefore no trouble was ex-
pected in securing the necessary
approval of faculty members.
Statistics Are Studied
by Engineering Classes
Two classes in highway transpor-
tation and traffic control returned
yesterday evening from an all-day
inspection trip in Detroit. accom-
panied by Prof. Roger L. Morrison
of the 'engineering school. The en-
tire group was escorted through the
Detroit police department head-
q arters, studying their methods of

e. 11a .I e nL 11 U LVe
igan and Michigan
Prior to the closin
session, the senate
ignored the demand
nor and the house I
tions for these insti
down. Because of the
went between the
budget bill was thro
ference committee.
University Si
With the house ci
ing upon a cut to $4
University, and the
ees demanding the
the mill, tax, or $5,06
mittee tugged at the
finally the difference
Callaghan bills limit:
grants were revived.
for the coming two

laws, so University
would come from th
has been accomplisl
laghan bills, they sa
Property Tax (
The changes made
proper cut the pros;
tax only slightly. A
both branches, upo
mendation of confe
tees, the budget fc
fiscal year calls for a
tax of approximat
The prospective pro
the following year i
000,000 and $30,000,0
Inasmuch as the p
tax is only $29,500,(
ndr Brucker had ho
nomy program to cu
000,000' or more bel
level, the accompli
legislature may be
the executive. He
intimated, however,
session of the legis




Five Act Hopwood Play to
Presented Tonight.


The cast for "The Blue Anchor,"
five act play by Richard Humph-
State Bulletins reys, '31, which will be presented
tonight at Lydia Mendelssohn thea-
(By Associntd Press) tre. was announced yesterday.
Friday, May 22, 1931 The following 18 students will
have parts: Stanley Donner, '32,
MT. CLEMENS-Theft of an air- Whitney Dixon, '31, Jack B. Nestle,
ane was reported to Macomb '31, Harry Allen, speech instructor,
unty officers today. Attendants Alan Handley, Irwin Newman, '31,
'the Gratiot airport said they saw Robert McDonald, '32, Frances Bu-
soar away to the west at dawn. ten, '31, John Knight, '31, R. Du-
ane Wells, '32, Josephine Timber-
GRAND R A P I D S-A tax lien lake, '32, Albert Crippa, '31, Cecile
uarging that Henry R. Savage, fu- 'Porter, '32, Helen Hawkshurst, Mar-,
tive on a bootlegging charge, owes garet Smith, Garfield Hubble, Wil-
5,063 in federal income taxes, was liam Dickert, '33, and George Nich-
ed here today. Savage forfeited #ols, '31.

tice de Los /Rios, who has charge
of the religious question, all reli-
gious creeds are now equal in the
official eye.
Under the monarchy the Catholic
religion was official and the onlyl
one permitted to practice its be-
lief publicly. Formerly, all creeds
could worship but had to do so
within their own temples and not
The new law says that all creeds
are equal before the republican
government and they can worship
in any way they see fit, provided
they do not disturb public order.
Ruth Fesler Marries
Robert Lippman, Jr.
Ruth Fesler, former private sec-
retary of Mrs. Herbert Hoover, was
married to Robert Lippman, jr., of

and Sunday with slowly rising tem-


Views and Plans of Buildings The history of the quadrangle'is
Are Presented in Booklet told, from the time of the first con-
. ception of it under President Harry
Dedicated to Cook. ) B. Hutchins, to the beginning of
-full description of the buildings work on Hutchins hall. Only one
A ----d--rp --n------bidgunit, an addition to the dormitories,

Steel Indust
Business In
Will Come

NEW YORK, May 24
A. Farrell, president
States Steel Corporat
low executives'of the
today and charged
standard companies"
taining wage scales.
Mr. Farrell's indic
companies was made
meeting of the Amrer
Steel Institute.
"You say wages ha'
ized in the steel indu,
rell began. "They haN
living in a fool's par
combing affd pinchir
of things have gone
called big standard c
companies in the hea
maintaining the stan

comprising the Lawyers quadtrangle
and the arrangement of student
life therein, is contained in a book-
let just issued by the council of the
Lawyers club, under the authority
of the Board of Regents.
Each of the present and proposed
structures is pictured in the booklet,
which is published in addition to
the annual board of governor's re-

will be lacking to complete the plan
after the administration building
is finished.
Architects' sketches are scattered
throughout the booklet, in addition
to the photographs, showing details
and several elevations of each of
the buildings.
Willis C. Moffat, '31L, managing
editor; A. V. Hass, '31L, assistant

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