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May 08, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-08

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4 a111






LI., No. 155.





r n N

Crowd Expected to Attend
raditional Event at
Sleepy Hollow.
n to Give Principal Speech;
t Will Award Blankets
to Letter Winners

Considered Candidate
for Executive Office


Plan to Re-organize Curriculum
of Literary College Meets
With Hearty Approval.
President Ruthven and Regents
Will Not Oppose Idea,
Say Faculty Men.I

Miller-McBride Bill to Abolish
Interest Charges on Last
Two Years Levies.
Measure to Aid Many Property'
Owners Unable to Pay
Delinquent Taxes.


Cap Night, the traditional event
symbolizing the entrance of all
classes into the next highest class,
will be celebrated by freshmen of
the University at 8 o'clock tonight
in Sleepy Hollow. Arrangements
have been made to handle a large
c r o w d of students, townspeople,
and homecoming guests at the an-
nual exercises.
All freshmen will assemble
promptly at 7:30 o'clock tonight in
front of the library and follow the
Varsity band to the Hollow in time
for the exercises at 8.
Amplifiers Installed.
Amplifiers have been installed so
that the entire crowd may hear the
speeches. Prof. John L. Brumm of
the department of journalism, will
deliver the principal address. Field-
ing H. Yost, director of athletics,
will award "M" blankets to the ath-
letes who have won two letters in
Varsity competition in final appre-
ciation of their athletic attainment.I
Paul Bigby, '31E, president of the
senior engineering class, and La-
verne Taylor, '31Ed, will give short
In a snake dance around the
huge bonfire, the freshmen will
Freshmen will meet at 8:30
o'clock this morning in front of
the Union to collect wood for
the CapNight bonfire, RichardF
Furniss, '31E, chairman of the
committee in charge, announced
last night. Two trucks will be
used to transpo't material. Other
first year men are urged to re-
port at Sleepy Hollow to assist
in preparing for the blaze.
throw their "pots" into the big
blaze and then march with the rest
of the classes in back of the band
to the free show at the Michigan,
and Majestic theatres. -
Free Shows to Be Given
By special arrangement with the
Butterfield interests, fathers who
are attendingbthe Spring Home-
coming will be admitted to 'the
movie along with the students,
providing they show the ticket'
which will be given them by thel
Union. No students will be allow- I
ed entrance into the theatres with-
out their athletic coupon books and ,
unless they are in line behind the
band. The picture which is "Only
Wives" with Edward Everett Hor-.
ton and Laura LaPlante, will start
at 9:15 at each theatre. As soon as
the Michigan is filled the line of
students will be diverted to the Ma-
I (By Associated Press)
Thursday, May 7, 1931
DETROIT-Twenty-five etchings,
valued at $10,000, were reported,
stolen today by Gordon Beer, pro-
peritor of a private art gallery, who

. I

Paul Doumer, !
President of the French Senate,
who is considered one of the three
leading candidates for the presi-
dency of the French republic. Se-
lection of the chief executive will
be made May 13.
Residents of Strife-Torn Are
Greet Troops at Station;
to Maintain Order.


Faculty members expressed the LANSING, May 7. -(P) - The
opinion yesterday that President Miller-McBride bill, cancelling pen-
Alexander G. Ruthven and the Re- alties and interest charges on un-
gents will not oppose the proposed paid taxes for the years 1929 and
plan to re-organize thehcurriculum 1930, provided the principle is paid
of. the literary college. ! by July 1 of this year, was signed
It was pointed out that there is by Governor Brucker today.
very little opposition among the The act becomes effective imme-
faculty to the proposal in general, diately. It remits all state, county,
and that plans will go forward al- township, and school district pen-
most immediately to put it in effect alties. Cities and villages must,
next fall if passed at the Regent's through their legislative bodies,
meeting, May 29. take similar action if they wish to
Upper Ciassmen Not Affected. waive the penalties, as the state's
Freshmen entering the Univer- measure does not apply to them.
sity next year will be faced with Interest Saving Large.
the problem of considering cour- he measure will aid thousands
ses which will comply with the gen- of poperty owners who were un-
eral and degree programs, accord- able to pay taxes during the last
ing to the plan. Upper classmen two years. The average saving in
will not be affected. interest and penalties on taxes de-
Prof. Preston E. James, of the linquent for both years will approx-
geography department, a member imate 20 per cent, according to
,of the curriculum committee which Louis N. Webber, secretary of the
drafted the plan, spoke highly of Michigan Real Estate association.
it.s No provision is made for returning
"Its possibilities are unrimited," penalties and interest to those who
he said. "Students will be brought have settled their back tax bills.
into closer contact with the faculty, The governor approved thesact
departments w i 11 cooperate and before an assembly of real estate
correlate their week, and the liter- men headed by Webber and Lester
ary college will show marked pro- C.Battdorf, secretary of the De-
gress. It will do much to build up troit real estate board. He issued
the departments which at present a statement urging cities and vil-
have artificial lines." lages to follow the state's example.
One faculty member expressed Financial Struggle Involved.
the opinion that the next 10 years The financial struggle in the leg-,
will show a great change for the islature became more involved to-
better in the college, if the proposal day as leaders sought to determine
is accepted and followed in the when the session may adjourn
sate spirit it was adopted. without disastrous results. A m ve-
Change Predicted,. mt was on foot in the senate
Members of the college pointed the legislature in session"
out that the plan is not new at until something is done. The prob-
Michigan as it was proposed and lem remaining to be settled is
considered even before Clarence whether the legislature will comply
Cook Little became president of the with Governor Brucker 's wishes
University. Little's interest in oth- and provide new sources of revenue.,
er plans retarded the reorganiza-
tion of the literary college by at
least four years, they state.
Stating that the effect of the V
work of the curriculun committee]
will not be revolutionary if accept- O
ed, Wilbur R. Humphreys, assist-

EVARTS, Ky., May 7.--()-Wav-f
ing American flags and cheering
loudly, several hundred residents of
this strife-torn coal mining com-t
munity greeted 325 national guards-
men this afternoon as they de-
trained bearing orders to "protect
' those who behave themselves and
take charge of those who do not."
The guardsmen, dispatched by
Gov. Flem D. Sampson, after al
j series of outbreaks had brought
death to fite men and large prop-
erty damages, came from Harlan!
'where they m.bilized' this morning.
While the troops were leaving
their train, Col. Dan M. Carrell, in
command, addressed an assembly
of residents and union miners in
the little schoolhouse which had
been closed because of the dis-
Use of Family Automobile Will
Be Permissible During
Parents' Visit.
Explicit rules for obtaining driv-
ing permits for Home-coming week-
end were issued yesterday by Wal--
ter B..Rea, assistant to the Deai
of Students, in a statement.
The statement reads as follows:
"Attention has been called to the!
fact that students may secure tem-
porary family driving privileges for
the convenience of their parents
when they are in Ann Arbor. This
means that during the period of
his parents' visit, the student is
considered as a local resident, and
may apply for the same use of his
family car which is extended toy

I 1
E ,

Woman Will Attempt
Crossing of Atlantic
NEW YORK, May 7.-(P)-Laura
Ingalls, the first woman to make a
round-trip coast-to-coast flight, to-
day announced her intention of fly-
ing the Atlantic, solo, within a few
Backing for the flight will be pro-
vided by a private corporation, and
Miss Ingalls did not divulge, the
type of plane she would use or the
route she would take.
Miss Ingalls denied she was con-
templating a race with Ruth Nich-
ols, of Rye, N. Y., who also is pre-
paring for a trans-ocean flight. She
said she knew nothing of the lat-
ter's plans.
Economics Professor Addresses
Phi Kappa Phi Initiates;
Officers Elected.
"It seems to me that it is im-
possible not to work for peace and
still have one's country's best inter-
ests at heart," said Prof. John B.
Condliffe of the economics depart-
ment at the spring initiation ban-
quet of Phi Kappa Phi, national
honor society.
"There will be no noncombatants
in the next war," he continued. "It
is no longer a battle between picked
groups of men, but one of nation
against nation."l
Professor Condliffe went on to
describe the work of the various
peace conferences and their possi-
bilities as war-preventatives.
The neophytes were presented by
Prof. James Dunlap, and initiated
by Dean Herbert C. Sadler of the
engineering school. During the
course of the meeting, the following
officers were elected for the coming
year: Prof. Clarence C. Yoakum,
president; Prof. William H. Hobbs,
vice-president; Prof. H. B. Lewis,
secretary; Prof. R. S. Swinton,
The following are the initiates:
Faculty, Prof. Heber D. Curtis,
Dean Clare E. Griffen, Dean Alfred
H. Lovell, Dr. Earl V. Moore, and
Dr. Udo J. Wile.
College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts, Meyer Applebaum,
Evelyn M. Bartlett, Florence V.
Brabb, Jack W. Conklin, Robert W.
Davis, Gladys E. Davis, Lucille E.
DeBoe, David H. Drummond, Kath-
leen E. Finch, Robert K. Feustel,
Winona M. Gerhardt, Sam Gra-
nick, Joseph M. Gross, Ernest T.
Heffer, Eva L. Hesling, Kenneth A.
Heitmann, Archie L. Holloway, John
A. Hosmer, Kathryn M. Hughes,
R i c h a r d M. Humphreys, Louise
Karpinski, Olive L. Lagden, Vivian
I. McMurtry, Evelyn F. Miller, Mar-
jorie J. Rehfuss, Catherine S. Run-
dell, Marguerite V. Scheeberger,
Viola M. Schubart, Catherine W.
Shannon, Cecilia M. Shriver, Paul
C. Showers, Roland J. Stanger,
Harriet W. Stewart, Olive C. Stroh-
meyer, Louis K. Uoberhorst, Marie
E. Wellstead, Frieda E. Wexler,
breakover to P. 8
Elizabeth C. Whitman, and Fred R.
Colleges of Engineering and Ar-
(Continued on Page 8)

Preferential Sale Will Continuej
Until Wednesday Afternoon,
Taylor States.
Extension of the preferential
ticket sale to all seniors of the Uni-
versity for the annual Senior ball,
May 29, in the Union, until next
Wednesday, was announced yester-
day by Vinal O. Taylor, '31, general
The extension came as the result
of a meeting of the committee, who
wished to avoid a recurrence of the
situation last year when many
graduating students were unable to
secure tickets for their traditional
dance because of the rapid sell-out.
The remainder of the 250 tickets,
that have not been disposed by
next Wednesday, will be placed on
a general campus sale. The bids
may be obtained by seniors from

Displays in Engineering, Architectural, Forestry
Schools and Museums Will Be Open to
Campus Visitors.
Opening events on the Spring Homecoming program are sched
uled this morning in the first of a three-day series of exhibitions
banquets, speeches, and traditional ceremonies which have formerly
been conducted separately during the second and third weeks in May
The combination of several occurrences into the first annual Sprin
Homecoming has been made possible through the cooperation of th
Union, the League and all the major campus organizations and de
partmentshrepresentatives from which form the committee in charge
Engineering exhibitions from 8 to 12, and from 1 to 5, and
special exhibits in the forestry school and the University Museumt
will open today's program. Dis
plays of work in the architectura
Three Men Seriously college and the physics depart
Injured in Collision ment will also be conducted be.
tween 9 and 5 today. A Japanese ar
Seriously injuring three men, exhibition in Alumni Memorial hal
Seiously injuing thee me, between 1:30 and 5 this afternoon
two cars, traveling at a high rate and a special Washingtonian ex.
of speed, collided with each oth- hibit at the W. L. Clements library
er at about 9 o'clock last night will feature the afternoon program
a few miles out on the Plymouth Cap Night, traditional freshmar
road. All the occupants of both event, will take place at 8 o'clock
cars were rushed to the Univer- tonight in Sleepy Hollow at whicl
sity hospital. time the first year men will thro'
Five University hospital em- their pots into the blazing bonfire
ployees were in a car that was and "M" men will be awarded witl
headed for Detroit when hit by a blankets. A free show at both the
machine driven by two Plymouth Michigan and the Majestic theatres
men. The following from Ann will be given to all students and
Arbor were involved in the acci- their parents following the Ca
dent: Macon Lewis, Fowler Bec- Night ceremonies.
kel, Joe and Paul Gaddery, and Tours to be Made.
Osmond Grider. The two from Further exhibitions are ached-
Plymouth are Louis Bohling and uled for Saturday morning in the
Vincent Lamarre. engineering college, the museums
the forestry school, and the archi-
- - tectural school, while Registrar Ira
Smith will interview any prospec-
nil tive students between 8 and 12:30
A reunion of all graduates of the
School of Business Administration
will be held all day tontorrow, while
conducted tours of the Wood Util-
izationSlaboratory.T and Saginaw
forest will take place under the
Regular Classes to End June 5- direction of the forestry school. A
e Ed golf-match between Northwestern
Last Day of Examinations and Michigan on te new Univer-
Is Tuesday, June 16. sity golf course will be free to guests
of the University.
Examination schedules for the A lecture on sound by Prof. F. A.
second semester of the school year Firestone, of the physics depart-
will be distributed this afternoon ment will be given at 2 o'clock to-
morrow afternoon in the west lee-
and tomorrow morning in the of- ture room of the West Physics
fice of the registrar in University building. A track meet, the last of
hall, it was announced yesterday the home season; between Michigan
by Prof. Daniel L. Rich, director and Minnesota at 2:30 o'clock, and
of classification, a swimming carnival at the Intra-
mural building at 4 o'clock by mem-
Regular class work will continue bers of the national championship
until Friday night, June 5, and the team will feature the remainder of
last examinations will be given on the program.
TuesdayJue16Luncheon For Mothers.
SJune 16. A Mother and Daughter luncheon
Following is the examination at the League, and a tea conducted
schedule for the College of Litera- by Wyvern society will top the
ture, Science, and the Arts; the women's program for the day.
School of Education; the School of The annual Fathers and Sons
Music; the School of Business Ad- banquet at the Union at 6 o'clock
ministration; the College of Phar- which will have Carl V. Weygandt,
macy; the School of Forestry and judge of the court of appeals in
Conservation; and the Graduate Cleveland as the principal speaker,
school: will be followed by a lecture in the
Monday at 11, Saturday, June 6, Hill auditorium by Prof. Laurence
morning; Geography 1 and 2, So- M. Gould, second in .command on
ciology 51 and 132, Education A-1, the Byrd expedition to the south
and- Music B-32, Saturday, June 6, pole.
afternoon; Monday at 10, Monday, Mother's Day and Senior Cane
June 8, morning; Mathematics 1, Day feature the Sunday program,
2, 3, 4, 5, 7, Psychology 31, Educa- with the opening of the new legal
tion B-20, and Business Adminis- research library between 1 and A
tration 102, Monday, June 8, after- j.o'clock and the Varsity band and
noon. glee club concert at Hill auditorium
Tuesday at 10, Tuesday, June 9 at 3 o'clock leading the events
morning; Tuesday at 11 TPra dj sce e. ,

ant dean of the literary college,
said last night that the "program'
of college work will go on without
any immediately conspicuous'
change. But the new plan will al-
most certainly bring about a grad-
ual toning up of our academic life."
Banquet Ticket Sale
to Last Until Monday'
Tickets for the senior engineer-
ing banquet at 6:30 o'clock Tues-
day night in the Union may be ob-
tained until Monday noon, the
committee announced last night.
Among the features of the ban-,
quet will be the reading of the
class history and class prophecy.
Rev. George L. Nuckolls of Detroit,
will deliver the principal address
of the evening.
Ticke to Be Sold by All Class
Presidents and by Members of
Literary Honor Guard.
With the opening of the senior
dance in the ballroom of the Union
at 9 o'clock tonight, the round of
traditional ceremonies for seniors
in all schools and colleges in the
University will get under way.
SSale of tickets for tonight's dance
will be limited to seniors only until
6 o'clock, at which time the sale
will be opened to other students.
Until noon, tickets may be obtained
from presidents of all senior classes
and from members of the literary
Honor Guard. After that time,
tickets may be purchasedaonly at
the main desk in the Union.
s ncpin~l fenturps hn~ucP h~,,i c..-

All Departments of College Will
Display Examples of Work;
Await 20,000 Visitors.
Engineering college Open House,
including displays from all depart-j
ients of the college, will begin to-
day under the personal supervision
of more than 200 students, who will
be present to explain the various
exhibits to the public.
Under, the general directior of
the engineering council, a student
group composed of the presidents
of each of the engineering societies,,
arrangements have been made to'
exhibit the laboratories to an ex-
pected crowd of more than 20,000
At the last exhibit of its kind,
more than 15,000 persons came
from all parts of the state to wit-
ness the work that was being car-
ried on in the engineering college.
This year's display contains the
exhibit prepared by the electrical
engineering department. It will in-
clude a stroboscope, oscillographs,j
dial telephone equipment, radio
station, and numerous electrical.
experiments. Among the latter are
the photo-electric cell, tesla coil,
and transmission of sound on light
A special homecoming souvenir
in the form of brass U. of M. watch;
fobs, will be given to visitors to
the machine tool laboratory, room
1304 East Engineering building.
Sweet peas frozen by dipping in
liquid air will be given to all ladies
attending the electrical refrigera-
tion exhibit.
Advances in Biology
Are Subject of Talk
"Twentieth Century Advances in
Biology" was the subject of a lec-
ture given last night in Natural


said two well-dressed men, posing Ann Arbor students.
as customers, apparently had taken "He must, however, present to the
them. Office of the Dean of Students,
written evidence that his parent or
GRAND RAPIDS-Passing a forg- parents will be in Ann Arbor on
ed check for $12.50 will cost Law- a certain date or dates, and furnish
rence Thaxton, 38, Canadian World I the necessary information regard-
.war veteran, his liberty for the rest', ing the car to be \gsed-(make, type,
of his life. He was convicted today and license number). The permit,
as a fourth offender. Previous con- which is then issued, authorizes any
victions were for larceny and forg-' driving which is a mater of family
business or family pleasure, and
allows the carrying of student pass-
LANSING-Return to the con- engers when the parents are jn the
vention system of nominating can- car.. The presence of parents, how-
didates is sought in a bill introduc- ever, does not relieve the student
ed in the house today by Represen- of x the necessity of possessing. a
tative Len W. B. Feighner, of Nash- permit, as any act of driving, not
ville, which would abolish the pri- properly approved by the Office of
mary sytem. the Dean of Students, is considered
4t in~ no f h R a lcfn 11


ii liS 1Ubiy d1, Zues ay,
June 9, afternoon; Monday at 8
Wednesday, June 10, morning;
French 1, 2, 12, 31, 32, 71, 111, 112,
153, and 154, Speech 31 and 32, and
Business Administration 162, Wed-
nesday, June 10, afternoon.
Political Science 2, 52, 108, and
(Continued on Page 8)
Comedy Club to Give
French Play Tonight
"Pies re Patelin," fifteenth-century
French farce, will 'be presented at
8:30 o'clock tonight and tomorrow
night and at 2:30o'clock tomorrow
afternoon in the Lydia -lendel-
ssohn theatre, by the members of
Comedy club.
The cast for the production is
headed by Richard Humphreys, '31.
who plays the title role. Opposite

Study of Coleridge Gains Hot
for English Professor;
Hobbs Lectures.
Prof. Leslie Earl Griggs of Er
lish department, has been hono
with the Henry Russell award,
was announced last night in cc
junction with the Henry Rus
lecture given by Prof. William
Hobbs of the geology departm
in the Natural Science auditoriu
The Russell award is an hon
arium given annually to* one oft

a violation of tn e egula on-.
DETROIT-F r e d Tara, a state
kitness in the recent Gerald E. Foreman of Carriers
Buckley murder trial, today peti- Appointed
tioned the city council for reim- to BeApone Soon

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