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March 20, 1931 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-20

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FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1931

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Art Had Beginning SimultaneousI
With That of Man, Says
Noted Architect.
Discusses Relationships of Greek,
Roman, Oriental Styles
of Construction.
"Laying the Foundtions of Ar-
chitecture" was the subject of the
first of a series of our lectures{

Labot.ory Newspaper to Have to be printed this year. The idea t o r
lour Pages of Featre, of a publication of this kind that [WnVYL
News Material. would serve both as a laboratory
paper for the journalism depart- U.S.S. Arizona Carries President
Dee hoag some of the phases of ment and also as a means of dis-
University activities and scientific seminating interesting facts about on Tour of Caribbean
research that are of state-wide in- the University was originated a- Possessions.
ter;t the Michigan Journalist, a bout seven years ago by Maurer OLD POINTCOMFORT, Va., Mar.
laboratory newspaper published by wh atill organizes the work pub- 19-(P)--As batteries boomed from
the University journalism depart- Thi issue of the Journalist will; ship and shore, the battleship Ari-
ment will go to pre -s next Monday,beBt
according to the state t ofnp be rinted at the office of theBat zona steamed out toward the Vir-
tarr,to he on t W tle Creek Enquirer News. Each is- x Capes and th « Itis morn-
who has charge of tesue is put out at the office of one g, carrying President Hoover to
partment,ho of the state's leading newspapers, America's island possessions in the
Four solid pages of news and in some nearby city. The Enquirer Caribbean.
feature material will comprise the News is headed by A. L. Miller, The recently replodeled dread-
issue with no space devoted to ad- graduate of the University of Mich- naught, the Navy's most modern
vertising. The 30,000 words of ma- igan and former president of the fighting cryft will carry the Presi-


delivered yesterday by Irving K. terial which has been written by
Pond, prominent Chicago architect, the students of four journalism
in the audit or:um 01 3c arcnitec- classes has been assigned and su-
tural building. In the talk, Pond
discussed the growth of architec- pervised by the instructors in the
ture through the ages and the bear- journaiesm department. News writ-
ing it has had on civilization. ing, editing and copy reading, and
"Architecture," he said. "was editorial classes have contributed to
born with man because man has the publication.
always necded shelter. The profes- It will be the first issue of eight
sion might be said even to have -~ -
started in the stone age when man
first rolled stones in front of his
cave to protect himself from ani-
Spiritual Needs Cited.

----.Associated Press PhaJ
Suspected for the murder of Alfred "Jake" Lingle, Chicago news-
paper reporter, Leo V. Brothers (right), of St. Louis, is now on trial in
Chicago. He is shown looking into the courtroom where he is being
tried. Below is his mother, Mrs. Rose Jessen, of Webster Groves, Mo.,
with Elsie Mackacek and Esther Dick, friends.

' Micigan Press club.
In the case of Monday's issue, a.,
well as of those scheduled for the
rest of the semester, the members
of the classes that participated in
writing the material will make a
trip to the city where fhe paper is'
being printed and will be instruct-
ed in many of the problems of pub-
lication on the immediate scene of
production. Those making the tri1
will have an opportunity to famil-!
iarize themselves with various de-
tails concerning the newspaper
plant that they are visiting.
(Continued from Page 1)
including operating room, X-ray,
special laboratory expenses, and
other incidental fees. Otherwise the

dent and his party through 3,000
miles of the Caribbo n to Porto
Rico and the Virgin Islands.
Arriving by train this morning
from Washington,. members of the
presidential party b re ak f a s t e d
aboard their cars and we e mo-
tored to the dock in Army auto-
As they reached the embarking
point, the warship was but dimly
visible through the early morninp:
mists, although less than a mile off
shore. The President boarded an
admiral's barge and as the craft
shoved off the Presid:nt's flag was
run up the main truck of the Ari-
High overhead an Army blimp
and two fast pursuit planCs circled
the boarding party and as the Pres-
ident strode up the gangway 21
huge bombers from Laneiy Field
d d f A th ;,t tAsk to



Pope Pius to Honor
First Arundel Peer
ARUNDEL, Sussex, Eng., Mar.
19.-(P)-After 336 years, the
skeleton of the first Earl of Ar-
undel, who died in 1595, has been
exhumed from the vault of an-
cient Arundel Castle.
Pope Pius XI requested the ex-
humation for purposes of identi-
fication in connection with plans
to beautify the earl, a loyal Cath-
olic peer of his day.
In the presence of the Duke
of Norfolk, a leading English
Catholic peer; the Right Rev.
P. E. Amigo, bishop of South-
wark, and several priests, the
body was identified from a cop-
per plate on the coffin and
parchments inside as that of
'Philip Howard, first Earl of Ar-


Pond also reiated how the diner- gI LU1I .L i1L I L
ent forms of architecture have
been influenced by man's psychic_
and spiritual needs as well as by Dr. Plaut, Hamburg University,
his need for shelter and hunger. Will Speak on Insurance
Architecture, he added, took on a for Unemployment.
three-fold aspect in its early de-
velopment because of this. The first Dr. Theodor Plaut, professor at
was that of structure alone as evi-
denced in Greek architecture; the Hamburg university, Germany, will
second was a superficial structure speak here March 30 on "Unemploy-
as bakgrundillstrtedby heni ent Insurance and Its Effect on
as a background- illustrated by the the Economic Position of Germany."
Roman style, while the third, that Dr. Plaut stid oa anrmpnyti
of s decoration, includes the c l economy according to the Ger-
Arabian, East Indian and Roccoco
man custom at Berlin, Munich, and
types. Freiburg universities. He took the
The architect went on to explain degree of doctor of political science
how the different forms of archi- at Freiburg in 1912, after working
tecture have been influenced by the under the famous e d u c a t o r,
philosophy of the people to whose Schultze-Gaevernitz.
countries the architecture belongs. For two years, Dr. Plaut took
He illustrated this by the Grecian postgraduate work at the London
column, which symbolizes man's School of Economics of Political
resistence to fate, and the Roman Science. In 1920 he became lecturer
arch, which is symbolic of power. at Hamburg university and was
Illustrates Development. I advanced to a professorship in 1922.
Pond described Romanesque style Dr. Plaut has conducted special
as the best example of artistic en- researches in commercial policy,
gineering in the world today. The banking, industrial problems, sta-
Gothic architecture, he added, is tistics, and state finance.
the culmination of the development
from the Greek philosophy.
He also illustrated the develop-
ment of the Arabian, Moorish andl ,
Egyptian architecture by black-
board sketches.
-- JOEE.
Progress in Engineers' I BROWNsk_
Dance Plans Reported__


rats relowr ha th bllwoud 1on1e u )ot 01 al y)V.
rates are lower than the bill would join in the Navy's welcome to the
imit." chief executive.
Dr. Haynes also claimed that the I The planes continued flying in
kind of treatment demanded by the formation until 8ao'clock, when the
more serious cases has justified the signal for the departu (,re wasiven.
present rate.
The presidential salute, 21 guns,
The measure also would permit boomed forth and was answered by
the probate judge to send any of the batteries of Fortress Monroe.
his patients to any hospital approv- With the President were Secre-
ed by the state health commission- tary Patrick J. Hurley and Ray
er, with the same charge limit as Lyman Wilbur, whose departments
proposed at University hospital. have supervision of the islands to
Itemized statements of charges be visited; Lawrence Richey, one of
would be presented to the probate his secretaries; Capt. Joel Boone,
judge for approval before payment. White House physician; Capt. Rus-
The bill follows an extensive in- sell Train, naval aide; Col. Camp-
vestigation by Representative Hol- bell Hodges, military aide, and Mark
b e c k i n t o University hospital Sullivan, political writer. T h e r e
c.arges which, he said, he found were also 18 newspaper writers and
"excessive." six photographers.

Hildner to Lead Trip Through,
Five Michigan Cities.

Rapid progress of the arrange-
Plans for thl 1931 spring trip ments for the 1931 Slide Rule dance,
through Michigan for foreign stu- to be held March 27 in the ball-
dents have been announced by room of the Union, was reported
'. f. J. A. C. Hildner, of the Ger- by Ben C. Lonsdale, '31E, chairman,
ma> xartment, who is in charge yesterday.


of ai. ements.
Thos., w:,ho go on the trip will'
become familiarized with Michi-I
gan's chief ildustries and inst.-
tutions, as sec:. in the five cities,

Ace Brigode and his broadcast-
ing orchestra, from Station WTAM,
Cleveland, will provide music, for
the dance, which will be sponsored
by all classes of the engineering

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