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February 22, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-02-22

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SUNDAY, I{ EPRU . Y 22, 1931


Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited todittor not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
MXchgan, as second class matter. Special rate
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Subscription' by carrier, $4.00; by enail, $4.50.
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Telephone 4925
Chairman Editorial Boar4
FRABx E. CoorEa, City Editor
News Editor ..............Gurney 'Williams
Editorial Director ..........Walter W. Wilds
Sports Editor . ,.......... Joseph A. Russell
Women's Editor.........Mary L. Behymer
MusicE Drama, Books........Wm. T. Gorman
Assistant City Editor....... Harold 0. Warren
Assistant News Editor......Charles R. Sprowl
Telegraph Editor .........Geor e A. Stauter
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oland Goodman
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j at'es Inglis
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cyan Kones
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l oin S. Townsend

Eileen Blunt
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Telephone 21214
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Mildred Postal
Marjorie Rough
Mary E. Watts
Johanna Wiese

cial compensation. If, more than
ten years after the close of the
war, they find themselves under
difficulty, they must realize that
their service in the war cannot
possibly be blamed for their condi-
tion. Except for those left physical-
ly unfit, who already receive ade-
quate consideration, the effects of
the war have long since disap-
No distortion of the idea of
patriotism can justify the principle
of the bonus. Those who served
were selected for fitness and not
because the ones remaining behind
were unwilling. If the Legion per-
sists in its request for special recog-
nition, it must admit that the
country could deal with future
wars more profitably by employing
a paid foreign professional soldiery,
which would not disrupt the nation
for years afterward by lobying a
legislative body, seeking perman-
ence in office. The veterans sacri-
fice all claim to patriotism in seek-
ing special privileges.
Apparently, nothing but a fili-
buster that can withold passage of
the bill until the remaining term
is short enough for a pocket
veto can block Congressional action.
But the voting public in Congres-
sional elections still has the oppor-
tunity to express its disgust.
The New York Post recently took
issue with Knute Rockne's state-
ment that there wasn't a single
school in the country which re-
quired spring football practice. To
quote: "Mr. Rockne, coach of a re-
markably effective football machine
out at South Bend, Ind., has been
chiding the football reform move-
ment for some time, but his state-
ment, at Phoenix, Ariz., a day or
so ago has at least one slight mis-
statement which should be correct-
ed. Mr. Rockne said: 'You can't
name a single college or university
that requires spring football prac-
tice. If the men were not inter-
ested you could not make them
turn out.'
"Technically," the Post continues,
"Mr. Rockne is right. Actually there
are dozens of schools which do vir-
tually require spring practice, and
Mr. Rockne's Notre Dame is. among
them. The boys turn out 'volun-
tarily' because they know they
won't have a chance in the fall if
they dodge spring work. It is safe
to say that Mr. Rockne cannot
name a dozen men who have made
places on his first teams in the
last fiveyears without paying strict
attention to the spring workouts."
It is a simple matter to make
such statements as Mr. Rockne's of
a week ago, especially when a gull-
ible reading public will swallow
them hook, line, and sinker, as it
always does. But it isn't often that
such statements as Mr. Rockne's
are as obviously absurd as this one,
except, perhaps his recent proposal
to match his eleven varsity men
with any of the eleven best collegi-
ate scholars in the country in a
mental contest. Mr. Rockne is beat-
ing the air in a vain attempt to
justify his profession which is,
when whole-hearted and fair, a
very noble one, but which is gener-
ating into a large, corporative busi-
ness of seeing which one can get
the greatest amount of publicity.
The New York Post is dead right
in its stand against such an ab-
surdity as Mr. Rockne's recent
error. The sooner Mr. Rockne elim-
inates his attempts at cheap pub-
licity, the better for Notre Dame
and Mr. Rockne.

Editorial Comment
(From Yale News)
In conducting its poll of opinions
among players in the leading east-
ern colleges and universities regard-
ing the game of football, the
Dartmouth Daily has made two
contributions to the current dis-
cussion of the sport. In the first
place, the poll has thrown consid-
erable light on how the players
actually feel; and in the second
place, it has called public attention
to the fact that their opinions and
desires are a prime consideration in
the issue.
A great deal has been said by
columnists, editors, and university
officials regarding football re-
forms, and many of their criticisms
and suggestions have been valid
and constructive. We ourselves feel
that a reduction in the length of
I schedules would be a wise step, and
we feel that the head coach system,
with its absolute centralization of
authority in one man, is not entire-
ly satisfactory. But the Dartmouth
poll has shown that, with a few
t-no 'Fnve - 1^ sm l trn .-l- ar m _-n3rn

Screen Reflections
Majestic: "Abraham Lincoln."
Reviewed below.
Michigan: Greta Garbo in "In-
Wuerth: Marilyn Miller in






Passing of the soldiers' bonus
proposal now under consideration
in Congress will require, at the
lowest estimate, an amount of
$700,000,000, and the cost may reach'
$1,720,000,000. While the present
bill is a welcome improvement over
some of the measures that have
been suggested, it remains, in
principle, indefensible.
In favor of the proposal, it has
been argued that payments to the
veterans will relieve the depression
now current by putting a large sum
of money into immediate circula-
tion. There have been constant ap-
peals for payment from needy and
unemployed men.
It is instantly questionable that
the passage of the bill will aid
business recovery. Secretary Mellon
has already warned Congress that
the treasury faces a deficit of more
than $500,000,000 at the close of the
fiscal year. But Congress is callous-
ly proceeding towards placing a
huge obligation upon the country
without offering, as yet, any means
of accumulating the funds tc
shoulder the debt. The added bur-
den-can only complicate the financ-
ing of the government's obligations
and further retard a much needed
return to business prosperity. Pass-
ing the bill cannot increase circu-
The really vicious feature of the
proposed legislation is that it is a
concession on the part of the gov-
ernment to a special, highly organ-
ized voting class. It was the con-
tention of the government during
and immediately after the war
that there would be no such raid-
ing of the treasury with bonus pay-
ments as disgraced Congress fol-
lowing the Civil war. President
Coolidge vetoed the act which pro-
vided the certificates of adjusted
compensation now being consider-
ed, but a politically minded Con-
gress passed the act over his veto.
The loans now proposed on the cer-
tificates amount practically to their
present cash value. Few of the
loans will be repaid, and the bor-
rowers will be left without further
eamn(nc fInn

Same as above with "Hallelu-
jah" added as the Owl Show fea-
ture at the Michigan.
A few weeks ago there appeared
a new biography of Abraham Lin-
coln by Edgar Lee Masters treatingj
that historic character in much the
same veingas Rupert Hughes' myth-
destroying work on one George
Washington. Whatever be the re-J
sult of Mr. Masters' attack on Hon-
est Abe, D. W. Griffith and Walter
Huston have assured the Civil War'
president's reputation continued
glorification for some time to come
as a result of their respective direc-
tion and acting in the current talk-
ing film feature at the Majestic.
Griffith attempted a mighty task
in the portrayal of Lincoln's life-
and the result falls far short of any
claim to the select epic class of+
motion pictures. Instead of an in-
tensely dramatic
spectacle, that is.
to be expected
from the abund-
ant historic ma-
terial available,
"Abraham L i n-
coln resolves into
a series of ram-
blin g episodes
from the Great -
E m a n cipator's
life without the
much - needed J ViUEKE
thread of story continuity
Perhaps it would have been far
better to have singled out one defi
nite period in Lincoln's eventful
career rather than to have dealt,
as Griffith did successively and
spasmodically, with his tragic love
affair with Ann Rutledge, senate
campaign debate with Stephen A.
Douglas, ascendance to the presi-
dency, Civil War trials and tribula-
tions, and finally his untimely
death at the hands of John Wilkes
Booth. Apparently intent on in-
cluding as much material as poss-
ible, both Director Griffith and
Continuity Writer Stephen Vincent
Benet ("John Brown's Body") hve
lost their sense of plot perspective.
However, "Abraham Lincoln" is
by no means a poor or unentertain-
ing picture. Walter Huston in the
title role contributes what is un-
questionably one of the talking
screen's greatest performances. His
portrayal of an undeniably difficult
part is practically perfect-fulfill-
ing all the ideals of the most ferv-
ent admirer of Lincoln without in
any manner making him appear
fictional or over-glorified.
Outstanding in the supporting
cast is Una Merkel in a compara-
tively short appearance as Ann
Rutledge, 1 e n d i n g considerable
charm and beauty to the two short
but memorable love scenes. Other
noteworthy performances are those
of Kay Hammond as Mrs. Lincoln
'(nee Mary Todd) and Hobart Bos-
worth in a brief bit as General
Robert E. Lee.
Best of the many episodes are the
above-mentioned love scenes, Lin-
coln's placing General Grant in
command, and the shooting at
Ford's theatre. In spite of the ob-
vious defects in treatment, "Abra-
ham Lincoln' is, on the whole,
worth seeing. It rates a B.
T h e Greatest
Garbo inspires at
the Michigan in a
romantic story of
an artist's model
in Paris, with,
Lewis Stone pre-

sumably l o s i n g
out to younger
.. blood in the per-
s o n of Robert
M o n t gomery.
We've heard fav-
1orable reports on
S TA AvRso, "Inspiration" but
dass iss allus. (?) Also on the
Liberty Street bill is a Harry Lang-
don comedy.
The late Jack Donahue played the
lead opposite Marilyn Miller in the
stage production of the musical
comedy "Sunny" while kid brother
Joe has the honor in the talking
picture version of this hit which
gave the song "Who" to a humming
world. It's on view at the Wuerth.
Detroit offers George O'Brien at
the Fox in "The Seas Beneath," a
drama of submarine doings in the
[Rv r l A XXT, +I,;- ..____ _a_, t-,-

A Review by Ciue Miller.
Anything and everything from
grinning tigers that spread their
lithe bodies across the paper and
flop their large paws, or sly cats,
or long-necked giraffes to loud-
tongued tales of fantasy or slices
of human realism-oils, pen ink,
and water colors-such is the .ex-
hibition of the clever Helen West
Heller who is now showing at Alum-
nae Memorial hall. We find in her
work elements of Impressionism in
her bizarre colors which she swa-
thes across her canvass; hints of
the strong virility of the Japaneses
art in which the paucity of line is
remarkable: a simplicity in some
of her art that is characteristic of
the Montemarte cave drawings: an
attempt at Cubism here and there:
and a sympathy with the Modern
French school.
Most interesting of her many
styles of work are the swift sket-
ches in which her figure work is
more suggestion than representa-
tion. Often her figures are mere
lumps and elipses joined up togeth-
er, but the strength of the sugges-
tion is such that we do not feel
that we do not offended with the
sausage-like forms. Careless curves
touched with an immitable sense
of humor sprawl out into her fav-
orite black tigers.
The pencil sketch, Valley, stands
out as one of the most interesting
pieces of her work. A series of rip-
pling lines mark the rolling hills,
and reinforced with another accent
this same series of uneven horizon-
tals is repeated in the slim bodies
of weazle like forms. And across
the horizon we find a landscape of
rounded trees that is reminiscent
of the French modernists.
All the way through the entire
exhibit, the verse of Stevenson:
"The world is soefull of a number
I'm sure we should all be as happy
as kings."
kept running through my head.
The simple jingle seemed to me to
be characteristic of Miss Heller's
point of view in regard to her art
work. She catches inspiration for
her work in all aspects of life from
the Industrialism of our period, the
fantastic tales of the East, Legends
of past civilizations, cross sections
of city life, symbolism, and mytho-
Unfortunately her fondness for
the Eastern tales is most often ex-
pressed in oils, and here Miss Hel-
ler is not at her best. Her palette
is muddy, and her drab colors are
very poorly suited to the interpre-
tation of the colorful India. A Val-
ley in India is perhaps the best of
these poorer attempts, in whichMiss
Heller has amassed a conglomera-
tion of impressionistic ideas of this
far-distant c o u n t r y.
Other outstanding pieces, exhib-
ited are After the Picnic a pencil
drawing which suggests caricature
with a pleasing round molding like
that of a George Belcher cartoon;
the Intersection of Three Streets,
worked up for the most part in the
unusual color combination of lav-
enders and grays and treated in a
most interesting fashion so that
we see the streets from a window
which is thrust into the bottom of
the oil; and a group of three bath-
ers which is slightly suggestive of
the unformed figures of a Cezanne
and in which the artist uses daring
reds for the trunks of her trees, and
unexpected oranges and greens

zig-zagging through t h e back-
The versatility of Miss Heller is!
probably h e r most remarkable
characteristic. Many of her compo-!
sitions show a lack of finish and yet
it is probably this very carelessness
which makes her work of particu-
lar interest. One can imagine thej
artist with paints or pencil splash-
ing out impressions in a non-chal-'
ant fashion, and with the keen zest'
of a child who has newly found a
way of expressing himself.
The Detroit branch of Pro Mus-
ica, an international organization'
which is devoting itself to sponsor-
ing performances of contemporary
music, has invited Mrs. Laura Lit-
tlefield, Professor of Voice in the
University Music School, to appear
as guest artist in the program to
be given Tuesday night in the De-'
troit Institute of Arts.
The program for the concert fol-
Three Songs.....Eugene Goosens
Mrs . ittlPfioa r1Aa Ancf-i

Scientist a
Like every other modern industry, the Bell
System requires the combined effort of scien-
tist and salesman. The commercial man has,
again and again shown the public how to use
new products of the telephone laboratory,
and how to make new uses of existing
Transmitting pictures and typewritten mes-

- -_
N' _ _ _ _










V T"


sages over telephone wires are services right
now being actively promoted. Scientific selling
by long distance is among many ideas origi-
nated to increase the telephone's usefulness.
In short telephony is a business, with prob-
lems that stimulate commercially minded men
and a breadth of opportunity in step with the
fast moving world of industry today.

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Business men, industrialists and engi-
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Cloth rolling off the looms thousands of yards mil-
lions of yards ... pouring into an already glutted market.
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From competitive chaos in the textile industry order and
straight thinking have suddenly emerged. Through The
Cotton-Textile Institute, an agency of the industry's own
creation, the end of night work for women and minors has
been decreed.
This single step projects on the horizon the following bene-
fits: (1) Full time for the day worker instead of part time for
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(3) better working conditions; (4) more profitable opera-
tion; (5) better returns for mill and worker.
No wonder textile markets are stronger! No wonder the
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Underneath all this new progress there will be found, as
usual, a McGraw-Hill publication. Textile World long ago
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for the achievement of that program.
So in many industries, today, you'll find a McGraw-Hill
Publication sponsoring rprogressive thoueht and actinn. f

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