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March 26, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-26

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Published every morning except Monday
aring the University year by the Board in
pntrol ut Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled
the use for republication of all newsdis-
tches credited to it or not otherwise, credited
this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
ilchigan, as second class matter. Special rats
: postae granted by Third Assistant Post-
laer General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard
treet. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 492j
Chairman Editorial Board
FuAnxE. Coopsa, City Editor
ews Editor...............Gurney Williams
ditorial Director .........Walter . Wilds
'ports Editor ............. oseph A. Russell
Vomen's Editor............Mary L. Behymer
fusic, Drama, Books........Win. J. Gormnan
psoistant City Editor .......Harold 0. Warren
Ssistant News Editor...Charles R. Sprow
'elegrapb. Editor......... George A. Stauter
opy Editor ................ F. Pype t

tiations might have been an answer
to the new tariff rates of the United
States. As it is, Europe will prob-
ably lose its chance of retaliation
by presenting a united front. And
France, with her dog-on-the-man-
ger attitude, is largely responsible.


I. t

I1FRIDAYii i__________-__-_-_ _-_-_-


* * *






Commnent I


d -- U

S. Beach Conger
Carl S. Forsythe
David X.,Nichol

John D. Reindel
Charles R. Sprowli
Richard L. robin
Harold 0. Warms

Sheldon C. Fullerton, J. Cullen Kennedj
Charles A. Sanford

rhomas M. Cooley
Morton Frank
Saul Friedberg
Frank B. Gilbretff
oland Goodmau
or ton Helpe
Bryan Jones
Denton C. Kunze
Powers Moulton

Wilbur J. Meyers
Brainard W. Nies
Robert L. Pierce
Richard Racine
Jerry E. Rosenthal
K~arl Seiffert
George A. Stauter
Tohn W. Thomas
John S. Townsend
Mary McCall
Cile Miller
Margaret O'Brien
Eleanor Rairdon
Anne Margaret Tobin
Margaret Thompson
Claire Trussell

Eileen Blunt
Nanette Dembits
Elsie Feldman
Ruth Gallme~yer
Emily G. Gr=mW
)ean Levy
Susau Manchester

Telephone 21214
T. HOLLISTER MABLEY, Business Muaagof
Kaus= 1. HALVEESON, Assistant Moaagr
Advertising. .... .... Charles T. Kline,
Advertising..............Thomas M. Davis
Advertising............William W. Warboys
Service................ Norris J. Johnson
Publication ..,.........Robert W. Williamson
Circulation .............Marvin S. Kobacker
Accounts...................Thomas S. Muir
Business Secretary...........Mary J. Kenan

A charge often levelled against'
the Princeton undergraduate by
outsiders- namely, that he is cast
into a certain inevitable mould by
the time he has run the gamut of
extra-curricular activities, club s,
week-ends and final comprehen-
sives-must be recognized as hav-
ing an element of truth. There l
certainly is a definite "PrincetonI
manner" and attitude toward life1
which is more especially observable
in the Princetonian when he is a-
way from college and alone in an
alien society. Debutantes call it
"smoothness" and idolize it, but
others are inclined to characterize
it as everything from "snobbish-
ness" to "pseudo-sophistication."
And it has its undesirable features
as well as its advantages.
The keynote of this manner and
perhaps its most unfortunate as-
pect is its suppression of enthus-
iasm in any form. Life, with all its
varied experience and shifting sen-
sations, is not so remarkable after
all and the idea is to sail through
it as much on an even keel as pos-
sible. To be surprised or shocked
at anything or to have some ab-1
sorbing interest is, to say the least,
bad form. There is definite philo-
sophy behind this attitude which
would doubtless find its supporters
among the Epicureans and Cyren-
aics of antiquity-namely, t h a t
nothing abides but all things flow
so why should one thing matter
more than another. It is no longer
tenable, however, in the present
day, where life cannot be experi-
enced as a whole nor taken as it
comes by anyone but a tramp or a
young man, and where certain
forms of experience must be select-
ed and cultivated to the exclusion
of others.
There are, of course, advantages
to this manner. The extreme self-'
possession of the average Princeton
man gives him the somewhat mere-
tricious air of having a vast knowl-
edge of the world and its ways, a
quality that is revered everywhere.
I He is inclined to cultivate the so-
cial graces, to have his daily shave,
shine, shower, and shampoo, and
to wear the right clothes on the
right occasion; hence he is a very
desirable member of the society in
which he moves. But the fact re-
mains that he is a hard person to
know for what he really is, that
sooner or later the world will wash
off his veneer, and that enthusiasm
is the first requisite for achieve-


Harry. R. Beglev
Vernon Bishop
William Brown
Robert Callahan
William W. Davi
Richard H. Hiller
Miles Hoisington
Ann W. Verner
Marian Atran
Helen Bailei
J osephine Convlsei
1axine Fishgrund
Dorothy LeMire
Dorothy Laylin

Erle. Kightlinger
Don W. Lyon
William Morgan
Richard Stratimelei
Keith Tyler
Noel D. lurner
Byron C. Vedder
Sylvia Milar
Helen Olsen
M'vildred Postal
k Marjorie Rough
Mary E. Watt
Johanna Wie..


The first fruits of M. Briand's pro-
posed European economic federa-
tion have born seed in the German-
Austrian customs union treaty,
which has, while carrying out the
spirit of the French proposal, al-
ready evoked storms of protest from
the European press and foreign

WAY ! A Review.@
Just in case anyone should feel The Detroit String Quartet last
bad over the fact that this is only night closed the Chamber Music
Thursday we thought it best to re- series, displaying themselves as a
mind you of the fact that it will surprisingly supple and sensitive
only last one day. Good old Mother ensemble in a boldly varied pro-
Nature certainly had the good of gram. Particularly notable was the
everyone at heart when she ar- reading given Brahms' third quar-
ranged things. She fixed it all up teL. In at least two of its move-
so that no one could be dissatisfied ments, the first and the last, this
-plenty of days for all, so now all quartet I should judge to be a hard
we have to do is wait a few paltry nut to crack. On the basis of the
hours and good old Friday will be Lener performance in a Columbia
here to take our minds off of our album, I had formed a judgment of
troubles. Every dog has its day. Brahms' process of composition in
* * * these two movements which, for all
Anyone who doesn't believe their felicity, was not flattering to
that stuff about every dog hav- the work as a whole. They are, I
ing etc. has only to look at the think, uncharacteristic. Contrary to
campus this week, and see the his usual process of composition,
number of dogs that have which might be defined as the com-
sprouted along with the Robins plex articulation of very rich mu-
and the Crocuses which are sical ideas (so rich as to cause him
born to croak in the next snow- his well-known difficulty in compo-
storm. There they all are,.- sition), Brahms here deliberately
waiting for their day to come begins with slight material (an old
along. provincial, child-like dance tune in
* * * the first movement and an ex-
DAILY POEM. . tremely kittenish theme for the
variations in the last movement.)
TrainHe seems to me to have assigned
rainshimself the task of executing ac-
Along with colds and pains rheu- ceptable movements through sheer
And nice white pants with muddy ability to write." Only a tour de
stains force, for example, could have
Just freshly dug out from the attic. swung the first humourous theme
(which showed anything but re-
Yet we rejoice -God knows our spect for the classical conception of
reason-- the sonata-movement as essentially
And dance about o'er his demesne dramatic in character) into signifi-
Like little dogs with lots of fleas on cant action. But Brahms drew on
All in the vernal springtide season. his immense talent for fascinating
It's a fine world after all ! intricate counterpoint and clever
thematic transformation to produce
a rich texture, drawing interested,
B U L L E T I N - Word has just analytical attention to itself, apart
reached this column that Sigma from its content. This, I think, is
Delta Chi is giving their usual Grid to a lesser extent true of the last
Banquet this year again despite all movement also.
reports and efforts to the contrary. The Lener reading acquiesces, I
The understanding is that only the take it, in the essential virtuosity
big boys of the campus can go to of these two movements and gives
this select affair with which end them a straightforward, vigorous, I
in view those in charge of the affair might say Mozartean, reading. And
go get out a student directory and the result is always acceptable. But
send invitations to everyone that in this reading, the two movements
might have $2.50 to waste. do not at all cohere with the mid-
I die two movements, which are
The only objectionable thing through and through Brahmsian,
about this system is that, due romantic and deeply emotional.
to the number of wrong ad- The Detroit String Quartet, more
dresses in this little booklet intelligent here than the Leners
(really remarkable considering (whom one had almost thought of
its size) the invitations all go as Brahms authorities) Minimized
to people who haven't that the virtuosity o the first and last
much to waste and they are so movements by finding "expression"
flattered that they waste it there; by reading with a subtle va-
anyway. rity of tempos, by very sensitive
* * * and emotive articulation of the
DAILY POEM fmelodic lines, and by generally "in-
See the mud around the campus-- terpreting" the movements. For ex-
Into it some gent may fall. ample, toward the end of the last
Maybe I'll be there to see him- movement, the entrance of the
It's a fine world after all ! first movement first subject as one
: x * of the variations (an unorthodox
ANOTHER BULLETIN! The Rolls bitof virtuosity) was made the
Artist is back on the job! He has occasion of a very exciting and sig-
come out of hibernation and is hard nificant surprise, which the Leners
at work on a masterpiece which made no attempt to realise.
he refuses to show me. It is to be I have elaborated this because
called the Spirit of Spring. Here for me this intelligence in Brahms
it is. (as contrasted say with the stiff
caution and occasional bewilder-
-" nent of the Gordon Quartet last
winter) evidences a good quartet.
And especially when in matters of
ensemble (sensitivity to their in-
struments and to one another)
they were generally so sound. The
violist gave fine account of him-
self in his full third movement part.
0 6 The only flaw in the ensemble
would seem to be Mr. Schkolnik's
tone (or his instrument) which
lacked body in the sustained lyri-
cism of -the second movement and

- when muted in the third move-
ment was actually unpleasant. In
all his phrasing and intonation and
in general musical intelligence,
however, he seems an admirable
The Warner composition h a d
typical English virtues: an amiable
S vivacity and delightful tenderness,
Spirit of Spring and in addition a pleasing harmon-
* * * tic idiom, that seemed associated
The Rolls Engineering Reporter with that of Delius. It was played
who was dropped from the staff with certainty.
last year because nothing ever hap- The S c h o n b e r g "Verklaerte
pened in the Engineering School Nacht," quite outrageously unmod-
that was worth reporting has writ- ern, was one of those very clever
ten in today to say that he has a fin-de-siecle works (df. I should
theory about those new Junior En- say some of Wagner, DeBussy, all
gineering Jackets. He attributes I know of Scriabine) which by their
their color to the fact that they insistent sensuousness induce the
have been rolling around in the desired quality of attention in the
flower beds in front of Angell hall. audience--a rather enjoyableswoon.
* * * If one can fight off this agony of
In our opinion this first Robin moonlight and remain actively a-
controversy is getting exceed- ware of the music, there was the
ingly trite. The Rolls Staff, very amazing logic with which
therefore is offering a lovely Schonberg piles up stringendos and
engraved Rolls Diploma to any- slightly teasing climaxes and then
one stepping on and bringing the variety of interesting color.
in to the office the first earth- Either way it was a worthwhile ex-
worm seen on a campus side- perience. The Quartet seemed to

* * *

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Although other nations are in-
vited to-join the union, according toa pupi
the wording of the treaty, it has Contributors are asked to beabrief,
beencodme as laigt h confining thtrnsel'. es to lss that. 300
condemned leading to the words if possible. Anonymous com-
system of alliances and counter- munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
alliances which prevailed through- be regarded as confidential, upon re-
out Europe before the World War. "uest. Letters published should not be
l~a construed as expressing the editorial '
But France should not be the first opinion of The Daily.
to condemn the treaty for that rea-
son. Ever since Versailles, she has To the Editor:
been building up a network of al-
liances to surround Germany- I have been but once in Lane hall.
agreements and treaties with Jugo- Last night I sat in on Dr. Gustave
SlaviPoland, Russia, with an eye A. Blumenthal's lecture on "Char-
at the same time toward the 'Ital- acter Analysis." I never expect to
ian enae'.Thi ne unon~there-enter Lane hall, so great is my
ian menace'. This new union, thediapntetnmyntalra.
French officials Cl im, will eventu- disappointmentha myitial trial
ally lead to a military union, which Dr. Blumenthal enticed seven
will not be "compatible with the students to come up on his plat-
peace of Europe." Or, more frankly, form . and he proceeded to judge
wil be hostile to France. them with "some education, exper-
wihe hotileto ranhe , m i- ience, and intuitive intelligence," as
The British press, however, mind- to their fitness for their selected
ful of the traditional free trade fields. One had spent six years of
policy, has reserved its comment) study in order to be a lawyer. But
where such editorials have not been ;h o . i i coaged
VLhe Docto im i tlS uagd


tional a
invited o
other po
years con
The F
only the
mans. Th
cabinet o
out more
ency wh:
the probl
the Kello
using the
tions on
This n

tr1 V:V it1CUc ly U 1 6 j:
e. Many noted interna- him in that line of endeavor, choos-
greements started out as ing instead some mechanical or
with a few adherents, who factory laborer job as the best pos-
ther powers to join. Should sible for the student.
wers ratify the German-Ts Dor amtsp.b
treaty, it is possible that The Doctor admitted no possibil-
proposal might in several ity of the individual having will-
me true. power enough to overcome possible
renchman, however, sees natural handicaps. The student
resumption of hostility portrayed a type, and this type is
his country and the Ger- found in factories, therefore six
he attitude of the French years of college education at Mich-
n this issue simply points igan is thrown aside in order that
effectively the inconsist- the individual may be placed back
efctivey he sinon- in his type-factory laborer.
ich France has shown on
em of world peace, waving No man should be allowed on
gg pact and other similar this Campus that would so discour-
its in one hand, while age, disappoint, and dishearten an
e other to build fortifica- undergraduate. Each of us came
the German frontier and here to get further than our type
treaties of alliance with would allow. We are here to better
powers. our minds, so that it will enable us
ew union, however, again to live better in the future. And
the conviction that many then out of a clear sky comes the
-.. - - l.,Id- 4 i- 4 n .in- ric nla ln. 1 ~il

J 1



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