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May 12, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-12

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Will' Hold Swingout Exercizses Today

iven Will Deliver
Lewis to Give



Palmer, Head of Literary Group,
Urges Orderly Conduct
at Ceremony.
Beginning the traditional round
of ceremonies marking the end of
their college careers, seniors of
the University will assemble at 3:30
o'clock this afternoon in the center
of the campus for the annual
Swingout exercises in Hill auditor-

t Alexander G. Ruthven
r the principal address to
uating students, while
y Lewis of St. Andrews
church will offer the in-
nd the benediction at
ses. Merton J. Bell, '31,
of the Student council,
Luce the speakers. Paul
upresident of the senior
g class, and Townsend
chairman of Swingout
are scheduled to make

Lead Parade.
band will lead the
11 auditorium where
11 begin promptly at
oute of march will
rary going north to
y avenue and then
im where entrance
rough the west side
ntering will fill the
those entering last
at the front, the
d last night. Fol-
cise at the auditor-
circuit of the cam-

William E. Borah,
United States Senator from Idaho,
who, in a radio talk yesterday, scor-
ed Great Britains use of the gold
monetary standard in India.
Seniors to Hold
Banquet Today
Graduating students of the
University will join in celebrat-
ing the second annual Senior
Banquet immediately following
the Swingout exercises this aft-
ernoon. An elaborate program
has been arranged for the ban-
quet, which is scheduled to start
at 6:30 o'clock in the Union.
Prof. John H..Muyskens, of'the
phonetics department, will de-
liver the principal address. Harry
Kipke, Varsity football coach,
and T. Hawley Tapping, secre-
tary of the alumni association,
will also make short talks for the
occasion. H. Bruce Palmer, '31,
president of the senior literary
class, will speak for the graduat-
ing students. Carl Brandt, of the
speech department, will act as
toastmaster at the banquet.
Tickets for the affair may still
be obtained from 9 until 12
o'clock this morning in the lobby
of Angell hall.


The classes are to assemble along
the walk on the campus, extending
out from the medallion on the
diagonal in front of the Library in
the following order; senior literary
class on the walk extending north-
west from he medallion to Water-
man gymnasium; engineers on the
diagonal south of the Library; ar-
chitects directly behind the engi-
neering class; medical students on
the walk extending west towards
University hall; law students at the
rear of the medical students on the
same walk; dental seniors on the
walk extending east of the Pharm-
acy building; pharmacy students
following the dentistry students;
graduate students on the walk ex-
tending southwest toward the Ro-
mance Language building; educa-
tional students directly behind the
graduates; nurses and business ad-
ministration seniors following the
educational students.
Co-operation Asked.
Co-operation of both the partici-
pants and spectators at the exerr
cises in not violating the Swingout
tradition with disorderly conduct
was urged last night by H. Bruce
Palmer, '31, president of the senior
literary class. "Continuance of this
ceremony as a senior function in
future years will depend to a large
extent on the behaviour of the
seniors today, Palmer said. Any at-
tempt to give the exercises an in-
formal taint will result in strict
disciplinary action by student and
faculty officials, he added. The sen-
ior Honor group and members of
campus honorary societies will offi-
ciate at the exercises so that order
will be maintained.
Slate Bulletins
(By Aswadated Press)
Monday, May 11, 1931
MT. CLEMENS-With more than
30 witnesses subpoenaed, a one-
man grand jury investigation into
the affairs of the McComb county
d r a i n commissioners office was
opened here today. The investiga-

Seething Crowds Burn Churches,
Defy Police in Liberal
Republican Government Blames
Extreme Left Wing for
General Uprising.
MADRID, May 12 (Tuesday)--
P)-Anti-religious rioting spread
today to half a dozen other im-
portant cities throughout Spain,
according to dispatches received
here early this morning.
A mob of 300 persons burned
a Jesuit convent at Malaga
shortly after midnight.
Other cities in which riots oc-
curred were Saragossa, Cordoya,
Cadiz, Bilbao, and Seville.
MADRID, May 11.-(/)-A state
of war clamped down upon the
Spanish capitol tonight while smoke
still curled from the embers of a
dozen burning ruins of Catholic
churches, schools and religious
houses destroyed by defiant mobs.
Bugles and drums sounded a call
to arms. From the garrison of Al-
cala de Henares the flower of Span-
ish cavalry rode hard for the capi-
tol on emergency orders from the
republican cabinet. Infantry march-
ed into the streets, and armored
cars and machine guns rattled out.
Business Suspended.
Business was suspended in the
city after the cabinet had pro-
claimed martial law. Banks were
tightly locked and shuttered,
On orders of the government,
every Spanish frontier was closed.
Patrols were ordered to prevent the
exit or entry of any persons except
those bearing a special permit.
No deaths of priests or nuns could
be verified tonight, although many
were injured as mobs attacked their
houses. It was estimated that at
least 500 escaped, some of them
while blazing rafters crashed about
Communists Blamed.
MADRID, May 11. -{A')---Defiant
of every effort to restore order,
mobs surged through the streets of
Madrid today, burning four Catho-
lie institutions and attacking num-
erous others in anti-church demon-
The Republican g o v e r n m e n t,
which blalned the rioting on the
extreme Lefts, or Communists, de-
clared martial law and announced
that it would maintain the republic
by force if necessary.
Sexes Will Debate
Over Sharing Cost
of Dating Equally
Men will fight for new rights and
women wilL defend a tradition,
when teams representing Adelphi
and Athena meet Tuesday night,
May 19, to debate the subject, "Re-
solved: that all further expenses
on the campus for dating-should be
shared equally between male and
The competition will take on
some of the glamour surrounding
the debate last semester concern-
ing the evolution of the woman
student, it is expected by officers
of the organizations.
Puppet Shows Will Be
Presented Here Today
"Stringing Broadway" and "The
Glowing Bird" will be presented by
the Tatterman Marionettes at 2:30

o'clock this afternoon and tonight

House Reiterates Its Opposition
to Measures Designed to
Relieve Land Tax.
Indiana Tax Plan' Defeated;
Would Affect Numerous
LANSING, May 11. (/Pj- The
house today reiterated its opposi-
tion to special tax measures de-
signed to relieve the state property
tax. The membership alsohvoted
down an attempt to set up the so-
called "Indiana tax plan" affecting
Culver Bill Loses.
A proposal bearing the name of
Representative James N. McBride
that a five-mill tax be levied on
each dollar of certain intangibles,
including money, notes, bonds and
other evidences of indebtedness,
went down to defeat by a vote of
74 to 9. On the ruling of Speaker
Ming that the measure sought a
change in the general banking sta-
tutes, the bill required a two-thirds
majority or 67 votes for passage.
The so-called "Indana pian" bill,
which would give the state tax
commission broad powers of con-
trol over budgets and expenditures
of local governmental units, was
( defeated by a vote of 46 to 42. Its
sponsor, Representative Charles H.
Culver, succeeded in having the
measure tabled and will try again
for passage.
Sales Tax Fails.
The session today also saw fail-
ure of an attempt to gain addi-
tional support for the once-defeat-
ed sales tax. Representative Melvin
H. Lee, of Royal Oak, was active in
the movement but abandoned it for
the day after members had reject-
ed his plea for votes.
Defeat of the McBride proposal
was the most convincing yet suf-
fered by any special tax proposal.
Representative McBride estimated
his proposal would bring in addi-
tional revenues of $6,000,000 to $7,-
000,000 a year.
Hope for Prof. A. L. Wegener,
Noted Student of Arctic,
Abandoned in Berlin.
BERLIN, May 11.-(/P)-Prof. Al-
fred L. Wegener, German scientist
and Arctic explorer, was believed
here today to have lost his life
sometime during thewinter among
the crags of Greenland's icy moun-
A radio message from Greenland
said a relief expedition had reached
the central ice cap station of the
Wegener party and h a d found
Wegener's three companions, Jo-
hannes Georgi, Fritz Leowe and
Ernest Sorge, but he was not with
The three men said their chief,
with a companion named Rasmus,
and twelve others had started back
from the ice cap station last No-
vember for his base at Kamarajuk,

250 miles westward. Nothing has
been heard of Wegener nor any
who were with him since that time.
The party starting back from
Eismitte, as the isolated ice cap
station was called, had dcog sledges
and supplies for about fifteen days,
insufficient to keep them alive long
in the event of a mishap maroon-
ing them on the ice. There was a
bare possibility that the party may
have dug itself in somewhere to
await warmer weather, but it was

Cercle Francais Wi I
Annual Production

Prof. ., A. Richards to Discuss
Contemporary Writing in
Lecture Tonight.
"Modern Poetry" will be the sub-
ject of a lecture to be given at eight
o'clock tonight in room 1025 Angell
hall by Prof. I. A. Richards, of the
University of Cambridge, England,
and visiting professor at Harvard
Professor Richards, who bases
his type of criticism of human psy-
chology, has written several books.
Among these are "The Principles of
Literary Criticism," and "Science
and Poetry," of which T. S. Eliot
says "He has worried and tantal-
ized us, and we demand a bigger
Prof. C. D. Thorpe, of the English
department, head of the depart-
ment of English in the University
High school, when speaking of Pro-
fessor Richards, said, "Mr. Richards
is one of those seminal minds which
every now and then appears in all
literatures to give it new direction
and fresh vitality,
"Mr. Richards is perhaps the most
significant critic since Matthew
Arnold. His distinction is not so
much in his practice as in his lit-
erary theories. He is important be-
cause of his appraisals and definite
impressions. He is a man who looks
sharply at his subject and insists
on clear thinking and clear cut
"He has succeeded more nearly
than any other critic in achieving
a synthesis of the basic theories of

Cercle Francais will pnsCnt its
annual production of two plays at
the Laboratory theatre at 8:15
o'clock tonight.
The plays will be "Il Faut Qu'une
Porte Soit Ouverte ou Fermee," a
proverb in one act written by Al-
fred de Musset, and "La Souriante
Madame Beudet," a tragi-comedy
in two acts written by two of
France's youngest and most popu-a
lar authors, Deny's Amiel and An-1
dre Obey.
De Musset's play was selected fora
presentation to commemorate the
centennial of Romanticism which
has been celebrated this year in all
parts of Europe. "Il Faut Qu'une
Porte Soit Ouverte ou Fermee" is,
one of the romantic type of plays.
"La Souriante Madame Beudet,",
a tragi-comedy in two acts, is a
story in which the action centers
about M. Beudget',s pet joke of tak-
ing an unloaded. revolver and put-
ting it to his temple
Those taking part in the plays'
are, in the proverb Mary Karpin-
ski, Grad., as la marquise;. and
James O'Neil, Grad., as le comte.,
In the tragi-comedare Burnette;
Bradley and George Meader, '31L,
who take the roles of Mme. and M.;
Beudet. Both have had a great
deal of experience in Cercle Fran-
cais plays. Other parts will be por-
trayed by Mary Morley, '31, Kath-
erine Koch, '32, Maryjane Gill,
'31Ed., Louise LaCombe, Spec., Rich-
ard Payne, '31, Wilfred Sellars, and
Charles Rhed, '33.
Association of Unions
Plans Annual Meeting
Foster Coffin, director of the.
Cornell university union and pres-1
ident of the National AssociationI
of College and University Unions,
and Edward S. Drake, manager of
the Ohio State Union and secre-
tary-treasurer of the national as-
sociation, visited the Union here
during the last week-end and in
conjunction w i t h Paul Buckley,
manager, made arrangements for
the association's twelfth a n n u a l
convention which will be held here
early in December.
Inter fraternity Head
to Be Chosen at Union
Election of the president of the
Interfraternities council and the

House Would Restrict
State Quota of Aliens
LANSING, May 11.-(iP)-The
house today moved to place great-
er restriction on aliens residing in
this state.
The Cheeney bill establishing a
certificate of "legal residence" for
aliens and providing for the depor-
tation and denial of employment
to "illegal residents" was passed by
a vote of 61 to 20.
The Watson bill, requiring all
passenger motor vehicles tobe
equipped with shatter proof: glass
by Jan. 1, 1932 and all other motor
vehicles to have the same equip-
ment by Jan. 1, 1934, was approved.
Military Guards Aid
in Pacifying Miners
HARLAN, Ky., May 1.-(/P)-A
policy of substituting military for
civilian guards at two mines in the
Harlan coal fields where disorders
have cost five lives, brought the
miners and operators nearer accord
There were walk-outs today at
five mines, including two to which
troops were sent, but union spokes-
men said they were in protest over
failure of Gov. Flem D. Sampson
to have all civilian armed guards
in the region removed'



Opposition Threatened by Literary Meetir
Overcome; Regents Will Consider
Proposal at End of Month.
Adoption of the University council plan hy which powers, p
ticularly legislative in nature, will be vested in a new body, consi!
ing of 23 administrative officers and 34 representative faculty me
bers, was sanctioned yesterday afternoon by the University Senai
after alteration of the original draft by which the faculty was giv
greater representation than the administrative officers.
President Alexander G. Ruthven said last night that "th, mo
is the most constructive measure in University administration th
has been made in years. It means the delegation by the large, u
wieldy Senate of its powers to a University council which can d
. more efficiently -with admnistr
4ive affairs."
Ruthven Commends The plan was developed a
'New Michigan Plan' carried through by, the Sena
Committee on University Affairs
will be presented to the Regents
"The New Michigan Plan, pro- approval at their meeting May
viding for beginning and ad- The opposition to the plan whi
vanced programs of two years promised to develop at a meet
each for students of the literary of the literary college faculty la
college, is altogether in line with week was removed, and was su
the best thinking of the day, and planted by unanimous approv
I fully anticipate that it will be made possible' through the alte
passed, when taken up by the ation which gives the faculty
Board of Regents May 28," Pres- larger vote than the administratic
ident Alexander G. Ruthven said The administrative group was
last night. have 23 .votes under the origin
The plan was passed last week draft, including that of Preside:
by the literary college and will Ruthven, while the faculty was
go into effect next fall if ap have a like number.
proved by the Regents. , To Include 26 Professors.
If the plan is approved by t
Regents the new University coun
will supersede entirely the Sena
council, made up of 2 men holi
W I ,Ting full prfessrial rak;n ad
ion to taking the legislative po
TrO ofDthe full Senate.
TeUniversity Senate, compos
tf 531 faculty members of profe
- - 3orial rank, will retain the power
MKenzie Among Educators to review over certain legislative fun
Consider Operation of tions of the new council, however.
Liquor Amendment. The provision specifies that a
legislative action 'of the coun
WAS 3INGTON, Miay 11.-( )--A shall be published immediately; th
new organization was ready today the facul30t dayscafterpublicatioe
to undertake a study of the oper- r a y of any school orcolle
ation of the eighteenth amend- or any 25 members of the Sena
ment from sociological and eco- may request the President to c~al
nioco points of view. Senate meeting; that such a mee
nomipoints o ivwng shall constitute the bindu
Close behind the announcement action of the University faculti
by Prohibition Director Woodcock provided a quorum of 100 is preser
that it had been formed to con- in the event no quorum is obtain
duct research in t h e graduate at such a meeting of the Senal
schools of various universities, there the original action of the Universi
came a statement from Henry council shall stand as binding.
H. Curran, president of the Asso- Representative Revised.
ciation A g a i n s t the Prohibition Faculty representation on ti
Amendment, describing it as just new council is as follows: litera
another commission to "investigate college, 14 members; Colleges of E
the bedtime story known as na- gineering and Architecture, si
tional prohibition." - medical and education schoo
The organization, to be known as three each; law and dental schoo
the bureau of prohibition advisory three each; College of Pharma
research council, includes among and business administration, fo
its members Robert D. McKenzie estry and conservation, and mus
chairman of the sociology depart- schools, one each.
ment at the University of Michi- Colleges receiving more repr
gan. sentatives and the additional nur
In his statement, Curran said he ber alloted to each under the r
onis- vised plan are as follows: litera
thought the Wickersham commis- college, seven; Colleges of Eng
sion already had done the job plan- neering and Architecture, two; a
ned for the council. -the medical and education 'schoo
"Life in Washington still seems one each.
to be just one new commission af-
ter another," Curran said. I
The Woodcock commission's per- PO ICE DO P b I
sonnel appears to be loaded down
with eminence, but what is Wood '
cock up to in graduate schools ofAN
the country? A little more prohl-
bition propaganda paid for by tax-
payers who don't believe in prohi-

bition?" Deputy Sheriffs Refuse to Brii
U I~;fd, M I Charges Against Lamb


Cards to Be Given Out
Union life membership cards and,
buttons will be distributed at the
side desk in the lobby of the Un-
ion from 1:30 to 5 o'clock tomor-
row, Thursday, and Friday after-
noons, Harold 0. Warren, Jr., re-
cording-secretary, announced yes-
All men students matriculating
since September, 1926, who haveI

and Brewer.
Charges against Gordon Lar
'32M, of Ann Arbor, and Lyman
Brewer III, '32M, of Toledo, w
permanently dropped yesterc
afternoon, acording to reports fr
the sheriff's office.
The two students were arres
following an automobile accide
Friday night, at Lima Ceiter, a
Lamb was charged with driv
while drunk, violating the prohil
tion law, and with resisting arre
Brewer was charged with violat

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