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uhairrnan Editorial Board
FANix E. Coorna. City Edito,
vs Editor................Gurney Williams
torial Director.........Walter W. Wilds
rts Editor.............>Joseph A. Russell
omen's Editor......:...Mary L. 3ehymer
sic, Drama, Books.........Win. j. Gorxnar,
istant City Editor.........Harold 0oWarre
istant News Editor...... Charles R. Sprow
egraph Editor .........George A. Staute
I EditorG................... F. ype
each Con ger
S. Forsythe
John D. Reindel
Charles R. Sprowi
Richard L. Tobin
Harold U. Warr es
eidon C. Fullerton T. Callen Kennedy
Charles A. Sanford
I'homas M. Coolr
Morton Frank
Sanl Friedberg
Frank B. Gilbret*
Roland Goodman
Morton Helper
Bryan Jones
Denton C.; Kunza
Powers Moulton
Eileen 1Blunt
Nanette Dembits
Elsie 1Feldman
Ruth Gallmeyer
Emily G. Grimes
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Wibur J. Meyers
Brainiard W. Nie
Robert L. Pierce
Richard Racine
Jerry E. Rosenthal
Karl Seiffert
feorge A. Stauter
loliii W. Tfhomas
John S. Townsend
Mary McCall
Cile Miller
Margaret O'Bren
Eleanor Rairdon
Anne Margaret Tobin
MVargaret Thompson
Claire Trussell
Editorial Comment
o ,.-a
(The Purdue Exponent.)
There are students attending
nearly every college and university
in the country whose sole purpose
in going to school is the absorption
of technical knowledge and infor-
mation. They seidom appear out-.
side the study room, at least in con-
nection with work in addition to
the regular class preparation. They
are commonly known by the asso-
ciates as "book-worms."
Such students are very proficient
in at least one phase of their edu-
cation; they are grade getters and
have an abundant store of infor-
mation at their finger tips. They
are, however, sadly neglecting to
develop themselves. along other
lines nearly if not entirely as im-
portant as good grades. The suc-
cessful man or woman today must
be a well balanced individual.
Technical knowledge is important
and essential, but its most effective
use by the successful leader is de-
pendent on certain other charac-
The mansholding the leader's
position must be A good social
mixer, must be able to make a new
friend of each new acquaintance.
He must by no means neglect his
personal social development. Since
the extent to which he will be able
to use his mental and social devel-
opment is naturally more or less
dependent on a strong physical
body, it is imperative that physical
development be constantly striven
for. Mental, social, and physical de-
velopment are three-fourths of the
well rounded individual, but even
these are likely to get out of bal-
ance without an understanding of
and appreciation for the moral
codes and practices prevalent in the
social strata in which the leader is
to operate.
The classroom and the text book
supply the mental. The extensive
athletic program, both inter-col-
legiate and intramural, offers phys-
ical training and development to
more than three-fourths of the
students in the University. Frater-
nity and University dances, dinners,
and other social functions provide
ample chance to polish off the
cough edges and to become at least
i moderately well rounded social
individual. Moral development finds
ts expression in the Purdue Reli-
;ious council, Y. W. C. A., and the
aumerous city Sunday schools and
The student who is neglecting to
make use of facilities offered at the
University for four-fold develop-
ment is failing to realize the most'
3ossible good from the time and.
mHoney he is investing in an educa-
"ion. Diversity of personal develop-
ment is essential in coping with the
:ver growing complexity of social
and economic life.
Campus Opinion
Contributors a e asked to be brief,
confining themse les to less tha. 300
words if possible. Anonymous co-
munications will be disregarded. The
names -of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confdential, upon re
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.j
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usiness Secretary....... .....Mary J. Kenai
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in W. Verner
arian Atran
lecn Bailey
ephine Convfsset
xine Fishgrumd.
rothy LeMire
rothy Laylin
Sylvia Miller
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Mildred Postal
Marjorie Rougl
Mary E. Watts
Johanna Wiewe
ight Editor - HAROLD WARREN
Only recently the New York Crime
>mmission has published an esti-
iate that the United States each
SENIORS! Has it ever occurred to
you that you are probably going to
pay out a lot of hard-earned money
to support the men you voted for
last fall? This is an unwarranted
reversal of the customary and pro-
per proceedure. Ordinarily you vote
and get paid, or you get voted for
and pay, or, like me, you don't do
either. In the stupendous Campus
Graft ring, however, no such ethical
principles hold sway. I shall ex-
plain.... .
About this time of year, when
people are notoriously sappy
and not to be trusted, rackets
and con men flourish. Old-
clothes men beseige your door-
step. Clothing stores come out
with last year's new spring
models and tell you how they
become your build, complexion,
pocketbook or whatever you
happen to have with you at the
time. And, blazing gloriously -
forth on the list of the sucker,
comes the item of class dues.
This is, perhaps, the most per-
feet of all con games. From the
old-clothes man you get about
25 cents for that old suit. From
the haberdasher you get an
impression that you look pretty
smooth .... this lasts you most
of the way home until you meet
a fraternity brother. But from
your class dues what do you
get? . . . . Wrong! You don't
even get Magnolia.
If you happen to be gullible
enough, they may be able to con-
vince you that you can, after paying
some trifling sum, graduate in the
manner to which you have been
accustomed. A moments conversa-
tion with your favorite professor
will soon dispell this illusion. They
will tell you that you can be a
member of the noble class of 19-
and come back to their reunions-
and get on the great University
sucker list, a id get letters from the
class secretry, or whoever does
that stuff, inviting you to go to a
flock of alumni doings which will
cause you acute and undying pain,
all- of which will lead you someday
to return to one of your great
class's reunions only to discover
that all the gents you liked are
either sick, dead, or members of
another class which is meeting
here three years hence.
Take my advice and steer
clear of the whole business.
Perhaps, if enough people don't
pay their class dues, we may
get rid of class officers com-
pletely, and I don't think there
is a mind on campus perverse
enough to argue against the
virtues of such an eventuality.
* *
I remember the time I went and
voted for a class officer . . . the
poor fellow got elected and hasn't
been heard from since. Died of
shame, I guess.
* * *
A young fellow has just written
in saying that he saw a cross out
in front of Newberry hall. His name
is Gus and he says maybe it's there
to mark the spot. He also says
"phooey on the Pherret."
* * ig
Let me tell you right here
and now, Gus, old fellow, that
nobody has ever said "phooey
to the Pherret" and lived. As a
matter of fact, I don't know
that anyone ever said it at all,
but that doesn't affect the facts
of the case.
* * *a.
And just to prove that he is
still on the job, the Pherret has
found something else that's ,
very nice. The roof is left off of'
one of the entrances to a prom-
inent campus building. Where
is it?
.* * *
Spring is coming, Spring is coming;f
Soon again will come the Fall;
Fall will bring more mid-semesters;
It's a fine world after all.
And it's a short Horse That
Hath No Turning.k
* .* *
A rumor has just breezed in to
the effect that Uncle Robert Hen-
derson is a-comin' in along withX
spring this year again. There
doesn't seem to be anything to do
about it right now.
Student Socialists seem to be r
gents who stand around trying C
to sell the world's most unin- t
teresting paper to people who
have something better to do.
The prospect isn't enticing
enough to turn me into a s
Piano Recital
This Evening at 8:15.
( Miss Bertha Hildebrand, pianist,
student of Mabel Ross Rhead will
appear in recital at the School of
Music Auditorium tonight at 8:15.
The program announced is as fol-
IPrelude and Fugue B fiat Major...
Sonata, G Minor, Op. 22. .Schumann
Presto -
Berceuse Op. 57 .............Chopin
Etude Op. 10, No. 12 .........Chopin
Ballade Op. 38 ..............Chopin
Waldesrauchen ..............Liszt
Special Program
Wednesday Afternoon
Palmer Christian, university or-
ganist, has announced the following
program for his weekly concert at
4:15 Wednesday afternooninHill'
I losannab ............... Dubois
Priere a Notre Dame (Suite Gothimue) .
An !,aster Prelude..........Egerton
Largo (Concerto in D)...Vivaldi-Bach
Chorale Prelude: "Christ ist ersanden.
. ach
Andante, First;;
Cathedral Strains ..............Bingham
lattercesson ....................Bingham
Ave Maria ................ . ach-Gonmod
esumrretion Aorn .............Johnston
Stanley Fletcher
Piano Recial Thursday
Stanley Fletcher, pianist, a stu-
dent of Professor Guy Mier will
appear in recital Thursday after-
noon in the Mendelssohn Theatre
at 4:15. Mr. Fletcher is one of the
most talented students in the
School of Music and is familiar to
Ann Arbor audiences through his
several appearances last year. His
program for Thursday includes the
followi g:
(horal P'relude, W'achet Au f, rft is ie
Choral Prelude, Nun freut euch, lieen
Christen... ach-Busoni
Nocturne inrm3 1Maor. .......hopin
Sonata in B Flat Aina m....Chopin
The Clown...........Pattison
P reludes................D eussy
Li.exant dnla aplain
La serenade imnerromue
seoiines d'anacapri
Shepher'dl'sm Hey...........Grainger
The Lrl-Kin" . schuert-List
The annual production designed
b2y members of the faculty at Yale
for experimentation in stage and
costume design and stage lighting
this year appropriated Shakspeare's
'A Winter's Tale;" and the New
York paper accounts of it suggest
that it was tremendously interest-
No attempt, it seems, was made
to give a historical version of the
production. The play was treated as
universal romance, with type char-
acters and a fanciful story flowing
smoothly from one scene to an-
other without interruption. In this
interpretation, the most advanced
methods of modern staging were
employed, including two revolving
stages and symbolic lighting on a
setting of pure white. The unit set-
ting, built by Donald Oenslager em-
ployes a minimum of portable
scenery. The stage was built into
a series of levels, with revolving
units upstage and downstage center
adding variety to the playing areas.
The upper revolving stage brought
the setting to an apex with four
classic shafts surmounted by a
cornice. The entire setting and floor
covering were pure white, and the
picture was completed with a white
satin cyclorama. Against this back-
ground there was a constant pro-
cession of changing color through
the elaborate costuming, which was
not intended to be in a historical
period but designed very freely.
An elaborate lighting plan height-
ened the symbolism and also estab-
lished continuity of scenes. Light-
ng altered the setting at will,
achieving the effect of a change of
ocale without interrupting the
story. Two special scaffolds had
been built within the proscenium to
accommodate extra lighting oper-
ators and instruments during the
The whole production was de-
igned by members of the Yale
F'aculty in Play Production and
xecuted by students in thedepart-
ment: all under the direction of
George Pierce Baker, chairman of
he department.
Students and faculty planning to
Dend the Spring vacation in New
Our special one - day laundry
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another typical product of our efficiency and
eagerness to please.
A trial will convince .
- 4
year pays into the coffers of gang.
ster "kings" and racketeers a sun
which averages annually between
twelve and eighteen billion dollars
Although it is difficult to arrive a'
any definite figures in this connec-
tion, nevertheless the Crime com-
mission is located in a city whict
boasts as many rackets as any oth-
er in the country and which has
been the center from which the
new gangland regime has movec
Even the minimum estimate rep-
resents an almost staggering sum
It is three-quarters of the present
national debt and represents about
sixteen per cent of the estimated
total wealth of the nation. This
means that in the course of seven
or eight years the entire wealth of
the United States, wealthiest of the
world's nations today, is turned
over through the channels of the
gangster and his rackets.
In obtaining this tremendous
sum, the criminal has extended his
field of action to almost every legit-'
imate business. A well-known writer
in a popular magazine estimates
that there are at present more than'
two hundred different and distinct
rackets, many of them supporting
central offices, clerical staffs,' and
legal advisors and continuing un-
der various innocently sounding
names. By means which vary with
the circumstances, they squeeze
money out of almost all the busi-
ness men in the large cities and
are even extending their territory
to the smaller and still untouched
cities of the middle and far West
which provide prosperous fields for
the gangster potentate and his
For how long this condition will
continue, is difficult to determine.
The business man says little or
nothing about his troubles either
from personal fear or from a rather
general feeling that police are in-
adequate to cope with the recently
developed menace. The time must
come, however, when the situation
will be reversed. Even the most
down-trodden, docile citizen will
revolt against such a continued
. s K ,,
Last week's action by Coach Matt
Mann of the University swimming
team once more prompts the ques-
tion, "Does our red-blooded youth
matriculate at the University to
ittain mental or physical develop-
Further, as it recalls the accusa-
tions of Carnegie report 23, one
might question Mr. Mann, to deter-
mine if athletics are so powerful
that their merits permit a student
to leave school for a week stretch
to compete in athletic contests, not
even officially participated in by
the University of Michigan?
Michigan's aquatic varsity repre-
zented the University .two weeks
ago at the conference meet, and
garnered a glorious crown for the
heroic Wolverines. Not satisfied with
their honors, three of the boys evi-
dently resolved to snatch A. A. U.
medals, and competed last week-
Seemingly no outrage against
scholastic endeavors was perpetrat-
ed. Yet . . . one boy, a champion,
:emained in Chicago the entire
week between the two meets, and
,he other two left Ann Arbor in the1
niddle of the week for the Windy{
City to compete as unattached
swimmers for the glory of the fins.
When the men who secure front
?age publicity, endowments, and a
larger student enrollment for the
Jniversity through virtue of order-
Business men, industrialists and engi-
rieers-600,O0O of' them-re~gularly read
dhe McGraw- 1-ill Publications. More
thafl 3,000,000 uise Mcetaw-Hill hooks
and magazines in thcir business.
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System lectronmcs
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Mineral Markets
ing out the old -
Suddenly the industrial leader awakes to take stock of
his plant. He finds that, under his very nose, it has'grown
antiquated. New days-new ways. Each new machine
rings the death knell of old ones now in use. And the
steady stream of new and better tools often takes indus-
try by surprise.
American Machinist has taken it upon itself to stave off
this day ofreckoning in our metal-working plants. It has
appointed itself an advance guard of modernindustry.. .
scouting for the new ... bringing word of it to the lead-
ers of industry. .. pointing out to them the wrinkles and
signs of age on our industrial brow.
It doesn't wait for them to take stock of themselves.
Every five years American Machinist takes stock for them.
And it brings them the cold facts through an- exhaustive
and rigid nation-wide survey. In 1925, it pointed out
that 44% of all machine-tool equipment was obsolete. In
1930, its census set that figure at 48%. It placed that
data before responsible men. And it showed thetr how
to bring their plants up to date.
There is probably a McGraw-Hill paper covering the in-
dustry you intend to enter. Get the jump on your first job
by keeping abreast of what its leaders are thinking and
doing now. Most college libraries have McGraw-Hill
Publications on file.
fl il U E tr EP a . a i...
iy participation in athletics, with-a
,ut being given excessive discrimi-
aatory advantages against other
ive-day-a-week students, let them
lave power. Still, our faculty. ben-
Coal Age Electric Railway Journal
Textile World Bus Transportation
Food Industries American Machinist
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Ilectrical Merchandising o Record
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Chemical & Metallurgical Engineering
A A W r" AXIV/