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May 16, 1931 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-16

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Weather- Guarantees Fast running, showed up well makin
ick for -Running of 57th all of the horses favorites.
ArnualTur Clssi. I Twenty CGra nd Favored.
Annual Turf Classic. The hotel lobbies favor Twent
Grand and the street coners lear
ENTRIES toward Mate in a personal survey
Post Number Jockey ;r, n +ic.,- m O


d '

i ty Grand 8.
Board 11.
ors Aweigh 3.
ise 2.
r 7.
All 1.
.rger 12.
h Play 9.
noLa1 F

G. Ellis
C. Kurtsinger
E. Watters
E. Steffen
R. Workman
T,. Schaefer
F. Coltiletti
C. Corbett
W. Fronk
S. O'Donnell
T. Mr'w

r w y ear- e o.dlt ItJJ LLrmer e
several victories over the latter but
in the Preakness, Mate stepped
ahead with a length and a half
Ladder has many admirers in theI
East. The western hopes are pinned,
on Pittsburgher mostly. Canada,
has Boys Howdy entered. This colt1
was sold by Col. Bradley when he
developed paralysis but H. C. Hatch'

One Position Still Left Vacant;
Pairings Are Made.
With the exception of one posi-
tion, the preliminary choice of the
16 freshmen who are to comprise
the freshman tennis squad has
been made by Coach MacFarlane.
The members of the squad are:
Sandusky, Nisen, Muzzey, Schnap,
Waring, Root, Renihan, Durand,
Finch, Baldwin, Fiske, Wilcox, Mc-
Elwaine, Newman, and Wells. Con-
stantine and Kleiger are to play for
the remaining position.
AccorgIing to the yearling. tennis
mentor, the few ranking matches

Piano Tuning! Phone 6676, Victor
Almendinger, the concert artist
tuner. Tuner for Univ. School of
Music. Office at residence, 1608
Morton Ave. 345C
Only a Furrier Can Clean-Re-
pair-Remodel and Store FURS
Safely-Scientifically and Satis-
factory. We call and deliver.
Call 8507
Complete Fur Service Since 1904


=+R ivs" ; 'r- V. J. ivlci'y had faith in him and his present :played to date have shown little
Prince D'Armour 14 E. James condition bears out his good judg-
Bays Howdy 10. G. Riley nntn j except the fact that this year's ag-
Up 4. McHugh .°___ gregation of first-year netmen is
Don Leon 5. H. Fisher 1875-Aristides 1876-vagrant the most evenly balanced seen here
*Greenbree entry Baden 187$-~ay tar in years. Many of the results of
,....1679-Lord Murphy 180-Fonso0
1S1-Hlndoo 18s-'-Runnymeado matches have been directly contra-
By John Townsend ~ 8h-Joe nttonu 19'-ae ana dictory, placing groups of players
-1887-Jacobin 18$8-Macbeth li in triple ties for ranking positions.
LOUISVILLE, Ky., May 15-Warm 3s F- nokafle lp9ofRiey' Sanduky and Muzzey have been;
and fairer is the weather man's 'S.3-Lookout 134894-hnt the most consistently successful so'-
ju dgment for' the fifty-seventh 1895-Halma 1896-Ben Brush ifar.
T~ntxkDebat Chuirch illDons197-Tyahoon II 189--Plaudt
Kentucky Derby Downs 1599;--anuo" - .900-lout. Gibson With this in view, Coach Mac-
today. More than 60,000 peope will - t91- Hs Eminence 1902-Alan-a-Dale Farlane plans a general shakeup
atenaccording to estirnates . 19 3=Judge Nimes 1904-Elwoodgp
ste the faorite t oomaes.b . -Pi Stale 1906-Sir Huon by means of pitting the players in
with a fast track Twenty Grand 1907 ita 190-one street the first eight against those in the
reigns 1911-Meridian 1912-Worth second'eight in matches next Mon-
Mate, Preakness winner last week, ]91(-Donrai 1914-Old Rosebud ecnda eitn. thes wnxt Mo-
an tsurhrte19'5-R emret 19U6-George Smith 'day afternoon. The following mat-
jEquipoise, 1917-Omar Khayyam 1918-Exterminator ches are to be played at that time
hope of the West. These entries are 1919=efr Ba~ron 1920-Paul 'Jos ces arCt:q lyda ta ie
p the est othe ntreae 921-Behave Yourself 1922-Mornich Sandusky vs. Muzzey; Root vs.
picked asthe best of the 15 three- 1923-Zev 1924-Black Gold Schnap; Nisen vs. Wells; Newman -
year-old starters. 1925- Zpi9Tr~Eb-enf 192 -tu bt tt >1r p
9o s rse y1927-hiskeryn - 92seicount ivs Waring; Baldwin vs. McEwaine;C
To"(4wn is lHoDrse-Crzy- ].1929-C ydeVa ie.asen 1930-Gallant Foxv ske; Renihan VS.
Banners, flags, and sunshine all 1931-? Find vs. iin vs.
make Louisville a typical Derby Day pitio
town. But aside from the crowded position).
hotels and busy streets, the turf-T
talk is the predominate topic of
What's wrong with Equipoise? L
Will he be right by Saturday? Look
at the fast mile Twenty Grand ran j
Thursday and the nice workout Expect Closest Meet of Season
yesterday morning. How much has Wth Wolverines Rating
Charles Fisher got up his sleeve!
with Sweep All? One runs across Slight Favorites.
many other comments on the
>h6rses but "Who'll be the winner?" (Continued from Page 6)
draws 15 dilferent answers. greater effort to win over the visit-
The Derby puzzlers loafed mostly ing Wolverines.
yesterday, and light "blowouts" this As matters stack up now it looks
morning. In the wokouts the like Tolan and Campbell are good
Greentree stable, with T w e n t y for a first and third respectively in
Grand, Surf Board, and Anchors the century sprint and in the 220,
but it is going to put Tolan to the
test. Capt. Cave of the Indians is
t good for a mark of :09.6 in the 100 .
'and demonstrated this time last
week in the triangular meet with
Tfllt Indiana and Purdue, which the
ILY Hoosiers copped by the narrowest
of margins. This time is the best
the Michigan ace has been able to
Meet Detroit ;Gity College for hang up this season. Hampton of
Illinois is going to be another hard
First Time in History; man to beat in these twvo events. -
Jolly in Singles. Russell Favoredc
The 440 and the 880 runs look
(Continued from Page 6) like possible firsts for Michigan
combination against Captain Ahern with Russell the favorite to cap- o nly
and Skinner. Royston, the long ture the first and either Turner or
driving Wolverine captain, will pair Mueller in the van of the 880 men,
with Livingston against Schweitzer although Lindall is going to be a
and Cornel. hard nut to crack for the half-
The afternoon singles matches milers, for he can get down around
will probably bring together the 1:59. The mile is going to be tough
two captains, Royston and Ahern, going for Harm Wolfe when he
as one match. Lenfesty will meet faces Woolsey of the Indian troupe,
Skinner, Hand will meet Schweit- who can do 4:25 in the event. The
.er, and Jolly will be paired against two mile looks like it is all in Aus-
Cornel. tin's hands if he is up to his old
Although most of the Wolverines form of around 9:42.
confined their pre-match efforts to In the hurdles is where Coach
a nine hole playing jaunt some re- Chuck 'Hoyt is going to find his
macrkably good cards were turned rough going with Gage and Egles-
in considering the windy condi- ton fighting for first place in the
tio'ns. high ones and the result a tossup,
The morning doubles matches are for the Indian has done :14.6 in
scheduled to leave the first tee at the event which is Hawley's best.
-:45 o'clock, with the singles get- Sentman and Cave are to be the CASH PRICE
ting away as soon after lunch as opposition in the low ones where
possible, probably about 1 o'clock. Egleston and Haefele are to up-
hold the Michigan honor.
Michigan Soccer Team With Rod Cox Should Win. ncludin
With the broad jump and vault
to Open Season T oday going to Bertelson and McDermont
of the Indians, and Purima cap-
Michigan's soccer team will play turing the shot and discus, the only
its first game of the season this field event for Michigan to shine
afternoon when it meets the De- in is the hammer, where Rod Cox
troit Bus Company team at 3 is slated for first place. Therefore,
d'clpck on Ferry Field. it looks like the meet is going to
The Wolverine lineup will have revolve around the winners of the n
Groth, Grammarra, King, Garzone, high jump and the javelin throw.t7
Lucasfian, Trellis, and Sidhu as If Michigan can urge Gafill on to
forwards, Terrizas, Rios, and Guar- clear 5 feet, 10 inches he is good
dia at the halfback posts, Dee and for a first and a Michigan victory, Cac
Balverde as fullbacks, and Araujo for that is the best the Illini can (SMAL
protecting the goal. do. Also in the javelin, Dougal,
t,_ _who surprised himself with a toss
TORONTO-Joe Harris, veteran of 175 feet last week, will have to Sales under these condit
first baseman, who has been re- repeat that effort to beat Robin-
ceitly released by Buffalo, will son of Illinois who is good for
probably sign a contract to play somewhere around that mark. Ha-
with the Toronto Maple Lea's. zen. of the Wolve squad may also
_________________ add a point or two in this event.: .
INDIANAPOLIS-The Indianapo- It is these individual points in - :

lis Ameiican Association baseball seconds and thirds that are going I :
club will go back to night baseball to decide the victor today and
beginning . May 29. The Sunday, which ever tea.m wins, it will stand.
games will be played in the after- I high in the pre-Conference meet I;"
noon. I rating.
Among the Best and at
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FREEMANA newly designed shelf The
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the range. will;
7--% -W TT- Tk m .r r SEE THE STOVE TODAY

ANYONE interested in a profitable
summer position paying $24 a
week and a $200 scholarship, call
C. R. Aclkly, 22921 for interview.
TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair
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G r a p h i n g. Moderate Rates.
Prompt Service. 0. D. Morrill.
314 S. State St.
TYPEWRITERS-All makes sold,
rented, exchanged, repaired. 0.
D. Morrill, 314 S. State St. Phone
CALLING CARDS-100 with en-
graved .copper plate $2.50 up
100 printed from old plate. $1.75.
Best quality workmanship. O. D.
Morrill, 314 S. State St.

and 18 months to pay!

g a necessary wiring
modern electric range
hayed for $6 a month!
ions to Detroit Edison customers only
TU ,

new broiler pan makes These sturdy cadmium-
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surprise and please you. and utility.


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