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March 21, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-21

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1 21, 1931

Published every morning except Monday
ing the Univers ear by Board in
utrol Ui Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
the use for republication of all news dis-
tches credited to it or not otherwise credited
this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Ichigan, as second class matter. Special rats
postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
mater General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.so.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard
reet. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Busifless, 21214.
Telephone 492a
Chairman Editorial Board
FAx E. CooPix, City Editor
Vews Editor ..... ......Gurney Williams
ditorial Director ..........Walter W. Wilds
Sorts Vditor ............Joseph A. Russell
omens Editor.....:...Mary L. Behymer
usic, Drama, Books........Wi. J. Gornan
sistant City Editor....... old 0. Warren
aistant News Editor...Charles R. Sprowl
elegra ph Editor...........George A. Stauter
opy Editor....... ....... m. E. Pypet

ous and vigorous as the spirit of,
the capital punishment clause. This
difficulty of getting convictions is
a sad but potent argument against
an act that makes execution man-
datory, especially when viewed in
the light of the tremendously shifty
and deplorable lack of success in
prosecuting under the present pen-
These objections immediately
shift the argument on this question
again to fundamental social ideas.
An adancement of methods in
penology, a hierarchy of public offi-
cials whose courageous and inde-
fatigable efforts to uphold the law
would command public attention
and respect, and above all a relent-
less and impeccable court system,
all these are the real requirements
for eliminating outrageous crime.
These are the real teeth of the law.
An act such as that pending would
merely raise the ante on murder
among the organized criminal class
and for those from the general run
of persons who err it would place
the discretionary, human factor at
its irreducible minimum.
"Legislators and governors," as
viewed by the Kansas City Star,
"just can't resist the temptation to
vote for relief in some form these
days. Relief from marital ties,
however, may be only temporary at
best. It is assumed that most per-
sons establishing a 90-day residence
in a state merely to sue for divorce
are not going to take up perman-
ent residence in such a state. The
state that permits quick divorce
thereby announces to the rest of
the country, 'This is a good state
to be divorced in; although you per-
haps may not want to live here
longer than three months.'"
Editorial CommentM
- - o0

each Conger
S. Forsythe
Ai M. Nicho

John D. Reindel
Charles R. Sprowl
Richard L. Tobin
Harold U. Warren

nC. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy
Charles A. Sanford

M. Cooloem
B. Gilbret

Wilbur J. Meyers
Brainard W. Nie
Robert L. Pierce
Richard Racine
Ierry E. Rosenthal
Karl Sciffert
George . Stauter
Tohn W. Thomas
John S. Townsend
Mary McCall
Ciue Miller
Margaret O'Brien
Eleanor Rairdon
Anne Margaret Tobin
Margaret Thompson
Claire Trussell



Telephone 212X4
OLLISTER MABLEY, Business Meuagev
5PIM T. HALVERsON, Assistant Manager
rtising............... Charles T. Kline
rtising. .. ........ Thomas M. Davis
rtising...........William W. Warboys
ic............... Norris J. Johnson
cation ............Robert W. Williamson
lation .............Marvin S. Kobacker
unts r y .....Thomas S. Muir
nces' Secretary........... Mary J. IKenaue

(From the Yale Daily News)

Assistants It is generally conceded by those
rn nBishg', on WiLnger who admit that there is something
William Brown William Morgan
Robert Callahan Richard Stratsmeiet decidedly remiss about our politics
William W., Davis Keith Trier
Richard H. Hiller Noel D. Turner in these United States that the best
Miles Hoisington Byrou C. Veddey
- remedy for existing evils lies in
Ann W. Verner Sylvia Miller changing the average type of our
Marian Atran Helen Olsen
Eelen Bailey- Mildred Posta lpoliticians. The majority of those
Josephine .Conviseeo Marjorie Rougb
Maxine Fishgrund Mary E. Watta to whom voters delggate the priv-
Dorothy LeMire Johanna Wiese
Ddrothy Laylin ilege of power are deficient in train-
ing, or historical knowledge, or in-
telligence, or all of these qualities.
SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1931 The history of all the bunglings of
Night Editor-BEACH CONGER, Jr. Congress, of corruption in local gov-
ernments, of manipulated elections.
would not make a "slim volume."
PUTTING A TOOTH IN OUR There are at least two methods of
CRIMINAL CODE improving the situation. One is to
Most discussion regarding Michi- ! educate the politicians. There is a
gan's new capital punishment act plethora of citizens apathetic to
has been concerned, as may be ex- the interests of good government.
pected, with sociological and crim- Occasionally they rise in masses to
inological viewpoints. Proponents bring about aumuch needed civil
of the bill argue that our flagrant, reform, but such stirrings from
high-handed and widespread crim- lethargy are rare. The average man
ial-classedsneed wereliatiori-has neither the time nor the incli-
irnal classes need retaliation in jnto todsubhmef about
kind-an eye for an eye is a formu- otics to anydistub himseay mut
la so simple and so exacting, per- ter a grumbling soliloquy, but his
.nanently, that its significance is active interest in the welfare of his
unmistakable. They hold that if we country is reduced to a minimum
are to deal successfully with out- of personal bother and his selfish
rageous offenses, an unsentimental, interests are promoted to a maxi-
vigorous and courageous legal wea- mum of lobbying and private mani-
pon must be set up. pulation or concession. The aver-
The sociologists argue contrarily. age voter, therefore, should be edu-
Their brief is for improved prison cated up to a pride in being gov-
conditions and a more rigorous per- ernment-conscious.
formance of the courts. To execute Perhaps the greatest trouble,
does not get at causes of crime, nor however, lies with the politicians
does it tend to improve or eliminate and self-styled statesmen. Their
the breeding places of potential of- chief weapons in many cases are
fenders; it does not even prevent publicity, mud-slinging, and cater-
or deter crime by the fear of God ing to the tastes of their constitu-
method. To them capital punish- ents. These make them powerful,
ment is punitive, not remedial. get them offices. Only some rare
It is to be admitted that from an! specimens, and these fortunately
idealistic view, capital punishment are chosen to fill the most responsi-
has far to seek for adequate justi- ble positions, are actually motivat-
f-cation; it should naturally be re- ed by altruistic desires to serve the
garded as an anachronism in civil- republic, and have the training and
ized, temperate societies. However, intelligence necessary to carry out
ize, tmpeatesocetis. oweertheir ideals. To educate the gen-
the merit of the argument now tr idealsT educate the gen-
t la fia u vlit .AiĀ±. t1. hi, hL5

Letters are beginning to pour
into the coffers of the Rolls
waste paper bureau in unbe-
lievable numbers . . . and mostt
of them are unbelievably bad.
It's just like I always say-
mass production does detract
from quality.
* * *
The odd part of it, however, is
that they're all so sweet about
everything. Take this one, for ex-
ample-go ahead, really I've got a
lot more-I'm only too glad to have
you. It is a bit too long to get in
in full, but I think I may be able
to give you the gist of it-gist as
much as you'll want anyway. It
purports to come from a group of
earnest graduates who were so en-
tranced by my glowing praises of
the chorus which represented them
at the local fiasco at the Lydia
Henderson Theater that they are
all going to it tonight. Not only
that, but they wrote me a poem
too . . . at least I guess it is.
Here's to our Danny and New-
berry Aud.
Someday you both will be under
the sod
Write to your Congressman at
Lansing today
And tell him to go see the Junior
Girls' Play.
They also asked me how I got
comps to the play. That one is a
little obvious, I think. They were
afraid if I didn't get in free I might
really set out to say something
nasty about the thing. As it was
I admitted that they had three
darn good features, and t h e r e
hasn't ever been a Junior Girls'
Play that had any more than that
to offer.
The second letter for the day
is a trifle different in tone. The
lady got so excited on her type-
writer that she punched holes
right through the sheet in or-
der to show me how much she
didn't care about my boorish
remarks on that advertisement
she wrote. What she seemed
most upset about was my say-
ing that it would look silly to
lilt in your chair in a public
place. Now, after reading her
lovely definition, I leave it up
you what kind of a mind is
necessary to look with compla-
cency .. . nay, even pride .. .
on a whole auditorium or thea-
ter full of people lilting in the
seats. .
To Mr. Dan Baxter .. . Editor of the
'Half Baked Crust' (A rapier thrust,
From the dictionary . . . Lilt-A
lively song or air; rhythmical
swing or cadence; a swinging or
springing movement.
* * *
Have You a Little Companion

in Your Home? You Have?
Well, How About a Gargoyle
Goldfish, Anyway?
Gargoyle's offices are teeming
with g a y, gorgeous, glittering
goldfish these days. Spring is in
the air! Bring some of it into
your home with a Gargoyle Gold-
Here we are, just lousy with
goldfish, and there you are, wish-
ing that you were the same. This
sale (which we are conducting
just because we feel silly) will
remedy the inequality.
Grandma and the Doctors
Whoofle and Freddie Bobbsey,
former Rolls contributors, have
glutted the goldfish market un-
der the auspices of Gargoyle, and
i if you don't believe it, come up
to the Press Building, Maynard
street. Modest p r ic e s.... ten,
twenty, and thirty cents.
Gargoyle Fish Market
And another quotation from an
Advertising Authority ....
"Unusual wording and usage of
words is effective unless the reader
is too stupid or unimaginative to
understand such expressions."
Yours-A Fellow Mud-Slinger.

A Review.
Always neat, nearly always speedy,
frequently quite distinguished, and
only at the end tedious, this year's
Junior Girls' Play is for me, at
least, strides ahead of last year's
and almost a vindication of the
The book avoids "cracks"-which
are generally inanities anyway-
and concentrates pretty well on
doing the duties of a book. For one
thing, it gives settings in which the
available talent has an opportunity
to express itself (note the case of
Helen Dooley, who was responsible
for not a few of the play's best
minutes). For another, it keeps the
production close to the scenes with
which the participants are most
familiar (note the Laboratory
Scene, in which a typical Junior
Girls' attitude towards a certain
'species is neatly crystallized, alto-
gether one of the best conceptions
in any campus show I have seen;
the Shanty scene, in which one has
the fun of familiarity; and finally
the first half of the Dormitory
scene, wherein that marvellous tall
girl with the marvellous tall voice
yells "Quiet Hours," a normal thing
I suppose, but a sure-fire moment
in the production. The book also
tried to control the musical half
of the production and insist that it
have some originality and distinc-
tion by writing out some very neat
lyrics. But the production failed
them here, for the music commit-
tee was not as near Sullivan as the
I authors were Gilbert, and the sing-
ers, except; Helen Van Loon, were
either unable to or failed to articu-
late the lyrics.
One of the book's mistakes seem
to have been an over-concern with
the plot (which resulted in the
rather ridiculous pother - bother
about the Daily sneaking up on a1
story). But, more important, the
authors broke down at the end and
gave way to the broken-heart tra-
dition and had hero and heroine
singing chorus after chorus (with
extra ones in front of the curtain)
about their day being over and the
result misunderstanding. This was
all- very slushy and tedious, par-
ticularly Tinya's interminable sing-
ing at the Professor's doorstep, and
wasn't even up-to-date, as I take it
the contemporary version of the'
torch-song, demands a lot of neu-
roticism. It seems to me that the
production could have been crown-
ed and the play made oh so much
better by a rollicking Gilbert' and
Sullivan Finale, with principals
singing at one another and chorus
commenting and everyone involved
having a spirited time. The love-
affair between Tinya and the Daily
reporter was never anything but
dull; whereas the production had
many better things which a Gilbert
and Sullivan Finale could have
epitomised. Such a Finale always
communicates something, of the
fun the participants have had be-
ang together in a production of this
sort; and since this fun is probably
what is meant by that oft-repeated
remark "It's the spirit behind the
Junior Girls' Play that counts," it
seems too bad that the authors,
whose first act showed them cap-
able of it, lost the opportunity to
make that mystic remark in tangi-
ble theatric terms.
Miss Loomis handled the masses

this year (both in moving and
grouping them) with almost the ul-
timate efficiency and deserves a lot
of credit for it. All her tempos were
exact, except one which seemed so
flagrantly wrong to me that it must
have been right from some consid-
eration I didn't see. I refer to the
dormitory scene, which had been
nicely worked up at a good fierce
tempo, with girls walking in and
out of doors, throwing chat around,
pulling bridge tables, and finally
with Mamie finely realizing a rage;
when suddenly the suggestion that
a song be sung (one of the better-
sung songs in the show) is a signal
for a very slow and rather awesome
entrance of the girls two by two
in solemn, carefully wrought pro-
gression. The whole song is sung
from a very formal grouping and
finally the Two Songbirds work
their way in a systematic trudge
to a door. Of course, it's slow song;
but entrance, grouping and man-
nerisms should have tried to main-
tain the illusion of hilarious infor-
mality which the scene had built
Of the Principals, Mildred Todd,
of course, did very well (and her
first two costumes were precious);
Dorothy Felske was rightly bored
(a fixed-smile mask revealed) with
having to sing so much; Esther,
L~a Rowe and Catherine Robinsonl

(Lowest paint price in 17 years)

601 East William

Phone 7515

207 E. Liberty

Phone 6713

K 'i1

r .


!(itj~'tit f t Uf . - ti~l? t fft





i v


Cor. S. State and E. Washington Sts.
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, Minister

10:30 A. M.-Morning
7:30 P. M.-Evening


Complete Line of Everything Musical
Unexcelled Baldwin Pianos

Cor. State and East Huron
12:00 Noon-Mrs. Fisher's class in
Comparative Religion.
6:00 P. M.-Devotional Service.
Professor Ora S. Duffendack will
speak on "The Oberamnnagaw
Play in Europe."
7:00 P. M.-Social Hour.

Victor Mirco-Synchronous Radio
Victor and Brunswick Records
Music Teacher's Supplies
Popular Music

E. Huron, below State
R. Edward Sayles, Minister
Howard R. Chapman, Minister of
9:45 A. M.-ThetChurch School.
Mr. Wallace Watt, Superinten-
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon by Mr. Sayles, on "I Am
Not Ashamed."
12:00 M.-University students , at
Guild House. "What religion adds
to the values of Life," is the sub-
ject for study. Mr. Chapman.
5:30 P. M.-The Friendship Hour.
6:30 P. M.-"Finding God in the
Land of the Midnight Sun."
Illustrated address by Robert Kelly,
'32L. A welcome to all.


Dr. Fisher will preach both morning
and evening.

William Wade Hinshaw
Devoted' to Music


Allison Ray Heaps, Minister
Sunday, March 22, 1931
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Third of a series of Lentin ser-
mons. Subject: "On the Garden."
5:30 P. M.-Student Fellowship.
Professor George Carrothers Ph.D.
is to speak on "Qualifying for
Huron and Division Sts.
Merle H. Anderson, Minister
Alfred Lee Klaer, University Pastor
Mrs.Nellie B. Cadwell, Counsellor of
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon: "Facing the Glory."
12:00 Noon-Student Classes.
5:30 P. M.-Social Hour for Young
6:30 P. M.-Young People's Meet-
Washington St. at Fifth Ave.
E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor
9:00 A. M.-Sunday School.
10:30 A. M.-Morning Service. Ser-
mon t o p i c: "The Dangerous
5:30 P. M.-Student Fellowship and
6:30 P. M.-Studcnt Forum with
Dr. A. H. Keck of South Bend,
Indiana as speaker.
7:30 P. M.-Lenten Service. Ser.
mon topic: "Behold the Man."
409 S. Division St.
10:30 A. M.-Regular Morning Serv-
ice. Sermon topic: "Matter."
11:45 A. M.-Sunday School follow-
ing the morning service.
.- n R v .tr a .. "......,

615 East University
Rabbi Bernard Heller
11:15 A. M.-Women's Service.
Chapel of Women's League Build.
ing. Mrs. Florence Frankel will
speak on "Place of the Woman in
Jewish Life."


7:30 P. M.-Open Forum at the
Hillel Foundation. Byron Novitsky
will speak on "A Diagnosis of
Prejuice Among Jews."
9:00 P. M.-Social Hour.


Division and Catherine Streets
Reverend Henry Lewis, Rector
Reverend Duncan E. Mann, Assistant
8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion.
9:30 A. M.-Classes in Religious
Education at Harris Hall.
9:30 A. M.-Church School, Kin.
dergarten at 11 o'clock.
11:00 A. M.-Order of Confirmation.
Sermon by the Right Reverend
Herman Page, D.D.
5:30 P. M.-Class in Personal Reli-
gion Chapel in Harris Hall.
6:00 P. M.-StudentsSupper, ad.
dress by Miss Ellen Gammack.
7:45 P. M.-Evensong and address
by the Reverend Edward M. Duff.

(Evangelical Synod of N. A.)
Fourth Ave. between Packard and
Rev. Theodore R. Schmale
9:00 A. M.-Bible School.
10:00 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon: "The Victorious Surren-
der of Jesus."
11:00 A. M.-Service in German.
7:00 P. M. --- Young People's
League meeting.
Wednesday Evening at 7:30, Lenten

7:30 Sunday

pressed in favor of the pending bill
rests in the deplorable estate of
criminal procedure and practice
generally, as well as the terrific
amount of open crime that con-'
stantly outrages our cities. In times
of emergency, when prosecution is
lax and corrupt when the thug ele-
ment daily succeeds in carrying out
its caprices, whether it be murder or
lechery that is involved, the crim-
inal code requires a good stiffening,
even a revengeful and uncivilized
weapon in a capital punishment1
However, the proposed act has
certain obvious weaknesses. Capital1
punishment is made invariable in
cases of first degree murder. This
eliminates chance for discrimina-
ion between classes of persons on
trial and use of discretionary power
by the court. Further, it makes
more acute a second weakness:
mnurer is theonly maiornfi M~nec,

eras mass of ponucians w a igner
level, to establish a new era in poli-
tics with the coming of a young
generation, it would seem desirable
that political scholarships be es-
tabished in the leading universities
of the country.
These.scholarships would pay the
tuition fees of a small number of
students desiring to enter politics'
as a career. The men chosen to
benefit by these scholarships would
concentrate on politics and related
subjects, such as sociology, history,
foreign relations, constitutional
government, and so on. The funds
for these scholarships would come
from political clubs, business asso-
ciations, private contributions, or
appropriations from the Univer-
sity's resources. The students re-
ceiving training under such a sys-
tem would acquire the necessary
specialized knowledge while main-
opportunities which a large univer-
cif ia+'r pr to-~~ ll ~1turncc, of Pariir".-


Dr. Robert
speak on

Dexter of Boston will
"Taking the Risk of

Insists upon the optimistic view of
life, proclaiming man the Master
of his own destiny, child of his

At 10:45 in the morning Dr. Dexter
will talk on "The Church and
State in the Twentieth Century.
Fellowship of Liberal Religion
State and Huron Streets
Third and West Liberty Sts.
C. A. Brauer, Pastor
Sunday, March 15, 1931
9:00GA. M.-Service with sermon
in German.
10:00 A. M.-Bible School.
11:00 A. M.-The Morning Wor-
ship. Sermon: "The Splendor of

past, parent of his future.





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