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March 28, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-28

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-a - . a - - . . . . . s a ..-aAl , , 4 - - lr n
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Published every morning except Monday
ing the University year by the Board in
ntrol u1 Student Publications.
Memiber of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
the use for republication of all news dis-
ches credited to it or not otherwise credited
this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
chigan, as second class matter. Special rate
postagesgranted by Third Assistant Post-
,ter General.
subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.so.
offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard
et. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.



To the Editor:
A day or two ago, I observed in
your interesting publication some
reference to another liquor scandal,
this time at the University of Min-
nesota. The first intention, it ap-
pears, was to deprive of their di-
plomas those delinquents who were
members of the graduating class,
but this didn't meet with the ap-

Telephone 4925
Chairman Editorial Board
FRAXK E. CoOR; City Editor
ws Editor .........Gurney Williams
torial Director.........Walter W. Wilds
rts Editor ....,.. .,. ....Joseph A. Russell
imen's Editor... .....Mary L. Behymer
sic, Drama, Books.......W . . Grman
istant City Editor.....Harold 0. Warren
istant News Editor...Charles R. Sprowi
egraph Editor...........GeorgeA. Stauter
y Editor......... ....... E. Pype

BeadC onger
r S. Forsythe
.vid M. Nichol

John D. Reindel
Charles R. Sprowi
Richard L. Tobin
Harold 0. Warre

C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy
Charles A. Sanford

omas M. Cooleg:
>rton Frank
ul Friedberg
ank B. Gilbreth
land Goodwnam
rton Helper
yan Jones
nton C. Kunzi.
wers Moulton
een Blunt
nette Icinbitz
ie Feldman
ith Galluieyer
oily G.rimes
n Lev --
rotv vMagee
an Manchester

Wilbur J. Meyers
Brainard W. Nies
Robert L. Pierce
Richard Racine
JerryE. Rosenthal
Karl Seiffert
George A. Stauter
Tohn W. Thomas
John S. TownserA
Mary McCall
Cile Miller
Margaret O'Brien
Eleanor Rairdon
Anne Margaret Tobin
Margaret Thompson
Claire Trussell

proval of certain members of the
Minnesota legislature, who thought
getting drunk, particularly on the
part of students, "wasn't really such
an objectionable diversion." One
senator, (that is, of course, a "state
senator," and we know what that
means in some cases), was quite
vehement about the matter. It
would stigmatize these "stewdents"
all the rest of their lives-not the
breaking of the law, nor the get-
ting drunk-but the failure to get
their diplomas at the same time as
their decent, law-abiding classmen.
I regret that I neglected to make a
note of the name of this (state)
senator, but it had a certain exotic
flavor, as if he had qualified for
citizenship, and thereby for elec-
tion, at as recent a date as these
qualifications could legally be es-
This, then, must be the type of
citizen and patriot that does not
believe in penalizing the adolescent
nitwit, who thinks he is suffering
from an inferiority complex if he
does not imitate all the vices of
all the men he ever heard of. He
isn't so keen, however, in emulat-
ing their virtues, or in transcending
their worthy achievements. Youths
between the ages of 17 and 21 have
about as mtuch use for beer and
whisky as a baby has for redpep-
per, and enjoy it just about the
same. These half-baked juveniles,
freed at last from their mothers'
apron-string, wish to become so-
phisticated, and sophisticated quick.
The shortest road to manhood, in
their infantile understandings
seerns to be via cigarettes and booze,r
so they promptly seize upon these
firm rnnta~c nnr v.A tori, Mvpc inn t,

Boy! I'll bet those Robins feel
pretty darn silly all right, all right.
Always assuming, of course, that'
they can feel anything. As a mat-
ter of fact this department feels
pretty silly too. The idea of a bunch
of expert Ann Arborites like us be-
ing fooled like that!
* * *
In order to stimulate the a-
lertness of the average campu-
site, the Rolls Pherret is now
engaged in looking up odd
things about the campus. As
often as possible we will print
them in the column and you
can go out and look for them,
but it would be a great feather
in your cap to beat the Famous
Pherret at his job and discover
some of these obscure facts
yourself and send them in be-
fore he does. Not only that, but
it would make life a lot easier
for the rest of the staff both by
taking some of the Pherret's
conceit away, and by filling up
the ever-present blank space.
The first of this series of little-
known facts may not be news to
some of you, but it was to me and
the staff in general so we'll print
it and you don't have to bother
about it if you don't want to.....
Honest you don't. There are no
strings attached to any of Baxter's
propositions. You can take them or
leave them as you will.
Anyway, there is a good sized
sign on campus that says MA-
SON HALL. It is in a conspicu-
ous outdoor place, but I'll bet
not more than half of you can
even make a good guess as to
where it is.
* * *
See the lovely lacey snowflakes
From the sky they twirl and fall
Making work for B & G Boys
It's a fine world after all!

Telephone 24 -
F. HOL[USTER MABLEY, Business Masnage
KAsE R1. HALvERsoN, Assistant Mana per
Advertising.............Charles T. Kline
Advertising ................Thomas M. Davis
Advertising............William W. Varboys
Service ............Norris J.Jo hnson
Publication'..........Robert W. WVilliamson
Circulation. ......Marvin S. Kobacker
Accounts................Thomas S. Muir
Business Secretary..........Mary J. Kenan

rry R. Beglev
'on Bishop
[hiam Brown
ert Callahan
lliam W. Davi
-hard H. iller
le Hoisington

Erle Kightlinger
Don W. Lyon
William Morgan
Richard Stratxmeir
Keith Trer
Noel ). Tir
Byrou C. Vedder

p I

STRAVINSKY: Capriccio: for Piano
and Orchestra: played by Igorl
Stravinsky and the Orchestra desl
Concerts Straram conducted by
Ernest Ansermet: Columbia Mas-
terworks Set No. 152.

Ann W. Verner Sylvia Miller UUVLJ 1Lanu ~iy IU gveall I *.
Marian Atran Helen Olsen imitation of perfect adjustment to D
Helen Bailey Mildred Postal Don't forget the Rolls Reporter
Josephine Convised Marjorie Rough these alleged prerogatives of mas- Contest! Good, wholesome, instruc-
Maxine Fishgrund Mary E. Watts Clnt n auiy
Dorothy LeMire Johanna Wiese tive fun for all. Educates the old
Dorothy Laylmu - When scholastic authorities be- and amuses the young! Polish up
gin to bear down heavily upon the YOUR perspicacity-although I ad-
very first evidences of such boyish vise that you pull down the shades
SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1931 exuberance, the liquor problem in first. Neighbors will look in now
Night Editor-BEACH CONGER, Jr. our colleges and universities will be and then, you know, and nothing
speedily solved. Set drastic penal- makes you look more like a great
HUTCHINS HALI ties, and enforce them. There is no big funny than to be caught inad-
The conclusion of negotiations excuse for drinking by undergrad- vertently polishing a perspicacityj
and the definite letting of the con-uates as many of this ilk know to ....Such menial work, too. All ofI
tracts for Hutchins hall, new $1- their extreme sorrow. The people which reminds me that the Pherret
500,000 addition to the Law ,quad- Iwho are appointed to guide them in has seen something else.-See? 2
rangle is extremely gratifying. Not their juvenile evolution should see in one day. You couldn't do that.
only will it serve as a permanen itprimarily that there is no lax-kHe tells me that every lamp post
memorial to a' man whose liberal ity in. dealing with these pheno- on the entire campus has a num-
gifts to the University amount to mena. When an undergraduate is ber.....all different too. One num-
more than $5,750,000 but it also caught with liquor suspend him at ber for each lamp-post. Extrava-
marks a definite step in the build- least for one full term. When he gant, but indubitably nice.
ing of a college whose architecture is caught intoxicated-expel him, * * *
will equal in dignity and beauty the even if it is the day before he was We public men all have our
achievements of its scholars and to get his diploma. We are coming crosses to bear it seems. Poor
administrators. to such a code of scholastic disci- old Herbert Hoover is taking
1pline, but why procrastinate? We his beating now from our mem-
The late W. W. Cook's memory is may as well enjoy the benefits of bers of the press, while even I
already well-entrenched in the such a scholastic discipline right come in for a certain amount
minds of all Michigan students and . of invidious comment from the
alumni. He will be remembered not That students are drinking as boys of the Journalism Depart-
only as the donor of Hutchins hall much as they did before Prohibi- ment. It is rumored broadly
but also for his gifts which have tion, I doubt. Such devotion to about that one of it's expon-
made possible the Law Club build- Bacchus is hardly credible in this ents-by name of Gerald, for-
ing, the Martha Cook dormitory for enlightened and progressive age. I sooth,-thinks this column in-
women, the John P. Cook dormi- attended a university in Tennessee sipid. Heigh Ho!
tory, and the new legal research a quarter century ago, and a college * * *
library, work on which is rapidly {in Massachusetts after getting my BULLETIN.....WAR in the Press
nearing completion. degree in the first institution. The Building! The editor of our Pansy-
But the building of the new first academic attention extended Coated Annual got wind yester-,
structure will also mark a distinct ime at either place, and both were day of a plot to publish in one of
step forward in the development of 'schools fostered by two different our Monthly Magazines an inter-
a definite architectural style for Protestant church organizations, view with his old High School
Michigan. When completed, the was the proffer of a tumbler of Paper. He neatly and swiftly re-
Law quadrangle will take its place whisky. And I could tell you of or- torted by posting obscene and in-j
among the most beautiful portions gies and iniquities perpetrated by accurate notices in his windowl
of any college campus. i maniacal students-striving to be which were largely concerned with
It has been argued that college Imen-in drunken frenzies produced vituperation against various and

A Company, In.
Orders executed on all ex.
changes. Accounts carried
on conservative margin.
Telephone 23271

Complete Line of Everything Musical
Unexcelled Baldwin Pianos
Victor Mirco-Synchronous Radio
Victor and Brunswick Records
Music Teacher's Supplies
Popular Music
William Wade Hinshaw
Devoted to Music
601 East William Phone 7513

Columbia is issuing this most re-
cent Stravinsky composition only
three months after its first New
1York performance and in the very
authentic reading of the composer
himself: facts which will establish
the album's interest automatically.
The album will be a disappoint-
ment to those for whom Stravinsky
means essentially "Le Sacre Du
Printemps"; for here the composer
is not vigorously attuned to his age
but rather indulging his remark-
able eclectic talent to produce an
exciting and very "listenable" me-
lange of several styles. Paul Rosen-
feld's remarks from the New Re-
public indicates both the nature
and the effect of the music with
some precision: "This material has
no procreancy, concocted as it is
of jazz, Bach, Viennese Waltzes, and
Schumanniana. The clever piece
fulfills a social function and pre-
tends to nothing more. .It is a di-
vertissement, the successful result
of a desire to combine whimsicality
of spirit and sparkle of the old bril-
liant salon music with the scintill-
ance of jazz: an invocation to gay-
ety, a grandiose parlor ornament
.Melodies of A Schumann-
like delicacy speed along among
light sonorities; the orchestration
being almost that of chamber-mus-
ie. One feels oneself among the
lusters and decolletes of an early
Victorian drawing-room, savoring
again its charm and elegance of
pre-bourgeois manners.....It is one
the happiest of his eclectic compo-
sitions, entertaining and agree-
The only possible correction to
Rosenfeld's remarks that I think of
is that he has soewhat minimised
the satiric element in it. The scn-
tillance and light-heartedness is
frequently interrupted by savagery
reminiscent of the old strident and
forceful Stravinsky. The Viennese
tunes are presented in such an
eccentric context that Stravinsky's
reminiscence seems to be something
of a deliberate caricature (very
similar in this to Ravel's apotheosis
of the waltz in his "La Valse").
However, Rosenfeld' is right in
emphasizing the second-rateness of
the music. It is content to be tri-
vial in a very delightful way and is
a product of that side of Stravin-
sky's makeup which sba.yeneff-s
has called "a genius for musical
Stravinsky himself plays t h e
piano as neatly and as sparklingly
as he wrote for it and the presenta-
tion of his composition seems about
WAGNER: Siegfried Idyll: played
by Dr. Karl Muck and the Berlin
State Opera Orchestra: On Victor
Records 7381-7382.
This composition, in which Wag-
ner took an interlude from his cos-
mic pretentions to express a domes-
tic devotion to his wife and son
(written as a Christmas present to
her and performed early Christmas
morning while Cosima slept on the
staircase to her bedroom) is on of
the happiest of his purely orches-
tral compositions. All the thema-
tic material comes from various
portions of his Nibelungen music
but it is all presented with refer-I
ence to the central emotion-which
is a very lovely, quite honestly sen-
timental, probably very German
Karl Muck, the old Boston sym-
phony conductor and one of the
leading Bayreuth directors, gives

a very beautiful reading of it.
Muck's achievement is to give the
composition in a long line, splend-
idly sustained and sensitively mod-
u a t d. A reasonable restraint
seems to characterize all of Muck's
Wagnerian readings and is un-,
doubtedly the most acceptable way
of making Wagner acceptable just
at present. These two records have
been chosen as the Victor Record-
of-the Month.
Jane Cowl comes to Detroit next
week in the two plays with which
she has begun the establishment
of a permanent Cowl repertory.
Just so popular is Miss Cowl. The
first half of the week she will be
seen in "Art and Mrs. Bottle," an
English comedy-expose of the ri-
diculousness of the very "arty"
by Benn Levy, author of "Mrs.
Moonlight" and adapter of Topaze."
rT,;.- - r _ _ - . . 1

Cor. S. State and E. Washington Sts.
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, Minister
10:30 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Dr. Fisher
7:30 P. M.-Evening Worship.
Mrs. Fisher

Cor. State and East Huron

E. Huron, below
R. Edward Sayles,P
Howard R. Chapman,

Minister of

12:00 Noon-Mrs. Fisher's class
Comparative Religion.


6:00 P. M.-No meeting at Wesley
Hall. Meeting to be held in the
Ball Room of the Michigan Union.
Wesleyan Guild Students will a-.
tend meeting at the Union.

Division and Catherine Streets
Reverend Henry Lewis, Rector
Reverend Duncan E. Mann, Assistant
8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion.
9:30 A. M.-Classes in Religious
9:30 A. M.-Church School. (Kin-
dergarten at 11 o'clock.)
11:00 A. M.-Morning Prayer, ser-
mon by the Reverend Henry Lewis.
4:30 P. M.-Cantata, "Olivet to
Calvary" by Maunder rendered by
St. Andrew's Choir.
7:45 P. M.-Evensong and address
by the Reverend Edward M. Duff.
Washington St. at Fifth Ave.
E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor
9:00 A. M.-Sunday School.
10:30 A. M.-Morning Service. A
Palm Sunday Sermon: "Shall
Jesus Triumph."
5:30 P. M.-Student Fellowship and
6:30 P. M.-Student Forum. The
Reverend Rudolph Schulz of To-
ledo will speak on "The Cruci-

S I~.J

,-- ,.

9:45 A. M.-The Church School.
Mr. Watt, Superintendent.
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon by Mr. Sayles, "The Cross
at the Crossways."
12:00 M.-University Student Group
at Guild House. Mr. Chapman,
"Some Criteria of Truth."
Our students are urged to attend the
Human Relations Parley, Sat. 3:00
and 7:30 and Sunday, 3:00, in
e Memorial Hall. Also the Fellow-
ship Tea at the Union, Sunday,
6:00. No . evening meeting at
Guild House.
(Evangelical Synod of N. A.)
Fourth Ave. between Packard and
Rev. Theodore R. Schmale
9:00 A. M.-Bible School.
10:00 A. M.-Confirmation Service,
"The Victorious Love Power of


Huron and Division Sts.

L .I

Merle H. Anderson, Minister
Alfred Le Klaer, Associate Pastor.
Mrs. Nellie B. Cadwell, Counsellor of
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon: "Who is This?"
12:00 Noon-Student Classes.
5:30 P. M.-No meeting or social
hour for the University Students
on account of the Good-Will Ban.
quet at the Michigan Union.

7:00 P. M. -
League meeting.
Wednesday Evening

Young People's
at 7:30, Lenten





7:30 Sunday
"Pros and Cons of Capital Punish-
ment." Professor Burke Shartel.
A round table discussion followed
by refreshments.

7:30 P. M.-Evening
ice, Sermon topic:

Lenten Serv-
"The Cross

buildings are built for utility and
not for beauty. But this latest addi-
tion to the buildings of Michigan
admirably illustrates the manner
in which extreme utility can be
easily combined with an aesthetic
quality worthy of the buildings.
While some of the University build-
ings may serve very well their pur-
pose as classrooms and offices, .they
unfortunately lack any architec-
tural distinction.
It is pleasing to live in an atmos-
phere of intellectual attainment.
How much better it would be with
the addition of more quarters of
the architectural beauty that is so
well exemplified in Hutchins hall
and the Law quadrangle.
In yesterday's editorial column,
an error appeared in the note con-
cerning the listing of Dr. Blumen-
thal in "Who's Who." The notice
should have read "Dr. Blumenthal
I-- 1 4,_AitTh . : -

by liquor they had no trouble buy-
ing anywhere in any quantity-
that would make each individual
hair of your head not only stand
up, but jump clean out of your
Booze is bad whether imbibedI
with any technical sanction of the
law, or quite without that sanction.
It is not too soon to douse our flam-
ing youth with a few bucketsful
from the cooling and tranquilliz-
ing fountain of H20 and common
A. A. Carrier,
13221 Canfield Ave.,
Detroit, Mich,
"Aviators and scientists are her-
oes of the American boy." So he
has gone back on the railroad engi-
neer and t h e broncho-buster?-
San Antorio Evening News.
The Joliet prison riots are blam-
ed on the parole board. Maybe one

sundry members of the Press-Build-
ing Crusaders Against High-School
Interview Givers. Life is very hard
on people who glorify the name of
their erstwhile Alma Maters by lof-
ty deeds in college.
* * *
And still Newberry hall stands
defiant before the withering
blast of our displeasure. Alas
that such things should be?
Lives there a man with soul so
dead? My heart leaps up when
I behold, and tomorrow and
tomorrow and tomorrow creeps
in this petty pace from day to
day until we are all dead and
still Newberry waves triumph-
ant in the breeze.
* * *
I Quit !
* * *
P. S. I told you so! All those1
spring suitings that the nice tailor
said were going to be so smart this

Allison Ray Heaps, Minister
Sunday, March 29, 1931
10:45 A. M.-Morning worship with
sermon by Mr. Heaps. Subject:
"The Cross and Capital Punish-
ment." Closing address of the
Lenten series.
6:00 P. M.-Mcmbers ofthe Stu-
dent Fellowship will meet at the
Michigan Union for supper and
closing session of the Human Re-
lations Parley.



10:45 Sunday
"The Trials of Jesus and Socrates."
Sermon by Rev. H. P. Marley.
Fellowship of Liberal Religion
State and Huron Streets
615 East University
Rabbi ,Bernard Heller
11:15 A. M.-Regular Sunday Serv-
ice. Chapel of Women's League
Building. Milf red Stern will speak
on "Alleged Substitutes for Re-
7:45 P. M.--Open Forum at the
Hillel Foundations. Rabbi Ephraim
Rosenzweig will speak on "Art
and the Jew Through the Ages."
9:00 P. M.-Social Hour.
Third and West Liberty Sts.
C. A. Brauer,cPastor
Palnm Sunday, March 29, 1931
9:00 A. M.-Service with sermon
in German.
10:00 A. M.-Bible School.
11:00 A. M.-The Morning Wor-
ship. Sermon: "Mary's Loving
Service to her Saviour."
5:30-6:30-Student Fellowship and,
6:30 P. M--Delmar H. Stoltenberg

409 S. Division St.
10:30 A. M.--Regular Morning Serv-
ice. Sermon topic: "Reality."
11:45 A. M.-Sunday School follow-
ing the morning service.
7:30 P. M.-Wednesday Evening
testimonial meeting.


Demonstrates the Power, Wisdom
and Love of God, notwithstanding
all the sorrow nd misery of the





11 AtinirlV Ti. I


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