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April 26, 1931 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-04-26

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Today's Radio Programs
(Eastern Standard Time)

1Hem n A. MacNeil to be Critic
f Creations Offered -by
Student Artists.
Will Meet Fairbanks' Classes in
Studios This Morning
at Breakfast.
The second annual exhibition of
sculpture of the division of fine
farts will be held today and tomor-
row in rooms 401 and 403, Univer-
sity hall, Avard Fairbanks, associate
professor of art, announcd yester-
day. Herman A. MacNeil, noted
American sculpture, will be the cri-
tic for the work of the students and
will also display some of his own
At 8 o'clock this morning, the
students of Professor Fairbanks
classes will hold a breakfast for
MacNeil in the studios of Univer-
sity hall, after which he will re-
view their work. A dinner for
guests, faculty and students will
be given at 1 o'clock in the Women's
League and from 3 till 4, a tea and
display of sculptures by MacNeil
will take place in the Women's
From 4:30 to 10 this evening
rooms 401 and 403 in University
hall.will be open to the public for
the exhibition of the students work.
Tomorrow, MacNeil's works will be
on display all day in the Prand, Ra-
pids room of the Women's League
and the students' exhibition will be
open from 1 till 9:30.
Three Works Shown.
Three of MacNeil's works in sculp-
ture 'Which have aroused consider-
able comment are and will be
shown here are "Sun Vow" a piece
on permanent exhibition at Metro-
politan Museum of New York and
known as one of the finest of mod-
ern American scuptury, "Dreams"
a n d "Repose." Photographs of
some of his larger works will also
be shown.
Some of the featured works of
the students' exhibit, as announced
by Fairbanks, are "The Quest of
the Jewel" ,and "Reclining Nude"
by John C. Allshouse, "La Jeunesse"
and "Bondage" by Helen Bailey,
"Sorrow" by Orville Boeck, Elaine
Brockbank's "On the Waves" "Por-
trait Study" and "Portrait of Mil-?
dred Todd."
Cranage Featured.
"Work in Marble" by Bidwell
Cranage is another exhibit to be
featured as are Robert Hefferan's
"Nude Study" "F. E. Lowery" by
Fred Kelly, "Of the Soil" by Harriet
Lawton, "Brunhilde" by William
Norgenorth, "The Choir Boy" by
Hallie P. LaRowe, "Prof. T. H. Reed"
by Thomas H. Reed Jr., Nymph by
Graham Shinnick, and Margaret
Smith's "The New Day."
In speaking of the exhibit, Fair-
banks stated that "for the amount
of time in which the students have
been working great progress has
been made. Lorado Taft was so im-
pressed by our first exhibit last
year that he made special n'ention
of it at the American Federation
of Arts convention at Washington.
Ferguson to Continue
Meteorology Lectures
The second week of lectures on
the subject of meteorology being
given by Prof. S. P. Ferguson of the
United States Weather bureau un-
der .the sponsorship of the depart-
ments of geology and aeronautical
engineering will include three dis-
cussions to be given at 4:10 o'clock
next Monday, Wednesday, and Fri-
day afternoons in room 1024, East

Engineering building.
The prominent meteorologist will
continue his course tomorrow with
a lecture concerniing clouds and
data associated with them. Wed-
nesday's lecture will consider the
obtaining of meteorological infor-
mation by means of balloons. The
final talk on next Friday afternoon,
May 1 will treat the same subject,
except that kites and airplanes will
be considered.




Will End Saturday Until
Fall Term Opening.
Ruthven to Talk on Concluding
Program Given for High
School Graduates.
The series of broadcasts sponsor-
ed by the Spanish department will
be continued tomorrow when Prof.
Julio del Toro talks in Spanish
about Spanish-American literature.
The music for this program will be
furnished by a clarinet trio, com-
posed of Frederick Ernest, John
Neutzenhelzer, and Bernard Hirsch.
Saturday's program will be the last
broadcast from the campus studio
until next fall.
Prof. Charles P. Wagner, of the
Spanish department, will tie pup
previous talks given by the Spanish
faculty, Tuesday, in a discussion en-
titled "Some Aspects of the Older
Spanish Literature." R a y m o n d
Morin, staff pianist, will play a re-
cital of selections by Spanish com-

Associated Press Photo
The whole of Madrid went wild upon the abdication of King Alfonso
and the proclamation of the second Spanish republic, marking the over-
throw of the Bourbon dynasty. The frenzied crowd is shown in this

NewhYork city is now on Eastern
Daylight Saving Time. As a result,
it will be noted that regular fea-
tures advance one hour on the
The last of the series of special
symphony concerts from, the stage
of the Roxy theatre, New York, will
be broadcast at 10:30 o'clock this
morning on a combined NBC-
WEAF-WJZ network.
Madame Ernestine Schumann-
Heink, contralto, will be the guest
artist on the Swift Garden program
which will be heard over an NBC
sy:tem and WWJ at 2:30 o'clock to-
Maurice Chevalier will sing "My
Blue Days Are Over" and "Les
Ananas" when he is heard on the
Chase and Sanborn program over
WWJ at 7 o'clock tonight. The or-
chestra will be under the director
of Rubinoff.
Irene Bordoni will sing over
WXYZ and the Columbia chain at
8 o'clock tonight.
Grace Moore, American soprano
of the Metropolitan Opera company,
will appear before
the microphone as
guest artist on the
Simmons program
to be presented
over WABC anda
nation-wide net-
work of the Co-
lumbia system
from 7:30 to 8:00 '
o'clock tomorrow
night. Miss
Moore's program
will include class-
ical, semi-classi-
cal, and popular
songs. She will GRACE MOORE
open with "I'll See You Again"
from Noel Coward's operetta, "Bit-
ter Sweet," and will follow with
Massenet's "Ouver Tes Yeux Bleus."
Her next number will be "The Love-
ly Hour" from the talking picture,
"A Lady's Morals," in which she
starred recently.
10 :30--Ros spmphony concert-wW.T ,wlWy,
12:00- ('Noot) AJ'ala Zamora, provisional res-
All makes of machines.
04r equipment and per-
s o n n e I are considered
among the best in the State. The result
of twenty years' careful building.
1314 South State St. Phone 6615

picture around a soldier as he raise
Madrid street.

Knudson Says Ball Promises to
be One of Most Colorful
Given in Years.
With the securing of Paul Specht
and his orchestra, of New York
City, arrangementshave been com-
pleted .for. the 19th* annual Archi-'
tects' ball to be held Friday, May,
15 in Waterman gymnasium, Percy
Knudsen, president of the archi-
tectural society and general chair-
man for the affair, announced yes-
According to Knudsen, this year's
affair promises to be one of the
most novel and colorful parties
which the school has given. in many
years. Several innovations have
been.worked out by the committees,
to include a pageant "The Descent
of the Martians" which is the basis
for the decorative scheme.
As has been the custom in the
past, the dance will be a costume
affair, the designs of which are to
be in keeping with the general dec-
orative scheme. Prizes will be
awarded for the most original and
appropriate costumes and alsso for
the best decorated booths of the
several architectural societies.
Tickets for the ball are on sale
in the first floor corridor of the ar-
chitectural building, Wahr's, Slat-
er's, the Union and University hall.
The price is five dollars and the
tickets are not limited to students
of the architectural school but can
be purchased by th2 general stu-
dant body also, Stanley Fleischa-
ker, '32A, 'and William Balback,
'32A, co-chairmen of the ticket
committee, announced.
Other committee chairmen for
the affair include C. WayneMead,
'31A, Lorne Marshall, '31A4, and
Frederick Schweitzer, '31A, whol
form a central committee to handle
the decorations; John J. White,
'32A, publicity; Lyle F. Zisler, '32A,
music; Floyd R. Johnson, '31A, con-
struction and Floride E. Sandberg,
'31A, costumes. Marjorie Rhead,
'32A, will have charge of the en-
tertainment and the dancers for
the pageant itself, while William
Denler, '31A, is to head the floor
601 E. HURON ST. ANN ARBOR, ICN T"L'P..p. E 6414

*s aloft the republican banner in a Abbot to Speak.
"How to Read a Novel" is the
subject to be discussed Wednesday
..e ...-. afternoon. This talk will be given
by Prof. Waldo Abbot of the English
W hat's department and director of the
broadcasting service. A program of
solos will be rendered by Sidney
G gStraight.
The final talk in the series of
Onlbook reviews by Prof. Howard Mum-
ford Jones, of the English depart-
ment, will be given during the
THEATRES Thursday program. Professor Jones
will take for his specific subject
Michigan -"Dishonored" w i t h "The South, The Last Industrial
Marlene Deitrich and Victor Mc- Frontier," basing his criticism on
Laglen. the book "I'll Take My Stand," by
Majestic - "Skippy" with Mitzi 'Twelve Southerners.
Green, Jackie Cooper, Robert Coo-! Talks Printed.
gin, and Jackie Searl. -_- The series of seven talks deliver-
Wuerth-"Dracula" with Bela Lu- ed by Professor Jones is available
gosi, David Manners, and Helen # in printed form to all who write to
Chandler. the broadcasting studio.
The concluding program will be
Figures Show Higher addressed, Saturday, to the high]
Rate C E yt3 school graduates who are planning
to enter the University in the fall.
Officials of the University will ex-
Industries in the state of Michi- plain the requirements for admis-
gan show an increase of 2.5 per sion, the purpose of the "Orienta-
cent in the rate of employment for tion Period," and will welcome the
the montth of March according to future University students.
figures recently released by the de- President Alexander G. Ruthven,





partment of labor and industry.
The figures represent those gather-
ed from 440 business establishments
in the state.
Iron, steel, and their products
have the greatest increase of any
large industry with a percentage
of 6.2. The radio and shipping in-
dustries show the largest gain of
employment rate of the smaller
group with increases of 14.4 and
13.7 per cent respectively.
The figures also show that the
payrolls and the average weekly
earnings are also increasing. The
per cent change in payrolls for all
industries is 9.3 and the average
per cent change in weekly earnings
for all concerns is 6.6, the report
7075, 7112 OR 21014

Miss Alice Lloyd, dean of women,
Ira M. Smith, registrar, Prof. Philip
E. Bursley, director of the "Orien-
tation Period," and Prof. A. D.
Moore, chairman of the engineer-
ing college mentors, will be the
speakers. The Varsity band under
the direction of Nicholas Falcone
will play a program of University l
songs and marches.
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