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April 23, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-04-23

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411r t an




VOL. XLI., No. 142.












Others L e a d America
In Recognition
Is Claim.
President Apologizes
for Attacks of
MADRID, April 22.-(/P)-News
that the United States had recog-
nized the Spanish republic caused
a generally favorable impression to-
day in government circles and
among the people.
In announcing the fact to the
cabinet, Foreign Minister Alej andlro
Lerroux said:
"The United States withheld rec-
ognition, naturally enough, until
the Spanish-American and Euro-
pean countries closest to Spain,
England, had recognized us. Now
the United States has recognized us
because of the good reports on the
republic sent by.Am b a s s a d o r
Laughlin." .
Announcement -Received.
The announcement 'of recognition
was received by the government at,
about the same time the American
embassy gt word from' the statek
department in Washington. IIt is1
not known yet whether Ambassador'
Laughlin and other diplomats ac-
credited to the former monarchy1
w ill not present theirnew creden-1
tials. to the republic.
Provisional President Niceto Al-
cala Zamora conferred this morn-
ing with Mr. Laughlinconcerning
an a, le in the Madrid Republi-
can ne~paper Crisol, intimating,
w$hout mentioning him by name,
hat' Mr Laughlin was unfriendly1
to th ,vernment and was con-
sidered persona non grata" by of-
President Makes Statement.I
At the conclusion, the ambassa-
dor declined to .inake a statement.
except to say "I have placed the I
matter in the hands of the presi- 1
dent." Thereupon Senor Alcala sent
a note to all Spanish newspapers
saying that the government viewsl
with grave displeasure such articles
as are calculated without founda-
tion to cause ill feeling between
friendly governments.
The president apologized for the
newspaper, saying that diplomats
in Madrid had the full confidence of;
their governments and of the re-;
public and expressed the opinionf
that journalists responsible for suchc
unfounded statements were servingc
the republican cause poorly. -
State BulletinsR
(Rv A.csOUite'd Pr.tn).
Welnesday, April 22, 1931

Injured Pair Continue
to Show Improvement
Although still in a critical condi-
tion, Prof. Harrison M. Randall and
Mrs. Randall, seriously injured Mon-
day in an automobile accident on
US-12, continued to show slight im-
provement, University hospital at
taches said last night.
The temperature of Professor
Randall, head of the physics labor-
atory, was about normal, doctors
said. Mrs. Randall, who has, with
momentary exceptions, been uncon-
scious since admittance to the hos-
pital, has a temperature slightly
above normal.
Both Professor Randall and Mrs.
Randall are resting comfortably,
doctors said, and revealed only
slight traces of pain throughout the
American Aviator Forced Down
in Round Trip Paris-
Rome Flight.
HESTON, England, April 22.-(P)j
-Officials at the airdrome here this
afternoon received word that Capt.
Frank Hawks, racing back on a
round trip flight between here and
Rome, had been forced down. 87
miles south of Paris by lack of fuel.
The plane was not damaged. He
will continue his flight Thursday.
Hawks required only five hours
and 22 minutes for the flight from
Heston Airdrome to Rome.
The former record for the London
to Rome flight was 12/ hours held
by Commander Charles E. Kings-
ford-Smith. Hawks. reduced it by
seven hours and eight minutes-
more than half.
Capt. Hawks, explaining his flight,
told the Associated Press, "I am not
trying to stunt but I want to show
European flyers what we have been
doing in the United States. In order
to do this I must set records for
distances with which they are fa-
miliar, for the distance from Los
Angeles to New York means noth-
ing to the average European."
Capt. Hawks' ship is equipped
with a 440-horsepower W r i g h t
Whirlwind motor. It is a low-wing

Fear of Attack by Rebel Band
Leads to Evacuation
to Safer Zone.


Revolt Believed Near End as *
Only Two Instances of
Fighting Appears. :...
TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras, April
22.-(A1)-Fear of attack by a rebel -
band operating near La Lima, ban- .
ana and sugar settlement in the "
Cortez zone, has led to evacuation ,?
of American women and children "c. -
to Tela, now considered safe from Associated Press Photo
molestation by the revolutionary
forces. Mejia Colindres,
The principal rebel activity to- President of Honduras, whose lib-
day appeared centered about San ( eral regime has been menaced by1
Pedro Sala, key city on the rail- a revolutionary movement whichl
way line between the capital and started in the northern part of the
the coast. A large force of govern- country. Americans in the danger
ment troops has been sent there. zone were* removed to places of
Seek Conference. comparative safety.
Capt. Peter C. Geyer, American
naval attache, has gone to San Pe-
dro Sala to seek a conference with
the rebel leaders in the hope of as-P NT BEGINS
suring a neutrality zone in the area.
The legation has arranged with the
Honduran government for such a he
Revolt Thought Near End. H k1.. , . xx.1,~., . . C1.,

With only tworinstancesofre-
newed fighting reported there is
widespread feeling here that the
revolt is near termination. One of
Tuesday's clashes occurred when
government troops and rebels en-
gaged in a skirmish four miles
from 'ela, the rebels being driven
back into the mountains.
Henderson Repertory Season to
be Presented May 25
to June 27.

i rioover to mak e ersonai Studly
of Administrative Detail
Without Cabinet.
WASHINGTON, Apr. 22.--(JP)-
President Hoover is making a thor-'
ough. study of adninistrative ma-*
chinery of the Federal Government.
With Congress out of session sev-
eral months for the first time in
his two years in office, the Presi-
dent has turned his attention to
administrative affairs.
The inspection is being conducted
mostly for his own information, but
there is a possibility that he may
discover the need of legislation to
bring several bureaus up-to-date.
If so, he will make his recommen-
dations to Congress in December.
The President is not conducting
his inquiry primarily through Cab-

Michigan Professor R e c e i v e s
Contract After Approval
by Trustees.
Well-Known for Research Work;
Has Been on Faculty
for Ten Years.
Prof. Adelbert Ford, of the psy-
chology department, announced last
night that he had accepted the
newly created position of head of
the psychology department at Le-
high university, Bethlehem, Pa. He
will begin his work next fall.
Professor Ford received the con-
tract, which was approved by the
Lehigh board of trustees last Sat-
urday, yesterday morning. He has
submitted his resignation, to take
effect at the end of the present
semester, to Dean Effinger of the
literary college, who is expected to
bring it to the attention of the
executive committee of the Board
of Regents before the next meeting
of the Board.
Wins Recognition.
He is now in his tenth year as a
member of the University faculty,
during which he has won recogni-
tion for his research work, in the
form of election to the American
Psychological association. Two of
his books are being published this
Professor Ford first came to the
faculty of the University in 1921.
His undergraduate education was
obtained at Western State Normal
college and at the University, where
he obtained his-'first degree in 1920.
After his graduation from the Uni-
versity .he. spent one year as in-
structor of psychology at brake
Publishes Work.
Professor Ford is well-known for
his work in psychological research,
and many of his findings on a wide
variety -of subjects have been pub-
lished in various scientific journals
throughout the country. He is aI
member of the Michigan Academy
of Science, and of Phi Beta Kappa.
"Group. Experiments in Elemen-
tary Psychology," a laboratory man-
tal derived from the work he has
done in charge of the beginning
courses here, has just appeared.
Professor Ford inaugurated labora-
tory sections in elementary psy-
chology in the first semester of the
current school year.
Provision f o r Reconsideration
Secures Bill From Death;
Re-vote Later in Week.
LANSING, Apr. 22. - (/) --- The
house today voted down by a nar-
row margin a legislative proposal
to tax all retail sales in the state.
The McBride-Dkystra bill propos-
ing a graduated tax on sales and
laden with floor amendments was
sent down to defeat by a margin o'
only three votes. The roll call found
48 in favor of the bill and 47 voting


Underclassmen Will Vote
Captains of Annual

'Spend All You Can,'
Schwab Tells Wives
NEW "YORK, April 22.--(/ )-
Advice by Charles M. Schwab to
married women:
"Spend all you can; never mind
what your husband says; that is
Ithe best way to spread prosper-
Schwab, the chairman of the
board of the Bethlehem Steel
Corporation, spoke at the annual
luncheon of the Pennsylvania
Society, of which he was elected
president for the fourteenth
Ile predicted better times than
ever were on the wayi.



DETROIT-Dr. Frank D. Tibballs,>
65, first president of. the Wayne
County Medical society, died here
early this morning. Dr. Tibballs,
who was born near Niles, Mich., re-
ceived his B. A. degree from Yale in
1888 and was graduated from the
University of Michigan medical
school in 1892.
ST. JOSEPH-The trial of Fred
Burke, for the slaying of Patrolman
Charles Skelley, in Dec. 1929, re-
ceived another postponement today
because of the illness of Circuit
Judge Charles E. White.


monoplane which cruises at an av- Series tickets for the season of inet members but is calling in the
erage speed of 210 miles per hour professional. plays to be presented bureau and commission heads from
and has a top speed of 240 miles under the direction of Robert Hen- all over town. Cabinet membersi
per hour. derson in the Lydia Mendelssohn are consulted at times but most of
theatre for the five weeks from May the work is being done through the
Old Steamer Will Have 25 to June 27 are now on sale at "little cabinet," as assistant secre-
Dramatic End in Crash the Alumnae council office of the taries and bureau chiefs are called.
League building. Season tickets may One of the reasons Mr. Hoover
also be reserved by mail in care of decided he could not make a trip
LONDON, Apr. 22.-(/P)--The old Mrs. Walter Walz at the Lydia Men- through the national parks and to
salt's counterpart of Thomas Edi- ! delssohn theatre. . his home at Palo Alto, Calif., was
son's secret ambition to throw an This year's featured artists will that he needed the time for this
egg into the whirling blades of an include Blanche Yurka, New York survey. On week-ends at the Rap-
electric fan is to be realized in the star who has closed in Aristo- idan camp he takes with him vari-
case of the Orita, 9,000-ton steamer phanes' "Lysistrata;" Tom Powers. ous Government officials and after
which has been rv the Liverpool- star of the New York theatre Guild' the day's fishing is over they sit
South American service for 30 years. Violet Heming, and Martha Gra- around the fire and talk over prob-
With flag flying and full steam ham, featured dancer of the Dance bms the guests happen to have in
up the Orita will be dashed at top Repertory theatre in New York. their bureaus or commissions.
speed on the beach at Morecambe, Six plays will be presented this, Senator James E. Watson's state-
Lancashire, to break herself up in- s T'" ment several weeks ago that "poli-
stead of being sent to ship breakers season. They are Sohpocles' Ele-tcrsajune"hsbe ae
sted o bengsen toshp beakrstra," "Caprice," by Sil-Vara, "Arms ties is adjourned" has been taken
for salvage, a Liverpool dispatch to ad tCaprice" by Siar "rms literally at the White House. Ex-
the Daily Mail said today. and the Man," by Shaw, "Privat cept for a few scattered conferences
A skeleton crew will take the ves, b Noe Cowar a h with senators or .representatives
Orita out from Liverpool and launch Way of the World," by Congrev.concerning local patronage, the
her toward the shore. They will There will also be four special;Print ha laoeath
" ,President has not held a political
leave the ship in small boats and m a t i n e e performances of The iconference since the breakfast one
watch the smash from afar. Father," by August Strindberg. Iwhich resulted in the Indiana
senator's assertion.
to Senior Honor, Guard
Judge Arthur C. Denison to be who have been in the Lawyers' club
Principal at least two years. Dean Henry M. Richard Chapin and Edgar Mapes
Br, t Lw h ,lSpeaker on were appointed to represent the
Program. Bates, of the Law school, will be I.School of Business Administration
the toastmaster. in the senior Honor Group of
More than 300 persons are ex- One of the features of the day the University. Procter Cornwell,
pected to attend Founder's day will be the final argument in the l '31BAd, class president, made the
banquet to be held at 6:30 o'clock junior division of the Law school I selection yesterday. _
tomorrow night in the Lawyers' Case clubs at 2 o'clock tomorrow
club, it was reported last night. afternoon. The arguments will be Radio Expert Speaks
This banquet is given each year judged by a group of distinguishedn
in honor of the late William Wil- lawyers and the winners will be on Anen
son Cook, '82L, donor of the club presented with the Henry M. Camp-
and of many of the other buildings bell award of $100. $50 will be pre- Allen F. Prescott, radio expert,
of the campus, including the Mar- sented to the losing counsels, last night discussed and offered a
tha Cook dormitory for women, the Prof. Grover C. Grismore, of the number of practical suggestions on
Legal Research library, and Hut- Law school and faculty advisor for the subject of "Antenna Systems
chins hall, now in the course of the Lawyers' club, has been in for Amateur Use" to members of
construction. charge of the arrangements this the University Radio Club. The
- -. ..-_!.__-_ ,.,--- __ , i _, i ~ pi-4 n0Mi_ Ma~iv 6.in room 201

Announcement of the dates for.
the election of the freshmen andr
sophomore captains for the annualE
Spring games. May 1 and 2, was t
made at the Student council meet- r
ing last night -
The first year men will select I
their leader at a meeting at 7:30 t
o'clock next Wednesday night in
the ballroom of the Union whiler
their traditional rivals will choose
their captain at the same time
Tuesday night in room 302 of the
Union. Prof. John H. Muyskens oft
the speech department, and Prof.E
Thomas Reed of the politicalx
science department will address theY
respective gatherings.
Seven different events are on theft
program for the two-day period of
the games. Two canoe races, twot
50-man team tugs of war, and a
class tug of war are listed for Fri-
day afternoon. Each of the first twou
events will count one point a piecei
while two points will be given fori
the class tug of war. Thus it will
be possible for one class to amasss
a total of six points after the firsti
day's activities.
The games will be resumed Sat-1
urday morning with the holding of
the cane sprees, the obstacle race,
the pillow fights, and the hog-tieing'
contests. Two points will be givens
for each of the first three events
while three points will be awarded;
to the class winning the last con-
Plans for the special campus vote
on the proposed reorganization plan
for student government were form-
ulated by the council last night.
Balloting on the question will be
held Thursday, April 30, at various
points on the campus.
uthvens Greet Many
at First April Tea
More than 70 University students
attended. the first of the April
a fternoon teas at the home of Pre-
sident Alexander Ruthven yester-
day between 4 and 6 o'clock. The
attendance was slightly more than
the average number to make per-
sonal visits at the President's home
on. two Wednesday afternoons in
each month.
The second tea this month will
take place on April 29. The April
teas were postponed from the first
two Wednesdays to the last two
because of spring vacation. The
attendance this year has averaged
double that of 1929-30.
Columbus Organizatio
Will Banquet Ruthven
President Alexander G. Ruthvenl

Body Defeats Increase
of State College
Rep. MacKinnon Fears
Curtailment of
LANSING, Apr. 22.-('P)-The
house today sent to the senate the
companion Callaghan bills to-
limit the University of Michigan
to a mill tax appropriation of $4,-
500,000 a year and Michigan State
College to- $1,500,00 a year. The
measures passed without amend-
rent in the lower branch by the
identical vote of 72 to 17. 1-
In contrast with the fiery ses-
sion in committee of the whole
Tuesday the bill to limit the Uni-
versity appropriation was passed,
without debate. The membership
rejected an amendment offered by
Representative Arthur C. MacKin--
non, of Bay City, that the appro-
priation for Michigan State college
be increased to $1,554,000.
MacKinnon Appeals.
Representative MacKinnon, for-
mer president of the Michigan
State college alumni association, de-
clared that his amendment repre-
sented the same figure as contamied
in the administration budget-
He said any reduction would lead
to a serious curtailment of activi-
ties and appealed to the several
members to support the institution,
which he termed "the best method
of farm relief in the state."
Opponents of the increase for
the agricultural college pleaded for
equal fairness to the state univer-
sity and state college. "I am a far-
mer and I think Michigan State
college is a great institution, but
they should take their medicine
with therest of them," Representa
tive John P. Espie said.
Alumni Oppose Bill.
The final vote found most of the
younger University alumni oppos-
ing each bill. A peculiar turn of the
roll call brought a split in the house
University committee with Repre-
sentatives Darin and Frey support-
ing the limitation on University
appropriations a n d Representa-
tives Barnard, Hatch and Pack op-
posing the measure.
Opponents of the bill will carry
their fight to the senate where they
claim a much better chance of de-
feating them or increasing the
amount of the appropriations.
Prominent Bay City Man Marries
Second Time; Honeymoon
in Europe.
William L. Clements, of Bay City,
Regent of the -University, was mar-
ried yesterday in New York City to
Florence K. Fisher, also of Bay
Announcement of the marriage
was contained in a message from
Regent Clements to the Bay City
Daily Times.
. The ceremony, which took place
in the chapel of the Fifth Avenue
Presbyterian church, was perform-
ed by the Rev. Henry Howard.
Luncheon was served in the St. Re-
gis hotel.
Regent and Mrs. Clements will
E leave Saturday on the liner Augus-
Itus for an extended trip through
1 Italy, France, Germany, and Eng-
land. They will return to Bay City

1in August.
The marriage is the second for
Regent Clements.


against it. Fifty-one votes were
necessary for a majority.



LANSING -Special loading re-
strictions on motor vehicles, oper-
ating in the lower peninsula were
ordered removed today by State
Highway Commissioner Grover C.
Dillman. The order becomes effec-
tive April 25.
LAWRENCE-E no s M. Roberts,
64, lifelong resident of Lawrence,
was instantly killed this morning

Friends of the measure saved it
from permanent death by gaining
a reconsideration of the vote and
then approval to table the bill. They
expect to return it to a vote later
this week after holding private
conferences with its enemies.
A two-day debate on the first
proposil to relieve the general pro-
perty tax before the house created
a precedent and brought into play
all the maneuvers permitted by the
rules. For the first time this session,
a call of the house was demanded,
The sergeat-at-arms and his assist-
ants were commanded to round up
absent members. When the mem-
h V'chin rnnvjnrl vrl 01'the10 C") 1



and T. Hawley Tapping, general(

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