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May 20, 1931 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-20

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S .
" = AvATM ' NEW


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Annual Lantern Night Are Nam


Sorority Activities c
Include Receptions,r
and Rushing Parties

liD T | DUR L O E


U " ',a - ' -

le Pageant

Faculty teas and receptions take
the lead in sorority festivities for
the week although formal dances
and rushing parties still oninue.
The alumnae of Kappa Kappa
Gamma from Detroit were enter-
tained at the chapter house last
night at a dinner .given by the
members in their honor.On Satur-
day the alumnae will again be here
for a benefit bridge and afternoon
tea. White lilacs will. serve as a
decoration scheme in tune with the


1 bnwrmat Patients Keep Diaries
of Lands Visited in


for Lantern
e held next
iced yester-
e, '31, Miss
women, Mrs.
r. Margaret
sical educa-
1, will head
enior leaders
Helen Do-
d Ruth Van
rill be Mary
n Cheever,
Reed, Helen
ayen, Eliza-
ane Yearnd.

A rushing party will take place
tonight at the Delta Delta Delta
house. There will be spring flowers
and yellow tapers to serve as dec-
orations. On Saturday evening the
pledges of the chapter are giving a
formal dance for the active mem-
bers. Those who have consented to
act as chaperones include: Prof.
Shirley Allen and Mrs. Allen, Mr.
George E. Lewis and Mrs. Lewis, Mr.
Thoman A. Anderson and Mrs. An-
derson. Bowls of yellow roses will,
decorate the rooms.
All Interested Players Eligible
to Participate in Series
of Contests. -

rU I I dU II UIV 1ILt "Boy but it will be fun to sail
all around the world and still be
Theta Sigma Phi Gives Trophy getting well in the hospital!" Thus
for Proficient Work to enthusiastically did one young pa-
tient in the University- of Michigan
Margaret O'Brien. Hospital react to the program of
travel reading and study in the Hos-
CUP PRESENTED YEARLY Ipital School where sick bodies are
not allowed to hamper active minds.
Two Presidents, and Professor Most of the work of the special
Brumm Give Speeches education department of the Hos-
Program. es pital School is carried out as co-
on Program' perative units in which a number
of children work at the same time
With the.ThetaSigma Phi, na- on various phases, of a common1
tional honorary and professional problem. Thus their hospitaliza-
fraternity for women in journal- tion, instead of interrupting ther
ism, banquet \Which was held last regular school work and tending to
night in the League building, a cause then to become sorry for
new tradition was started on this themselves and self-centered, actu-
campus, that of awarding a cup to ally encourages mental and group
the sophomore woman whohas activity which is of immense bene-
done the most outstanding work on fit in their abnormal environment,
any student publication during the states Miss Dorothy Ketcjam, Di-

rector .of Social Service.
Typical' of the co-operative edu-
cation was "Our Trip Around the
World," undertaken by a group
ranging from five to nine years of
age. Beginning on Columbus Day,
the children dramatized imagina-
tively the discoverer's finding in the
new lands. -Then the teacher sug-
gested visits to other lands and.
eventually a round-the-world-trip
was made in the imaginations of
the children confined to the sixth
floor of the hospital. Each child
kept a diary of the cruise. Trans-
portation companies gave illustrat-
ed brochures of ships and foreign
"If we consider education not as
a mere collection of devitalized
facts, but as an understanding of
one's environment and of the ele-
mentary culture, occupational and
social aspects of life, and finally
as as shaping influence on the
child's self-confidence and attitude
toward life, training of this type
is invaluable, and especially so to
children who may be hampered by
illness from having a normal life."
Tonight at 6:45 members of
the Pagasus Drill Squad will
meet in the lobby of the League
b u i l d i n g. Everyone must be
prompt as the riders will leave
exactly on time. It is essential
that all those planning to ride in
the drill be at the practice to-
night as there are only two more
as there are only two more
meetings of the group before the
exhibition, one on Saturday at
1:15, and another next Wednes-
day -at 6:45.

Calico' Team Beata Fres
ATTIND DANU EIT -to Challenge Juniors
Five New Officers Are Installed, .Yesterday afternoon the
ineclass speedball game wa
Spring Theme Used ed at Palmer field. The
in Program. team composed of senior
sophomores, defeated the frE
Five new office'rs were installed team by a score of 12 to 11.
at the spring banquet which the The freshman team was c
Michigan Dames held last night in ed by Lydia Seymour, '34Ed
Anna Neberle, '33, was caps
the League building. They are: the "Calicos."
Mrs. C. H. Beukema, president; People who came out for
Mrs. R. P. Harrington, vice presi- ball and do not know whe
dent; Mrs. C. Lehman, recording not they are on a team shou
secretary; Mrs. G. Lindsey, corre- sult the bulletin board in t
sponding secretary; and Mrs. H. C. men's Athletic building.
Rose, treasurer.
Both the decorations and the
progiram took spring for their
themes with large bowls of tulips
and rose tapers ,being used on the
tables. Mrs. S. W. Peters gave the E
principle talk and used for her
subject Browning's "The Year's at
the Spring" as applied to the club.
Mrs. Rose played two selections on,
the piano, and the program was
closed with a reading by Mrs. Mey-




es will k
etley, A
fret Sch
per, Rut
, and G
be Pauli
'othea H
Kurtz, a
r Lunch

et Thomp- Match play on the University golf
and Agnes course will begin this afternoon.
The golf tournament will be held
this afternoon from one o'clock on
and all tomorrow afternoon. All
)more class women interested are eligible to en-
Barbara ter the tournament if they have
and Annc' had any experience in playing.
be Vincelle Those who have been enrolled in
ieen Clark,golf courses in the University are
beth Grib- urged to enter the tournament.
Margaret There will be a poster in Barbour
ermack. gymnasium on. which those inter-
th Duhme, ested in playing tomorrow after-
Trace May- noon may sign up. Whose who
nan group. would prefer to play today are
ne Brooks, asked to report to Mrs. Cissel at the
aret Cole, golf course.
aunt, Caro- Marjorie Hubt, '32, is intramural
nd Miriam golf manager this year and anyone

This year, the committee, headed
by Emily Grimes, '31, has selected
Margaret O'Brien, '33, to receive
the cup for the distinction and pro-
ficiency which she has shown in
her work on the Daily staff, a posi-
tion' which she has held for the
past two years. The same cup is to
be awarded each year.
Professor Brumm Gives Speech.
The program following the ban-
quet consisted of several speeches,
the first one given by Margaret
Harris, '31, the retiring president.
Miss Harris spoke on the history of
the local chapter of the national
JeanLevy, '32, the incoming pres-
ident, gave a talk on "Aims for the
Ensuing Year," which was followed
by the main address of the eve-
ning given by Professor John L.
Brumrh of the journalism depart-
New Officers Honored.
This banquet is an annual affair
given by Theta Sigma Phi in honor
of the incorning officers in the
spring of every year. Last night
those thus honored were: Jean Levy
who replaces Margaret Harris as
president of the organization; Dor-
othy Magee, '32, who will fill the
combined offices of vice president

and recording secretary; H e I e n
Musselwhite, '32, the new treasurer;
and Cile Miller, '32, Keeper of the
Archives and Matrix, correspondent..
The Matrix is the fraternity mag-
azine which is published quarterly.
The other honor guests besides
the new' officers were Miss O'Brien,
the recipient of the Theta Sigma
Phi cup, Prof. Brumm and Mrs.
Brumm. Donal Haines of the jour--
nalism department and Mrs. Haines,'
and all of the local alumnae.
The new patronesses of the or-
ganization are: Mrs. Brumm, Mrs.
Haines, and Mrs. Wesley Maurer.
Large bowls of spring flowers
placed on all of the tables were
used as the decorations.


New League Directors
Entertained at Dinner
The staff in the Dean of Women's
office entertained both the out-go-
ing, and in-coming officers of the,
Board of Directors of the League
at a dinner last evening. -It was
held in the League, and approxi-
mately fifty-five women attended.
Mrs. Ruthven, Mrs. Cram, and Dr.
Bell were the guests of honor.
Short speeches were made by Mrs.
Cram, Mrs. Bacher, and Miss Ogs-
borne. Miss Lloyd presided.


he box lunches for
must be placed by
orothy Waterman,'32.
be about forty cents
e houses, sororities,
es who wish them.
s Waterman at 9674.
;ee, '32, chairman of
>unces as her com-
°ldman, '33, daily as-
Annette Cummings,
dribble, '33, will head
properties commit-
f Elizabeth Louden,
umittee is Johanna
Corinne Frief, '34,
;, '33, Joyce McDon-
abeth .Louden, '32,

Dial 2-1129'


desiring further information or -------_-_-
the tournament may call 5811.
A psychological test recently given
to men and women students of the
university 'reveals that women have
a preference for dainty dishes while
the men are more interested in the
substantial foods. . s proving to be
Susanne Wood, '33, and Elizabeth the most popular ma-
Shull, '33.
May Make Posters. terial for Summer...
Any woman who is interested in
making posters should call Dorothy
Magee at 9747. W.A.A. points will MARCELLA
be given for making posters. These LINEN
will be made in the form of hand
bills and will be printed.
vns, Wraps and
Ensembles . . . is it because they're so
ING AND ALTERATIONS soft; so light in weight; so
620 East Liberty co fortable?
Jacobs ons
r " ca
oday Only
00 to 1:00
irrier Staws noteswil get mche lt
reer if you ar able to
typeyourown otes
u themes hand theeYur
shorthand. Hundreds of
of summer straw Michigan students have
of sumer srawlearned typewriting and
le for four hours shorthand at Hamilton
Business College. Many
Allhave used it to earn
Al" r e n money on the side or
er th most charm- "uing vacation. You
will also find'it very
in at nine this valuable in your career
after graduation.
00 Shorthand

An' Important Soiling of Coats' and Suits
Wednesday and Thursday
Exceptional Values!





', ,;


15 Dress and Travel Coats
Plain and fur trimmed . . Black, skipper b lue, green, tan, navy,
Sizes 14 to 44. Priced for quick selling at
28 Dress and Travel Coats

I rI
':. :.... :

tweed and mixtures.




SloS .
Sal of Osum


plain and fur trimmed . . . Black, navy, skipper blue and tan. Any garment would
sold for a great deal more. Sizes 14 to 42. Priced at

All Our Finest Coats Heavily Reduced from Original Prices!




11 White and Pastel Wool Coats

-in a picturesque fro
that is sure to be shO
It may be white-itin
be splashed with garc
flowers-it may have
little jacket of black i
feta or velvet-it may
a lovely pastel with a cc
trasting bow.; One thi
is sure, it must be she
... and you must cot
to the College Shop a
see our nice collection
$1950 and $29

Both dress and sports.

A limited number
hats will go on sa
only this morning.
smart and will flatte
ing wearer. Come

Suitable for summer wear. Sizes 132 to 18. Specially priced at

12 Good Utility Coats at $3.95

30 Two and Three Piece Wool Suits


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