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May 07, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-07

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t. t




Determined opposition to the
University Council plan in its
present form was expressed at
a meeting i of the literary col-
lege faculty yesterday after-
noon, according to a dispatch
in the Detroit Free Press this
The stand, it said, was based
on the proposal to curb the
legislative powers of the Uni-
versity Senate and on the pro-
posal to give administrative
officers, of the University equal
representation with the facul-
ty. The Senate will take up the
question at its meeting Mon-
The Free Press states that
the meeting had expressed op-
position to curbing the Senate's
powers, but that those opposed
might accept the new plan if
considered desirable that the
literary college be given an
even larger plurality of votes
over the other schools than had
been proposed, the story says.
Under the present plan, the

Wooten Testifies.
E. A. Wooten, vice-president and
treasurer of the Michigan Broad-
tasting company operating the sta-
tion, testified that approximately
$30,000 was contributed to an un-
employment fund prior to the death
of Buckley, who inspired the cam-
paign. He was not certain as to the
disposition of the money. Wooten
said Buckley's receipts from the
station were small.
He testified that Robert Oakman
was to have paid $2,600 for the
time he took for a bitter debate
with the then Commissioner of
Public works, John Gillespie, dur-
ing the mayoralty recall campaign
last summer, but that $1,950 re-
mains unpaid. Gillespie, he said,
paid $2,707.50 for the time he took
during the campaign, with an un-
paid balance of $3,052.50.
hunt Questioned.
E. J. Hunt, president of the com-
pany, testified that he is the Detroit
representative of the Railways Util-
ities corporation. He was questioned
at length about speeches made by
Buckley attacking the municipally-
owned Detroit Street Railways.
Among the witnesses to testify
tomorow are Former Police Com-
missioner Thomas C. Wilcox, Former
Mayor Charles Bowles, Gillespie,
Oakman, and Christopher F. Coda,
foreman of the 22-man Wayne
county grand jury which investi-
gated the Buckley slaying.
(By Associated Press)
Wednesday, May 6, 1931
LANSING-Gov. Wilber M. Bruc-
ker today received a letter from
President Hoover declining with re-
grets the state's invitation that he
spend the summer in Michigan.
The reply, to a letter sent by the
governor, upset plans of a legisla-
tivecommission to go to Washing-
ton soon and present the state's
invitation formally.
BATTLE CREEK-Harold Coville,
30, was recovering Wednesday from
a rattlesnake bite received Tues-
day.while working on his farm near
Climax. He was treated with ser-
um rushed to Climax from Battle
ALBION-Prosecutor W. J. Kear-
ney said today that R. N. Burlin-
game had confessed to deputy state
fire marshals that he set fire to his
drug store April 22. According to

President Alexander G. Ruthven
will address the graduating stu-
dents of the University at their
annual Swingout exercises next
Tuesday, afternoon in Hill auditor-
ium, Townsend Clark, '31, chairman
of the committee, announced yes-
Arrangements for the traditional
event have been completed by Clark
and the Student council committee
in charge. Seniors of all schools and
colleges will assemble promptly at
3:30 o'clock Tuesday at designated
points on the campus and march to
the auditorium for the exercises at 4.
Rev. Henry Lewis of St. Andrews
episcopal church, will offer the in-
vocation and the benediction at the
exercises. Reverend Lewis has acted
in this capacity at Swingout for the1
past several years. Merton J. Bell,
'31, president of the Student coun-
cil, will introduce the speakers to
the audience. Paul Bigby, '31E, pre-
sident of the senior engineering
class, and Clark will give brief talks
at the exercises.
Members of the Senior Honor
Group and members of campus,
honorary societies will assist and
direct the marching so that order
will be maintained. Any attempts
by students to place the day's activ-
ities in an unfavorable light will be
met with disciplinary action, the
committee stated last night.
Immediately following the Swing-
out exercises, the seniors will as-
semble at 6:30 o'clock at the Uniona
for the second annual senior ban-
200 Ohio State Undergraduates
Ask to Have Training
COLUMBUS, 0., May 6.-(AP)-
Plans for a strike against compul-
sory military training at Ohio State
University were crystallized at a
mass meeting of 200 students late
Next Wednesday was fixed as the
date of the strike by which the
leaders hope to make the training
optional instead of compulsory.
Speakers at the meeting, which
followed a drill of the military stu-

All departments of the Engineer-
ing college will open their doors to
the public Friday and Saturday, in
the annual engineering open house,
which will be a part of the Spring
Home-coming program.
The laboratories will be at the
disposal of visitors, with guides t
explain the purposes of the various
types of equipment, from 8 to 12
o'clock and from 1 to 5 o'clock on
Friday, and from 8 to 12 o'clock
on Saturday.
Bridge is Modeled.
The Civil Engineering displays
will include models of water filters,
sewage treatment plants, railroad
.exhibitions, and hydraulic pheno-
mena, and will feature a model of
the Ambassador bridge, which uni-
tes, Detroit w i t h Canada. The
Transportation library, the only
complete one of its kind in the
world, will also be open for inspec-
The chemical exhibitions will
center around the X-Ray labora-
tory, a room with four-inch lead
walls, in which . photographs are
made of steel beams two and three
inches thick. Furnaces, evaporator
equipment, and experimental struc-
tures will complete the displays in
this depaitment.
Naval Tank in Exhibit.
Other exhibits in the college are
the naval tank, a channel of water
100 yards long, and a wind tunnel.
Both will be explained to visitors
during the inspection periods. A
new radio station, and many trick
experiments, will feature the elec-
trical displays.
An illustrated lecture on Camp
Davis, the engineering location in
Wyoming near Yellowstone park
will be given at 4:15 o'clock, Friday,
in room 348 W e s t Engineering
building. It will be open to the
Governor Orders Troops to Go
to Harlan County as
Fights Occur.
FRANKFORT, Ky., May 5.-(P)-
The first detachments of approxi-
mately 325 K e n t u c k y national
guardsmen began moving into the
Harlem coal fields today, after
sheriff J. H. Blair and other county
officials asserted they could not
control disorders there.
After ordering out the troops,
Governor Flem D. Sampson de-
clared "a reign of terror has been
precipitated by some interlopers,
communists from outside the state
who have taken advantage of the
discontent resulting from unem-
Clashes between deputies and
mine guards and opposing forces
have resulted in five deaths near
Evarts, the center of the distur-
bance. Four were killed yesterday
in a fight in which rifles and ma-
chine guns were used. Commis-
saries and stores have been robbed
and 16 unoccupied miners' houses
burned. There are approximately
20,000 miners in the county.
Phi Eta Sigma Elects
Blackwell President


University Council will be corn- event nave been complete, Edwin
posed of 23 administrative offi- A. Schrader, '31, chairman of the
cers including Pres. Alexander committee in c h a r g e, announced
G. Ruthven and 23 faculty last night
men, the literary college to pro- Assembling p r o m p t 1 y at 7:30
vide seven of the latter num- o'clock in front of the library, the
ber. Yesterday's meeting, ac- first year men will march behind
cording to the Free Press, pio- the Varsity band to Sleepy Hollow
posed that the faculty be given for the exercises which will begin
a substantially larger vote thAh at 8 o'clock.
the administration, and that Yost to Seak.
the literary college representa- Fielding H. Yost, M i c h i g a n's
tion be increased to 12 or 15 "Grand Old Man of Football," will
members deliver the principal address of the
evening, and will also award "M"
blankets to the athletes who have
won two or more letters in Varsity
competition. S h o r t speeches by
'Paul Bigby, '31E, president of the
ANsenior engineering class, and one
name will be announced tomorrow,
----__will also be included on the pro-
Traditional Cap Night Program gram.
Will Begin Three-Day Following the activities at the
speaker's stand, the freshmen will
Home-Coming. do a snake dance around the huge
bonfire and throw their "pots" in-
Auto regulation during the Spring to the fire. The entire class will
Homecoming program this week- then fall in behind the band and
end will be modified for those who return to the free shows that are
being offered at the Michigan and
obtain permits, W. B. Rea, assist- the Majestic theatres.
ant to the dean of students, an- Shows to Open.
nounced yesterday. Permits can. be The show which will be the same
obtained, with permission from at each theatre, will start at 9:15
the parents of students applying o'clock and will only be open to
ppyngstudents of the Uniesty.N n
necessary before the special orders will be admitted who is yo one
will be given. line behind the band and who does
The opening event on' the three- not have his athletic coupon book
day program will be Cap Night, with him. As soon as the Michigan
tradition among freshmen classes is filled, the dine of students will
be diverted to the Majestic.
for many years, at which time the A large number of freshmen are
first-year men will discard their needed all day tomorrow to gather
pots in the blazing fire in Sleepy wood for the bonfire, the commit-
Hollow. Free movies at both the tee stated last night. Arrangements
Majestic and Michigan theaters will have been made to have two trucks
at he nin b 8:0 'clcktomor-
follow the ceremonies, admittance atrow the Uniong by 8and:30 o'clockton:o0
rqiigonly a student coupon rwmrig n n t13
requiring o'clock to assist in the transporta-
Saturday's features are the fa- tion of the wood. Other first year
ther and son banquet at the Union, men are urged to report at Sleepy
and the Larry Gould lecture in Hill Hollow anytime tomorrow toinhelp
auditorium, to be held immediately in preparing the bonfire.
after the banquet. The Minnesota-
Michigan track meet on Saturday
afternoon will be free of charge to
all -guests of the University, as will C U CL N M N E
the movies on Friday night and
other events on the program, not LIII
including the banquet and theVVITHEloLLd DYcBODY
Gould lecture. ___
Women's features include the
mothers and daughters tea at the Judiciary Committee Approves
League on Saturday afternoon, the Rushing Rules for
musical program at Hill auditorium 1931-1932.
Sunday afternoon as' part of the
annual Mothers' Day celebration, Withholding the names of the
and several exhibits and demon-
strations in schools and colleges two nominees for president of the
throughout the University. Interfraternity council named by
the judiciary committee in its final
YANT ANNOUNCES meeting of the year, which took
MIMES ELECTIONS place last night in University hall,
Howard Gould, '32, secretary-trews-
William Tippy Named President; urer of the council, stated that
they would be disclosed next Wed-
nesday night in the final meeting
Five new members, and officers of the council.
for next year were elected by Copies of the rushing rules, which
Mimes, honorary dramatic society, are to go into effect in the school
at a meeting yesterday, it was an- year 1931-1932, were approved, and
nounced by James Yant, '31, retir- will be mailed to the 58 fraternities
ing president. making up the membership of the
Those who were given member- council.

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