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April 26, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-04-26

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SUNDAY, APRIL 26. 1931

I I -

... .. 4.

l'ublished every morning except Monday dur-
ing the Unbversity year by the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial Asso-
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for republication of all news dispatches
credited to it or not otherwie credited in this
paper and the local news published herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michi-
gan, as second1 rlass nmatter. Special rate of-
postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard
Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Chairman Editorial Board i
FRANK E. COOPER, City Editor
News Editor ...............Gurney Williams
Editorial Director...-.........Walter W. Wilds
Assistant City Editor ........1Harold 0. Warre"n
Sports Editor......... ...lo ' h A. Russell
Women's Editor...... ...M1ary L. Behlmyer
Music, Drama, Books..........:. .1. Uormnan
Assistant News Editor.......Charles .1I. Sprowl
Telegraph Editor............Ceorge* A. Stauter
Copy Editor .................Wi. 1: .'yper
S. Beach Conger (;ha:rls R. Sprowl
Carl S. Forsynhe ichard L. Tobin
David M. Nichol I arold q. Warren
John D). itkindel
Sports Assistants
Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy
Charles A. Sanford

student studied or not as he pleas-
ed. His actions were entirely gov-
erned by his own viewpoints and
feelings. The result was, as one uni-
versity official stated, "the utter
absence of discipline."
"The college," he said, "was an
ulcer of bad conduct from first to
last. Three times as much breakage
in windows, doors, plumbing, fire
hose and furniture occurred there
as in other dormitory units." Such
a state is bound to contribute to the
formation of an unfavorable atti-
All these factors, little known to
most of the people who were eager-
ly watching. the success or failure
of the experiment, are pointed out
by Professor Showerman. It is little
wonder, in the face of the facts,
that the faculty, although much
occupied by their daily tasks and
usually slow to the formation of
any very strong feeling on such a
subject, should eventually rise
against the Experimental college.
It is more to be wondered that the
college has lasted as long as it has.

Thomas M. Cooley
Morton Frank
Frank B. (iilbrcth
Saul Friedberg
Roland Goodman
Morton Helper
Bryan Jones
Wilbur J. Meyers
Eileen Blunt
Nanette IDembitz,
lIsie Feldman
Ruth Gallmeyer
Emily G. Grimes
Jean Levy
Dorothy Magee
Susan Manchester

Robert L. Pierce
Rit-hard Racine
EVa lSeiflert
.erry R, Rosenthal.
Ctorge A. Stauter
Joi W. Thomas
Jolin S. Townsend

May McCall
(lie AMiller
a rgaret O'Brien
leanor Rairdon
Anne Margaret 'robin
N argaret Thompson

Telephone 21214
T. HOLLISTER MABLEY, Business Manager
EASPER 1. HALVERSON, Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising.................harles T. Kline
Advertising............. . T..homas4. Davis
Advertising.......... William W. Warboys
Service ..............Norris J. Johnson
Publication...........Robert W. Williamson
Circulation..............Marvin S. Kobacker
Accounts.....................homas S. Muir
Business Secretary............Mary J. Kenans

Harry . Beglev
'Vernon fishop
William Brown
Robert Callahan'
Wiliamw. Davis,
miles IHoisington
Erie Kightlinger
Ann VV. Verner
Marian Atran
Helen Bailey
Josephine Convissei
Maxine Fishgrunil
Dorothy LeMire
Dorothy Laylin

Noel ). Turner
D~on. W. Lyon
William Morgan
Richard Stratemeier
Keith Tyler
Riehard H.I.-Hiller
Byron G. Vedder
Sl vi a Miller
Ihelm Olsen
Mildred Postal
r Marjorie Rough
Nary E. Watts
Johanna Wiese

Ever since the Thompson death-
grip on the middle-west's largest
metropolis, Chicago has been in the
throes of one dilemma after an-
other, either politically, economical-
ly, or socially. Following Lingle's
death and the revelation of the
extent to which the political and
the gang worlds had become inter-
woven, crime commissions, police
captains, special prosecutors and a
host of other committees began in-
vestigating the situation, but noth-
ing came of it.
With the election of Anton Cer-
mak, democratic nominee for the
mayor's post, over the ever-surpris-
ing Thompson, Chicago began a
clean-up in earnest which immedi-
ately began to get results. But along
with the results came some, very
disappointing facts about the win-
dy city's investigating committees,
police department, crime commis-
sion, and, in short, just about every
public office in Chicago. The police
department findings were especially
disheartening. Officers whose yearly
salaries did not exceed $4,000 had
checking accounts ranging from
$50,000 to $100,000, lived in veritable
palaces, rode to work in expensive
cars, and kept two, three and five
servants. A police captain himself
had tremendous accounts in six
banks, had played the stock market
for all it was worth, and was writ-
ing checks of $500 every other day
to defray "incidental expenses."
This new situation has not been
unheralded. Cermak made it one of.
the major election issues; he knew
what he would find and he told the
Chicago voting public that it was
time they did something about it.
The result of the election showed a
decided majority in favor of the
present revelations.
While police officials have been
getting their thousands weekly,
Chicago's former Mayor Thompson
has insisted that the city was too
poor to pay its school-teachers or
build much-needed additions to the
present equipment. The novelty of
being able to pay the salary checks
without raising a special bond issue
will be all Mayor Cermak's if he
succeeds in cleaning up the last of
Chicago dilemma's.


Screen Reflections4
Reviewed by Bert Askwith.
When dapper little Percy Crosby
lectures and tirades against crime
and prohibition, he sounds as bad
as Henry Ford does on marriage
and love----but when said cartoonist
sticks to the more productive occu-
pation of drawing his famed pen-
and-ink Skippy for an appreciative
nation-wide audience, he dominates
his field equally as well as Henry
does tin.
So to say that the talking pictur-
ization of Crosby's character is in
no sense a dis-
appointment be-
speaks volumes
for the entertain-
m en t value of
"Skippy." All the
quaint, clean-cut
humor associated
with the cartoon
has been retained
to a degree hard-
ly considered pos-
Best of all, any .MrFZ !. anej
tendency toward that dangerous
quality of "cuteness" and over-act-
ing usually expected from a youth-
ful cast has been definitely squelch-
ed. Every character is portrayed
with a natural pleasing charm that
allows no lee-way for sophisticated
audience reaction. Director Norman
Taurog has handled cast and plot
extremely well, with both adult and
juvenile appeal always in mind.
Acting honors go to Jackie Cooper
and Robert Coogan as Skippy andj
Sooky respectively-both contribut-
ing amusing and talented perform-
ances. Mitzi Green is well-cast as
the talkative Eloise. Breaking all,
precedent, even the adult parts are
ably acted-with Willard Robertson
and Enid Bennett excellent as
Skippy's father and mother.
No need to expound on the plot,
which is by no means overly senti-
mental or sugary. Action is rather
slow, but the presence of Skippy
and his cohorts atones for that.
This may be overly enthusiastic
about the .film, but seeing "Skippy"
during vacation in pleasant com-
pany is no great aid to sharp cri-
ticism. Here's an A- for it, regard-
less. It's at the Majestic here.

THIS AFTERNOON: At 4:15 in the

SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 1931
Ever since "the founding of the
Experimental College at the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin in 1926, there
has been continuous comment about
the possible success or failure of
this attempt along a new line in
educational methods. The majority
of the published discussion has,
however, been favorable and it was
somewhat of a surprise to the peo-
ple of the country to learn that
the faculty of "Letters and Science,"
by whose permission the experi-
ment was inaugurated, had set the
year 1931-32 as the definite end of
this attempt.
In a recent article in "School and
Society," Prof. Grant Showerman,.
of Wisconsin, has pointed out very,
clearly some of the major reasons
for the failure of the Experimental
college. It .is only fair that more
general attention should be called
to some of these.
The faculty of the University
have never been very enthusiastic
for the experiment. At the time
when the subject was first broach-
ed, President Glenn Frank had been
in his office for only a short period.
He was known both for his liberal
and progressive ideas and the situ-
ation was obviously one which
called for action of some sort. The
result was the inception of the Ex-
perimental college plan.
When the subject was taken up
with the faculty there was a preva-
lent attitude that the new president
should be given a chance to show
what he could do under the cir-
cumstances. The few objectors were
soon silenced and the resulting vote
in favor of the college was a vote
of courtesy to President Frank
rather than a definite acceptance1
of the proposed plan. When the
plan turned out to be exactly what
the objectors foresaw, the faculty
reverted to their own i udgment and,.






(from Detroit Free Press)
Two plans for relief of the gen-
eral taxpayer through diversion of
money from the highway fund to
the general fund of the state are
being given consideration in Lan-
One plancontemplates an hi-
crease of the gasoline tax to four
cents so that such a diversion can
be made without slackening the
road building program. It does not
'ook good at all. This is no time for
an increase in any tax for any pur-
The other pan involves declaring
a holiday so far as new road con-
struction is concerned, and the,

Extremely diversified film fare
features (fancy!) today's programs
at the local cine-
ma palaces. In
addition to "Skip-
yproviding an
element of humor
.at the Majestic,
the Michigan of-
ifers a seductive
romance of love
and life starring
'Marlene Dietrich
more or less "Dis-
honored" w h i 1 e
~RQ5ERT.M0N MERY Jthe Wuerth sends
forth shivers, shudders, and shrieks
with a'talking production of "Dra-
The Dietrich epic presents this
foreign competitor of the Greatest
Garbo in a spy role with a war
,ocale. Victor McLaglen seems to be
f ortunate, or unfortunate as
y will, male. Josef Von Sternberg,
occo" iegaphone wielder, also
i _ red "Dishonored." Various and
y reports on the picture have
aen consistently favorable.
For its Owl Show tomorrow night,
the Michigan presents Robert Mont-
gomery and Dorothy Jordan in a
golf comedy which played here not
so long ago, "Love In The Rough."
Recollection is that it was quite
"Dracula" at the Wuerth is the
talking picturization of the wierd
stage thriller. Bela Lugosi, the
foreign star who played the same
role on the stage, is the human
vampire. Others in the cast are
Helen Chandler, David Manners,
and Edward Van Sloan. Consider-
ing the nature of the film, it is
doubtful that the Wuerth will admit
freshmen unaccompanied by upper-
clacsmen or adults.
Outside of the hold-over of Norma
Shearer's "Strangers May Kiss" at
the State, Detroit is chiefly con-
cerned these rainy days with the
opening yesterday of the Adolphe
Menjou-Mary Brian-Edward Ever-
ett Horton cast in
'The Front Page,"
adapted from the
newspaper stage
hit of the same
name with all the
'naughty words.
Howard "Hell's
Angels" Hughes.
produced the film, . ,.
which is now on
view at the Unit-

Mendelssohn Theatre. Thelma
Newell, violinist, and Louise Nel-
son, pianist, both of the faculty
of the School of Music will give
a sonata recital including the fol-
lowing composition:
Sena#.a i. 1 1 ..... ..............Nicolaiew'
Al lego ai ni 1o
Soiita No. i ] 2 L it major.......Mozart
Andante con moto
Sona a op. 1 3.................... rieg
Lento dolot oso
,.Allero ivace
Alle"retto tranqouimo
Alegro aniniato
Kate Keith Field, student of Prof.
Arthur Hackett of the University
School of Music, will give her senior
recital at 4:15 Tuesday afternoon in
the Mendelssohn Theatre. She will
be assisted by Thelma Newell, vi-
linist, and Louise Nelson, pianist.
Miss Field spent several years of
study here with James Hamilton
and Theodore Harrison. Last year
she spent eigh months at the Vien-
na Conservatory paying special at-
tention the study of German lieder.
This year she has continued under
Prof. Hackett.
She has announced the following
program, inclusive and splendidly
Liebeseir ................ .wengartner
Rulie, lwene Slle.........Strauss
Die .Naht.. . . .Strauss
I 'atnero fronm "I lHe lastore. Mozart
Chanson de Barberine.............Loret
IAes Itoses d' Ispaan ................amre
La Flutdenehantee.............ourdrain
Thby Dark Eyes to Aline . .. .. .. . ...rifts
In Mrtle' shade..................Griles
\atue's Alusis................ kinner
A onrgforIoe aior
.e Comnpatny Co ,.... . . .. I l1agetnan
At An Exhibition: played by Serge
Koussevitsky and the Boston Sym-
phony Orchestra: Victor Musical
Masterpiece Series No. 102.I
Moussorgsky conceived this com-
position-in its original form a suite
of piano pieces-as a memorial to
his friend Hartmann w h o had
died early. Some of his friend's
paintings he took as his inspiration.
The work is one of the finest in-
stances of Moussorgsky's richness of
invention a n d his lucidity and
straight forwardness of expression.
He is working here under the inevi-
table handicap of a programmatic
ideal. That is, he tries in his music
not only to express the attitudes
evoked in him by objects (the legit-
imate concern of music) but to also
suggest by various forms of musi-
cal imagery the physical qualities
of the objects to which he is react-
ing. Moussorgsky (in such things
,as the nervous dance of the Gno-
mes, the lumbering movements of
the oxen, the dialogue of Samuel
Goldenberg and Schmuyle etc.)
goes the limit in musical realism.
Yet the pieces-with only a few ex-
'eptional passages-are sufficient,
,nisically, untothemselves. Knowl-
edge of the nature of the particu-
lar pictures enables us to more ex-
plicitly understand the nature of
ou0 experience of the music; but
it 'does not change the quality of
that experience. Particularly strik-
ing among them are the lovely poe-
try of "The Old Castle" (one of
Jacques Gordon's encores last fall
which he announced as by Mouss-
orksky, "a Russian composer") and
the final "The Great Gate At Kiev,"
typically Russian in its simple,
broad, sweeping lines.
Maurice Ravel one day praised
these piano pieces to Serge Kousse-

vitsky, who promptly commissioned
Rovel to orchestrate them for him.
It is this orchestration which the
Boston Symphony now records. The
orchestration is superb. The shrewd,
somewhat desperately sophisticated
Parisien-the greatest living styl-
ist of the orchestra-somehow man-
aged to be sympathetic to Mouss-
orksky, the plain-speaking, musi-
cally illiterate Russian. With his
wizardry, he clothes them in splen-
did instrumental imagery Mouss-
orgsky could never have dreamed
of. But the orchestration seems not
to in anyway inflate the simple,
sincere conceptions; it does them
no injustice but only more com-
pletely realizes them. Koussevit-
sky's performance-as is true of
his performances of music of this
type in general-may be correctly
called unsurpassable.
The album has had a private re-
lease around New York to people
who subscribed for it but is being
offered to the general public on Vic-
tor's May list.



Sanctuary .......... ..... .
The Impotent General .......

offers the largest selection of fine books
in Ann Arbor. The latest works in fiction
and non-fiction fields are displayed on our
shelves. Come in and look over our large
assortment at your leisure.
Outstanding Book of the Spring

Books of Travel and Adventure
Green Hell. . ................. .Duguid
Vanished Fleets....................Villiers
Nature of England.............. Nevison
iscellaneous Works
My Experiences in the World War .. General Pershing
Can These Things Be ..............Seldes

Men of Art


Plagued by the Nightingale.........Kay Boyle
From Day to Day ....... ........... Goethels
Psyche.........................Pierre Luys
The Rich Are Always With Us .......E. Pettit
The Magnet .... ..................Maxim Gorki

What This Country Needs.... .
Nemesis of American Business.
Germany and the Germans ...

Salvador de Madariaga
Jay Franklin
Stuart Chase
... Eugen Diesel

Books on Russia



.. E. Pettit

100 Red Days..............
Humanity Uprooted....
Economic Life of Soviet Russia. .
The Challenge of Russia......
Last Stand .............. . . .
Russian Experiment .... ......
Soviet Russia ................

... Walsh
... Feiler
.. Chamberlain


diversion of money
without making any
either the weight tax
line tax. That seems
Press like a practical

thus saved,
addition to
or the gaso-
to The Free
and sensible
highway de-

More Boners
Diary of a Freshman.. .........Mc
Scotch and Water ............Gi
1066 and All That
e T eoks

Books of Humor



voted to end the college.
Another of the factors which hasl
contributed very considerably to
the conclusion of the experiment
has been its absurdity. The first
year was spent in teaching Greek
civilization in all its implications
and ramifications. Modern lan-
guages were not included nor was
the teaching of the Greek language
made compulsory. The science it-
self upon which the entire experi-
ment was based, was inconclusive.
Their were no grades meted out to

At present the state

partment is receiving in the neigh-
borhood of $52,000,000 a year from
all souices. It is estimated that the
regular fixed charges of the depart-
i'nent, including the cost of road
;upkeep and payments to counties,
is about $23,000,000. Just now thereI
are new road commitments which'
will consume the greater part of
the remainder of the department
revenues up to the opening of 1932
if they are carried out. It will be
"-n;h1 n Tanuarv 1 tos aveti




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