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April 28, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-04-28

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N -

Published every morning except Monday dur-
ing the University year by the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Member of Westcrn Conference Editorial Asso-
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for republication of all news dispatches
credited to it or not otherwise credited in this
paper and the local news published herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michi-
gan, as second Class miatter. Special rate of
postage granted by hird Assistant Postmaster
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press JBuilding,' Mayn rd
Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Chairman Editorial Board
FRANK E. COOPER, City Editor
News Editor................Gurney Williams
Editorial Director............Walter W. Wilds
Assistant City Editor........Harold O. Warren
Sports Editor ..............O<ophA . Russell
Women's Editor ..... ,M...~arv IL. B(,liiyer
Music, Dramna, Boos...........1 m .. fonrnan
Assistant News Editor.......Chales t. Sprowi
Telegraph Editor ..........George A. Staute1
Copy Editor ...................Wi. E. 1 'yper
S. Beach Conger Charles R. Sprowl
Carl S. Forsythe ichard e. Tobin
David M. Nichol llarold 0. Warren
John D. Reindel
Sports Assistants
Sheldon C. Fullerton .J. Cullen Kennejy
Charles A. Sanford

Editorial Comment
(From Yale Daily News)
There are some undergraduates
who used the statistics of salariesR
in various fields as a key to theirI
choice of courses. If law enforce-l
ment and racketeering had been on
the bill of fare, the money-makers
would probably have signed up
solidly. But the chances are good
that only a few would have kept1
above the starving line in politics'
or a racket.
The money mirage is a convinc-
ing one, and therefore more dan-
gerous. It often leads men into
professions for which they are
mentally unequipped, when their
real success lies in another direc-
tion. It makes poor engineers of
promising authors and third rate
lawyers of potential physicists.
There is no individual promise to
men in any department. Their
future success depends entirely on
their ability to produce and does
not accrue from the department to
which they are attached. It is true
that the men who can produce
,raise the standing of the depart-
ment, but the department does not
mould their futures.
It is up to the individual to pick
out the course of study best adapt-
ed to his own abilities and eccen-
tricities. If he cannot do well in
such a course, his chances else-
where are still more misty.
There is also a group which deems
it the greatest of accomplishments
to have no Thursday, Friday, and
Saturday classes. What tragic
gloom there is in this. So bored with
college and their friends, so loath
to advance themselves by scholarly
pursuits, they must find their years
at Yale the most futile of their
Many students have chosen their
courses with consideration for their
own aptitudes and pleasures. It is
not even usual to find men taking
8:20 classes, considering the merits


- A DRAMA : --- --- -2



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Thomas M. Cooley
Morton Frank
Frank B. Gilbreth
Saul Friedberg
Roland Goodman
Mforton Helper
Bryan Jones
Wilbur J. Meyers
Eileen 1unt
Nanette Dembitz
Elsie Feldman
Muth iallmeyer
Emily . Grimes
Jean Levy
Dorothy Magee
Susan Manchester

Robert L. Pierce
Richard Racine
Karl Seiffert
Jerry l. Rosenthal
George A. Stauter
.John W. rThomas
Johna S. Townsend

Mary McCall
Cue Miller
Aargaret O'Brien
]:hAe ror Rairdion
Anne Margaret Tobin
Margaret Thompson
Claire 'TLrusseli

Telephone 21214
T. IIOITws-ER MABLEY, Business Manager
KASPER ii. JIALVERSON, Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising............Charles T. Kline
Advertising...............Thomas M. Davis
Advertisig..... .......William W. Warboys
Service ..................Norris J. Johnson
Puhblication............Robert W. Williamson
Circulation..............Marvin S. Kobacker
Accounts....................homas S. Muir
Business Secretary............Mary J. Kenan

Iharry R. Begley
Vernon Bishop
Wi lliam BrIown
Robert Callahan
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Miles Hoisington
Erle ightlinger

Noel D. Turner
D~on. W. Lyon
William Morgan
Richard Strgtemeier
Keith Tyler
Richard H. Hillier
Byron C. V'edder

Ann W. Verner Sylvia Miller of enlg
Marian Atran Helen Olsen esting r
Helen Bailey Mildred Postal 'consciou
Josephine Convisser Marjorie Rough here
Maxine Fishgrund Mary E. Watts;Therei
Dorothy LeM ire Johanna Wiese and in
Dorothy Laylint din
to stick
of $5,0
TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1931 graduat
iof living
Night Editor - HAROLD WARREN
When the movement to reconsti-'
tute the Student council first re- confinin
ceived impetus, it was pointed out words
that much of the antiquated, sky- names
bound student government ma- quest.
chinery was due largely to a I Constri
natural conservatism, an antipathy opinion
toward change, of our student body.
Through indifference or unfamil- To the]
iarity it has for years passively A som
consented to permit an unstable contain
organization to go through the the Det
motions of governing, for the cam- date ur
pus. To recall the herculean, efforts Get W
necessary before the Union merit appeare
system was finally installed is to butne of
lend the support of fact to this un- club wi
pleasant truth.
Such an ennui is now being en- mistake
countered in a somewhat less mark- Thi
ed degree with regard to Thurs- and th
day's ballot on proposed changes
in a form of student government,
govrnmnt.have eve
For months The Daily has urged Iy
the necessity of such a change as ity has
the one proposed; it has voiced rea- It ist
sons for this view which have re- was cal
ceived whole-hearted backing from Irwin p
all interests concerned. The case in Indian
favor of this proposal is manifest not slo
because the plan both removes an table co
existing monstrosity and provides
a new agency for efficient and
equitable representation. For an
equally long period, the more earn- To the1
est and liberal elements on the My fii
campus have similarly held thatBili
the present Student council should this we
be abandoned and an outfit having to
more direct and immediate access There w
to faculty viewvs and responsibilities out to r
,installed in its stead. me itha
Despite the obvious merit of the me hat
new plan and the unqualified sup- case at
port it has received thus far, it even a f
seems desirable to gauge the extentecmps
of general student sentiment toward campus
the proposal. To this end, the size 'much r
of Thursday's vote is as important Fundam
as its outcome. iticians.
Perhaps some of the apparent
lethargy of students toward the! It ist
balloting may be attributed to lack dents to
of information regarding the part organize
such a vote plays in the success or bing" ab
failure of the proposal. To effect weather
the desired changes in student gov- topics o
ernment, it will be necessary to seek gion-C]
the consent of the University Sen- quent ir
ate, in the sight of which a sizable crisies.N
student vote in favor of the meas- we mee
ure would carry much conviction. whosew,
It is true that the average under- -then u
graduate has little concern with Bill go
.7--- n-- -. -+ ,that the

htened teaching and inter-
material superior to the un-
us pleasures of the bed.
is encouragement in this,
the willingness of so many
to courses without the lure
00 the fourth year after
ion. After all, the business
.g comes first.
ampus Opn io n
ributors are asked to be brief,
ig theinselties to less that. 30o
if possible. A"Onymous corn.
tions will be disregarded. The
of comnunicants will, however,
garded as confidential, upon re-
Letters published should not be
ued as expressing the editorial
nof The Daily.
newhat misinforming report
ed in a letter published in
roit Free Press of Saturday's'
nder the heading "Indians
)rd of Home Unrest" also
d in the Washtenaw Tri-
f the 24th. The Hindustan
shes to correct some of its
n implications.
leadership of Mahatma
is in no fear of being upset
e statement that twenty-
dhan students on the campus
er discussed such a possibil-
no basis in fact.
true that civil disobedience
led off after. the Gandhi-
pact, later ratified by the
National congress; it was
wed down after the round
S. A. Rahman, for the
Hindustan club.
rst reaction to the news that
apson was going to be here
ek was: Great, I've wanted
t that man all my life!
will be loads of people turn
meet him, his life has been
esting. Then it occurred to
t though this would be the
a European university or
ew of the more liberal East-
eges, he would find on this
only indifference or as
eactionary sentiment and
atism as in a group of
.entalists or Republican pol-
the popular thing for stu-
knock the government and
ed education-next to "crab-
bout the food or Ann Arbor
those are the most popular
f conversation. As for reli-
hristianity - we wax elo-
n our jibes about its hypo-
Yes, we talk and yet when
t a man like Bill Simpson
ray of living defies them all
we hustle to their support.
oes farther still; he believes
re are bigger things in this

It has been suggested to me by
my admirer that I start another
campaign as if, God wot, what I
had were not bad enough. He sug-
gested that I suggest that someone
tell the senior class to give a fund
for, tearing down Newberry Aud.
instead of the usual stone bench
or engraved rake handle.
A Skrinch, just in case some-
one should ask you someday, is
a green suspender button on the
pants on the statue of almost
any national hero except Ulys-
ses S. Grant. This is because
Ulysses never had a suspender
button, or at least the rumor
runs hike that.
Another use for all the money
the Senior class is going to havel
for gifts would be to hire the B&G
Boys to leave the campus alone for
a while and see what it would do
of its own accord. I'll bet it would-
n't sprout any heat tunnels or dit-
ches in the middle of the sidewalks
* * *
By the way, it was just like
I said. You should have seen
"The Perfect Alibi." If some of
you lazy punks had gone to see
it they might not have had the
extra ticket they gave me.
My only hope is that someone re-
members my prediction of last
week that we were going to have
a little snow pretty soon.
I wish I hadn't said anything
now-I may have suggested
something now-I may have
suggested something to the
powers that be.
* * *
Have you written that letter to
your senator yet? It doesn't pay
to wait around too long. It doesn't
pay to wait around. It just doesn't
pay., And, after all, when you come
right down to it and look at the
thing in a sensible way, why should
The ditch situation on cam-
pus doesn't seem to be getting
a n y better... I mean those
trenches the B&G boys are dig-
ging around the front lawn of
A. H. They have extended them
23 1-2 feet in two days now,1
and there is imminent dartger
that they will have gone clear
around campus with them be-
fore school closes, which would
leave them with nothing at all
to do for ever so long. I'm sure
that not the hardest hearted
among us would be nasty
enough to suggest that they fill
them up again and get the
sidewalks into navigable con-
dition again.
See the rain and see the snow
Hear the wintry tempest howl.
Spring exams will bring hot weather
It's a fine world after owl.
C *
Q. What is the quietest moment
of the day in A. H.?
A. 15 minutes past the hour when
I come to class. Try walking into
a Pol. Sci. class some day at this
time and you'll know all about it.
The Baseball season is here.
You can tell because it is al-

ways raining or snowing or
something so that you can't
ever get down to the field to
watch anything except, possi-
bly, the rain and snow.
The Crocuses and things look
pretty silly these days now don't
That hole over there that
they seem to think is going to
he a Law building some fine
day is getting on the nerves of
a lot of the best people. First
they went and built a fence
around the thing so that you
couldn't see anything, and now
they've taken to standing in-
side their nasty old fence and
making unintelligible noises at
each other just to arouse curi-
osity. Pretty cheap advertising
for a University I call it.
And here, children, I shall
have to leave you and depart
to banquets and things like
ta.! Tha w nail m Ml a

Field, student of Prof. Arthur
Hackett of the University School
of Music, will give her senior
recital at 4:15 in the Mendelssohn
Theatre. She will be assisted by
Thelma Newell and Louise Nelson
in the following program:
lahn, ,',le ic lh...............Srauss
I)>. N anh......................,trtus$s
Cceily..........................S rauss
1.';i rn ron m it Rel I asl or".....M.lozart
(i nsn d Iarer i nL.............. tort
Le;; Roses d'I lpliai................Faute
I; lut VI at( erohante e...............ourdrain
x' l ark VI~sto in e.......... Gri fbs
I ,vrle hade.................(xrifes
Nat u c's sic..................Skinner
A Song for Lovers .................aylor
-. Company Along..............Ilagenian
A Review by Cile Miller.
Probably the best thing that can
be said of the Annual Exhibition of
American Art which is running in
Detroit from April 14 to May 17
is that the artists, represented are
independently American, and are
avoiding any imitation of the for-
eign schools.
The three divisions as they are
arranged with a memorial exhibit
of Julius Rolshoven, one of Arthur
B. Davies, and a group of sixty
paintings by various artists in an
adjacent room allow for an inter-
esting study, giving a glimpse of
what Americans can muster up
through their individual careers
and also a good cross section of the
range covered by the entire Amer-
ican school.
Julius Rolshoven's brush is as
aristocratically refined as his own
self-portrait. His work has the con-
fidence of the perfect technician.
His mastery of discrimination be-
tween different surface textures is
such that an observer has the tac-
tile reaction which is characteristic
of good sculpture. His compositional
arrangements are beautifully cor-
rect, and the women he uaints have
a delicacy of line in them that is
like the carving of a cameo. Yet
with all of this competent execu-.
tion of his medium I felt that
Rolshoven's work lacked something
to make it real art. The trouble is
that like a thoroughbred horse, his
art is over-refined, and he loses the
freedom of expression. One realizes
that he thrills to beautiful colors,
that he knows the beauty of form
as is obvious in his exquisite nudes.
But he paints with line, color, and
form, seldom dipping his brush into
,the strange oil of thought out of
which all contour can arise so
magnificently executed.
And now we come to Arthur
Davies who lacks much of the
superior technique which makes
for the beauty of Rolshoven's work,
but on the other hand his work
fairly sings with a lyrical quality,
the result of an incorporation of his
very spirit. It is jnteresting to go
from the civilized sophistication of
the former man's work to the ultra
freedom of this pagan, Arthur Dav-
ies. He uses the nude figure as a
cubist does his cubes. He capitalizes
the rhythmic motions of the human
form into ribbon-like patterns. And
always his work such as At Morning
which portrays a girl in a dawn-
soaked garden has the same quality
in the dreamy expression of the
dirl's face. And his landscapes in
their soft blues and greens re-echo
the fairy-like reality of his work.
And yet from all of his dreaminess
there comes a certain virility and
strength such as the Greek myth
has in its fantastic entity.
As to the sixty other artists who
exhibit their work, there are many

'types of art. Childe Hassam, diverg-
ing from his usual picturesque
landscape, produces an oil, The
Cobbler's Shop, which we recognize
as his, only through the character-
istic light effects. The composition
is made up of a continuous repiti-
tion of verticals, executed in watery
blues and greens.
Guy Pene su Bois is there also'
with his caricature-like exposition
of the metropolic sophisticate. And
Nura presents one of her amusing
pictures, The Little Pig Went to
Market which lacks her usual
piquancy and only shows her ap-
preciation of the child's fantastic
humour. In my opinion one of the
most beautiful works exhibited is
Eugene Spiechner's Mary Anderson,
a portrait study of a young woman
dressed in salmon browns against
a dull blue background. The study
is remarkable for the depth of feel-
ing which the artist has put into
the distant gaze of his subject. Nor
must one pass by too quickly the
View from Little Italy by Francis
Spieght who creates the feeling of
distance, builds up light and sha-
dow contrast of an evening sun,


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