Fisher Will Refer to Mussolini
Autobiography; to Deliver
First of Lenten Talks.
Carrothers to Lead Discussion
on Topic of 'Qualifying
for Leadership.'
With a fund of personal knowl-
edge and using a number of import-
ant documents and papers, Dr.
Frederick B. Fisher, pastor of the
First Methodist church, will speak
tonight on "Mussolini and Modern
In his speech, Dr. Fisher will
trace the development of the coun-
try through ancient and medieval
times and through the present gov-
ernment under the hand of Musso-
lini. As a basis for some of his as-
sertions he will use, in addition to
his personal knowledge of the pres-
ent Italian situation, the autobio-
graphy of "Mussolini," which was
published in 1928. "
Plans Series.
At the morning serviceat the
Methodist church, Dr. Fisher will
preach the first of a series of three
sermons leading to Easter Sunday.
Today he will speak on "Scrifice,"
at the Communion service. His topic
next Sunday morning will be "Vic-
tory" for Palm Sunday and on
Easter he will preach on "Resur-
The Rev. Merle H. Anderson, pas-
tor of the First Presbyterian church,
will preach today on "Facing the
Glory." There will be the regular
students' meeting in the evening.
Heatps to'Talk.
In the third of a series of Len-
tin sermons the Rev. Allison Ray
Heaps; minister of. the First Con-.
gregational church, will speak on
"Op the Garden." 'His sermon Will
portray the element of "Fear" in
the pre-Easter services. At the eve-
ning meeting, Prof. George Car-
rothers, of the education school,
will lead a discussion on "Qualify-'
ing for Leadership."
At the Methodist Wesleyan guild
tonight, Prof. Ora S. Duffendack,
of the physics department, who
have been abroad during the past
year, w1l speak on "The Oberam-
mergau Passion Play in Europe.'
"I am Not Ashamed," will be the
topic of the Rev. R. Edward Sayles,
of the First Baptist church, at the
morning service and at the stu-
dents' meeting in the evening, Rob-
ert Kelly, '32L, will speak on "find-
ing God in the Land of the Mid-
night Sun."
At the Hillel foundation meeting
this morning in the chapel of the
League, Mrs. Florence Frankel will
speak on "The Place of Woman in
Jewish Life." At the evening meet-
ing, Byron Novitsky, '32, will lead
a discussion on "A Diagnosis of
Prejudice Among Jews." p
Search Fails to Locate Emblem locked the next morning when Mr.
Taken From Michiganensian Dusenbury came back; the Oil-Can,
Editorial Offices. however, was not where he had left
it, nor was it anywhere in the Press
Has anyone seen the Oil-Can, building.
emblem of importance among the A diligent search by all the mem-
faculty and the student body, prized of Sigma Delta Chi has failed
possession , 1 Waldo Abbot, 1930 bersofSgaDlaCihsale
winner? It's lost, and whoever has to locate the famed Oil-Can and
it may think it's a funny practical the committee doesn't exactly know
joke, but in reality it has caused what to do, with the 9th annual
more worry in the Press building banquet just two weeks away.
than any disappearance since the
famous Grid banquet portraits mys- Joseph Russell, 31, sports editor
tery. of The Daily and chairman of this
George Dusenbury, '31, managing year's function, to be held on April
editor of the Michiganensian, put 8, has announced that the program
the Oil-Can in the editorial ofce will consist of skits, movies, and
of that publication in lieu of taking~
it to a safer location. The door was speeches on two main themes-the
locked for the night and it was still "University's ban system," and the
recent liquor raids. The skits are
I being written, directed, and acted
by members of Sigma Delta Chi,
SMIC IA N ACADEMi while the all-campus movie is also
Governor Asks That Legislature
Follow Plan as Collections
Drop Throughout State.
Reports General Fund Is Already
Nearly Exhausted Because
of Unusual Demands.
LANSING, Mar. 21.--(P)-Reportt.
from many parts of the state of
excessive tax delinquency and un-
employment forbid any marked in-
crease in the state tax levy, Gov.
Wilber M. Brucker said today. He
asserted that despite criticisms and
objections from certain quarters. he
is prepared to press his economy
program because he believes the
state needs economy at this time.
"The state tax cannot be mater-'
ially raised because the people arej
not in condition to stand the bur-
den," the governor said.
Balchen Waits at St. Johns, N.B.,
Until Conditions Permit
His Taking off.
Rescue Ship Remains Fast in Ice
as Injured Stay on Shore;
Two Bodies Found.
ST. JOHN'S, Newfoundland, Mar.
21.--(P)A-Search for the missing
and completion of the rescue of
survivors of the wreck of the sealer
Viking depended today upon an
improvement in weather and ice
Bernt Balchen, skilled Arctic
flyer, with two companions was at'
St. John, New Brunswick, 686 miles
away, waiting for weather which
would permit them to fly their
amphibean plane over the ice-filled
wastes of White bay in search for
Varick Frissell, New York motion
Mayor Asks Student
Opinion on Taxi Rates
SEnlargedForce Guards
Havana From Acts
of Violence.
Assassination of Three
National Heads Was
Part of Plans.
HAVANA, Mar. 2r.-UP)-The
Cuban government today threw
additional troops into Havana
and made preparations to guard
against any possible acts, of vio-
lence during the next few days.
A woman who claimed to be
the wife of one of three men ap-
pointed to assassinate President
Machado, Clemente Vazuez Bello,
president of the senate, and Gen-
eral Alberto Roberto Herrera, chief
of staff of the Cuban army, was the
informant on whose suggestion
extra precautions were being taken.
Woman Gives Information.
The woman, whose identity is
unrevealed, came to a close friend
of President Machado with a startl-
ing story of "72 hours of terror"
which she said was to begin tomor-
row midnight and end Wednesday.
The city was to be cut off from
Dr. Hinsdale Chosen President
of Society for Coming Year;
Section Groups Meet.
to be produced entirely by members
of the organization.-
Invitations for the banquet were
sent out Friday to more than 1,000!
members of the University faculty
and student body, to Ann Arbor
residents, and to prominent men in
the state. The banquet, originated
Must Meet C
in 1923, follows the same general
Selecting their officers for 1931-" "razz-fest"' pattern which has sup-
32, members of the Michigan Acad- pd j t W asst-n
emy of Sciences closed the thirty-pdCjounals at Washington'
sixth annual meeting yesterday aft- ,D. ., with sufficient patronage to
ernoon. Dr. W. B. Hinsdale, profes- ri'ter, ndjoliicatesa
sor emeritus of medicine and custo- writer,radpltiaitetcapitol
dian of Michigan archaeology at for over a quarter of a century of
the University Museums building, Gridiron functions.
was chosen president, succeeding
Prof. Eugene S. McCartney. Prof.
H. T. Darlington was chosen vice-
president; while L. J. Young, and 1 S 09
E. C. Prophet were re-elected sec-
retary and treasurer, respectively.
W. W. Bishop was again chosen li-"
brarian, while Prof. Peter Okkel-
berg was named editor for 1931-32. Dates for Nomination, Election
Yesterday's meetings consisted of
six section groups, a luncheon for to Honorary Posts Named
members of the mathematics sec- by Bruce Palmer.
tion, and the annual business meet-
ing of the entire academy at which Nominations for Class Day offi-
time the officers were chosen, and cers of the senior literary class will
recommendations and resolutions be held at 4:15 o'olock Wednesday
drawn up. afternoon in Natural Science au-
Among the papers given before ditorium, H. Bruce Palmer, '31,
section meetings yesterday were senior president, announced yester-
"Results of Examinations Given to day. Candidates for mock election
Entering Classes in Michigan Col- posts of the class will also be
leges," by Prof. John P. Everett, of chosen at this time.
Western State normal, and "Some Elections to various offices will
Predictions of Success in College" take place from 1 to 5 o'clock on
by Prof. Lloyd C. Emmons, of Mich- Thursday afternoon at three places
igan State college. These papers on the campus. Literary seniors
were given before the mathematics may cast their ballots in the lobby
groups which met in room 1035, of Angellhall, in the League build-
Angel hall, at 9 o'clock yesterday ing, or in the Union.
Five Class Day positions are to,
be filled. These are: class orator,
class poet, class historian, class
prophet, and class prophetess. The
position of orator is limited to a
man, while the poet must be a
woman. Either man or woman may
beelected historian.
Sixteen positions will be filled in
Cosmopolitan Club Takes in 16; the mock elections. These are: most
Hildner Tells Experiences popular man, most popular girl,
of Former Years. most respected senior, best appear-
ing man, most attractive girl, class
Ten of the 16 students initiated athlete, senior who has done Mich-
into the Cosmopolitan club last igan for the most, senior who has
ight at Lane hall claim residences done the most for Michigan,
in the United States, and only six smoothest politician, most literary
i m t fh U n ite t t s a n on s ix sen io r, c o -e d 's ch o ice , m o st a rtfu l
come from foreign countries, senior, smoothest man, most astute
Prof. J. A. C. Hildner of the Ge grade beggar, most ingenuous
manepartmentandrcounseltto blonde, and most effective brun-
University students f r o in other nette.
countries, spoke of past Cosmopoli- -ete._
tan clubs, and of experiences with
foreign students. Vatican Plans Radio
The initiates a r e Marguerite Newspaper Broadcast
Boom, '32, Jose Castrence, '34, Alon-
zo Covel, '32Ed, Donald Evans, '33, VATICAN CITY, Mar. 21.-(IP)-
Shuhying Giang, 'Grad, Dr. Edward A radio newspaper is being organ-
Green, social research fellow, Emil- ized in the Vatican and will be
io Javier, 'Grad., and Mrs. Emilio broadcast beginning the middle of
Javier. Others initiated are Doro- next month. News of latest scien-
thy Kingston, Nicolas Manasseh, tific discoveries around the world
'31, Thomas Morris, '31E, Leah Resi- will be broadcast in various lan-
big, '32, and Puri Santillan, Grad. guages.
The state genera
nearly depleted coi
1of the huge tax del
last year's levy of $
which should have
January and Febi
outstanding about
Iunpaid taxes. The
people to pay this
drain on state resou
. Should Set I
"The situation c
I lenge which must bE
l ernor added. "Whe
a whole is prosper
easy sailing, but w
are financially depr
more than anyone{
an example. There
hope that somethih
to help."
State Parole Grou
by Investigating
in Illinois
JOLIET, Ill., Mar.
ed by two prison ch
seething unrest in
i penitentiaries, thre
the state parole bo
poenaed today to a
I special committee of
investigating prison
Both the Rev. Eli
olic priest, and the
:Whitmeyer, resigned
chaplain, agreed th
disturbance which
ideaths and a miilio
age were due to "th
and the parole boar
Discrimination ag
victs, attempts to fo:
inform on friends ou
as a condition of re
ference by the Coo
cago) state's attor
paroles were amor
hallnge picture producer, and 25 others
challenge. missing since the Viking blew up
i fund is in a last Sunday night.
,niion becuFr The finding of two bodies has
,inquency. From accounted for two of the 28 miss-
been paid in ing out of 155 aboard the Viking.
uary, there nSagonaFast in Ice.
$14,000,000ris A few miles off Horse island, in
inability of the White bay, the rescue ship Sagona,
placed a severe I with 110 survivors aboard, was fast
rces. I in the ice. On the island were Capt.
Erces. Abram Kean, jr., master of the
Example. (Viking, and seven of his men, who
reates a hal- must wait until ice conditions will
e met," the gov- permit them to be carried aboard
m the state as ship on stretchers. The government
ous it is fairly has sent the steamer Prospero with
hen the people additional supplies for the Sagona..
essed the state, Balchen, with Randy Enslow,
else, should set relief pilot, and Merion Cooper, or-
is always the ganizer of the aerial searching ex-
ig can be done pedition, arrived at St. John, N. B.,
Friday from Boston.
Plane Refueled.
The plane was ordered refueled
and conditioned for a take-off to-
day as soon as weather reports in-
dicate a chance of success for the
N flight. That meant abatement of
the high northwest winds which
were sweeping the straits of Belle
Isle and a lifting of the low flying
p Subpoenaed ceiling.
Committee Balchen said he did not intend
Row. to attempt any part in the rescue
of survivors but would concentrate.
1-( P}-Bli- his efforts on searching the ice
21-(iP)-orth floes fortmissing members of the
Illinois' twin Viking's company.
e members of
yard were sub-
ppear before a
f the legislature O APPEAR MONDAY
gus Wir, Cath-
Rev. George L.-O P 9HM N 9
I Episcopal --
at the week of Grace George Company to Give
brought three
n dollars dam- The First Mrs. Fraser at I
ie parole board Mendelssohn Theatre. .
d only."
ainst four con- Grace George, and her New York
)rce prisoners to, company of Players, will present
atside the prison "The First Mrs. Fraser," by St.
lief, and inter- 'John Irvine, in matinee and eve-,
k county (Chi- ning performances tomorrow night
ney's office in at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.
ag thespecific The performances will begin at
3:15 o'clock and 8:15 o'clock.
Supporting Miss George in the
)S BEA T cast will be two members from the
English cast, A. E. Mathews and
T E A M Lawrence Grossmith, as well as
Phyllis Elgar, Ruth Benson Blinn,
K Charles Campbell, Lowell Gilmore,
ed Cornell in and May Marshall.
l meeting at St. John Irvine, the author of
ast night by a the play, was for many years dra-
%. A crowd of matic critic of The London Ob-
witnessed the server. His first plays presented in
ity two-miler, America were Theatre Guild pro-
o outdistance ductions, "Jane Clegg" and "John
intercollegiate Ferguson." Last year he was guest
than 80 yards ( critic of the defunct New York
eld house rec- f World.
Edward W. Staebler,
Mayor of Ann Arbor, who has.
asked that students attend the
Common Council hearing tomorrow
night on the proposed revision of
the taxicab ordinance which would
require all taxis to carry meters.
He would like them to express their
views on the proposal.
MayorI Asks Students to Present
Point of View on Proposed
Change in Ordinance.
electric lights and water to make
Mayor Edward W. Staebler yes- the trouble more complete, the
terday urged the co-operation of woman said; confusion was to
students, especially those dependent reign, blood was to be shed, and
to a large degree on taxicabs for destruction was to be caused on
every side. During the terrorism,
transportation, to attend the open the assassination of these three
meeting of council Monday night officials was to take place, the men
in an effort to provide a settlement who were to perpetrate them being
of the controversy over rates that assigned to the task under pain of
are charged by local companies. I death, she said.
SOther Plots Failed.
In a statement to The Daily, Although a numb r of "cranks"
Mayor Staebler said that, "since have come to the government with
students are dependent to a large similar stories of plotted violence
extent on taxis for transportation, and bloodshed, and all have in-
it is hoped that theyaswella'variably failed to materialize, Pre-
p y, as w as sident Machado felt it wise to take
others interested, will attend this no chances.
meeting and give free expression to Machine gun squads were bar-
their criticisms and suggestions for racked on busy Prado and extra
improvements." troops were placed at strategic
At Monday's meeting, to be held ipoints throughout the capitol and
wilits suburbs, ready for any emer-
at 7:30 o'clock, the city council willgency which might arrive.
meet representatives of the taxicab
companies to discuss the problem
of future rates. A petition, urging
that cabs operating within the city1G 0H1'9 R 1
limits be required to have meters,
is in the hands- of aldermen.
Meanwhile, numerous complaints
have been made by students, who
allege that the companies have*
been charging more than the "flat Indian Leader Says Participation
rates" they advertise. Will Depend on Settling
The hearing on the proposed re- Moslem Questions.
vision of the taxicab ordinance,
which would require all taxis oiper- NEW DELHI, India, Mar. 21.-(P)
ating within the city to nhave -If Mahatma Gandhi succeeds in
meters, was voted at a council settling the Hindu-Moslem com-
Imunal question he will participate
LosesMus tche; Then in the second round table confer-
ence in London next autumn, he
Issues Assault Charges agreed today after a miniature
State Bulletins
(By Associated Press)
Saturday, March 21, 1931
PRESCOTT - The Farmers Ex-
change bank, a private institution
capitalized at $12,000, closed here
today because of "frozen" assets.
J. C. Weinberg, president of the J.
C. Weinberg company, operators of
the bank, said that all despositors
w o u ld eventually be reimbursed,
and that the institution was sound.
G R A N D RAPIDS-It was an-
nounced here today that 14 Upper
Peninsula cities were on the itiner-
ary of the third annual Michigan
air tour which will start from here
June 18. The sponsors said that
stimulation of the aviation inter-
ests in the upper peninsula will be
one of the main purposes of this
year's tour.
LANSING-Curtis Rogers, 20, was
in Edward W. Sparrow hospital to-
day as a result of serious injuries
sustained when he was hit by a
street car Friday. Rogers, who was
the son of A. J. Rogers of Buelah,
defeated for the Republican nom-
ination for the state board of agri-
culture, has a mangled foot and
Michigan troune
their 20th annua
Yost Field House L
score of 54;/ to 40
more than 4,000
meet. Austin, vars
ran beautifully t
Ranney, easternJ
champion by more
in setting a new fi
ord of 9:27.4. Co
star pole vaulter, t
other mark when
13 feet 6 inches, an
ed three tries at
indoor mark of 13
Michigan defeat
"Y" team, 10 to
afternoon despite
Captain Gordon, w
to participate on
University High
Arbor. lost to St.
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Mar. 21.
--( )-A warrant charging assault
and battery has been issued against
Harry Afton, Clifford Moffat, Ar-
thur Enell and Fred Griner, of Cas-
novia, on complaint of Ben Makare-
vicz, of the same village, who says
the four shaved off his mustache.
The Weather
(By Associated Press)
Lower Michigan: Mostly cloudy
Sunday; Monday generally fair; not
much change in temperature.
round table conference at the vice-
regal palace.
Lord Irwin, viceroy of India,
Gandhi, five princes, and all except
two ministers of state participated.
Gandhi told Lord Irwin he believed
the Hindu-Moslem communal prob-
lem could be solved by the grant-
ing of universal adult franchise.
It was the sense of the meeting
that the first part of the second
round table conference should be
held in Simla and the final session
in London in September. Gandhi
had urged such an agreement.
Meanwhile, the federal structure
committee and o t h e r subsidiary
groups will meet.
It was agreed committees should
be appointed at once to deal with
the separation of Sind from the
Was Lost Several Years Ago on
Night Preceding Annual
Crease Dance.
The mammoth slide rule, pride of
the engineering college, which was
lost for some years and recovered
only after a prolonged search last
year, was yesterday placed on dis-
play in the window of the East Uni-
versity street branch of the Slater
book stores.
The rule is used in connection
with a display for the annual Slide
ing arch preceded the night of the
Crease dance some years ago. Its
whereabouts remained a mystery
until last year when a long search
revealed the rule in a dark corner
of one of the University buildings.
The rule was made 22 years ago
at the request of Donal Hamilton
Haines, of the journalism depart-
ment, and was used as a part of
the setting of the Union opera,
Ace Brigode and his fourteen Vir-
ginians have been secured to pro-j
lyer, Cornell's
broke the only
he went over
d barely miss-
a new world's
ft. 9'/ inches.
ed the Toledo
3, yesterday
the loss of
ho was unable
account of ill-
school, of Ann
Augustine of
Insists Statement of Ochs Is
Visionary; He Says Publisher
Was Waiting for Death.'
MIAMI, Fla., Mar. 21.--()P)-Roy
W. Howard, chairman of the board
of the Scripps-Howard newspaper,
Isaid today that the New York World
"isn't dead. It isn't the building or
the press that makes the newspap-
Bombay government and a second
fident he would have saved the committee should arrange for sep-
World newspaper for the employees. aration of the northwest frontier,
"I'm afraid Mr. Ochs, like several both of these districts to have their
4 others, waited for the World to die, own constitutional machinery.
and waited too long," Mr. Howard
said. "They wanted it for nothing. Police Curb Student
The old World isn't dead; it isn't
the building or the press that makes Disorder at ouvai
the newspaper; it is the spirit of
the writer. The New York Times LOUVAIN, Belgium, Mar. 21.-(P)
did not die when Mr. Ochs pur- -Three hundred students of the
chased it, and he bought it under P 1 h