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May 12, 1931 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-12

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School Encourages Self-Guidance by u


History Teacher Finds Scholars
From Institution Here
Rank High.
Faculty Steps Into Background;
Students Control All
Outside Work.
By John W. Pritchard.
Students are their own bosses
and the faculty is merely an ad-
visory accessory in extra-curricular
work at the University High school,
and even, to a certain extent, in
the classroom.
This essentially is the system of
socialized education that has been
in practice ever since the high
schoo opned seven years ago, ac-
cording to Edith L. Hoyle, teacherf
of history and social problems. Its
success, she said, is proved by the
fact that "the students are happy,"
that '"they beleve deeply in their
work,. and iby their nearly unfail-
ing success in college, where they
rank above the average in both
eastern and western institutions.
"It is. n almost trite saying,"
said Miss Hoyle, "that school is for
boys and girls, and not boys and
girls for dchool. Our system is sim-
ply to put this theory into prae-
Students Run Activities. t
The faculty of the high schoolT
steps into the background to allow
the students to control all their
activities, according to Miss Hoyle. -
Assembly programs are handled by
the student council, which, elected
by popular vote, administrates stu-.
dent affairs to the extent that fac-
ulty members must ask its permis-
sion if they care to interfere. t
.Assembly programs exemplify theI
extra-curricula phase of the idea.
Backdrops and other properties for
plays are often executed entirelyt
by the students, and sometimes aret
not seen at all by any teacher untilc
completed. A stage crew of high
school boys handles everything, in-]
cluding electrical equipment.
Casses Not Formal.
Classroom sessions are likewise
handled on the theory that pupils
will do t'liir best when allowed to
work out their own problems along]
the lines they most enjoy. To facil-a
itate such a plan, desks are placed
so that students may communicate
"A person familiar with ordinary
acdemic methods," s a i d Miss
Ioyle, "would be amazed at the
4 parent disorder he sees on en-
tering a classroom. Actually there
is no disorder, merely informality.
tudents digress from their work
surprisingly little."
the shop offers a typical exam-
ple of the sort of freedom that the
school encourages. A very high
standard of work is set, below
Which no student is allowed to fall;
anything he wishes, from construc.
ting model airplanes and casting
cement bird baths to bringing in
and overhauling his own car.
Good Work Results.
The system has generally result-
ed in a high grade of work, parti-
clarly along literary lines, said
Miss sHoyle, who cited a number of
poems, and short stories which
have been produced and which are

above the average in quality.
The student newspaper, t h e
Broadcaster, is entirely a student
project, with very little faculty su-
pervision, according to Garry Bunt-
ing, the editor. Bunting said that
the students themselves find the
system a very agreeable one to
work under.
The University High school ib
primarily to train teachers, stated
Viss Hoyle, and consequently it is
advisable to present to the students
the best known methods of educa-
--ISincea barrel was deemed too
scanty protection even for a lady
pictured on a circus poster, the cir-
cus board of Evanston supressed
the distribution of the 200 posters
that were all stacked and ready
for distribution on the campus of
Northwestern University.


Rev. H. P. Marley Gives First
of Series of Sermons on
Practical Religions.

What's Going on
Michigan-"Strangers May Kiss"
with Norma Shearer and Robert
Majestic - "Stolen Heaven" with
Nancy Carroll and Phillips Holmes.
Wuerth - "Fair Warning" with
George O'Brien and Louise Hunt-
Lydia Mendelssohn - Tatterman
Laboratory-Cercle Francais pre-
sents two plays, 8:15 o'clock.
Lecture-I. A. Richards on "Mod-
ern Poetry;" 8 o'clock, room 1025,
Angell hall.

Dr. Frederick B. Fisher Speaks
at First Methodist Church
Morning Services.
In the first of a series of ser-
mons on practical rigions, Rev. H.'
P. Marley, of the Unitarian church,
spoke Sunday morning on "Jane
Addams-Mother of the Slums."
Adapting his subject to the Moth-
Associated Press Photo er's day celebrations, he pointed
Capt. Robert Dollar, out the qualities that have given
President of the Dollar stearm- Miss Addams her title of mother
ship lines, who is suffering from a of the slums," and how they have
severe illness in California. Cap- made her Hull House experiment
tai Dollar is 86 years old. in Chicago famous throughout the
world. He spoke also of the recent
award of $5,000 given to her at Bryn
Mawr college "in recognition of em-
inent achievements."
Plans Series of Talks.
The other sermons of the series
will deal with "Tammany- and
the New York Clergy," "Socialism



Leonard Kimball, '33, Victor atq
Madison, Awarded Lowden
Leonard L. Kimball, '33, winner,
of the Northern Oratorical league,
contest for 1931 last Friday at
Madison, returned to Ann Arbor
yestel day. Along with the honor,7
Kimball won the $100 Lowden test-,
imonial and the Chicago Alumni
medal for his victory at Michigan.;
Second and third places went to
Lloyd Griffin, of Northwestern uni-
versity, and Arthur W. Fiske of
Western Reserve. Nathan Levy, '31,
took second place for Michigan in,
last year's contest.
Kimball's topic was "The Case
for American Labor." He attacked
the unbalanced growth of the ma-
chine which, he claimed, is the
cause of present misery among
workers in the United States. Over-
production, caused by capitalistic
greed, has brought about beggary
and despair to American labor, he
The Daily Cardinal, Wisconsin
student paper, described Kimball's
delivery as "filled with a zest that
kept his hearers leaning forward
in their seats." Kimball thundered
these questions, it says:
"Why must people go hungary
when the granaries are bursting
with grain? Why must they go
barefoot when the warehouses are
filled with shoes? Why must they
suffer from cold when there is
plenty of coal in the coal yards?
Why must some have too much
money and others go in need?"
Federal Statistician I n d i c a t e s
Improved Conditions.
LANSING, Mich., May 11.-(P)-
A crop report which radiated mre
optismism than any other this year
was issued today by the Federal
agricultural statistician's o ffi c e
here. It told of improved condi-
tions for winter wheat, rye, and.
fruit. Hay and pasture crops, how-
ever, still are far below normal.
Wheat was greatly benefited by
warm weather the early part of
April, followed by showers which
headed off the drouth.
Abandonment of winter wheat
acreage amounted to only one per
cent of the planting, the smallest
percentage since 1919. The acreage
remaining for harvest is estimated
at 819,000, or about the same as last
year. Probable production is esti-
mated at 15,970,000 bushels against
19,246,000 bushels last year and a
10-year average of 16,234,000 bush-

-and Christianity," and "Soldiers,
Chaplains and the Church."
"Mother," was the topic nor Dr.
Frederick B. Fisher's sermon Sun-
day morning at the First Metho-.
dist church, whiletsimiliar subjects
were used at most of the rest of;
Ann Arbor's churches in connection
with the annual Mother's day. At3
the evening meeting at'the Metho-
dist church, Dr. Paul Harrison, of
Arabia, spoke about some of his1
adventures among the wild tribes
of that country.;
Dr. Harrison was also the speak-
er at the morning services in the
First Presbyterian church and dis-
cussed informally some of his ex-
periences atnthe student meeting
in the evening.
Brumm Adresses Group.
"The Investment of Influence,"
was the topic for the Sunday morn-
ing service at the First Congrega-
tional church. Rev. Allison Ray
Heaps preached at this meeting
and at the evening student meet-
ing, Prof. John L. Brumm, of the
journalism department, spoke on
At the First Baptist church, Rev.
R. Edward Sayles spoke Sunday
morning on "Mothers of Men,"
while at the St. Andrew's Episcopal
church, Rev. Henry Lewis discuss-
ed "Intuition in Religion."
At the Hillel foundation meeting
Sunday morning, Rabbi Bernard
Heller spoke on "Judaism and
Christianity." An open forum de-
bate was held in the evening.
Residential Summer School
(co-educational) in the heart
of French Canada. Old
Country French staff. Only
French spoken. Elementary,
Intermediate. Advanced. Cer-
tificate or College credit.
French entertainments, sight
seeing, sports, etc.
Fee $140, Board and Tui-
tion. June 25-July 30.
Write for circular to Secre-
tary, French Summer School.
Montreal - - Canada

Civil Liberties Union Predicts
Trouble on Island.
WASHINGTON, May 11.-(k)-_-
The prediction that there may be
"outburst of violent protest against
the American occupation" unless
marines are withdrawn from Haiti
was made in a letter addressed to
President Hoover today by seven
members of the American Civill
Liberty union.
"We feel that the marines are
wholly unnecessary to the mainte-
ance of order in Haiti, indeed, dan-
gerous to it-and that they should,
be withdrawn at once," the letter
The seven men, the union an-
nounced, said they approved the
president's appointment of a Hai-
tian commission but "reports from
Haiti indicate that the replacement
of American officials by Haitians is
not proceeding as recommended by
the commission."
"Advices from Haiti are none too
reassuring that the Haitian people
will indefinitely tolerate an un-,
changed situation," the letter con-

Prof. Everett S. Brown Reports at Dartmouth. Oscar R. Fuss, sen-
Meeting of Delegates ior at Yale, received honorable ILINSU I19II L
From Colleges. mention. Fuss attended the Uni-
versity during his freshman year Decorations Will Be MovedIn
Preliminary plans for the 1932 and won the prize offered to un- Gymnasium Tomorrow; Cast
current events contest were com- derelassmen in that year. for Pageant Named.
pleted last Saturday at a meeting The United States Militar acfd-
of the New York Times executive
council for the competition, accord- emy had the largest number of Final preparations for the ni
ing to Prof. Everett S. Brown, of contestants with a total of 60. teenth annual Architect's ball
the political science department, Michigan was fifth with 26 en- be given Friday night in Waterm
Unvestyrprsnttve+D fe ronts. It has probed to be the. most gymnasium are fast nearing cot
Univerit representative. D e 1 e-
gates from 19 of the 20 colleges
participating were present at the popular single contest held in any pletion, Percy Knudsen, '31,A, ge
meeting, which was held in New of the participating colleges, said eral chairman for the affair, a
York. Professor Brown, because it re- nounced yesterday.
The question of continuing of quires no particular knowledge of Decorations, which have been,
the contest was raised and it was any subject, but a general knowl- the process of construction for I
unanimously agreed that the great
interest aroused by the contestege of current happenings. past week, will be moved to t
merited its retention. The tenta- The contest which was started gymnasium tomorrow and the f
tive date set for the contest next in 1926 had participants from 10 ishing touches to the lightng:a
year was March 1 or 2. colleges. This year there were 20color schee which was planned
colleges competing and a larger clrshm hc a lne
The number of contestants was list of competitors than ever be- Lorne Marshall, '31A, Frederi
not as great as had been hoped, fore. Besides the national prizes, Schweitzer, '31A, and Wayne Me
but it was the largest number since the colleges have special prizes for '31A, will be put on there.
the contest started in 1926. There the bestppesturnd 2n fro
were 100 more contestants than in the bd papersgturne rom The cast for the feature event
1930. thir undergraduats. . the evening "The Descent Df I
This year's intercollegiate win- inThe questions which were asked Martians," a pageant, has ao be
nerhws Siney's mRubigaenior in the contest this year are posted selected, Knudsen said. The sj
ner was Sidney 'S. Rubin, a senioron the political science bulletin cialty dancers for the numbers
board so that students may see be Norine Lootens, Roslyn ZIta
Women to Be Admitted what type of questions are asked. and Silvia Cohen. R. Duane We
Professor Brown declared that he '32, will have the part of tle K
to Triennial Meetings would be glad to give any informa- of Mars." The pageant has be
tion about the contest to any stu- directed by Margaret Read, '31
dent. Freshmen and sophomores
Women graduates of the Univer- are especially urged to inquire so Knudsen also announced tl
sity are to be admitted for the first aeeseciayuredmasks must be worn by all t
time to the activities of the Tri- that they may be prepared to com- dancers until after the pagea
ennial alumni meetings at the pete in the contest next year. when streamers and confetti v
meeting in Cleveland on May 22 .r be released from the ceiling to c
and 23. Michigan Club B ard max the affair. Masks may be c
The alumnae will take part in all Considers Delegates tained at the entrance.
of the sessions on Friday, May 22, _eeae Word has been received, Knq
and on Saturday morning they will
hold the regular spring meeting of The board of governors of the sen said, from Paul Specht, whc
t h. Alumnae council. After the Universityof Michigan club of Ann orchestra will play for the b:
meeting, there will be a luncheon Arbor met last night to consider that special numbers and new
for the women at 1 o'clock, when delegates for the Triennial which rangements in keeping w
they will be addressed by. Dr.Alice will be held May 22 and 23 in general atmosphere of the dar
Hamilton, '93M, the first woman Cleveland. The club will also send have been written for it.
to be admitted to the medical fac- delegates to the district meeting Knudsen will be accompahled
ulty of Harvard university. May 28 in Ypsilanti. the dance by Anne Olson, 132.


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o®nb o t
Y? i i"




The future is dark-uncertain. More
college-perhaps--or work, if luck fails
You shudder-a lamb at the slaugh-
ter. What work can you do-that you
want to do-What will they let you do
-What will you get out of it? Who can
tell you?
Gen. James G. Harbord can tell you
if it's Radio.
Carl Ackerman-if it's Journalism.
Richard F. Hoyt can tell you-if it's
Roy S. Durstine-if it's Advertising.
Brock Pemberton-if it's the Theatre.
They and a dozen other men among
the most successful in their vatious pro-
fessions or business-Law-Brokerage--
Medicine -Research - Architecture -
Merchandising, etc. And this is only
one feature of the

I ---




9 LEADING college newspapers during the past
year have carried this series of advertisements, ind-
cating how a college training might be of value
in the bond business. We sought to stiggest how
diverse studies, many of them seemingly remote
from investment, help to provide the training ind
background required in the financial world.
* Within the next month many seniors will decide
upon their life work. It will pay them to know as
much about the different occupations and profe_-
sions as possible before they go out to find their
first position. The sprinter who stumbles at the
start, seldom wins the race.
0 Some of these seniors will choose the bond
business, where there are broad opportunities for
those who are qualified. To help you decide
whether you are one of these, we have prepared a
booklet of special interest to college men, The Bond
Business - What It Requires - What It Ofer,. Any
student may have a copy on request. Should you
desire to enter the investment field and wish to dis-
cuss it with one of our representatives, we suggest
that you write for an appointment.



during All or
Spare Time
Here's ready cash every day. Take
orders for wonderful, new line of

- -°
p\+ 'a.l
_._.._ _ - ,

M ......... -ft

The Occasion.

To increase your knowledge of
- iin izr r ntnfrlrFti, na

s "" " - -"" m ""-

£Ap4 Aopbk


I' A - -Oft* - A'.fAE % ;V' K1,1 EA - E __ -R 01, f",

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