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May 03, 1931 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-03

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~te Sa*~itary System
~is~alted by Detroit
~elf are Group.



~e o~ Pasteurized
led; MQre Than
o be Needed.
4tAon has been se-
Fresh Air camp for
~ children, for the
i; George Hofmeist-
~n of the drive for
butions, announced
f the camp's organ-
last year have been
the in~tal1ation of
~tary system, through
~ of a Detroit wel-
nd with the resplu-
~rized milk will be

~w Ur~i4't sltie~ Ii~;.c Camps.
Fo other amp fo~ under-privi-
~d children, is supported by a
~sity,, e~6~pt that maintained
~te Univer~Ity of Pennsylvania.
~n. intex~viewed y~terday, De-
t c~omm.un~ity workers declared
~ "University sttidents can do
~e this year than ever before,
n~edie~0t period for the poor
~4ren in need of wholesome food
I ~re~h air, if they will support
.dFive for ftinds.
~et~'olt clubs are increasing
ir quotas, so that they can take
e of the increased needs. The
~Iei~t kody should do likewise,"
~~pJ~tio~is to SeleEt Campers.
'1~e boy campers will be selected
~l~e Q)ga~ilz~tions acting as pa-
~ 6~, t~he drive. They are the
prnrtmunity house, the Du-
~ ~altb. center, the Ford repub-
~u Beta Community house, the
;roit Boys' club, Juvenile court
~ the Mothers' Pension bu-
~ythe Wyandotte Red Cross, the
~htinoo~ Community center, the
tu~ Aid Neighborhood club, the
'e tai. ~orpe; and eight other
vice societies.
~ore than $&000 is needed to fi-
~e th~ camp season. ,The ~ -
~t 4tlota has been set at *3,0%YO,
~ ~rLends and alWnni pf the Uni-
$ ~lll contribute the iTest 61
'r~ternities and sororities have
~l~iit~eQ as groups, and mew-
~ of ~such societies will receive
1~efore the campus tag day,
d~iesd~.y, so that ~they will n6t
approached by student canva~-
~con~e Will Direct Concert on
~pTrng Musical Series.
E!c~higan's Varsity band will jour-
to Detroit tomorrow night to
~ a progtam there in Orchestra
~ ~s on~ of the concerts on the
~1I~i~' s~rie~ of the Detroit Musical
Lety. Nicholas D. F4cone, of the
L~Ol of Music, will direct as
p~ie of the numbers which will
'etx4ered by the organization sre
~~l's "Bolero," von Weber's "Obe-
," Saint-Saens' "D~w5e Ma-
re" rind "Pass~cglia" by Bach.
h~ bind will leave by bus at 5
~k to~nortow aftern~on and will
dinner in Detroit. Immediate-
~fter the concert it will return
~fli~ Arbor.
'~ic C~ht*~61 CI&ss
M apes Motor Survey
t ents in the tramc contx~ol
~ses are niaking a survey of the
of autp mobiles which stop
s~o~ streets and stop lights.
percentage of cars which stop
slow up at intersections of
rngh streets are being deter-
ed and the results compared to
Jist of those which rush red
ts and those who start on the
er signal.
Eaey ate also m.aking charts of
niimber of stops a person has
~ke while traveling the length
~ain and a few other streets
attempting to create better
ems of lighting.
ECIAL 30c LUNCHEON, 12 to 2

ASSOOi~tCXL £TesS 1/Ituto
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hoover, Jr., are shown as they arrived
Washington, D. C., for a visit with the President and Mrs. Hoover befo~
entraining for their home in Palo Alto, Cal. Herbert Jr., had been spern
ing the last several months at Asheville, North Carolina, recovering fro~

a lung ailment.

Colonel Henry W. Miller Made
Chief of Railway, Seacoast
Technical Staff
Col. Henry M. Miller, professor of
mechanism and engineering draw-
ing in the engineering college has
recently been transferred from
chief of the research and develop-
xrrent section of the artillery divi-
sion of the United States army,
which post he has held since the
war, to chief of the railway and
seacoast section of the technical
staff, with the rank of full colonel.
Col. ~Miller is now on active duty
in the office of the secretary of war
in Washington, In connection with
the war department's plans for in-
dustrial mobilization. F o u r t e e n
other senior officers of the ordi-
nance department from various
parts of the country have been
called to Washington for this gen-
~ral conference.
During the last war Col. Miller
held the post of chief engineer of
the heavy artillery of the American
Expeditionary forces in France and
since that time he has written
numerous books on artillery for the
use of the regular army a~d re-
serve officers' schools throughout
the country.
Col. Miller will return to Ann
Arbor about May 16.
Two Insane Convicts
Apprehended in Ohio

Ore Shipping on Greal
Lakes Shows Increas
CLEVELAND, May 2. -Gm)- 0
shipping on the - great lakes fro
Lake Superior region in Api
was greater than during the san
month a year ago, the Lake Sup
nor Iron Ore association says
its monthly report.
During the month just clos
tonnage was 175,921, while durii
the same period last year it w:

Monarch's Health to Determit
Whether Annual Birthday
Parade Is Held.
George, for the first time since L
LONDON, May 2. - (~) - Kir
critical illness, may take the salu
at the trooping of the colors (
his 06th birthday June 3.
Whether he takes part in the pi
turcsque ceremonial depends up
the state of his health, but as 1
majesty apparently has recoveri
fully from the sub-acute bronchi
attack in April it is assumed
will be present.
This trooping of the colors,
reality, is simply the king's annu
inspection of his household trool
But because of the review s histo
ic character, the gaudy uniforr
of the guardsmen and the fact th
it is the king's birthday, it is o
of Britain's brightest ceremonies.
Mounted on his favorite bla
horse, Anzac, King George tak
the salute while Irish Guards, ti
Welsh Guards, the Scots Guard
the Life Guards and the Hor.
G~. ards go swinging past.
Ono year a guardsman dropp
his ri~e. He must have knoxvn th~
what judgment day will be like.
for News of

P1111 IITV H II~TflD IRI1~ Brucker to be Guest
I LiU U 1111 Id lUll IflhId at Military Program Today's Raditi Programs
E Three public R.O.T.C. ceremonies (Eastern Standard Time)
SEE FORD VILLA~ Fcriv field. The p~o~ram of May
will be h ~d M~ty 4 14, and 22 at
WOOD on Gencral Motors program-
Society Finds Edison's Menlo eral Frank Parker commanding 4:C0-CIcv~Ixid Symphony orchestra in popu. WWJ, WGN, WTAM
Park Laborator Source officer of the sixth corps area, Clii- lar concert -WTAM, WGY An Evening in Paris-WXYZ, WB8M,
6:00-~WorId Business and World Leaders" WOWO
of Interest. cago. He will be accompanied by Dr. Julius Klein, assistant scre1tary of 9:00~Real Folks~-WJR.
of cornr.~crce-WXYZ, WMAQ, WGR
board of inspectors composed 1 6:15-Baseball scores---WXYZ GUY LOMBA~OO'S Royal Canadians-
Lieutenant Colonel WilLam B. i 6:20-Freddie Ridh's orchestra-WXYZ . WXYZ, WMAQ, WOWO
Thomas Edison's laboratory, once and M3jo2 M~x Murray. 6:30 -RCA Victor program, orchestra direc. Stromberg.Carlson program with Ro.
situated at Menlo Park, N. J., was Govci'no~ Wilber M B1.ti~ker ~ tioi Nat Shitkret-WWJ, WGY, KYW chester Symphony orchestra- KYW,
1 the chief source of interest for 73 Luden's Novelty o'rchcstra-W.tR, WGAf~
members of the Washtenaw His- expected to be at one of the events. Around the Sarnovar - wxyz, wGRI 10 :OO-P~ramount ho~ei o~chestra-WGY
torical society and their friends, One ceremony is to be givon in
honor of the reserve officers ot WE1~JH~ WTAM 10:3O-t4~ry ~usse ~ h~s orchestra-WTAM,
Enna Jettkk melodies-WJR, KYW, WOC, WijO, WWJ
yesterday, in a trip to Henry Ford's Michigan. KDKA ~ Bf N?~E and his orchestra -
model village at Greenfleld Vil- The entire R.O.T.C., along with ~ :15-C~,llier's Radio hour-- WJR, KDKA, I wx~z, w~wo
lage near Dearborn. the bd xviu parade with U vet- WL~, KYW 1~.:OO-P ii ~itplny's Grehes~ra-KYW, WSB
an, 3C 7:45-Irene Beasley with Towners-I ~&ll~way's Coiton dub orchestra-
Francis JehI, the only man aliye I erans downtown from 10 o'clock WXYZ, WOWO, CFRB WENR
S:O0-- DAVID LAWRENCE "Our Govern- Asbury Park Casino ochestra-WXYZ
who worked with. Edison on the I until noon on Memorial day morn- rnent "-WOY, WOC, WSAI 11:30-Louis Panico's orchestra - WTAM.
~ncandescent lamp, briefly sum- ing. IRENE BORDONI -WXYZ, WOWO, WE~R
the work of the invento WOR Palais d'Or orcbr~-W&I
&:13-Sayuk Staq party (premiere)-WJR, 12:30-~ruie Hoist's orcha.Ara-WJR
to the visitors, as he exhibited the LAK1VLI~IL .I~~JAI(U I WLW, KYW ______ ______
crude phonographs and telephone Atwater Kcnt progrnm-WWJ, WTAM, UNIVIRSITY OF MINNESOTA-
transmitters which Edison used. I HONORS HEROES ~ ORcHESTRA- At a banquet given in honor of the
the efforts of Ford the I 5:45---Westinghousc salute-WJR, KOKA, faculty of the tJniversity of Mm-
building was reconstructed and PITTSBURGH, May 2.-(IP) The KYW
moved to Greenfleld Village. When Carnegie Hero Fund Commission, 9:00--JESSE CRAWFORD at the organ nesota, skits were given burlesquing
WXYZ, WBBM the training of teachers. In addi-
dison returned to the buildin today awarded bronz~ med~ils to 9:15-Ch-rles Francis Coe-WJR, WENR, tion, a faculty Sing was held in
Light g 23 persons in recognition of acts WLW
the Golden Jubilee 9:30-Laurier ensembie-WJR, WENR, KDKA which professors sang Mother Goose
e said it was 99 and nine-tenths of heroism performed within recent 9.45--Seth Parker-WWJ, KYVV WTAM os with as much abandon as
"ears * iC :30--Russian Cathedral WTAM, rhym
cent the same as he left it. Ap- WOY, WENR choir-WWJ, the nine hundred students who
parently, "only the floors were dif- Awards were made to residents of 11:00-Quiet Harmonics, Vinoent Sorey con~ took part.
ferent-they had ne\'er been so M2ryiand, Pennsylvania, Virginia, ductin~-WXYZ, WPG
South Sea lslanders-WENR, W~Y
clean." West Virginia, Ohio, New York, 11:30-Funk's Palais d'Or orchestra-WEAF
North Carolina, Texas and Okia- HENRY THIES orcheotra-WLW, WJZ
Dr. Carl Guthe, president of the homa. 12:OO-Graystone Ballroom-WJR
society and director of the Univer- In addition to awarding the MONDAY
sity museum of anthropology and medals, the commission also orde:- 5:00--Gordon Kibbler's Fulton Royal orches-
who directed the trip, was invited ed the payment of yearly pensions tra--WXYZ, WBBM
by Jehl to sit in the chair used by totaliii' $660 to de-endat ~ t~O 5:45Lowell Thomas-KDKA
g ~, p.n~s 0 6:05-Phil Napoleon's grenadiers -WWJ,
Edison. One of the party played of those named in the medal 6 WENR
on the organ which was' once used awards who lost their lives in at- 6:45-Ro~y pro~rarn direction Erno Rapee-
during the "midnight lunch" of tempting to save others. In other WLS, WJZ
Edison's associates. Tony Cabooch-WXYZ, WMAO
instances, appropriations aggre- 7:30--LILY PONS on Simmons' hour-WXYZ,
Included in Greenfleld Village is gating $2C,,O00 were mode for uses WMAQ, WOWO, WJJAJ, WABO
the court house to be approved by the commission. Gy~sies-WWJ, WTAM, WGY
Logan County, Ill., t~:00---LEQ REISMA N'S orchestra-WXYZ,
in which Abraham Lincoln practic- The names of the beneficiaries were VVMAQ, WOWO
law from 1840 to 1848. Two years not revealed, however. Roy Barn directing Maytag orchestra
e ---WJR, I OKA, WLW
ago President Hoover kindled a ~ ~ ~ ___ ______
fire there. Since then it has never
been permitted to be extinguished,
and, as the guide put it. "Heaven
help the man who does." WHITNEY THEATRE
e John Greenleaf Whittier's old
toll house in which he worked both
re as a toll collector and shoemaker
m was in perfect condition. The
'il blacksmith shop which inspired his
e- fellow, to write "the Village Black- MONDAY, MAY 18 The Parrot
ae colleague, Henry Wadsworth Long-
in smith" was also mov~d to the mod-
el village. LEE SHUBERT Speaks
~d Numerous other houses and inns
~ date back over a hundred years.
as A replica of the river boat "Su-
wanee" has been, beached along
the side of a shallow river. Two This year the
S carriages, each drawn by teams of
black and white horses, were seen Parrot added
driving around the gravel path by the1 arrym ore its list of delicacies
fl the society members.
The tour was conducted through
the cou;tesy of the engineering In a Modern Play the home pastry
laboratory officials of the Ford Mo-
te tor company at Dearborn.
___________ of Mrs. Rash.
We feel that we
cording to a professor at India BY LILI HATVANY ZOF AKINS now
University, the only way to have
ig the majority of students under-
uS stand anything is, first, tell them Mail your order now cnclose self addressed envelope. unequaled home
te what you are going to say, then Orchestra: pastries
say it, then summarize what you $300 Balcony: $2.50, $2.00, $1.50 cooked
I have said, and finally write them _____________________________________________________ ...You can be
C- a letter about it.
assured of
al receiving such,
ajestic whenever you eat
al Today Continuous here.
1:30 to 11.00 p.~.
at Sophisticated! j
ae Modern! ,~ '
1 Gay?

Do you find it
hai~1 t~o stt~dy for
se that Poly Sci
..~ ~ ~ bluebook? Can
you philosophize
properly for Phil
31? fsEc52a
little too much?
Does P~ch get you
IiI~II~uh/W)IlIIlIIl is the sex appeal and Take "time out"
ffI~j/4~ SAMUfL qOLDWYN I from studying and
EL a peel call the Parrot for
ARTISTS 15 JUSt little food. We
OP{TTAYCUNj have evening
'4 A departure
delivery. Just
something new in
pictures. Gay dev
phone 4636.
ilment . . . smar
~ sophistication . . .
delightful romance.
* Ronald Colman in Directed by JOHN BLYSTONE _________________________
a smart role in his
smartest picture.
The most up-to- ,
the - minute enter-
tainment of the
season. V / PAD D AT

LIM-A, 0., May 2.-~IP~--The sec-
ond of two insane convicts who
early Friday kified Louis Kielil, 48,
guard at the Lima state hospital
for the criminal insane, was back
in custody today.
Samuel Nelson, 19, ~negro, was
captured in a field eight miles
from the hospital late Friday after
a day's freedom.

The 1931 baseball season to date
has produced more "bonehead"
plays than were seen all last year
in the big leagues.







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