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March 19, 1931 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-19

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Published every morning except Monday
ing the University year by the Board in
trol of Student "Publications.
lember of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press ..is exclusively entitled
the use for republication of all news, dis-
ches credited to it or not otherwise credited
this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
chigan, as second class matter. Special rate
postagegranted by Third Assistant Post-
ter General.
ubscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.5s.


.. ._

Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard
hones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.

Telephone 4923
Chairman Editorial Board
FkAwx E. CoOma, City Editer
rs Editor ...............Gurney Williams
orial Director..........Walter W. Wilds
ts Editor ............Joseph A. Russell
men's Editor..........Mary L. Behymer
ic. Drama,. Books........Wmn . Gormnan
stant City Editor.....Harold 0. Warren
stant News Editor...Charles R. Sprowl
.graph Editor......... George A. Stauter
y Editor..................Wm. F. Pypel
leach Conger John D. Reindel
1 S. Forsythe Charles R. Sprowl
id M. Nichol Richard L. Tobin
Harold O. Warren

Since the university by its auto-
mobile ban has in part created a
student need for taxicab service,
the administration could well use
this fact as a peg upon which to
hang an active interest in the fight
for lower or at least consistent
fares. But the principal pressure
must come from the students them-
selves. The opportunity is at last
available for a concerted and vig-
orous movement to get rid of this
common nuisance. Students in
honor societies, the Student council
and representatives of the dean's
office, working together in a deter-
mined and public effort, could pre-
sent a case against the taxicab'
companies so iron-clad and im-
pressive that the city's common
council would be bound to make
these regulations.
The general student body will
similarly have a chance to voice
their attitude at next Monday
night's hearing of the council. To
dispose of this intolerable and un-
called for extortion is a cause emin-'
ently worth the attention and sup-
port of every student who would
demand civilized treatment when
seeking rapid transportation.
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselhes to less that. 300
words if possible. Anonymous coro-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing t e editorial
opinion of The Daily.


i Fri
nk B.
and G
ton I

C. Fullerton ' J. Cullen Kennedy
Charles A. Sanford
M. Coolet Wilbur J. Meyer
Vraiik Brainard W. N its
edberg Robert L. Pierce
Gilbr* Richard Racine
4smith Jerry E. Rosenthal
;oodmax Karl Seiffert
elw e George A. Stauter
Dnes Tohn W. Thomas
C. Kunze ohn S. Townsend
Powers Moulton
unt Mary McCall
Dembits Cile Miller
dman Margaret O'Brien
lmer Eleanor Rairdon
Grimes Anne Margaret Tobin
Margaret Thompson
MIagee Claire Trussell

leen B
lsie 1Fel
uth Gal
wily G.
an Lev
isan M~

Telephone 21214
T. HOLLISTER MABLEY, Business Mnaget
KASPER I1. HALVERSON, Assistant Mansage,
Advertising..............Charles T. Kline
Advertising............. Thomas M. Davis
Advertising............William W. Warboys
Service.............Norris J. Johnson
Publication.......Robert W. Williamson
Circulation ............ Marvin S. Kobacker
Accounts...... ..homas S. Muir
Business Secretary...........Mary J. Kenan
Harry R. BegIew Erle Kightlinger
Vernon Bishop Don W. Lyon
William Brown William Morgan
Robert Callahan Richard Stratemeler
William. W. 'Davie Keith Trier
Richard H. Hiller NoelI. lurner
Miles Hoisington Byrou C. Vedder

Ann W. Verner
Marian Atran
Helen Bailey- '
J osephine Convisci
axne Fishgrund
Dorothy LeMire
Dorothy Laylin

Sylvia Miller
Helen Olsen
Yvildred Postal
Marjorie Rough
Mary E. Watts
Johanna Wiese,

.To the Editor:1
A pretty state of affairs, indeed,
when three students can make a
mistake about an address, violate
the sanctity of a man's home, andI
then expect to escape with an ex-
planation and an apology! It is in-
deed for.tunate for such dastardly,
reprehensible social menaces that
they live in a country which'forbids
the use of cruel and unusual pun-
ishments upon its citizens! As the
law stands, they can at the worst
be electrocuted or hanged. It fairly
.makes one's blood boil to think of
the possibility of such criminals,
such ogres, entering perhaps yourl
home or mine, and escaping with
no more sufficient punishment than
mere death!
Death by slow fire; death by slow
boiling in oil; a session with the
thumbscrew or the rack: these are
better fitted for such scoundrels,
such hopelessly depraved fiends, as
these three wretches. But even
these can never hope to be com-
pared with the terrible offense these
men have committed against the
social order, against the inviolabil-
ity of the privacy of a citizen of
this great, this noble republic! It
fairly staggers the imagination to
,think of what may not happen if
these Apaches are allowed to escape
scot-free after such a crime. The
underworld will be loosed upon us-
law and order will be by-words, and
objects of scorn and ridicule.
Fellow-citizens, let us not permit
such a miscarriage of justice as

Night Editor -DAVID M. NICHOL
Ann Arbor's common council is
linally ready to deal with one of
the town's most flourishing rackets
-the taxicab business. Complaints,
privately but constantly made, ap-
pear to have broken through the
bounds of a whispering campaign
and now are to receive the sort of
official attention they have deserv-
ed for some time.

Here is a list of the members of
the house of reps of the state legis-
lature. Write to the one from your
district, impressing him with the
fact that our appropriations must
not be cut down.
Alger district: C. W. Coates; Alle-
gan county: Fred Wade; Alpena
district: H. Douville; Antrim dis-
trict: O. W. Scott; Arenac district:
F. C. Holbeck; Barry County: L. W.
Feighner; Bay County: A. C. Mac-
Kinnon ancd Robert H. Lane; Ber-
rien County: J. G. Boyle and C. D.
Birkholm; Branch County: A. G.
Bushnell; Calhoun county: J. G.
Frey and H. J. Hatch; Cass county:
Otis Huff; Charlevoix county: L. E
Anderson; Cheboygan district: F. E.
Ming; Chippewa county: H. A. Os-
born; Clinton county: J. P. Espie.
Delta county: Helmer Bruce; Dic-
kinson county: J. Deprato; Eaton
county: F. D. Brown; Emmet dis-
trict: D. H. Hinckley; Genesee
county: F. B. Wade, A. D. Cuthbert-
son and C. H. Reed; Gogebic coun-
ty: A. L. Rummel; Grand Traverse
county: W. A. Ward; Gratiot coun-
ty: J. E. Fuller; Hillsdale county:
C. T. Kimball; Houghton county:
J. F. Jewell and G. T. Hartman;
Huron county: E. McDonald; Ing-
ham county: Charles Haight and
V. J. Brown; Ionia county: S. M.
Powell; Iron county: J. Green; Isa-
bella county: F. E. Phillips.
Jackson county: H. E. Barnard
and F. E. Town; Kalamazoo county:
J. W. Wilson and C. F. DeLano;
Kent county: A. Dykstra, E. B.
Kirkwood, E. G. Burlseon, D. G.
Look and W. J. Thomas; Lapeer
county: E. C. Morrison; Lenawee
county: J. W. Helme; Livingston
county: T. F. Crandall; Macomb
county: Adrian A. Lingemann;
Manistee county: C. Sorenson; Mar-
quette county: J. F. VanBrocklin;
Mason county: C. E. Kistler; Me-
costa county: W. F. Jackson; Me-
nominee county: M. R. Bradley;
Midland district: D. E. Sias; Mon-
roe county: T. W. Southworth;
Montcalm county: M. A. Johnson;
Muskegon county; J. Dykstra and
E. D. Skeels; Newaygo district: D.
H. Brake; Oakland county: M. H.
Lee and P. J. Miller; Ontonagon
district: W. C. Birk; Osceola dis-
trict: M. M. Callaghan; Ottawa
county: F. F. McEachron.
Presque Isle district: W. Green;
Saginaw county: A. H. Harnley, W.
F. Jahnke and C. W. Cheeney; San-
ilac county: J. W. Goodwine; Shia-
wassee county: J. N. McBride; St.
Clair county: D. C. Mcall and G. C.
Watson; St. Joseph county: E. J.
Buys; Tuscola county: E. C. Robert-
son; Van Buren county: E. L. Bur-
hans; Washtenaw county: P. C.
For the Detroiters here's Wayne
county: J. C. Armstrong; C. E.
Bartlett, W. B. Brady, J. H. Calla-
han, W. B. Campbell, C. H. Culver,
V. P. Dacey, O. C. Hull, J. R. Jef-
fries, R. A. McRae, W. F. Murphy,
C. J. Netting, E. T. Nichols, M. R.
Palmer, R. J. Teagan, R. D. War-
dell, W. B. Wreford, F. J. Calvert,
W. Kanar, F. P. Darin and E. F.
Fisher; Wexford district: H. E. Mc-
My Dear Congressman Jake:
(Substitute Congressman's n a m e
here if you think it necessary).

As one of your faithful constitu-
ents and well-wishers I wish to pro-
test against the proposed Mill Tax
cut. During my residence in this
great State, it has been impressed
more and more upon me that the
University of Michigan is our best
advertisement. The possession of a
University of high calibre and na-
tional reputation is, perhaps, our
most envied attribute. Other states
in recent years have increased their
appropriations substantially in an
attempt, conscious or unconscious,
to raise their own institutions to
a level comparable to that which
we maintain.
Many of the University's foremost
professors have been offered salar-
ies by other institutions much larg-
er than those Michigan is able to
pay them, but have chosen to re-
main here through loyalty and be-
cause 'they feel that it is an honor
to be connected with a University
of such outstanding reputation.
Leaving out any question of fair-
ness to such loyalty, it would be
distinctly unsafe to test their un-
selfishness further by actually low-
ering the salaries they now receive.,
Very Sincerely Yours,
(It might be as well to substitute
your own name here unless you
want the boys to suspect some-
thing funny.)

formances at 8:15 of "Came the
Dawn," the Junior Girls' Play.
A Review by Prof. Howard M. Jones
The test of a musical show is
that it shall please the audience;
and judging by the audience on
Wednesday night, "Came the Dawn"
certainly pleased, and it seemed to
me, rightly. The general impres-
sion was one of brightness and
movement and color; no scene but
what was cut short at about the
right time; and the line of the pro-
duction was at all points firm. In
fact, the most striking excellence
of the play was its direction-the
ease with which the mass of par-
ticipants were maneuvered in and
out of scenes. And, final test of
expert guidance, the entrances were
uniformly good, and the exits gen-
erally so.
I dare say that a production of
this sort is not to be subjected to
very severe tests. There should be
plenty of gaiety and good humor,
sufficient characterization to make
the jokes palpable, musicetuneful
enough to be sung by voices often
untrained; and, in addition to all
this, a few topical hits to distin-
guish this year'saproduction from
last year's. The present "play" lack-
ed topical hits, for I could not
quite see the function of the rather
preposterous three sleuths who
slunk in and out of the second act
for no apparent reason, but with
respect to the perdurable college
.values it did very well. The dormi-
tory scene was clever and vera-
cious; and nothing could be more
delightful than the opening of the
second act, with its jolly chorus of
dancing waiters. I confess to some
feeling of disappointment that
Professor Horace Holcomb (admir-
ably impersonated by Miss Cather-
ine Robinson) belonged to no vint-
age of college professor now living,
especially when his wife (again ad-
mirably played by Helen Van Loon,
who sang, alas, too seldom) was
recognizable as a real person. No-
'body looks for much plot in a mu-
sical play; and such plot as "Came
the Dawn" exhibits did very well
until the last scene exposed its
prodigious thinness, even within
the conventions of the type. But
there is no use breaking a butter-
fly on the wheel, and we should be
grateful to the authors and pro-
ducers for giving us so much that
was genuinely enjoyable.
The costuming and the settings
were among the excellences to be
noted, barring a garishness in the
opening scene which, with its lou
blare of color, quite drowned the
ir'dividual actors. The dormitory
scene to which I have already re-
ferred, seemed to me set in par-
ticular proportion and harmony;
and in the use of color and light,
it was very successful. While I am
on this theme, I must pause to pay
tribute to the delicious absurdity of
the costumes of the graduate sem-
inar chorus. But I thought the
"Vindelska" dance out of harmony
with the whole, however delight-
fully introduced by Miss Haapa-
maki, and not so well danced as
perhaps some of the others.

The dancing seemed to show
care and thought, albeit the indi-
vidual specialty numbers were in-
evitably more finished than the
choruses. To this general statement
I would make the happy exception
already noted of the waiters in the
Shanty set, who danced with a de-
light in their own idiocy, which is
of the best tradition in this sort
of thing. Among the individual
dancers I thought Miss Sandler's
tap dance admirable, and Miss Doo-
ley and Miss La Rowe in their ec-
centric work very amusing and de-
lightful, as- indeed they were gen-
erally throughout.
The musical numbers ark always
a great difficulty in this kind of
production. The sentimental songs
caught the right note of nostalgia,
but I thought there were perhaps
too many of them. Indeed, in gen-
eral, it seemed to me that the music
was (perhaps necessarily) too much
of a conglomeration, so that it fail-
ed to give distinctive individuality
to the production; and the songs in
the Gilbert and Sullivan tradition,
the songs in the Jerome Kern tra-
dition, and the straight syncopa-
tion songs did not fuse,,and indeed
rather warred with each other.
But though "Came the Dawn"
had weaknesses, when tine consid-
ers the infinite number of details

All makes and all prices
A Red Arrow Place
514 South State St. - Phone

Spring Suits $30
Extra Trousers $7
1319 South University

William Wade Hinshaw
Devoted to Music
601 East William




New York Stock Exchange
Detroit Stock Exchange
New York Curb (Associate)
Dealers in
Accounts Carried
for Clients
Mezzanine Floor
Phones: 23221-23222

Brighten Your Letters




11111 That Is Correct

Unexcelled Baldwin Pianos
Victor Mirco-Synchronous Radio
Victor and Brunswick Records
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Popular Music

We 'o l ! e to have you stop in at our store
downtown and look over our new showing of
Stationery by Eaton, Crane & Pike. Everything
is new and fresh-and correct in every detail.
There s a style for every purpose.

Complete Line of Everything Musical


The Mayer-Schairer
1 12 South Main S'reez

Phone 4515



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9:0P. M.
Michigan Unio'


Fourteen Virginiains
0 March 27, 1931


Phone 7515





::sue :_sf



The types and methods of extor- jurse ptinu s
tion employed by taxi drivers are jured party in
well known. During periods of he has assumec
large or many social functions, in this menace
bad weather, and even on ordinary head over th
occasions of a 'date,' the driver Life, Liberty
often sets a figure fifteen or twen- happiness! To
ty cents higher than the anticipat- not down unt
ed regular tarrif; a figure fifty to aces to your
seventy-five per cent higher than behind steel 1
the normal rate. Fares are like- electric chair.
-wise determined by the caprice or1
financial needs of the driver at the_
time. It is sufficient to reaffirm. .
that there is no consistent, equit- Editoris
able or dependable way of deter-)
mining the rate or total charge. HIS H
It is incredible that a situation F the
of such petty grafting and intoler- F
able proportions should ever have
arisen. Since the automobile regu- Unlike thec
lation was installed four years ago, when placed o
the campus has been forced to de- Wickershamf
pend upon taxicabs. This boosted kind a simple
their business, put the students at appears from
their mercy so to speak, and pre- Boston Chamb
cipitated in great measure the gen- t2rday that h
eral fleecing which followed. The report of hi
.nore comfort
estimate that eighty per cent of to the drys, ti
the taxicab business comes from ceivedritwth
students gives a fair idea of the while the latt
extent of these operations. But the it a friendly w
extortion has been heaviest at times ie seems to
of rush or under circumstances that facts and opi
would make- embarrassing any dis- He was, of
pute over the fare; hence a large wet audience
share-of students have accepted the probably beco:
unfair damages without open quar- that the body
rel, but with no mean inward re- country oppos
sentment. In numerous cases, per- farce of nat
sons prefer the inconvenience of i weightier than
walking over laying themselves permitted the
open to a golden fleece. sions and rec
The lack of a loud-mouthed re- report to con
sentment of these unreasonable the opinionsc
methods does not justify the prin- commissioners
ciple of such petty extractions. Ann see 'the contra
Arbor's taxicabs should be equip- ence is proved

dtand back of the in-
the courageous stand
ed! Let us trample out
that rears its ugly
e prostrate corpse of
and the Pursuit of
o arms! and lay them
til these horrid men-
home and mine are
bars or seated in the
En avant!
Outraged Citizen.




New York Herald
chameleon that burst

on a Scotch plaid, P
finds ordeals of -
matter of routine.


i his speech to the
ber of Commerce yes-
ie now considers the
s commission much
ing to the wets than
hough the former re-
"vehement criticism,"
er, on the whole, gave
welcome-too friendly.
think, in view of the
nions it contained.
course, addressing a
Moreover, he has
)me aware of the fact
y of opinion in this
ed to continuing the
ional prohibition isl
n he realized when he
summary of conclu-
ommendations in the
atradict in essentials
of a majority of the
. He says he cannot
adiction, but its pres-
d by the reactions he

Clipping a second would
save 25,000 hours

A second saved here - an unnecessary
step cut out there - on such close atten-
tion to detail rests the success of modern
industry. Nowhere is this more strikingly
shown than in the telephone business.
In accounting work for instance, an
improved method that clips just one
second from the time required to handle
one toll ticket would have great results.

Applied throughout the System-hand-
ling an average of more than 90,000,000
toll tickets each month-it would effect
a monthly saving of 25,000 hours!
Such "little" things often are tremen-
dously important in so vast an industry.
That is one reason why men find Bell
System work so fascinating.
The opportunity is there!

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