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March 28, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-28

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VOL. XLI. No. 128




University of Texas Professor
Will Succeed Goodrich
in Economics.
Pillsbury, Muyckens, Barker, and
Poor Granted Leaves
of Absence.
The Board of Regents yesterday
accepted the resignation of Prof.
Carter L. Goodrich, of the econo-
mics department, and at the same.
time appointed Dr. Max Sylvius
Handman, now profesor of econo-
mics at the University of Texas, as
his successor. Professor Goodrich,
will accept a chair of American
economic history in the graduate
school, Columbia university.
Establish Fellowship.
Provision was made for the estab-
lishment of a fellowship in engi-
neering research by M. W. Kellogg,
of Jersey City, N. J. The fellowship,
to be known as the M. W. Kellogg
company fellowship in' chemical
Engineering, will run for two years,
beginning in February, 1931, carry-
ing a stipend of $900 and a $100
fund for incidental expenses an-1
nually. The fellowship is founded to
promote the study of distillation of
petroleum carbohydrates.
A gift of $204.50 by .iex L. Luria,
Reading, Pa., was A.ccepted for the
purchase of four beds in the Health
service. The gift was given "in ap-
preciation of excellent care given
his daughter while ill."
Sabbatical leave of absence for
the first semester, 1931-32, was
granted to Prof. Walter B. Pills-
bury, head of the psychology de-
partment, who will conduct work
in Germany; -to- Prof. John H._
Muyskens of the speech depart-
ment, who will go to the Pacific
coast to complete writing a book;
and to Prof. Vincent C. Poor, of
the mathematics department, who
plans to study. Dr. haul S. Barker,
associate professor of internal;
medicine, was granted sabbatical
leave from Aug. 1, 1931 to Feb. 14,
1932 to conduct study and research
in clinical physiology with either
Sir Thomas Lewis or Prof. A.V.1


Announce Addition of Course in
'Ambulance Chasing' to
Law Curriculum.
All the news of the law school
and the Lawyers' club, the news
which cannot be published in other
papers, was divulged to the public
last night by the publication of the
Raw Review, "razz" sheet and tab-
loid, which is published each year
at the time of the Crease dance.
Kenneth Stone, '31L, is the editor
of this year's edition.
Under the banner headline,
"Quasi Lawyers Give Party," the
leading article described completely
the dance itself. One detail in par-
ticular in the decorative scheme is
enlarged upon, although, the arti-
cle explains, it was "discarded. at
the last moment." This was a floral
decoration in deep lavender and
black, hung with black crepe and
bearing the "inspiring and uplifting
slogan, "Try and get a job, you
In an involved discussion on
equity and its development the Re-
view explained that in the "400th
year before the Liquor Raids, the
famous case of Bishop vs. The Bad-
ger of Seville announced that Equi-
ty Jurisdiction rested on the Royal
Warrant issued by Justice Fry to
Prince Florsheim." The article
went on to explain that in later
years equity came to be judged by
the size of the woman's foot, and
bemoaned the fact that there are
International Musician Who Has
Toured Europe Will Combine
Two Subjects in Speech.
Henry Cowell, a composer who is
internationally recognized for in-
troducing significantly new mater-
ials in music, will offer a lecture
next Friday in Lydia Mendelssohn
theatre, combining the subjects,
"Contemporary American Compos-
ers" and "New Musical Resources."
Cowell has made two concert
tours through Europe and was last
year brought to Russia by the Sov-
iet committee on cultural relations
with other nations.
He is the founder and editor of
"New Music" and has recently writ-
ten a book, "New Musical Resour-
"n 1 TTa ln n trhir rilo

already on the market shoes rang-
ing from AAAAAAA to EEEEE.
The Raw Review also announces
the addition of a new course to the
Law school curriculum. The addi-
tion will be a "Seminar in Ambu-
lance Chasing in Village and Me-
tropolis," and, the article states,
"Special attention will be given to
creating legal situations justifying
big fees, mulcting the widows and
orphans, and the more subtle forms
of legal advertising."
The other articles in the paper
cover almost all the phases of life
in the Lawyers' club and include
sorties about an English barrister's
impressions of the club and an ex-
planation of the "racket on case
books." Thumbnail sketches of
courses and well-known persons
and a number of "Classified Ad-
tisements," two of which concern
the whereabouts of a pair of binoc-
ulars, were also included in this
Bacteriology Department Head
Receives Recognition for
. Research Work.
Dr. Frederick G. Novy, head of
the department of bacteriology and
chairman of the executive commit-
tee of the medical school, today will
receive, in the presence of mem-
bers of the Medical Society of the
District of Columbia, the honor of+
1931 Kober lecturer at Georgetown
At the same time, Dr. Novy will
receive recognition of his work on
the respiration of micro-organisms,
a research he has conducted here
for the past several years. It is for
this work that he is to be made
Kober lecturer. Two years ago he
received similar recognition here.
The ceremonies in Washington,
which is held annually, is sponsor-
ed by three organizations, all of
which Dr. G. M. Kober is a life
member. The ceremonies today will
be in commemoration of his eighty-
first birthday. Dr. Kober is dean
emeritus of the school of medicine
at Georgetown, and for many years
was president of the Washington
Tuberculosis association.
Dr. Novy will return Sunday, re-
suming his teaching duties Monday.
Sing. col. cut of warthin

Convention to Analyze Religious
Values in Their Application
to Individual and Group.
Sponsoring Group Is Made up
of Michigan Civic Leaders[
Interested in Problem.
President Alexander G. Ruthven
will open the first session of the
Human Relations Parley sponsored
by the Student Christian associa-
tion, at 2:30 o'clock today in west
gallery, Alumni Memorial hall.
Using as its purpose "an analy-
sis of religious values, in their ap-
plication to individual and group
living," the conference will present
the opinions of faculty, students,
and Ann Arbor townspeople, under
the chairmanship of Dr. Everett R
Clinchy, visiting professor in social
science at Rollins college, Fla., and
director of the National Conference
of Jews and Christians.
To Have Round Table.
Open to the public, the parley will
center about free expression from
the floor, addressedrto the discus-
sion leaders at the round table on
the platform in the west gallery,
composed of Rabbi Leo Franklin of
the Temple Beth El, Detroit, Prof.
Ellsworth Faris, chairman of the
'sociology department of the Uni-
versity of Chicago, and 15AUniver-
sity faculty members and Ann Ar-
bor religious leaders.
The sponsoring committee for the
parley, announced last night by
William Kearns, '32, chairman of
the student committee in charge of
arrangements, is composed of Mich-
igan civic leaders who have con-
tributed to the financial success of
the conference because of their in-
terest in its problem. They are
Regent Esther V. Cram, of Ann Ar-
bor, and Fred M. Butzel, Willard
Pope, Albert Kahn, Milford Stern,
Ferris D. Stone and Henry Wine-
man, all of Detroit.
To Hold Parley Dinner.
Advisors to the committee are Dr.
Fred B. Fisher, of the Methodist
Episcopal church, and Prof. J. F
Shepard, of the psychology depart-I
ment. Regent Junius E. Beal is the
honorary chairman of the paey.
A parley dinner, to be held at 6
o'clock Sunday night in the Union
ballroom, was also announced by
I Kearns. The last discussion of the
conference will be held after the
dinner. Other meetings scheduled
for the west gallery will be held at,
7:30 tonight and at 3 o'clock to-
The session will feabure a reserv-
ed seating section, allotted to 250
delegates of the various religions
represented in the University, who
have received guest cards, and who
will be given preference in inaug-
urating dialogue on the floor. Dr.
Clinchy will preside during the four
consecutive meetings, while a small
steering committee of the faculty
and ministerial leaders will meet
.with the parley committee between
sessions to determine the points for
discussion during the next meeting.
Hoskins Will Address
Ann Arbor Stamp Club
Dr. Preston Hoskins, of Detroit,
will address the members of the
Ann Arbor Stamp club at 7:30
o'clock tonight in room 302 of the

Union. I-Ie will talk on "Precancels,"
and will also exhibit his collection.

27.-(IP)-Closing a week of in-
vestigation into alleged stu-
dent liquor parties and miscon-
duct the Indiana University of
Student Affairs committee to-
night announced that it had
expelled sixteen students from
school, and had penalized three
social organizations.
The names of the students
and organizations involved were
withheld. Dr. C. E. Edmonson,
dean of men and chairman of
the committee composed of 13
faculty members, said that none
of the organizations would be
ordered to close their doors.
The penalty was understood to
consist of loss of social privi-


Measure Introduced


Publicity Director

of University Athletic

Association .

in Hands of State Committee.

The investigation

by Uni-


Hill, of the University College Hos- I s Lte Ud o Uutea au± cia
pital Medical school, London, Eng. on Musical theory to numerous
Grant 30 Degrees. magazines, including Century, New
Thiryntereeser3 cnferrdbyRepublic, Musical America, a n d
Thirty degrees were conferred by Pro-Musica and has also written
the Board. Five of the degrees werefothAmicnJrnlfPy-
granted in the literary college; 13 for the American Journal of Psy-
Architecture;threeinthCollege Cowellwas recommended to the
of Pharmacy; two in the Law psychology department as a lec-
school; one in the dental college; turer by Prof, Lewis Terman, head Wet Leader Urges Manuf
three teacher's certificates and one of the psychology department at Taxation of Intoxican
bachelor of arts in education in the Stanford university, and by Law- for Use in Home.
education school; and two in the trence Gilman, of the New York_
School of Music. Times. He has lectured at many of LANSING, Mar. 27-(/l)-
Professor Handman, who will suc- the major universities in the coun- today once more emerged fr
(Continued on Page 8) try and in Europe. temporary background to b
~ ~-- ~~ ~ ~Cowell's musical works have been ian important issue in the I
I.I performed by several major orches- I ture.
" ( tras and other musical organiza- A house committee ann
tions. Characteristic of newspaper that a public hearing will b
State Btill i S comment on his work is that of Le next Thursday night on th
(Ry Associacd Press) Figare, Paris: resolution initiating a co
Ft-iday, Mar! , 2"7, 1931 "The United States possesses at tional amendment to perm
present a number of modern com- manufacture and sale ofi
MONROE- - Members of the Mon- fposers, among whom the most dis- cants for use in the home. S
i tinguished is Henry Cowell by vir- part of the spotlight of at
oe" County Medical association tue of his genuine talent and very were a renewal in the house
have written a letter of protest real originality. He expresses in the through unemployment ins
against the bill passed by the house most adequate manner his very in- legislation and another p
last week providing for a separate Idividual ideas. for tax relief.
licensing board for chiropractors, to The liquor hearing was ca
their representative in the legisla- 'DEA TH' OF FARM Representative John W. Go
chairman of the house con
ture. BOARD PROPOSED on revision and amendment
constitution on the request
KALAMAZOO-Dr. C. L. Bennett,o
eminent commander of Peninsula Reed Fails to See Any Reason resentative Robert D. Warde
troit wtlaeasspno
Commandery, Knights Templar, in- for Its "Existence. wet resolution. T'he measur
itiated his son, Keith Bennett, stu- call for a referendum not (
dent at the University of Michigan, WASHINGTON, Mar. 27.-(P)- the use of liquor for hom
at the last initiation ceremony he Abolition of the farm board was sumption but also for taxa
conducted in his term of office. urged today by Senator Reed. intoxicants.
"I cannot see that the farm board Representative Wardeli, a
ST. JOSEPH- Circuit Ju d g c has helped the farmers and I see authority 'On prohibition
Charles E. White set June 1 as the no reason for its future existence," will be represented at the h
date for the trial of 54 alleged com- the Pennsylvania Republican said The list will include as sp
munists, charged with criminal in a statement. Fred N. Alger, Detroit, men
syndicalism, who were arrested near Reed, usually a staunch admin- the commitee of 100 leading
Birdgean in 1922. istration suporter,admitted that trialists identified with th
the money expended by the board ciation Against the Prpb
JACKSON - Twenty-three stu- in purchasing 200,000,000 bushels of Amendment; Mrs. Alger, an
dents of the Parma high school wheat was not in vain "if we have gressmen Seymour H. Per
drew a 10-day suspension and were at last learned our lesson." Lansing, and Jesse P. Wol
placed on probation for the bal- The Pennsylvaniandclaimed the Port Huron. Wardell said he
.ance of the time they attend school prospective treasury deficit, which to have either Formert
for alleged rough hazing of fresh- he estimated at $750,000 on the Wadsworth, of New York, o
men, by the board of education to- "loss through the farm board" and gressman Beck, of Pennsy
l.av. Parents who appealed to the loans to World War veterans "not .also nnonr at the hearin

'om its
be held
e joint
it the
to put
lled by
to the
of Rep-
Al, De-
of the
only on
e con-
tion of

versity officials started after
reports were circulated that
there had been drinking and
misconduct at fraternity house
dances recently.
American College of Physiciansl
Elect Pathology Professor
to Vice-Presidency.
Dr. Alfred.S. Warthin, professor
of pathology and director of the
pathological laboratories, was elect-
ed first vice-president of the Amer-
ican College of Physicians, in ses-
sion at Baltimore, according to
Associated Press dispatches.
Election to this post was made
1 at the same time the college named
Dr. Charles J. Jennings, of Detroit,
as second vice-president.
Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis, professor of
internal medicine, and director of
Simpson Memorial Institute, who
recently announced that the eating
of pig stomach is beneficial to per-
sons suffering from pernicious
anaemia, addressed college mem-
bers on his discovery.
The eating of pig stomach by
those suffering from pernicious
anaemia, he said, supplies material
to the human stomach, the lack of
which, he declared, is responsible
for the disease.
Improvement in appetite, Dr.
Sturgis told the college, was noted
in patients who were fed pig stom-
ach, adding that they gained in
strengh and their body tempera-
ture and pulse returned to normal.
It is not, he concluded, unpleasant
to eat, but it must be eaten con-
stantly by patients to stave ofi

All attempts on the part of social fraternifies to make them-
selves tax exempt will be completely thwarted, if a proposed bill,
introduced by Phillip C. Pack, Washtenaw county representative
and publicity director for the Athletic association of the University,
is passed by the legislature. The measure is now in the hands of
the committee on state affairs.
"The proposed bill is designed to keep fraternities from remov-
ing their property from the tax rolls," Renresentative Pack said
yesterday concerning the pro-
posal. The bill is so stated that
it would be unlawful for any
A BILL to regulate the use of social fraternity to use a building
certain university, college, nor- ownedaterteU e rutd ad dhe ir
mal or teachers' college owned the fraternities could not deed their
ildings by clubs, societies, fra- property to the University to escape
ternities, sororities or other or- paying taxes.
ganizations. Have Sought Exemption.
THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE For the last two years, fraterni-
OF MICHIGAN ENACT: ties have sought to escape property
Section 1-It shall be unlaw- taxes on the grounds that they
ful for any club, society, frater- serve the University with dormitor-
nity, sorority or other organiza- ies which otherwise it would be
tion, either secret on non-secret, unable to provide. Leaders of the
to occupy as a dwelling or habit- opposition at that time proposed
ual rendezvous, use as a meeting that the fraternities deed their
place or otherwise utilize or property to the University as a
occupy any building or portion means of escaping the taxes which
thereof owned by the University they considered exorbitant.
of Michigan, Michigan State Col- The measure not only aims at
lege of Agriculturegand Applied social fraternities housed in build-
Science, Michigan College of ings owned by the University, but
Mining and Technology, Michi- also pertains to clubs, honor socie-
gan State Normal College, Cen- ties, professional fraternities, and
tral State Teachers' College, other organizations which; might
Northern State Teachers' Col- use University-owned buildings. As
lege, unless membership in such outlined by Pack the measure would
club, society or organization affect organizations at the Michi-
shall be open to every student gan State college, Central State
-pen Tyhr' olge oter tt
within the respective institu- Teachers' college, Northern State
tions, upon application, and the Teachers' college, Western State
payment of an admission fee of Teachers'college, aswell as the
not to' exceed '$25,;and without Univeastyr.
Iother discrimination of any na- (;anngot De'ed Property.
tune except that of the sexof The proposed legislation makes a
the applicant: Provided, That provision 'for organimzations which
such student societies commonly base thair memberships upon schol-
known as honorary societies astic and extra-curricular achieve-
wherein membership is based
upon scholastic or extra-curricu-, I erfraternity Head
lar achievement, shall be per- Tak Stad Bill
mitted the temporary use of oneT esSandOn
of such buildings, or a portionJ,
thereof, but not to exceed more James Ward, 31E, president of
than 6 hours in any one week the Interfraternity council, last
and then only for the purpose Aight commented on the pro-
! of holding meetings or conduct- posed fraternity tax bill as fol-
ing initiatory ceremonies: And lows, advising members of houses
provided further, That nothing to petition to the legislature
I in this act shall be construed to through their alumni:
prohibit the use by the faculties "No fraternity on this campus
of these several institutions of has deeded its property to the
I buildings or portions thereof for University. There is no great
club purposes. danger that any will do so, in
tas much as m ost t11hrn have




Suggests Tobacco Tax as Means
of Alleviating Property
Owners Burden.
LANSING, Mar. 27.--(P)-State
educational leaders attending the
ninth annual departmental con-.
ference of the Michigan Education
association today urged the pas-
sage of some form of special tax to
relieve the general property burden
In a resolution the association
suggested a tobacco tax as a mean:
of relieving 'the burden now placed
on property owners. Revenues from
a special tax, the resolution 'said,
should be used for equalizationhof
school costs, for handicapped chil-
dren, county normals, agricultural
and vocational aid, and for an ade-
quate teachers retirement fund. The
association is comprised of a mem-
bership of 32,500 from the teach-
ing profession of the state.
The association expressed opposi-
tion to any reductions in teacher's
salaries and to any legislation de-
signed to place control, of local
school finances in the hands of
state agencies.
State Tries to Shake
Alibi of Ted Pizzino
DETROIT, Mar. 27.-(/)--Testi-
mony that defendants on trial now

striven for years to "burn the
"This bill lays fraternity pro-
perty open to increased taxa-
tion-taking away a weapon
which has always kept these
taxes from being too exorbitant.
"Fraternities individually must
realize that the issue is of such
importance as to advise their
attempting to inform the legis-
lature of their position through
their alumni."
James Ward, president Inter-
fraternity Council.
ment. Such organizations may use
' building owned by the University
orovided that they do not use it for
more than six hours in any one
week, and then only for the pur-
oose of holding meetings or con-
dlucting initiatory ceremonies.
Since the legislation proposes
that organizations using buildings
owned by the University for "dwell-
ings or habitual rendezvous" open
their membership to every student
upon application, that the admis-
sion fee of such an organization
not exceed $25, and that no dis-
crimination other than sex be made
against the applicant, it would be
impossible for a social fraternity
to deed its property to the Uni-
Faculty members will be exempt
from any legislation which might
limit the use of University-owned
buildings for club purposes the pro-
posed bill provides.
Detroit.P hilantthropist
to Speak on Rei gion
Milford Stern. Detroit philan-

Various State Legislatures in
:East Enact Laws Against
/ll 'Hitch-Hiking.'

re orm --
earing. Worst of all' the legislative ailic-
peakers, tions 'concerning out-of-state stu-
nber of dents has been the recent tendency
indus- toward the enactment of laws pre-
e Asso- venting the use of the well-known
hibition thumb on the highways. Those
d Con- Michigan studen ts addicted to the
son, of open road for transportation are
cott, of still permitted freedom of the road
e hoped in this state, but a number of the
Senator states of the original thirteen have
or Con- lately legislated against the for-
ylvania, merly iron-bound preprogative of
C. Sir :It ha-r 1og "h"nm"

was leisurely enforced for some
time, several recent harrowing ex-
periences related here indicate an
utter lack of discrimination, Deanf
Bursley's identification card not-
withstanding, on the part of state
,The problem assumes interna-
tional complications with the re-
cent action of Ontario officials
against hitch-hiking on the Cana-
dian highways. In Pennsylvania
likewise, Quaker legislators have
decreed that "bumming" is illegal
on weekdays and Sundays alike.
A more tolerant West has yet to
bar this favorite means of student
transportation, however. Only Wis-
nn natiMinn n.avq rnanrlp

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