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April 07, 1931 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-04-07

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MLVA - _ ___-moo NWAvAMM M


Emily Bates, Katherine Koch'
Nominated for Office
of President.
Katherine, Ferrin, Lois Sander
Selected to Run for Vice-
Two juniors have been chosen to
run for the presidency of the Mich-
igan League in the annual elections
which will be held from 8:30 to 4:30
o'clock Wednesday in University
hail. Emily Bates and Katherine
Koch are the two who have been
named as" the candidates for the
position. Katherine errin and Lois
Sandler have been selected as nom-
inees for the vice-presidency. t
Junior Play Head.
Miss Bates was a member of her1
class basketball team as a fresh-
man, and served on committees on I
Life Membership and the Fresh-
man .Pageant. In her sophomore t
year, Miss Bates played class bas-
ketball and. hockey, participated in
swimming,,meets, was general chair- I
man of the Sophomore Cabaret, and
was on the central' committee for
the Penny Carnival, worked onf
committees for A. C. A. C. W. con-
vention and the Hockey banquet,
was a Lantern Night aide, and was
a member. of the University Girls'
Glee club. This year, Miss Bates
was general chairman of the Junior
Girls' play, a member of her classt
basketball team, and is correspond-
ing secretary of the Women's
League. She is a member of Wyvern.I
N. S. F. A. Delegate.I
Miss Koch worked on the Michi-
gan Daily in her freshman year,
was a member of Alpha Lambdat
Delta, and was president of that
group, took, part in the Freshmanr
Pageant, and served on one of theI
committees,, and was class aide in
Lantern Night. She also worked on
the Undergraduate Campaign com-
mittee, and',played class basketball
her first year. As a sophomore, Misst
Koch was W. A. A. ,swimming man-
ager, served;as 'a waitress and a
member of the finance committee
of the Sophomore Cabaret, and wast
a committee member for house or-
ganization, Caps and Gowns, "Pan- ,
Hellenic ball, and the' A. C. A. C. W.
convention. This year, she was thej
League delegate to the N. S. . A.
convention in Atlanta, Ga., and was
chairman of programs for the Jun-1
ior Girls' play. Miss Koch is a mem-
ber of the Judiciary council, and of3
Cabaret Chairman
Miss Ferrin was chlairman of*
Posters for the Freshman Pageant
in her freshman year, was a classI
aide for Lantern Night, and a mem- !
ber of the Freshman Girls' Glee
club. As a sophomore, she was soph-
omore representative to the League
board of directors, and was a mem-
ber of the Michigan Daily staff. She
was also assistant chairman for the1
Sophomore Cabaret, a Lantern
Night aide, and a member of the
central committee for the Pan-
Hlellenic ball. This year, she is re-
cording secretary of the League,E
and was in a chorus of the Junior
Girls' play. She is a member of
Dance Chairman.
Miss Sandler did not enroll in the
University until her sophomorei
year. She participated in the Soph-
omore Cabaret, and was a member,


Emily BatcS,
Promnent Junior women whoa
of President of the Women's League
tomorrow in University hall.

are nominate
in the °e&I

MflrT I IPia flTIIl PflLIU.
3Social act:
Club Will AdAopt Constitution ies during t
And Set Dates for Hunt week to cor
And Breakfast.i Last We-
Members of Pegasus riding club gave a forn
will meet at 7:1.5 o'clock Thursday the thighesit
night in the League building. All ing this las
members are asked by the presi- of honor we
dent, Ruth Babbitt, '31, to attend Shannon, 'z
the meeting, as important business ' 31; Doroth,
will be discussed. Hienricson,
Charlotte Ifughs on, '32, has been '32; Evelyn
appointed chairman of a constitu- tor, '31; Vio
tion committee, and will submit a ces Schultz,
constitution to the group at the '31; and E
meeting Thursday. Plans will also Betsy Ba
be discussed for a treasur'e hunt Betsy Bar
and break'fast to be held in May, informal fa
and a moonlight ride to be held as Thursday e'
soon as the weather permits. as follows:
The drill squad held its first prac- Haynes; Pr
ice last Saturday in the indoor ring and Mrs. h t
at the Fairgrounds. Twenty-two L. Badgtir a:
women are trying out for the squad sor W. C.I
and 16 will be chosen to make up and Mr. an,
the final group. The eliminations ton.
w l b e m d o n S t r a , A rlo f th e e n t e r ta in m e n t c o m m itte e o f I
the Penny Carnival, and worked on ,
the committees for caps and gowns,
and for the A. C. A. C. W. conven-
tion. This year, she is a member
of the Board of Governors of thec
League, was chairman of Tap Danc-
ing for the Junior Girls' play, and
took part in chorus and specialty
Senior members of the Board of-
Directors will be in charge of the ------
elections, and Ruth Van Tuyl, '31, i
chairman of the Judiciary council, 1
will supervise the arrangements. 1!1
"Caucusing is strictly prohibited,"'
stated Miss Van Tuyl. "Any infrac- ~1
tions of this rule will result in dis-
qlifying the candidate concerned, I f a
and the privilege of votingvwll also !P /iodiste
be forfeited, in addition to further
disciplining by the Judiciary coun- I-
(Over the .Ritz)
Comuplimientary makeup, prescrip-
tion and color schemne.
No obligation.
Phone 5807 for appointment. II hmo

,erine Koch,
ed to run for the office
tions which will be held
sts at Dinners
eld in Residences
tivities in the dormitor-
this past week and the
ne are very limited.
inesday Martha Cook
mal dinner in honor of
[ent students who made
tacademic grades dur-
st semester. The guests
ere as follows: Kathleen
'31; Dorothy Boillotata,
1y Daniels, '31; Aileen
'32; Annabelle Larges,
Miller, '31; Jean Proc-
ola Schubart, '31; Fran-
'31 Frances Sexton,
lizabeth Whitman, '31.
arbour Gives Dinner.
rbour entertained at an
aculty dinner this last
eening. The guests were
Dr. and Mrs. Harley A.
rofessor Phillip Bursley
utrsley; Professor Walter
,nd Mrs. Badger; Profes-
Rufus and Mrs. Rufus;
d Mrs. Frank E. Eggle-

rn Variety in 'Style and Color Is~
UIIIIIIJ IIIIILIIRLUPredominating Featur e
ibH9NG INHIN 9LQ IN[[9 H[ UIL INCin New Fashions.j
By A. T., '33.
Rise in Prices Will Affect All er thereafter, the passing of Easter
marks the arrival of spring as defi-
Outside Organizations nitely as holly the Christmas sea-
Using Rooms. son.
______Tweed will be "suitable" in more
INCLUDES NO. STUDENTS than one sense this year. With the
fir.t warm days, an army of tweed
N~w cheuleof entls illcoats and suits have come from
New cheule f Rntal Wil Itheir winter barracks to brighten
Go Into Effect After 'the campus with an air of tailoredI
SpigVacation., smartness. Suits are being exposed
* Sprin to an infinite number of experi-
The Board of Governors of ther ments, and there are styles for
League building wish to announceevrocaon Heavy suits, with long and shortl
a slight change in the schedule of coats and fur collars ale present
rentals, to go into effect April 20, again, in vivid colors; they are,
immediately after spring vacation. following the prevailing mode, fit-I
T'his action, which was taken by ted. at the waistline, and belted'
either with the same material, or
the Rentals committee of the Board, with new leather belts. They are.
has been found necessary in order extremely practical, smart and
that the League building might! warm, and they can be worn with
sustain its policy of being a self- blouses to meet different demands.!
supporting unit. The lighter suit, that is, the non-
T rhere will be ars ntepie furred variety, is also very, popular.
of the aariseon the pirices The new scarf neckline has proved
of te bllromtheAluni oomits worth here, These suits have
and. the Grand Rapids room. A,
charge will also be placed on rooms itrsting treatments as to collar'~
I uedbyoutside organizations for e'nd style. They are often without
,Imeetings and various social func- a collar at all, having either plain
Stions. This change will have no ef - front lapels, or merely bare necks.
fect on the women's organizations ir these suits, as with the heav-
on campus. ierd ones, are worn bright blouses
adaccessories match the various
c"The change" says Mrs. Esther M.________
Cram, chairman of the Rentals Delegates Selected
committee, "is based upon necessity ___
and experience in running the Five women will represent the
building, from its opening to the Ann Arbor branch of The American
present time. We want to meet all Association of University Women as
possible needs, but there are no delegates at' the biennial conven-
funds availabl~e to enable us to be tion which is being held the last
philanthropic." three days of this week at Boston,.
aIn the past there has been only Mass. They are Miss Maide Hagle,
avery small charge for the use of Miss Alice Lloyd, dean of women,
the ballroom, Alumni room, and Miss Grace Powers, Miss Jeannette
Grand Rapids room by organiza- Perry, and Mrs. Reuben Kahn.
tions other than those of the Stu- At the last meeting of the organ-
dent body. These rooms are con- ization which was held on Satur-
stantly being used for dances, mus- day, the names of the Candidates
icals, benefit bridges, and meetings. who are to run for office at the an-
For the smaller lounges scattered nual elections next June were also
throughout the building there has presented. They are: Miss Hagle,
never been any charge until the president; Mrs. Wells Bennet, vice
present time. president; Mrs. Harry Raschbacher,
Mrs. Cram says that student secretary, Miss Anna Steele, Treas-
groups are not to be in any way urer. Miss Ethel McCormick, Mrs.
affected by the change, and that it Louis Karpinski, Mrs. R. Gregory,
is hoped and expected that the Mrs. A. JA Rousseau, and Mrs. Earl
-(League building will be used to its Dow are nominated for Executive
utmost capacity by all students. Board.

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