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May 05, 1931 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-05

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Mrs. Roosevelt IIl
OAin French Capital
Believes May Festival Can Be u :r
More Than Emotional
Heaps Preadhes on Sources of 5
Strength;' Fisher Talks
on Adventure.
Music is essentially a medium of
social change rather than . mere2
complex of deluxe sund waves,
Rev. H. P. Marley, of tne Unitarian
church, stressed Sunday in his scr-_
mon on 'A Social Interpretation o
The May Festival can be moreI
than an emotional dissipation, he
said, and pointed out that through >i, Assocated Press Phot
music great ideas and social
changes may be expressed. Mrs. James Roosevelt,
Rev. Alfred Lee Klaer, associate Mother of Governor Franklin D.
pastor of the First Presbyterian Roosevelt of New York, who is ser-
church, spoke Sunday on "What Is e. .
Normal in Religion?" and at the iously ill with influenza in Paris.
students' meeting in the evening, Though receiving constant atten-
Dr. Howard R. Chapman, of the tion, her condition is not considor-
Baptist guild, spoke on "A Patch ed critical.
of Blue Sky."
"Sources of Strength, was the
sermon Sunday morning at the TO ISCUSS
topic for Rev. Allison ay Heaps M i
First Congregational church. At
the night meeting, Prof. Ray K._
Immel spoke on "The Making of9
'Motion Pictures."
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, of the
First Methodist Episcopal church, Michigan Graduates to Meet at
spoke "Sunday morning on "Adven- Union Saturday to Talk
ture." No other service was held About Problems.
because of the lecture by Sherwood
Eddy at Hill auditorium. Group discussion of current bus-
At the First Baptist church Sun- iness problems will be one of the
day morning, Rev. R. Edward Sayles features of the third annual alum-
discussed "Hunger for Completion." ni conference of the School of Bus-
The Baptist student group met with iness Administration, which will be
the Presbyterian group on Sunday held Saturday in the Union.
night at the Presbyterian Student Included among the speakers s-
center on Washtenaw avenue cured by the committee is Ralph
"Certainty in Religion," was the Strr
topic for Rev. Henry Lewis at the Starr Butler, a University graduate,
morning service at St. Andrew's who is vice president in charge of
Episcopal church, while at the advertising of the General Foods
illel foundation meeting Rabbi ,corporation. He will speak at the
Bernard Heller spoke on "Are the noon luncheon on "A Callenge to
-ws a - Chosen People?" Dr. Eus- American Business."
t ce Haydon, of the University of Others who will give talks are
Chicago, spoke Sunday afternoon Samuel Witting, 15, vice president,
in the Natural Science auditorium Continental Illinois . Bank a n d
tnder the auspices of the Hillel Trust company, Chicago; George H.
foundation on "A Humanist's Phil- Whitworth, '25, assistant secretary,
osophy of Life." Michigan Trust company, Grand
Rapids; and R. E. Payne, '15, of
Lawrence Scudder and company',
Presiding at the general session,
whichopens at 9:30 o'clock, will
be Raymond T. Perring, M.B.A., '27,
of the Detroit Savings bank. Dr.
Clarence S. Yoakum, vice president
--of the University, will welcome the
Historian Attacks Imperialism alumni.
in International Forum Group discussions will open at 10
Address. o'clock in banking and investments,
_ meeting and sales management,
The mandate system on a radical and accounting.
scale would establish a protective Prof. Clare E. Griffin, dean of
trusteeship over the tropics and the business administration school,
would best answer the problem of will preside at the luncheon. In
imperialism, Prof. Preston W. Slos- the afternoon, the alumni will be
son, of the history department, de- guests of the University at the
clared before an international for- Michigan-Minnesota track meet.
um held Sunday afternoon in Lane The conference will close with a
hall. banquet at 6:30 o'clock in the Un-
"One of the gre test evils of mod- .ion.
er imerialism," stated Professor
Slosson, "is that, when a colony Fanh ral Services Held
belongs toa country, it gives to for Richard Al. Lytle
that country an unfair monopoly frLyl
and makes the colony inhabitants
dependent on it." Funeral services for. Richard M.
"Imperialigm, it is true," con- Lytle, '31, who died unexpectedly

tinued Professor Slosson, "general' of high blood pressure last Wednes-.
ly does guarantee law and order day were held at his home in Val-
and yet it makes weaklings of the paraiso, Indiana, Friday.,
governed, because it takes away Lytle, wlo would have graduated
self government. The problem is in June from the Literary college,
learning,when national moral has was an assistant football coach last
reached the point where mother fall, having won second team
country protection and legislation awards in both basketball and foot-
should be relaxed." ball.
- a . - a - -,

HICAN What's Going on
Wuerth: "The Conquering Horde,"
with Richard Arlen and Fay Wray.
Majestic: Ronald Colman in "The
SDevilto Pay."
IIfchigAn:DFifi Dorsay and El
Brendel in "Mr. Lemon of Orange."
Message From Hoover Read by La boratory Theatre: Play Pro-
Edge at Dedication of duction presents "The Good Hope,"
Monument to Count. 18:30 o'clock.
Iemorial to French Hero Who
Aided Americans During
Revolution Unveiled.LL
PARIS, May 4.-A message from jBlomquist Says Music Will Be
President Hoover emphasizing the Different From That at
lofty place that Admiral Count de Previous Dances.
Grasse holds in American history
made the dedication today of a Music for the annual Architects'
monument to his memory an event ball will be different from that of
other dances, Albert Bromquist, '31,
of significance in Franco-American who secured Paul Specht's orches-
history. tra, said last night.
The memorial to "Francis Joseph Specht is classified with White-
Paul Admiral Count de Grasse," man and Lopez, as the big three
French commander in the Ameri- of the modern musical, Blomquist
can Revolution, was unveiled at declared. He is the originator of a
type of music called Rhythmic
Trocadero palace, and after an ad- Symphonic Syncopation."
dress by American Ambassador His orchestra has played for
Walter Evans Edge, was formally Presidents Wilson, Harding, Cool-
presented to the government of idge and Hoover, and for Vice
France. President Curtis.
Ambassador Edge read the fol- The magazine "ance Review"
lowing statement from President noticed a Brahms-like treatment
Hoover: of themes in his dance numbers,
"hecroisrecordings and broadcasts. The
"The scroll of French history hoa Cleveland News has said that "the
so long, and inscribed with so many Paul Specht Columbia Recording
illustrious names, that a French- orchestra which came from New
man might be permitted a moment York to play for the ball, proves
of uncertainly i establishig the to be one of the most entertaining
place of the Comte de Grasse. For musical organizations that has ever
an American, however, no such un- visited Cleveland."
certainty can exist. The circum-
stances of 1781 in which Admiral
de Grasse anchored his flagship, Anderson Says Report
the Ville de Paris, at the gate of of Sermon Sensational
Chesapeake bay, were too momen-
tous for us to forget. E(Continued from Page 1)
Quotes Washington.
"The energy and independence teaching of religion except as class
of his character, moreover, are study."
preserved for us in the letters of The student, Rev. Anderson point-
Gen. Washington: 'The resolutions ed out, is a changed person when
that you have taken in our cir- he reaches the environment of Ann
cumstances,' wrote the comman_ Arbor. Four factors, he said, con-
der-in-chief of the continental tribute to this change. They are:
army soon after the arrival from (1) the experience of a new ad-
the West Indies of the French fleet, venture in freedom which is novel
'prove that a great mind knows to most students; (2) t e awaken-
how to make personal sacrifices to ing of mental initiative and im-
secure an important general good.' patience with beliefs that are com-
"And when that important gen- mon-place and monotonous; (3)
eral good had been secured, Wash- the changed attitude of the age to
ington was the first to acknowledge matters of knowledge and belief;
how large a share, of the honor and (4) the change in the atmos-
pertained to de Grasse. He wrote phere of cynicism and indifference
on the eve of the admiral's depar- to sacred things which in a uni-
ture: 'The triumphant manner in versity community went naturally
which your excellency has main- unrebuked.
tained the mastery 6f the Amer-
ican seas, and the glory of the Winners of Pulitzer
French flag, lead both nations to
look to you as the arbiter of the Prizes Are Announced
"In that lofty place the admiral (Continued from Page 1)
remains. The name of de Grasse erbocker of the foreign staff of the
and of his famous ship are woven New York Evening Post and the
into the web of American history. Philadelphia Public Ledger for a
I, therefore, consider it an honor series of articles on the operation
on an occasion so interesting to my of the five year plan in Russia to
fellow countrymen and to myself, Charles S. Ryckman, of the Fre-
to participate in this act of homage mont, Neb., Tribune for his editor-
to the memory of a great man who ial, "The Gentleman from Nebras-
belongs alike to France and to the ka." published Nov. 7, 1930, and to
United States," Edmund Duffy of the Baltimore
Officials Represented. Sun for his cartoon, "An Old Strug-
Premier Pierre Laval was repro- gle Still Going On," published Feb.
sented by Minister of Pensions 27, 1930.
Champetier de Ribes, Foreign Mm- Travelling scholarships in jour-
ister Aristide Briand by Minister nalism were awarded to Frederick
Plenipotentiary de Vitrolles and Daniel Sink of Zanesville, O., and
Minister of Marine Dumont by Vice David A. Davidson and Winston
Admiral Duran Viel, chief of the Phelps of New York City, the value
naval general staff. of these scholarships is $1,800.

Mc's Taxi
35c Anywhere in
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10c for each addi-
REPAIORING tional passenger.
SALLER'S Phone 4289
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We Solicit Your
y ifnnryvo


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26]DAYSitheeU. S. S.R. j
e ucational and instructive-visiting the cultural and indus-
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Trip on the Volga COLLECTIVE FARMS
price includes: steamship and rail-
589 road Fares, hotels, meals--en rote
Iii and in the Soviet Union.
f' Sailing S. S. BREMEN June 14th 0
75Fifth Avewue New York, N.Y.Y

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