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May 05, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-05

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TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1931



very morning except Monday dur-
sity year by the Board in Control
W estern Conference Editorial Asso-
ted Press is exclusively entitled to
publication of, all. news dispatches
or not otlerwise credited in this
lOCAl fiexs published herein.
he postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michi-
d class Tmtter. Special rate of
d by Third Assist nU Postmaster

be taken as an indication of Mich-
igan's receptivity to his views, we
may not be far amiss in submitting
that this university could shortly
add ten years to its stature of
maturity by forgetting its illiberal
and petty departmental grievances
and quibbles in favor of broad and
appreciative reforms in the insti-
tution at large.

:n by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
nn Arbor Press Building, Maynard
es: Editorial, 45125; Business, 21L]4.
Telephone 492.5
;hairman Editorial Board
NK E. COOPER, City Editor
..............Gurney Williams
ector......... ..Walter W. Wildis
ity Editor........l1arold 0. Warren
r .Joseph A. liussell
tor. ...-......ary L. Behwyer
aa, Books..... ,.....i. . .orinant
!ctions.........Bertram J. AsJkw ith
ws Editor.......Charles R. Sprowl
;ditor............ (orge A. Stauter
...... E. s iyer
nger Charles It. Sprawl
ythe dichard L. Tobin
hol Harold 0. Warren
Sports Assistants
ullerton J. Culen Kennedy
Charles A. Sanford
Cooley * Robert L. Pierce
k Richad Raine
breth Karl Seiffert
rg Je rry E. Rosenthal
Iman George A. Stauter
er John \V. Thomas
John S. Townsend

Mary McCall
z Cue Miller
Margaret O'B~rien
Eleanor Rairdon
g Anne Mlargaret Tobin
Margaret Thompson
Claire Trusseli

Saturday night's radio program
addressed to prospective Michigan
students marked the last broadcast
from the University studio for this
year. The programs, arranged un-
der the direction of Prof. Waldo
Abbot, have served the University
as a desirable means of advertis-
ing as well as furnishing radio
listeners thoughout the country
with the highest class of musical
and intellectual programs.
Many faculty members have giv-
en their time to the preparation of
addresses for these programs with-
out financial remuneration, while
many students and faculty mem-
bers of the School of Music have
worked diligently to present musi-
,cal selections. These people de-
serve just praise for the assistance
they have given the University in
the presentation of such worth-
while programs.
Programs similar to those broad-
cast from the campus are growing
in popularity, and each year more
universities and colleges join the
ranks of those presenting radio
programs. The public appreciates
such programs and looks forward
to talks by leading educators as is
shown by comments in the thou-
sands of letters received each day
by the various broadcasting sta-
Plans will go forward almost im-
mediately for next year's programs,
and again the University will seek
the assistance of its faculty and
student talent which, without
doubt, will respond favorably. Each
year ithe facilities at the studio are
bettered, and each year the pro-
grams are enjoyed by more and
more people. Michigan's broadcast-
ing programs have a great future.
They will undoubtedly grow in pop-
ularity each year, and it will only
be a question of time until the work
will take on a much broader sig-
nificance to the University and tc
the .radio public.

A medieval farce under the title
"Pierre Patelin" is to be Comedy
club's next contribution to the+
campus dramatic season and will
be presented Friday and Saturday
nights in the Lydia Mendelssohn
The cast for the play is headed
by Richard Humphreys who is al-
ready well-known for his work in
campusrtheatricals. He will play
the part of Patelin, the shyster-
lawyer about whose shrewd actions
the plot of the play is developed.
Opposite him will be Ruth Stesel, a
comparative new-comer to campus
Other members of the cast in-
clude Franklin Comins, Palmer Bol-
linger, and Stanley. Donner. More
than30 extras will be used in the
production of the play.
The play itself was written by
an unknown author in 1464 A. D.
Previous to its original presenta-
tion, the fifteenth century actor
gave all his parts extemporaneous-
ly. This is the first play of its type
to be accurately recorded for future,
State settings and the costumes
will be in period and the general
presentation of the play will be in
the medeival manner. It is under
the direction of Ruth Ann Oakes.
About Booksb,

Telephone 21214
IOLLTSTER MABLEY, Business Manager
;PER H. lIALvERSON, Assistant Manager
Department Managers
tising....... ........ Charles T. Kline
tisin ......_..........Thomas I. Davis
tising ............William W. Warboys
e. Norris J. Johnson
cation ..... .. .Robert W. Williamson
lation... .....Marvin S. Kobacker
nts ........ ....hiomas S. Muir
less Secretary...........Mary J. Henan
yR. Begle A NoelsD. Turner
n Bishop Don. W. Lyon
am Brown 'William Morgan
rt Callahan Riehard Stratemeler
m W. Davis eith Tyler
Hoisington Richard H. Miller,
Kightlinger Byron C. Vedder
V. Verner Sylvia Miller
an Atran lhelen Olsen
Bailey Mildred Postal
.ine Convisser Marjorie Rough
ne Fishgrund Alary E. Watts
thy LeMire Johanna Wiese
thy Laylin
TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1931
xclusive and chauvinistic de-
tmentalism as the product of
e-bound over-specialization in
.ous fields of higher education
trenchantly scored by Presiden-t
;ell of Yale university in his
tors convocation address here
Friday morning. In a manner
hly reminiscent of the incisive-
s of former President Little, Dr.
ell deplored the tendency of
:emic specialists to form an
tocratic hierarchy which blinds
n to the broader interests of the


Editorial Comment

After College, What?

ty as a whole.


The appropriateness of so de-
scribing the effects of over-special-
ization in higher learning is two-
fold: in the first place, the field
of education is quite potent in illus-
trating the logic of Dr. Angell's
main thesis - that synthesis and
correlation of knowledge is needed
to balance the extremet specializa-
tion of our present eras; in the sec-
ond place, if President Angell had
been addressing the faculty and
students with Michigan's peculiar
situation specifically in mind, he
could have commented upon it with
no greater aptness. The phrases
"playing off the interests of one]
department against those of an-
other in faculty politics," "the atti-
tude that no one is qualified to ad-,
minister the affairs ofh a depart-
ment better than the members
themselves" cut deep into the warp
and woof of this university's seden-
tary commitment to a policy of
slow, unenterprising, but less ardu-
ous evolutionary progress.
The status of the "University col-
l.ege" idea is exemplary in showing
how great a part this chauvinism
and jealous exclusiveness of de-
partments canddeter)a broad pro-
gram of needed reform.. Over-
lapping curricula, the Ph.D. fetish,
and. emphasis upon mechanical re-
quirements of attendance and me-
ticulous grading systems are all
manifestations of this inter-related
The howling need, as President
Angel ha stated it .i "for hreak-

(From the Yale Daily News)
The sooner an undergraduate
knows toward what career he is
aiming, the better. An extensive
section of the University endorses
the opposing platform, regarding
specialization in higher education'
as inferior to the aimless assimila-
tion of alleged culture. This is not
in accordance with demands of
progress today. It is doubtful even
if any amount of "culture" without
regard to the future life. of the in-
iividual is desirable.
That any young man should
spend four years soaking up refine-
ments without peering over the
walls of an intellectual Bastille is
zcademic nonsense. Aimless pur-
suits of intellectuals of this cate-
;ory only encourage public criti-
ism of scholasticism. The man
who studies zealously to some well
defined end is a different species of1
fowl. He is not floating on a balmy
breeze to end up in a graduate
school, waiting three more years
,or a career to hatch. He is pursu-
ing a definite quarry and his flight
is straight, not plunging into every
beckoning by-way of intellectual-
ism, regardless of its value to his
The common theory that college
vnen have plenty of time to make
ip their minds is not wholly un-
ounded, but is largely abused. Be-
mause a man has not made up his
mind, he should doubly exert him-
,elf to do so. It is too easy to drift
with the idea that every word of'
3very professor is a glittering gem.
[t is too hard to recognize that
what is a ruby to one is a garnet
to another.
The elimination of the organized
racket would be as valuable a sin-
gle movement toward prosperity as
could be carried through .-Free
Archdeacon Bodshan insists that
the Devil was the author of prohi-
bition. If he was, he has reason
to be proud of his work.-Free Press.

Werfel: Simon and Schuster: Re-
view Copy Courtesy Slater's Book-
The German school of post-war
disillusion has been slow in reach-
ing America in translation with the
result that this novel from its best
representatives carries with it the
stale taste of past unpleasantness.
We have already reached the "third
stair" and even if we do not place
our hope in the strict Catholic con-
cepts of God, we have faith in so-
cialism or something else. In short
the spiritual man (who is in the
novels of Feuchtwanger and Wer-
fel always in bitter conflict with
the material powers of an insensi-
tive and dulled post-war state) has
conquered as he was bound to do.
We look back somewhat in amaze-
ment at the bewildering futility
and cynicism immediately follow-
ing the war. We read this book in
Werfel has used here as he did
in "Class Reunion" (which I con-
sider a much greater book despite
its brevity) a style that he has de-
veloped into great strength. It is
to start with a picture and then
through the process of the retros-
pective return to the picture. The
return has the terror of a too great
knowledge, and the beauty of a sit-
uation in which all human impli-
cations are known and a complete
understanding exists.
Ferdinand R., a ships' doctor on
a Mediterranean cruise leaves the
unmoral brilliance of a company
of movie actors and walks to the
rail of the ship to let fall from his
hand the contents of a small bag
which he watches as it falls and
over which he seems to breathe the
blessing for the denouement of a
tragedy. The contents of the bag
was the small collection of gold
which his nurse Barbara had col-
lected through a life of long serv-
ice. Barbara is the only one in
complete communion with Ferdin-
and througheallhis life,the only
"pure of heart" that Ferdinand
knows, and it seems to the doctor
that the fittest place for this har-
vest is in the ocean as far as pos-
sible from the world which had de-
feated him. "Is it an expiation, an
atonement? Possibly, though at
present he cannot remember that
he has deprived himself of any
good or that Barbara's legacy is
now irretrievably lost. Is it lost?
Surely it is quite safe for the first
time, more certainly, more scrupu-
lously intact than"in Ferdinand's
trunk or in any strong-room of a
bank. Barbara's gold henceforth
will be lying in the depths of the
world. The honey of the sacred la-
boring bees is eternally shielded

First and foremost among the
day's news items is that yesterday
ALFRED the steam shovel has at
last appeared at ground level again
and has shaken the mud of the
Law Club basement forever. AL-
FRED apparently liked his old home
pretty well because he certainly did
kick and scream when they tried to
get him out. 'ey had to resort to
trickery to get him out at all. They
turned Alfy around bassackwards
so he couldn't see where he was
going and then set him to work.
The energy he put into it with his
nose shoved him right out back-
wards immediately with only one
serious threat of rolling over and
over back where he came from.
Another sign of Spring is that
they are building a peanut stand
out in front of the Library again.
I think the University ought to
discourage this as strenuously as
possible. Any good political scien-
tist will tell you that it is a bad
policy for the state to mix up
business and government. If indi-
vidual students want to sell pea-
nuts and student Socialists and
messy things like that around the
place, I suppose we will just have
to put up with it, but I object
to the fact that the University
feels it necessary to build the
stand for them especially when
they haven't enough money to
repair Newberry Auditorium. It
is enough that the University
furnishes the monkeys.
* *
paign is still among us, fellows.
,Don't let this slip by you unnoticed.
Buy a shirt and help the depression.
Spend for prosperity. A penny saved
is the thief of time, and it's the last
straw that shows which way the
wind blows.
TIVAL Campaign is still on too,
but its author and sponsor isn't
doing much for it, and I am
afraid that I haven't the time to
spare. Hurry Up, Willie, tempos
fugit; and unless something is
done pretty soon they will get
here before we have the ignoring
sqpad half trained.
Among the other campaigns that
are going to get a little brushing up
and renovating this season are
those for rebuilding NEWBERRY
AUDITORIUM, pouring boiling tur-
pentine down' the backs of coeds
heard shouting "Oh, isn't that the
darlingest little puppy!" upon the
advent of anything from a horse
down and the ground up,-shooting
every soprano in the SCHOOL OF
MUSIC,-and discovering who in
* * *
Tomorrow people will come up to
you and ask if you have subscribed
.. whereupon you, with some jus-
tification will rush off and miss
another day's classes all because
you just don't know about how to
get by these people easily. The
thing to do is give them fifty cents
and then put the tag they give you
on with wire. I have been asked to

say that, besides'myself, President
Ruthven, Joe Bursley, and T. HOL-
LISTER MABLEY endorse this
campaign, but such is my interest
in seeing the project prosper that
I don't think I'd better. No use of
spoiling it all at the beginning.
See the Old School Spirit going,
See the writing on the wall?
Soon there'll be no nice school
It's a fine world after all,
* * * /
I suppose all you fellows went to
the. Honors Convocation. I did-
three years ago this very week.
Once is a good thing-it teaches
you better for the future.
*5 * *
* 5e *
Canoeing season is now at hand.
Tissic! Tsk!
* * *
The Arboretum is becoming popu-
lar again . . . See last article but
one for remark.

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Time was when you could sell Mr. John Q. Public a
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Now he must be shown that it works better, looks bet-
ter, is easier to operate than any past or present model.

Business men, industrialists and engi-
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Ever alert to new trends in engineering, McGraw-Hill
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