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May 16, 1931 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-16

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_LLETINWater color paintings by members of the Royal Society of British L U r rLr ASCOMMENCED B D
Artists, third floor gallery of the Architectural building under the aus-
pices of the Ann Arbor Art Association. Open daily from 9 to 5, untilRI[1Ur arf
ice*to all members further notice. Dr. Pease and Dr. Pearson to form
of the Assistant to .. Determine Precise Speed near
30 a m. Saturday. American Paintings, West Gallery, Alumni Memorial hall; week days of Light. In e
from 9 until 5 and Sundays from 1:30 until 5 through Sunday, May 31. Address on Anniversary of Leo o iDr.
NO. 162 . XIII'sEncyclical Urges PASADENA, Calif., May 15.-(P)- sr
Japanese Prints, Alumni Memorial hall, under the auspices of the Economic Progress. Dr. Albert A. Michelson's last and tion
Ann Arbor Art Association, through May 16. most accurate measurements of the T
VATICAN CITY, May 15.-(/)- velocity of light, interrupted by his ar
Lecture Today Pope Pius XI today blessed and death, will be completed, year
Business Administration Lecture: Mr. A. C. Farrell of the Dennison counselled the labor of the world in His associates, Dr. Francis G. accu
Manufacturing Company speaks at 11 a. m., in room 110 Tappan hall, on observance of Pope Leo XIII's en- Pease of the Mt. Wilson observatory the1
ago Symphony Orches- the analysis of distribution costs. cyclical Rerum Novarium, dealing and Dr. Fred Pearson, who was vyey.
with workers' rights and duties. Dr. Michelsons assistant for twenty in a
His holiness celebrated mass in years, will finish the experiment, e
.Goldmark EVENTS TODAY the morning at St. Peter's in the still in progress, as it was originally mad
Bruckner University Women: The Women's Athletic Association will have a presence of nearly 20,000, half of planned by Dr. Michelson. tical
nature hike on Saturday, May 16. Anyone interested is invited to attend. whom were Catholic worker pu- But the world's most precise de- exha
The group will meet at the Women's Athletic House at 2 p. n. grims. termination of the speed of light of a:
I They shouted and cheered "long had progressed sufficiently far be- are
COMING EVENTS f live Pius XI" as he was borne in fore Dr. Michelson's death to allow cubi
...Glazounow Engineering Freshmen "How to Study" groups: the sedia gestatoria or papal throne him and his associates to arrive at duri]
Section II will meet Tuesday, May 19, at 9 a. in., in room 239 West on the shoulders of red-costumed a tentative value. Th
Engineering. .1footmen up an aisle to the higher "The tentative value for the velo- its h
Section III will meet on Tuesday, May 19, at 2 p. m., in room 239 altar where he said mass. city of light resulting from this ex- for
West Engineering. Among those who attended mass periment is about the same as that vacu
Students in this group who have not already joined one of these this morning at St. Peter's and who obtained by Dr. Michelson's experi- light
'Musorgsky. An opera sections should attend the most convenient of these meetings. vent to the papal ceremony this ment on Mt. Wilson," Dr. Pease in- mad
afternoon was John J. Raskob of formed Science Service. from
Cyrena Van Gordon,NeYok Just four days before his death, revol
College of Pharmacy: Annual Banquet of the College of Pharmacy New York.daefo his
Tenors; Nelson Eddy will be held Wednesday, May 20, at the Michigan League at 6:30. The Reconstruction of the entire eco- Dr. Michelson dictated from his .
ss; Mabel Ross Rhead, principal address of the evening will be given by Dr W. B Hinsdale nomic system by "bringing it back sickbed the outline of the scientific
;horal Union; Chicago Csin i gandrcheologygMue ntrol.Bicketsto the requirements of social justice paper which will eventually an- AM
C u s t o d i a n o f M ic h i g a n A r c h a e o l o g y , M u s e u m o f A n t h r o p o l o g y .T i k t s a sos o a s t o e n s u r e m o r e e q u it a b l e d i s - n o u n c e t o t h e s c i e n t if ic w o r l d t h e h o n
may be obtained from student committee or at the office of the Secre- tribution of the united proceeds of most precise value of light's velo- dis
tary of the College- capital and labor" was urged in the city, one of the most fundamental or1
ic faculty and others en____caleteri__edyPpevalues in physics. side
Lig:l stherentsepc-amsinwbexlation m. . inhplibrarian-eday.ia lte ise b oeF
i teOeLibrary Science Students, 1931-32: Students interested Pius. The mile-long tube in which the
tion hours when they ship as a career are invited to a conference in room 110 Libraiy on Only a resume of the text was present light enpnrimoents are per-
he period of advanced tMonday, May 18, at 4p.m. made public. It was broadcast bytherthe_______---______
Admission to the first-year courses in Library Science next fall will the pontiff this afternoon and the
be limited to fifty full-time students. At this meeting the conditions of full text will be given out in 10 F
~: All students expect- admission will be explained. Win. W. Bishop, librarian. days.
D100 (Directed Obser- ______The letter bears the title "Quad-
I to pass a qualifying Inernational Good-Will Day: Friends of peace are arranging a Vege- ragesimo Anno" (In Forty Years) -
before being admitted tarian Supper Monday, May 18, at 6 p. in., in Russian Tea room of the and carries still further the Rerum
I from 9 to 12 on Sat- Michigan League bldg. Rabbi Heller, C. Orr, '32, and F. Layton, '33, will Novarium issued by Pope Leo. I1~
fty t ah sbok- The letter is divided into three :.
ity High School. give brief talks on "When is Killing Murder." Tickets at Wahr's book- parts.
,, acting secretary. store (State street). par ts.
In the fir.,t uhe pontrf enumer- ~;En
eaching: Students ex- Liberal Student's Union: Annual Outing on Sunday afternoon. Meet ates the benefits which have re
rged to interview Dr. at church at four o'clock. suted from Pope Leo's encyclicalE
[Jniversity Elementary-
(Jniersiy Elmentry Ihart, Grad., in charge.
tl studies, 1 to 2; Eng- Women's Education Club will hold an important business meetinghtr , ag_
ics, and fine arts, 3 to on Monday, May 18, at 4:15, in the Library of the University Elementary Student Volunteer Group meets
t importance that the School. Prospective members for next year are welcome; Junior mem- in Harris hall at 9 a. m., Sunday.
else being equal, th bers are urged to be present.
d in order of applica- Vulcans: There will be a meeting ON THE HURO
irected teaching under Professor John L. Brumm, of the journalism department, will discuss at the Union on Sunday, May 17, 12
rce. Any student who "Persons and Personalities}' on Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in Lane at 5 p. m. __soudeprfr _._-
'd should report for a hall. The public is invited to attend.__ _ __ _ __
et will be made to meet ___
urse in directed teach-
a, acting secretary, Meein of the Freshman Girls' BR W E5
hool of Education. GleeClub at the Women's League,
Sunday at 6 a. m. Each bring what & Company, fns.m
Loomis' office. .Please is necessary._ Time's Flying! Order them Nt
Good Hope are postedI N V E S T M E N T
students from different departments 100 CARDS FROM YOUR0A LATE-
of scientific study will speak on'
ri itevie sudnt. "Science and God." Arthur Bern-
in 3 s H e " nOrddrsdexecuted on 1 ex- Special price to University women on: Wedding
appointment at other - hange.. Accounts carried and Announcements.
ALOHSen onservtive margin.
shmen students inter- $35.00 SUITS ..... . $...25.00 Tlephone 23271
tyjohn in his office at $45.00 SUITS ...... $30.00
$55.00 SUITS ............$40.00
.otice of examinations 1319 South University__ __n __LOOR
rker. Applications for ---_---- .-_ " .___ .-."--.__ _



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